Jeff Rense & Gerald Celente | Putin's Power Play In Syria


Clip from October 08, 2015 - guest Gerald Celente on the Jeff Rense Program.

New World Next Week | Iceland Jails More Banksters | Oct. 29, 2015


Story #1: The Strange Growing Effectiveness of Placebos
Leading Causes of Death in the US: What’s Changed Since 1969?

Story #2: Two Weeks After It Sued the CIA, Data Is Stolen from the University of Washington's Center for Human Rights
Background: The University of Washington Is Taking the CIA to Court
Teen Who Hacked CIA Director's Email Tells How He Did It

Story #3: #GoodNewsNextWeek - Iceland Jails 26 Corrupt Banksters
26 Icelandic Bankers Sentenced to 74 Years in Prison
NWNW Flashback: Iceland Was Right, IMF Was Wrong (Aug 2012)
Guerrilla Grafting - Public Trees Spliced to Bear Edible Fruit

#NewWorldNextWeek Updates:
Senate Passes Controversial Cybersecurity Bill CISA 74 to 21
Pentagon Ready To Launch 'Boots On The Ground' In Syria, Iraq
Why Is The IRS Spying On Americans' Phone Calls?

Ralph Ellis | Michael Tsarion | The Grail Cypher | Part 1-4


In this groundbreaking 4 part series we bring together Ralph Ellis and Michael Tsarion in an epic discussion on the real story of King Arthur, a fresh look at biblical history, astrology, and symbolism.

Are you willing to have your view of Arthurian, British and Christian history challenged? Are you ready to accept the esoteric mysteries and heresies of the Knights Templar? Once we understand that Jesus and Arthur shared a common history, the rest of Arthurian legend starts to fall into place.

So join Ralph on an extraordinary tour of Arthurian history, much of which you did not even know existed: Jesus’ son was the king of Palmyra; St. Peter was the Guardian of the Holy Grail; Pompey the Great and the pirates of Gibraltar; Secrets of Mithras and the bull of Taurus; King Arthur’s battle with Vespasian; The Roman creation of Christianity; The Holy Grail was brought to Earth by aliens; Sir Galahad dressed as a woman; The burial of Jesus-Arthur at Stonehenge; tons more.

These are all elements of the Arthurian chronicles that have remained unexplored and unexplained until now. But how can we comprehend the true history of King Arthur if we have not considered the entire corpus of this labyrinthine story? If we bring all these many diverse strands together, and decipher their true meaning, they explain a great deal about the history of Europe, Britain and Christianity.

Brien Foerster | The Lost City Of Pharaoh Akhenaten | Oct. 28, 2015


Akhenaten was perhaps the most interesting of all Egyptian rulers. Called a maverick by some and a heretic by others, he built a brand new capital in the Egyptian desert, which lasted a short time and was completely demolished by his enemies, the PRIESTS! -Brien Foerster

Christopher Dunn | Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt & The Giza Power Plant | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


Researcher Chris Dunn has worked at every level of high-tech manufacturing, and has used his machinist's point of view to analyze the construction of Egyptian artifacts. He presented his contention that the ancient Egyptian builders of the pyramids and temples used advanced tools to construct various monuments, and statues, in addition to the pyramids. There is precisely crafted granite within a thousandth of an inch, which demonstrates a high level of skill and geometry, he said. Statues of Ramses, for instance, 1,000 tons each, are so precisely cut that it would be difficult to replicate today, he detailed.

SSP'15 Conference in 3 Minutes


A short introductory video to the upcoming 2015 Secret Space Program conference. This will give you a good sense of the scope of the topics.

Austin/Bastrop. TX, USA
OCT. 31 - Nov. 01


For a $10 discount on the LIVESTREAM ticket use the coupon code: sspimb2015
You can enter this code during the checkout process.


Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News | Oct. 26, 2015

Source:, Dane Wigington on Facebook

Weather warfare is ramping up around the globe as the climate continues to disintegrate. NASA states on the record that "Earth is running out of water" but they will never mention the climate engineering insanity that is the core cause of expanding global drought conditions. The ongoing fracking insanity is poisoning much of our remaining ground water.

