Nassim Haramein | Resonance, Black Holes, Sacred Geometry and Unified Field Theory | April 2015


Physicist Nassim Haramein joins Freeman and Barnet for a wild conversation about reality. This is a brilliant, pragmatic discussion, that references Nassim’s Holofractographic Universe Theory – a term that invites a new possibility for understanding reality.

Is it possible that vacuum is the key to life – that all matter is appearing and disappearing at the speed of light and that we are vacuum? What if the center of every proton is a mini-black hole with nearly infinite amounts of energy? What if everything in the universe is connected at its core? Can we begin to see the fractal elements, patterns and sacred geometry in nature as a more profound illustration of who and what we really are?

Beauty is the key to breaking through the confusion and contradictions that inhibits conventional thinking. “Look for beauty and you will find the truth”, tends to be the guiding principle that directed the attention of this amazing guest – and whether each of us understands the physics or not almost becomes irrelevant, the wisdom in this principle of seeking out beauty can be practically applied to all of our lives to improve life, in general.

Brandon Martinez | The Creation of Israel & The ISIS Conspiracy | Hour 1 | April 17, 2015


April 17, 2015–Brandon Martinez is an independent writer and journalist from Canada who specializes in foreign policy issues, international affairs and 20th and 21st century history. For years he has written on Zionism, Israel-Palestine, American and Canadian foreign policy, war, terrorism and deception in media and politics. He is the author of Grand Deceptions, Hidden History and The ISIS Conspiracy.

Brandon is with us to give his take on the ISIS conspiracy and the array of terrorism plots that have been used to manipulate the masses and shape foreign policy. We begin with a look at the state of mainstream journalism today and the opinions of popular culture that are defined by reporting that sticks to largely unchallenged official narratives.

We consider how the powers that be are able to maintain protected status and convince society to relinquish freedoms via manipulating language and demonizing criticism of authority. Brandon takes us through the history of recent wars that have been predicated on fabricated terrorist attacks, and he outlines the backdrop of lies and guilt on which the state of Israel has been built. Martinez details the fine points in the hidden story behind the World Wars, and explains how Hitler and Germany was pushed and consequently used in order to justify the creation of Israel.

download hour 1 mp3

New World Next Week | EXPOSED! Wal-Mart Closings and Jade Helm Prep | April 17, 2015


Story #1: Wary of Natural Disaster, NY Fed Bulks Up in Chicago
Customers Skeptical About Wal-Mart Closings
Flashback: USNORTHCOM in Critical Infrastructure Protection and Disaster Response
Flashback: Stock, Bond Certificates Held by DTCC Damaged by Sandy Flood

Story #2: Hillary Staffers Chose, Drove and Coached Democrat Plants for Fake Iowa ‘Roundtable’
Hillary Toting Her Own Luggage!
Cellphones and Cameras Confiscated Before Meeting With Hillary
Hillary Parks in Handicap Spot

Story #3: #GoodNewsNextWeek - Thousands Join Spain's Hologram Protest in Madrid Against New Gag Law
Farmer Cooperatives, Not Monsanto, Supply El Salvador With Seeds
US Government-Funded Research Says Cannabis Can Kill Cancer Cells
Decentralized Testing For Glyphosate Spells End Game For Biotech
McDonald's Sales Plunge Again in Japan
McDonald's Relations With Franchisees Hit New Low
Flow Hive on IndieGoGo: Honey on Tap Directly From Your Beehive
Meet the "Surveillance State Repeal Act" – A Bipartisan Bill to Fully Repeal the Patriot Act

The Awakening Grows, Italians Stage Impressive Anti Geoengineering Protest | April 18, 2015


The citizens of Italy have now set the standard for organized protests against the climate engineering nightmare in our skies. This April 18th demonstration in Bologna, Italy sets the stage for the upcoming March Against Geoengineering planned for April 25 in various locations around the world.

