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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query dark journalist. Sort by date Show all posts

Stanton Friedman & Dark Journalist | UFO Cover Up Revelations! MJ12 & ET Quarantine


Join Dark Journalist with legendary UFO investigator and Nuclear Physicist Stanton Friedman as they expose the UFO cover up and unravel the COINTELPRO that is spreading disinformation through puppet debunkers and dubious movies to discredit alien disclosure via covert propaganda programs.

Together they uncover the evidence that shows that the Earth may now be under an ET QUARANTINE due to its warlike stance with the development of the Star Wars Defense Systems and Secret Space Program. They also suggest that warnings from the ET visitors may be the reason why NASA has virtually dropped all of its moon missions and manned space travel.

Stanton Friedman is the most respected author in the field of UFO contact and has written the top influential books on the subject including the ground- breaking “Top Secret - Majic’” about the famous Majestic Twelve or MJ12 documents that reveal a clandestine government program to deny the existence of extraterrestrial visitors while reverse-engineering their incredibly advanced, futuristic technology.

From the secretive, breakaway national security state players to the stonewalling mainstream corporate media gatekeepers, this new Dark Journalist episode will shock you with its implications of a deep, organized plan to hide the reality of advanced, interstellar, off-world visitors and the tremendous impact they are having on our daily lives.

As a bonus, Dark Journalist asks Stanton to outline the secret world of Donald Howard Menzel, who lived a double-life as a famous Harvard Astronomer and UFO debunker but also as a key member of the hidden MJ12 group that handled all UFO evidence and technology for intelligence purposes. He also reveals his favorite UFO cases including the Phoenix Lights, Betty Hill, Jesse Marcel/Roswell, and more! You don’t want to miss this one!

Joseph Farrell | Antarctica Revealed! Admiral Byrd JFK Nazis & Atlantis | Dark Journalist | July 9, 2017


Antarctica Synchronicity with Deep Events!
In this fascinating Part 1 episode, Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Oxford Scholar Dr. Joseph Farrell to analyze the strange history and peculiar recent happenings around the mysterious icy wilderness of Antarctica. The last year has seen many high level figures visiting there as Farrell has written about extensively. From Former Secretary of State John Kerry to Apollo Astronaut Buzz Aldrin, the list of luminaries who are suddenly appearing at this remote location has grown quite unusual and eclectic raising major questions.

Admiral Byrd JFK Connection Revealed Here for the First Time!
A major connection between Admiral Byrd and the JFK Assassination will be revealed here for the first time as Dark Journalist and Joseph Farrell reveal that D.H. Byrd, the Texas Oilman that was friends with LBJ and owned The Texas School Book Depository where the designated culprit Lee Harvey Oswald was framed for the shooting President Kennedy, was actually Admiral Byrd's cousin! In fact Admiral Byrd had one of the mountains of Antarctica named after him! This strange artifact of Deep State intrigue opens more doors to a huge underworld of military, intelligence, and oil interests that have conspired to control history.

Nazi Obsessions with the Mystical Aryan Fatherland
Farrell details how the Nazis actually enlisted Admiral Byrd previous to World War II to help guide them with details of what they could expect once their expeditions had reached Antarctica. The Nazi mythology entrusted a great deal of mystical interest in an Atlantis-like Fatherland that they believed lay somehwere in the Icy South Pole.

Flying Discs in Antarctica?
Byrd's strange comments to a Chilean journalist after his strangely brief Antarctica expedition in 1947 about the US needing to prepare to fight an enemy that could fly easily from pole to pole with 'tremendous speed' have led to dramatic conjecture about what he saw that led him to come back so soon and be rattled so deeply. Byrd never again discussed his powerful sightings in public.

Graham Hancock | Ancient & Future Cataclysm - The Great Return of the Comet! | Dark Journalist


Join Dark Journalist in this epic episode as he welcomes Worldwide Best-Selling Author Graham Hancock to the show. Graham has just released, 'Magicians of the Gods' the heavily anticipated and long-awaited followup sequel to his classic book on Advanced Lost Civilizations and Ancient Mysteries, 'Fingerprints of the Gods.'