Damage control measures are being implemented by an ever more desperate power structure that wants to hide reality for as long as possible. The recent "gag orders" placed on all National Weather Service employees and all National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration employees are a glaring sign of this desperation. "Article: Government Implements Illegal “Gag Order” On National Weather Service And NOAA Employees"

Those that agreed to accept the criminal cabal's oath of silence will be dealt with in the harshest imaginable fashion by agencies like the CIA and Homeland Security. Converging Catastrophes are closing in on us all. Who will continue to hide in the shadows? Who will stand and make their voice heard for the greater good? What will you do?

The Corbett Report | Derrick Broze on Agorism and Counter-economics | Oct. 26, 2015


Today James talks to Derrick Broze of about the philosophy of agorism, the practice of counter-economics, and how the combination of this theory and practice is the true path to dismantling the state.

Show Notes:
The Conscious Resistance
Derrick Broze articles
John Bush interviews Derrick Broze on agorism
The Houston Free Thinkers
The Conscious Resistance: Reflections on Anarchy and Spirituality (free ebook)

Joseph Farrell | The Cosmic War & The Treaty of Versailles Template | Oct. 23, 2015


One of my favorite authors and yours, Joseph P. Farrell returns to THC to talk about the idea of an epic cosmic war in humanity's past. We've heard about this possibility from the ancient texts of many cultures, but what Joseph is now doing, is also looking at all the things that go into a post-war process when you're talking about a conflict of this size, and finding a plethora of parallels in the details of these texts as well.

We talk about the idea of a quarantine being installed after such a war, possibly around the Earth. Also, could UFOs be the remnants of a monitoring system installed after the large scale destruction of this ancient conflict? Are the bloodlines of Elite family's a ripple effect from the two sides involved? All interesting questions, and you can hear more about it in Joseph's presentation at the Secret Space Program Conference in Austin.

Dr. Paul LaViolette | Space, Sky and Earth | Caravan to Midnight with John B Wells | Oct. 23, 2015


In this edition we welcome Dr. Paul LaViolette back to the Ark for a discussion about anti-gravity propulsion systems, ionic propulsion systems and much more as we get closer to the Secret Space Program Conference at which Dr. LaViolette will be a featured speaker. Then, chemtrail expert Dane Wigington comes aboard for a Geo-engineering update, followed by video of his presentation from the 2015 Geo-Engineering Summit in Redding, California.

Austin/Bastrop. TX, USA
OCT. 31 - Nov. 01


For a $10 discount on the LIVESTREAM ticket use the coupon code: sspimb2015
You can enter this code during the checkout process.


New World Next Week | Government Requesting DNA From "Private" Databases| Oct. 23, 2015


Story #1: Obama Targets Drug Abuse In West Virginia, Protesters Say ‘Legalize Marijuana Then!'
Why West Virginia Locals Blame President Obama for Its Drug Problems
Obama Promotes Anti-Heroin Strategy in Coal Country
U.S. Marijuana Use, Approval of Legalization Soar Upward

Story #2: Cops Want Customers’ DNA From Ancestry, 23andMe
23andMe Releases Transparency Report, Revealing How Often Cops Ask for Customers’ DNA
NWNW Flashback: 23andMe Receives Patent To Create Designer Babies, Denies Plans To Do So (Oct 2013)
Newly Opened FBI-DOD Biometric Center in West Virginia Will Help Combat Threat of Terrorism

Story #3: DuPont Found Liable in West Virginia Teflon Toxin Trial
Procter & Gamble Begins Work on Half Billion Dollar West Virginia Facility
Procter & Gamble Site of New Martinsburg, WV Plant Already Found to Be Contaminated With Decades-Old Pesticide
Survey Says: McDonald’s Franchisees Insolvent, Depressed, Leaderless
As McDonald’s Falls, Wendy’s Does Right Thing and Refuses GMO Apple
A YouTube Video Claims ‘Back to the Future’ Predicted 9/11 — and That Isn’t Even the Weird Part

#NewWorldNextWeek Updates:
NYTimes Magazine is on the case: "What Do We Really Know About Osama bin Laden’s Death?"
Peter Bergen: The New York Times' Bizarre Story on Osama bin Laden's Death

Santos Bonacci | Out Of Jail & Healing | Vinny Eastwood Show | Oct. 21, 2015


Vinny speaks to Australian activist Santos Bonacci fresh from a stint in a cage.Santos talks about the vital two choices we have as a species- The path of Truth and righteousness or the materialist road to perdition and misery.He is heavily inspired by Hindu philosophy.
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