Those who do not have organized anti-geoengineering protests in your area should try to attend one of the countless Earth Day events that have also been organized for April 25th. The human race faces countless challenges that are converging from every direction, but of all the threats currently descending on us the most dire and immediate of all is climate engineering.

We have the power to expose and stop the ongoing geoengineering insanity if we work together in this all important battle, make your voice heard. We extend our most sincere gratitude to "Reclaim The Planet" ( for organizing this outstanding event. Our gratitude also goes to all the citizens who helped with the demonstration in Bologna that is featured in this 4 minute video. -Dane Wigington

Zen Gardner | Humanity vs Insanity | The Crane Report


Zen discusses the phenomenon of the worldwide awakening and the call for better networking and active community participation.

Courtney Brown, Dick Allgire | Cydonia Mars | FADE to BLACK with Jimmy Church


Courtney Brown Ph.D. joins us again and we cover his latest Farsight Institute project: Cydonia, Mars. Dick Algire and Daz Smith remote view the region on Mars known for The Face. Algire jumps in for a segment to talk about remote viewing and the project and then we go over every aspect of their new 3-hour video presentation.

Marian Van Court | Eugenics vs. Dysgenics & Dropping IQ Levels Worldwide | April 15, 2015


April 15, 2015–Marian Van Court is an independent scholar who has published many scholarly papers on eugenics and is the founder of the Future Generations website. She has conducted original research on IQ and fertility, and was first to discover the presence of dysgenic fertility in the US for most of the 20th century.

She joins us to speak about the topics of some of her papers, including “The Case for Eugenics in a Nutshell,” “Massive Anti-Eugenics Hoax Uncovered: A Radical New Interpretation of the History of Eugenics,” and “Against Good Breeding: Understanding Jewish Opposition to Eugenics.” Marian begins by explaining the definition of eugenics and the problems surrounding the incorrect characterizations given to this subject, many of which are steeped in the fear created by propaganda campaigns.

We take a look at how eugenics became unfashionable during WWII when Hitler’s name became associated with it along with genocide and mass murder. Then, Marian talks about the real face of eugenics in Israel, where it is has been widely practiced by the Jews since antiquity. We then discuss the benefits of raising the IQ of the population and how our genetic endowment for intelligence is rapidly decreasing. Further, Marian explains how the availability of birth control and the government’s encouragement of dysgenics is exacerbating the problem of fewer intelligent women producing offspring.

download hour 1 mp3

Tom Campbell | Intuition in the Big Picture


Tom Campbell, author of My Big TOE, comments on intuition in the big picture, how it fits into his theory, and how those with these special gifts might evolve their skills.

Using strong left brain logical process, and equally strong right brain intuitive skills, Tom Campbell has been able to derive a Big Theory of Everything in his book My Big TOE.

The very nature of a Big TOE is that it must include everything. Science that explains psychic phenomena as well as physics, metaphysics, philosophy, theology, and more.

Mainstream scientists are stuck looking for that one "elegant equation" (Stephen Hawking) that will give them a unified theory of everything. They are looking for an answer in our physical rule set. Einstein said, "No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it."

You won't find many physicists whose work has included risk analysis of large complex systems for NASA, as well as exploration research of the larger consciousness system. Working at both jobs for the past forty years, he discovered the "other" Edward Fredkin was referring to when asked where is the computer if we are in a computer simulation?

LCS-larger consciousness system (some may think of this as God)

Dr. Lynne Kitei | Pheonix Lights | FADE to BLACK with Jimmy Church


Dr. Lynne Kitei is back with us and we discuss her latest research into the Phoenix Lights incident...we also cover her life before the lights as a doctor and how it changed her future...early in the program we get a phone call from Tammy who tells us about her near-death experience and what she saw...