The Great Return
Magicians of the Gods is a powerful, knowledge-packed, groundbreaking investigation of our advanced ancient origins and has now been released in the UK and will be released in the US in early November. This pre-publication, US Exclusive preview of the book goes deeply into the startling revelations that Graham has discovered correlating his previous work with amazing new archaeological findings!

Graham takes us through his whirlwind world travels to important new discoveries such as the enigmatic 12,000 year old ancient site at Gobekli Tepe in Turkey that was buried intentionally in an underground complex 30 times the size of Stonehenge!

The discovery of this game-changing archaeological site will rewrite history and support his idea that the history of civilization goes far beyond the standard model back to a highly advanced culture of wisdom teachers called ‘The Seven Sages.’

These antediluvian, pre-flood/cataclysm travelers transmitted their advanced knowledge of architecture, technology and spirituality to developing primitive cultures and were the root inspiration for the story of Atlantis. They were also responsible for the high cultures of Egypt, the Maya, Sumeria, and others that are only now being discovered such as the new findings of a pyramid building culture in Java that is dated to 20,000 years ago! Ultimately The Seven Sages and their impact on human destiny was forgotten by history and survived only in myths that refer to ancient wise teachers interacting with early humanity and gifting culture to them.

Giant Comet
Even more shocking is the new evidence that has surfaced suggesting that this advanced civilization was destroyed by the lightning fast action of a devastating Giant Comet. Graham surmises that many of their messages in time capsules such as the complex at Gobekli Tepe and the grandeur of the Great Pyramid of Giza and Sphinx may be a warning of the return of this destructive comet that can easily wipe out civilization.

Graham’s synchronistic journey from political journalist to exploring the hidden path of the Ark of the Covenant and on through to his breakthrough books and subsequent career as a globally recognized, innovative investigator of our ancient past and the origins of consciousness is discussed in detail.

He also opens up about his battles with the establishment protecters of the old paradigm and the dirty tricks they have employed to suppress his and his colleagues work from being accepted by mainstream science, archaeology and academia, including his recent presentations that were banned from the TED website! In his view the old authoritarian, expert-worshipping paradigm defenders will never accept real evidence outside of their information comfort zone and are determined to keep humanity in a collective state of amnesia about our true past!

Riveting, compelling, intriguing, inspiring and shocking, this is Graham Hancock revealing his truth for all of us in a deep, heartfelt and fascinating way in this special Dark Journalist episode!

Cathy O'Brien | MKULTRA Mind Control Taget of the Deep State! | Dark Journalist | Feb. 11, 2017


MKULTRA Survivor Cathy O'Brien
In this fascinating episode Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes United States Government Whistleblower Cathy O'Brien the author of the classic book on Covert Mind Control programs, Trance Formation of America. The book was based on Cathy's groundbreaking testimony for the US Congressional Permanent Select Committees on Intelligence Oversight in 1995.

Cathy's fascinating journey through the world of Deep Political Corruption and Covert CIA Programs began when her abusive father sold her into MKULTRA Mind Control Programs at an early age in Michigan through his political connections with local politicians, including future President of the United States Gerald Ford.

Through systematic torture and well documented trauma-based mind control programming, Cathy was forced to do shocking acts as a sex slave and participate in CIA Black Ops and White House/Pentagon level operations during the Reagan/Bush Administration. During this period she interfaced with high-level political figures including Hillary and Bill Clinton, former President George Bush Sr. and former Vice President Dick Cheney.

Breaking free of her mind control programming and Dissociative Identity Disorder with the help of intelligence insider Mark Phillips over the course of a decade, Cathy exposed the insidious world of criminal covert operations happening inside Black Budget operations connected with the Pentagon and intelligence agencies, including human trafficking and extensive drug running programs.

