Graham Hancock | Awakening from Amnesia | Aug. 25, 2015


Graham Hancock shares his views on psychedelics, the war on consciousness, the battle of good against evil, and the new paradigm of prehistory that is struggling to be born. Hancock's latest non-fiction book Magicians of the Gods, which presents stunning new evidence for a lost civilization destroyed in a global cataclysm at the end of the last Ice Age is discussed as well as the themes explored in his novels Entangled and the War God series. The interview was conducted by Aaron French, editor of Dark Discoveries Magazine.

Jay Weidner | "An Awakened Life" And the Curious Case of "Rant on Demand" | Time Monk Radio | Aug. 25, 2015


Jordan Maxwell | On How The Elite Communicate Using Symbolism And The Occult | Richie Allen Show | Aug. 24, 2015


Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich, Ph.D. | The Greater Pyramids at Bosnia | Caravan to Midnight with John B Wells

Source:, Dr. Sam Osmanagich

In today’s program we welcome intrepid researcher and scientist Dr. Sam Osmanagich on board as we discuss “The Greater Pyramids at Bosnia.”

Michael Bennett Solves The Georgia Guidestones Mystery | Corbett Report | Aug. 24, 2015

Source:, Documentary: Dark Clouds Over Elberton, FutureQuake

Dr. J. Michael Bennett is the associate producer and primary researcher behind the remarkable new documentary film, “Dark Clouds Over Elberton: The True Story of the Georgia Guidestones.” Combining new interviews with some of the key people involved in the guidestones construction with never-before-seen evidence and good old gumshoe detective work, the documentary reveals the identity of the guidestones’ pseudonymous creator, “R.C. Christian,” and in the process uncovers dark connections to the racist, Malthusian pseudoscience of eugenics.


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Trailer: Dark Clouds Over Elberton: The True Story of the Georgia Guidestones

About the Film:

Dr. J. Michael Bennett is the associate producer and primary researcher behind the remarkable new documentary film, “Dark Clouds Over Elberton: The True Story of the Georgia Guidestones.” Combining new interviews with some of the key people involved in the guidestones construction with never-before-seen evidence and good old gumshoe detective work, the documentary reveals the identity of the guidestones’ pseudonymous creator, “R.C. Christian,” and in the process uncovers dark connections to the racist, Malthusian pseudoscience of eugenics.

In 1979, a mysterious stranger appeared in the remote town of Elberton, Georgia. The man introduced himself as R.C. Christian, but admitted this was not his real name. He claimed to represent a small group of loyal Americans who wanted to erect a monument they hoped would inspire “the Age of Reason.”

The monument was named the Georgia Guidestones, and since its completion has spawned a host of conspiracy theories about who or what was behind it. Written on the great granite stones are ten commands or “guides” that were intended to provide wisdom for mankind. But the first of them calls for a reduction of the world population to a mere 500 million. In order to achieve this, billions of people would have to die. Many have wondered: is the monument designed to inspire wisdom? Or to launch a global genocide?

Researchers have wondered for decades about the identity of R.C. Christian and the purpose of his mysterious structure. Was he part of a globalist group? Was he working with the United Nations? After a five year investigation, this powerful documentary presents groundbreaking information, and dares to solve the mystery of who R.C. Christian really was.

This film is a must see for those who wish to learn more about the globalist use of environmentalism towards the cause of population control.

Questions For Corbett | Is The Anarchist Cookbook A Psyop? | Aug. 24, 2015


Show Notes & MP3

Jeff Rense & Jim Marrs | The Danger Of Telling The Truth


Clip from June 27, 2013 - guest Jim Marrs on the Jeff Rense Program.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, Aug. 22, 2015

Source:, GeoengineeringWatch Facebook

Mainstream media decides what we are informed about and what not. A major climate engineering awareness event took place on August 14th in Redding, California. There were approximately 1000 in attendance with people coming from as far away as Ohio and Alaska. There were former government scientists, former defense industry personnel, former military, and a CEO for one of the largest environmental and engineering consulting firms in the world.