Andrew Collins | Gobekli Tepe: Genesis of the Gods | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


An exploration of the megalithic complex at Gobekli Tepe, who built it, and how it gave rise to legends regarding the foundations of civilization

- Details the layout, architecture, and exquisite carvings at Gobekli Tepe
- Explores how it was built as a reaction to a global cataclysm
- Explains that it was the Watchers of the Book of Enoch and the Anunnaki gods of Sumerian tradition who created it
- Reveals the location of the remains of the Garden of Eden in the same region

Built at the end of the last ice age, the mysterious stone temple complex of Gobekli Tepe in Turkey is one of the greatest challenges to 21st century archaeology. As much as 7,000 years older than the Great Pyramid and Stonehenge, its strange buildings and rings of T-shaped monoliths--built with stones weighing from 10 to 15 tons--show a level of sophistication and artistic achievement unmatched until the rise of the great civilizations of the ancient world, Sumer, Egypt, and Babylon.

Chronicling his travels to Gobekli Tepe and surrounding sites, Andrew Collins details the layout, architecture, and exquisite relief carvings of ice age animals and human forms found at this 12,000-year-old megalithic complex, now recognized as the oldest stone architecture in the world. He explores how it was built as a reaction to a global cataclysm--the Great Flood in the Bible--and explains how it served as a gateway and map to the sky-world, the place of first creation, reached via a bright star in the constellation of Cygnus. He reveals those behind its construction as the Watchers of the Book of Enoch and the Anunnaki gods of Sumerian tradition.

Unveiling Gobekli Tepe's foundational role in the rise of civilization, Collins shows how it is connected to humanity's creation in the Garden of Eden and the secrets Adam passed to his son Seth, the founder of an angelic race called the Sethites. In his search for Adam's legendary Cave of Treasures, the author discovers the Garden of Eden and the remains of the Tree of Life--in the same sacred region where Gobekli Tepe is being uncovered today.

John Michael Greer | After Progress | Legalise Freedom Radio | April 17, 2015

Source:, The Archdruid Report

John Michael Greer discusses his latest book After Progress: Reason and Religion at the End of the Industrial Age. Progress is not just a goal in the West – it’s a religion. Most people believe in its inherent value as enthusiastically and uncritically as medieval peasants believed in heaven and hell. Our faith in progress drives the popular insistence that peak oil and climate change don’t actually matter. After all, our lab-coated high priests will surely bring forth yet another miracle to save us all. Unfortunately, progress as we’ve known it has been entirely dependent on the breakneck exploitation of half a billion years of stored sunlight in the form of fossil fuels.

As the age of cheap, abundant energy draws to a close, progress is grinding to a halt. Unforgiving planetary limits are teaching us that our blind faith in endless exponential growth is a dangerous myth. After Progress addresses this looming paradigm shift, exploring the shape of history from a perspective on the far side of the coming crisis. Greer’s startling examination of the role our belief systems play in the evolution of our collective consciousness is required reading for anyone concerned about making sense of the future at a time when we must seek new sources of meaning, value, and hope for the era ahead.

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Robert W. Sullivan IV | Cinema Symbolism: A Guide to Esoteric Imagery in Popular Movies | Part 2 | April 17, 2015


Author, lawyer, historian, theologian, philosopher and 32nd Degree Mason, Robert W. Sullivan IV joined us for a sparkling conversation about his new book, Cinema Symbolism: A Guide To Esoteric Imagery In Popular Movies.

Rob was with us last on March 16, 2015. His book, Cinema Symbolism has so much fun information about popular movie that we had to have him back again.

In this evening’s show we talked about the films: Superman, Star Wars, Black Swan, Monty Python & The Holy Grail, and Back to the Future. Of course we only scratched the surface, but you will get a taste of the depth of the material.

Cinema Symbology connects occult, numerological, astrological, mythological, alchemical, Tarot, and kabbalistic symbolism contained within popular movies.

Part 1:
Robert W. Sullivan IV | Cinema Symbolism: A Guide to Esoteric Imagery in Popular Movies | March 16, 2015
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