Deep State efforts to suppress her testimony culminated in the National Security Act being invoked to silence her and continue right up to the present. Nonetheless Cathy's latest venture was to create a new workbook, PTSD: Time to Heal that actually allows trauma and sexual abuse victims to reclaim conscious control and deep connection to their inner memories.

Her story has touched thousands of survivors of mind control programming and dark political manipulation and given the public a transparent and shockingly honest vision of the hidden worlds of covert intelligence operations that exist and thrive behind a wall of National Security State secrecy.
Riveting, informative, startling, unnerving and alarming, you don't want to miss this fascinating Dark Journalist episode with US Government Whistleblower Cathy O'Brien.

JZ Knight | Ramtha UFOs & Quantum Consciousness | Dark Journalist | Nov. 27, 2015


Join Dark Journalist in this special episode as he welcomes the Bestselling Author, Lecturer and Founder of the Ramtha School of Enlightenment JZ Knight for a rare in-depth interview! JZ has been a leading voice for blending science and spirituality since the 1980s with thousands of students worldwide studying her unique methods of self-actualization through Quantum Consciousness.

Since her life was turned upside down by her encounter with a spiritual being named 'Ramtha' that she learned to channel and her many encounters with off-world UFO intelligences, JZ has brought her innovative teaching to a large audience with a powerful message of Creating The Future. Living through controversy and under attack from religious, political and media forces, JZ thrived through adversity and survived while keeping her movement growing where others had failed. She credits her success to ‘Moving to a New Neighborhood in Her Brain."

Powerful Tools and Ideas
From Changing your DNA, Mind as Matter, Future Now, Becoming a Remarkable Life, and more, JZ has brought forward inspiring and challenging concepts that have helped individuals transform their lives. By giving her students access to universal principles she provides them with tools that are intentionally covered up and suppressed by hidden forces in the media and the hollywood/entertainment industry control grid on planet earth.

Covert Ops - Remote Viewing
It was revealed that some of the psychic and transpersonal methods she developed and taught students to practice were adopted by covert intelligence agencies for use in their remote viewing programs and misused in attempts at dark methods of control. Shocking, revealing, compelling, inspiring, eye-opening and spellbinding, this is the Dark Journalist episode that will leave you asking, "What is the true nature of reality?"

Catherine Austin Fitts | OffWorld Secrecy Danker! The UFO Economy 3.0 - Part 2 | Dark Journalist | March 26, 2016


Join Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt for Part Two of his deep discussion with Former Assistant Housing Secretary and Financial Expert Catherine Austin Fitts. Drawing on her rich career in top positions in Washington and on Wall Street, Catherine carefully unravels the layers of deceit and misdirection inherent in the covert system of using public resources for developing new economic opportunities in space for the benefit of of a few private elite corporate interests. Together, they unravel the web of disinformation and obfuscation around the Black Budget investment in space by a shadowy alliance between Deep State political forces and greedy corporate interests for the development of a UFO Economy using advanced technology, a secret system of finance and total manipulation of public awareness through complete control over the mainstream media.

**Dark Journalist also raises the question: Fitts For President in 2016? Her answer may surprise you.**

According to multiple whistleblowers, with the development of a Secret Space Program via SDI Star Wars Technology, forces deep in the official structure were reacting to a perceived UFO threat that reached a fever pitch in 1947. In the almost 70 years since that initial wave of sightings, The National Security State has utilized Exotic Offworld Technology recovered in highly secretive UFO crash retrieval programs to develop their own fleets of manmade UFOS, incorporating Anti-Gravity, Stealth and Super Drone technology. According to the late Lt. Colonel Philip J. Corso, who was a high-ranking military intelligence officer in the administrations of Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson, the military discovered many of the high-tech developments we all use now in modern computers and smartphones from these clandestine operations.

With the covert forces realizing not only great advantages in military weapons production, but also in engineering new industries and achieving large scale profits from their discoveries of UFO Technology Secrets, the intense coverup around the entire subject of offworld visitors has gone into major overdrive. Deep Black Op programs to discredit and defame those involved in UFO investigations emanate from a covert level of intelligence agencies that are tasked with keeping the secrecy in place so they can utilize the hidden advances in technology, science, medicine, and advanced free-energy production for a small Breakaway Civilization of political, military and corporate interests that have dominated the action on planet Earth since World War 2.