So why didn't the primary newspaper in the area not say a single word about this event? In this episode I also cover the impact the collapsing biosphere is having on global economies, this is the descent into a total paradigm shift. Fires are scorching the planet and methane is thawing and releasing into the atmosphere. We face converging catastrophes from countless directions, the sooner we face reality, the better our odds will be.

Darrel Hamamoto | Technocratic Takeover: PC Universities, Mandatory Vaccines & Erasing Instinct | Hour 1 | Aug. 21, 2015

Source:, Professor Hamamoto youtube,

August 21, 2015–Darrell Y. Hamamoto is a professor of Asian American Studies at the University of California, Davis. He is the author of a handbook directed to college and university-age youth disillusioned with academic orthdoxy and political correctness titled “New World Order Theory For Students.”

Darrell describes the politically oppressive environment at UC Davis where, like most institutions of education, cultural Marxism in all of its politically correct forms is relentlessly promoted to students. He talks about how a particular Asian American servitor of empire achieved the ushering through of California’s senate bill 277, removing personal exemptions for vaccine requirements of children.

Darrell relates how this type of policy making extends to immigration concepts and rulings that are designed as means for the NWO to gain technocratic control of US citizens by blending out sovereignty. Then, we discuss issues related to Japan’s shifting demographics, including the feminization of men and the affinity for artificial intelligence and robotics that came as a response to the country’s lack in reproduction.

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Tom Campbell | Life, The Universe and Everything: Part Two | Legalise Freedom Radio | Aug. 21, 2015


Tom Campbell discusses his book My Big TOE. In this episode we delve into unseen realms, the nature of existence, the origin of the Universe, and that which lies beyond. Was the Big Bang real and if so, what lay behind it? Has something bigger than the Big Bang always existed? If not, can nothing exist? If nothing real can be truly infinite, where does infinity end? Are the ultimate origins of time and space themselves non-physical? Is our reality virtual, our Universe a simulation? In asking these questions, the limits of human knowledge are also probed. Simply put, we can never know what we do not know…

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Part One:
Tom Campbell | Life, The Universe and Everything: Part One | Legalise Freedom Radio | July 28, 2015

Max Igan | Finding the Way Forward in a World of Division | Aug. 21, 2015


Full Show:

Download Entire One Hour Broadcast as mp3

Jim Marrs | Depopulation, Jade Helm, GMO & Geoengineering | Dark Journalist | Aug. 20, 2015


In this special Dark Journalist episode he welcomes back the Best-Selling author of Population Control, Crossfire and Rule By Secrecy Jim Marrs for his third appearance on the show. Jim lays out the case in this deep interview that corporate overlords are employing methods of depopulation to fulfill their plan for dominating the world and creating a permanent slave class out of the citizens! From GMOs, Fracking, Geo-engineering, Chemtrails, Pharmaceutical Addiction, Vaccines, Police Militarization and Media Control, Jim examines the situation of America in 2015 and the global implications for the massive centralization that has taken place over the last decade and what the Globalist Forces have in store for the unaware public that they are slowing dumbing-down with Mindless Entertainment, Prescription Drugs, NSA Surveillance and Mind Control.

Dark Journalist and Jim Marrs also explore the roots of the Deep State that is covertly operating side by side with the public state and steadily taking power over the last 50 years since the JFK Assassination and they examine the excessive military control of the country with the introduction of pseudo-security forces like the TSA, Department of Homeland Security, and unconstitutional infringement of personal rights under the guise of keeping us safe from controlled enemies like ISIS. They get to the real facts behind the massive military exercise known as Jade Helm that has caused intense concern from citizens and even some lawmakers due to its mysterious secrecy and excessive utilization of military troops on US soil.

As public awareness grows through increased study and knowledge of covert political policy, the Breakaway Civilization and Secretive Corptocracy is scrambling to curtail the power of the internet and is engaged in major operations to clamp down on free speech and eliminate protest of their corrupt policies. With the advent of the coming presidential election in 2016, we stand at a crossroads about what kind of world we will be living in by 2020. Join us to see beyond the corporate media smokescreen and financial manipulation and breakthrough to see these controlling forces in society today.

Devastating, revealing, unnerving, controversial, eye-opening and shocking, you don’t want to miss this crucial Dark Journalist episode!
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