Clash of Two Worlds
The clash between the official reality and the truth on the ground is starting to hit a breaking point and many of the old games for keeping the public in the dark just won't work in the age of Smartphones and Social Media. Our modern culture is now far more advanced than the dysfunctional leadership on this crucial issue of offworld visitors and the advanced technology they represent. But the ruling forces in geopolitics, media and corporate circles have no desire to see their ultimate secret exposed and the entire energy paradigm of the globe change overnight from fossil based fuels and UFO Free Energy Technology. By refusing to advance the knowledge in society around the UFO question, forces in the Deep State are setting up the ultimate Clash of Two Worlds and apparently they believe they will prevail and shall be able keep their cult of secrecy going forever!

Joseph Farrell & Dark Journalist | X Series VII: The Orphic Circle Plato Mysteries & The UFO File! | Apr. 20, 2018


Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt continues the groundbreaking X-SERIES that follows the X Steganography through the history of Political and Covert groups coordinating in a stealth fashion the secret work of the UFO File. He will be joined by the fascinating Giza Death Star author Dr. Joseph Farrell.

Orphic Circle:
Dark Journalist examines an obscure English Occult Group called The Orphic Circle that featured many prominent figures and searched for vessels of Somnambulist contact with higher intelligence. Offshoots of these groups form fascinating links to Yale Secret Society 'Skull and Bones' that the Bush political family and CIA leaders are deeply connected with. DJ will reveal what the '322' in the Skull and Bones logo represents and you don't want to miss it!

Bombshell Deeper Connections
Multiple bombshell connections will be revealed that link various Secret Societies to the covert political process driving UFO Secrecy by using the new understanding attained through the deciphering of the X pattern. This will give us a map that takes us all the way back to Plato and the heavily shrouded Eleusinian Mysteries.

Emmanuel Swedenborg
Rudolf Steiner
Helena Blavatsky
Franz Anton Mesmer
Emma Hardinge Britten
Annie Besant
George Bush, uncle of Prescott Bush (Dubya’s grandfather)

Dark Journalist X-Series 38 | Atlantis Assassinations | John Lennon | Ernest Hemingway & JFK Mystery | Dec. 1, 2018


Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt presents the groundbreaking X-SERIES that follows the X Steganography through the History of Political and Covert Esoteric Groups coordinating in a Stealth Program the Secret Work of the Mystery Schools X-Technology and Apotheum Reality Distortion.

JFK Ernest Hemingway X-Connection Part3
Dark Journalist reveals the most unusual circumstances surrounding JFK making an extraordinary effort to recover Legendary writer Ernest Hemingway's Secret Vault and shows the contents were related to Hemingways' efforts to follow up Edgar Cayce's readings about Atlantis rising off the coast of Bimini...! He explores the pattern of assassinations from JFK, Les Hemingway and John Lennon and correlates it to their interest in Atlantis Rising off the East Coast of America.

Dark Journalist |  Amilius In The HotZone The Atlantis Secret | Oct. 10, 2021



Amilius In The HotZone!
Join us live tonight for a Special LiveStream of the Groundbreaking X-Series Episode 110 as Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt goes deep into the mysterious figure named Amilius mentioned in the Edgar Cayce Psychic Readings as a Spiritual Leader who led the Children of One group against the Black Magician Belial followers in Ancient Atlantis. DJ uncovers how his legacy was vouchsafed by the Egyptian Priest named RATA to create the secret Hall of Records hidden under the Great Sphinx in Egypt.

Startling Revelations!
Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt goes deep into the Edgar Cayce Readings on the enigmatic figure named Amilius who led the spiritual group Children of One Against the Belial group in Ancient Atlantis.

Dark Journalist | Trump Pulls The JFK Card NSAM 57 | Nov. 24, 2020


Dark Journalist Special Report:
President Trump Activates JFK National Security Action Memo 57!

In this special live broadcast Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt highlights that in order for Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller to issue his order that Special Operations now must report directly to him he needed to execute the power held in the JFK National Security Action Memorandum 57 (NSAM 57) designed to bypass the CIA!

Linda Moulton Howe | ET Survival - UFO Time Travel & Word War III | Dark Journalist



*Bombshell Interview!* Join Dark Journalist for the return of acclaimed Coast to Coast AM Investigative Reporter and Star of Ancient Aliens Linda Moulton Howe, for a special extended 3 Hour Episode where she reveals some of the most controversial, stunning, eye-opening, and shocking revelations on the Alien Reality!

In this rare and revealing in-depth interview, Linda Moulton Howe explains why after 35 years of alien contact research she has now come to the conclusion that there are not only off-world alien visitors on the planet but also time-traveling human beings from a post-nuclear apocalypse future that are coming back to preserve vital DNA material for the survival of humankind!

By examining her research on hundreds of cases in the alien abduction syndrome, she outlines a mysterious and vast program being set up by extraterrestrial intelligence to ensure that human beings survive their own destructive tendencies with an advanced technology DNA harvesting network on a modern day Noah's Ark. She also explores Never Before Revealed details from cases like the RAF Bentwaters/Rendlesham Forest UFO encounter of how an entire house that was closeby to the sighting "Vanished into Thin Air" during the incident, but was covered up by covert intelligence forces. She also discusses how an intel whistle-blower leaked a secret report to her that the CIA had come to the conclusion that Crop Circles were hidden messages from a struggling humanity in the future laid out in advanced mathematical and geometrical formulas.

In the second half of this rare, special episode, she discloses publicly her own personal contact with a higher intelligence during her investigations of Crop Circles and their connection to UFOs and the alarming message that they telepathically communicated to her from another dimensional level about earth's future and the dangers that must be averted now so the planet can be saved from World War III!

She also shares revealing inside information regarding the legendary Philadelphia Experiment where the military accidentally teleported naval servicemen into an alternate dimension and ancient Sumerian contact by nefarious Anunnakki extraterrestrials that were bent on controlling mankind by genetically altering their interior nervous system to make them more submissive slaves. She further reports on new information regarding the two bright spots in a crater on the dwarf planet Ceres and their possible implication of an advanced civilization in our solar system!

Exciting, unnerving, challenging, riveting and controversial, you've never heard Linda Moulton Howe reveal her inner thoughts and final conclusions quite like this before. You don't want to miss this most ultimate Dark Journalist episode yet!!

Dark Journalist | X-Series 40: Mystery School X Atlantis Revelations! | Dec. 15, 2018


Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt presents the groundbreaking X-SERIES that follows the X Steganography through the History of Political and Covert Esoteric Groups coordinating in a Stealth Program the Secret Work of the Mystery Schools X-Technology and Apotheum Reality Distortion.

JFK Hemingway CIA Atlantis X-Connection Part 5 Dark Journalist reveals the most unusual circumstances surrounding JFK making an extraordinary effort to recover Legendary writer Ernest Hemingway's Secret Vault and shows the contents were related to Hemingways' efforts to follow up Edgar Cayce's readings about Atlantis rising off the coast of Bimini...! In this special episode he will look at the unusual activities of Covert Intelligence Groups to put the Hemingway Family Under Surveillance over several decades due to their involvement in the Atlantis Rising expeditions.

Dark Journalist | Nixon ET Time Capsule Now! Truth Raising Mega Broadcast! | March 1, 2018


Dark Journalist presents the compelling revelations of Nixon's ET Time Capsule from Former Huston Plan Insider Robert Merritt. The breakthrough Exclusive Interview with DJ and Merritt is Changing History the way we understand that President Nixon had planned on being the President who addressed the controversial issue of UFO Disclosure.

This Dark Journalist Mega Broadcast is a prelude to his appearance on Coast to Coast AM with Linda Moulton Howe where he will reveal the deep story as soon as the Livestream ends!

Dark Journalist | X-Series Part 36 | JFK & The Ernest Hemingway X-Enigma | Nov. 23, 2018


Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt presents the groundbreaking X-SERIES that follows the X Steganography through the History of Political and Covert Esoteric Groups coordinating in a Stealth Program the Secret Work of the Mystery Schools X-Technology and Apotheum Reality Distortion.

JFK Ernest Hemingway X-Connection
Dark Journalist reveals the most unusual circumstances surrounding JFK making an extraordinary effort to recover Legendary writer Ernest Hemingway's Secret Vault and shows the contents were related to Hemingways' efforts to follow up Edgar Cayce's readings about Atlantis rising off the coast of Bimini...!

Russel Targ | Remote Viewing and Psychic Warfare! | Dark Journalist | Aug. 23, 2016


DARK JOURNALIST Interview with Remote Viewing Pioneer and Physicist Russell Targ on The New 'Third Eye Spies' Documentary Coming Out This Fall!

ESP - Mind Control - Psychic Targeting - Intuitive Vision - Deep Military Programs - Stargates - CIA -Black Budget Experiments!

The Man Who Started It All!
Enjoy this powerful Dark Journalist episode as he goes deep into the covert Remote Viewing program Bankrolled by the CIA with Physicist Russell Targ who founded the effort at Stanford Research Institute (SRI) with fellow Physicist Hal Puthoff.

Third Eye Spies
In this special Part 1 Episode they delve deeply into the clandestine world of Psychic Spies and discuss the new documentary, 'Third Eye Spies' on Targ's classified work with extraordinarily gifted Remote Viewers like Artist Ingo Swann, Military Officer Joe McMoneagle and Burbank Police Commissioner Pat Price who died shortly after remote viewing a UFO Base and being directly recruited out of the program into clandestine CIA operations. Now the man who ran it all, Russell Targ can tell the Whole Story...!

Psychic Warriors
Targ recounts amazing details of developing the Remote Viewing program for the CIA and the National Security Incidents that he and his team were involved in at the very highest levels of government. He also recalls his early days of being interested in metaphysics and learning about powerful intuitives like Helena Blavatsky and Edgar Cayce at his Father's book store in Chicago.

At 82 years old, Targ is ready to set the record straight and reveal the legendary and Top Secret work he did developing the complex Remote Viewing process. He is out to dispel the many myths and disinformation around the subject and explain why he spent his life after SRI still looking through the veil to the other side of a deeper reality.

Linda Moulton Howe | UFO Breakthrough in the Year 2016 | Dark Journalist | March 22, 2016


Join Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt for the exciting return of Coast to Coast AM Investigative Reporter and star of the History Channel’s Ancient Aliens series Linda Moulton Howe!

In Part 1 of this fascinating episode, Linda, in a rare and controversial prediction, reveals that she has received inside information from trusted sources that 2016 will be the year that at long last the reality of life beyond the Earth will be acknowledged officially by the political leadership and the UFO question and alien presence will be announced!

Dangerous Forces of Secrecy
She also warns that the covert forces of secrecy and global domination are planning to cling to their subversive blueprint for maintaining the status quo by concealing the advanced technology and sophisticated exotic energy achieved from reversed-engineered ET craft. She sees two possible timelines for the 21st century: in the first one, a new openness is achieved and the public learns to gain a certain amount of trust in the progress that begins to happen on the subject of suppressed and classified information regarding UFOs that’s been covered up since World War II.

In the other timeline, the Deep State of Corporate, Media and Intelligence forces seize control and throw the world into turmoil by ramping up police state tactics, False Flag events and completing a worldwide smart grid of invasive surveillance to further centralize and control the population using established methods of fear to Divide and Conquer modern society.

Where Did UFO Secrecy Get Started? Cape Girardeau!
So many reports on classic cases, like the Roswell crash and the 1947 Kenneth Arnold Sightings are touted as being the first incident of a major UFO coverup, but Linda has discovered through the foggy mists of time a forgotten case of the crash of an off-world civilization with multiple witnesses in Cape Girardeau, Missouri in 1941.

At the time, future President Harry Truman and Four Term President FDR needed to collaborate to preserve the secrecy around the alien beings that were discovered at the crash site. The beings were eventually taken to Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. (before the creation of the Pentagon) and according to new research, kept in a liquid state in jars in an underground base below the Capitol before being used in a bizarre Masonic Ritual to enact UFO Secrecy that would last for generations!

Has the time come for true UFO revelations that will give new universal meaning to humanity in the 21st century, even if it brings turmoil in the short term? Or are forces inside a Breakaway Civilization preparing their contingency plans to keep their covert advantage of UFO Technology intact? Is it time for a UFO Breakthrough?

Alarming, exciting, shocking, controversial and extremely enlightening, this is the Part 1 episode of Dark Journalist with Linda Moulton Howe that you don’t want to miss!

Dr. Carmen Boulter | Nefertiti Breakthrough! Altlantis Egyption Hall of Records | Dark Journalist


Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt and Pyramid Expert Dr. Carmen Boulter explore her shocking and exciting new discoveries of ancient sites using a new Space Archaeology Satellite Scan technique that suggest the Atlantean Hall of Records may have been found!

Complete Archaeological Blackout
Renowned early 20th century psychic,Edgar Cayce, known as the "Sleeping Prophet" predicted that evidence for Atlantis and its advanced technology would one day be found beneath the pyramids at Giza, through a hidden passageway underneath the right paw of the Sphinx.

Egyptology, of course scoffs at the very idea of the "Lost Civilization", let alone one possessing highly-advanced technology. Concerned with controlling the narrative of Ancient Egypt, investigations running counter to that narrative have been derided by or even blocked by Egypt's Minister of Antiquities, Zahi Hawass (now retired) in what some call an "Archaeological Blackout".
This interview looks at the story of two leading Egyptologists whose early digs were sponsored by the Edgar Cayce Foundation's Association for Research and Enlightenment (ARE). One had previously written a book on Cayce's readings, describing how Ancient Egypt was founded by the survivors of Atlantis.

Were these archaeologists secretly looking for the Ancient Hall of Records, using the Cayce readings, while publicly disavowing their former sponsor, to stay in line with official Egyptology?

Queen Nefertiti and The Pharaoh Akhenaten
The story of Pharaoh Akhenaten and his wife, Nefertiti has been framed by Egyptologists in a way to suggest that the Amun Priesthood was heroic, in deposing the heretically monotheistic "mad king", says Boulter. According to her, the real story is much more intriguing and it relates to Akhenaten's esoteric knowledge about the founding of Ancient Egypt.

Why did the Priesthood attempt to strip Akhenaten and Nefertiti from history? Was Nefertiti able to escape, to conceal ancient knowledge of Egypt's Atlantean past and off-world origins in a sacred tomb? Will Boulter's latest archaeological find finally bring closure to this ancient mystery, once and for all?

Shocking, enlightening, bizarre, unnerving, strange and compelling. You don't want to miss this unique Dark Journalist episode!

Dark Journalist | X Series Part XIX | Secret Space Forece & The Valkyries Ride | July 20, 2018


Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt continues the groundbreaking X-SERIES that follows the X Steganography through the history of Political and Covert groups coordinating in a Stealth fashion the Secret work of the Mystery Schools X Technology.

In this special episode Dark Journalist will unravel the covert programs that use a secret system of finance for the Black Budget and have diverted them into a massive Space Infrastructure project over several decades. He'll dive deep into the role of 3 different Presidents, JFK, Reagan and Trump that have tried to control this Continuity of Government group that constitute an extra-constitutional, unelected Deep State Government.

Dark Journalist X-Series 92 | Secret Missions NASA In The HotZone Atlantis Rising | July 11, 2020


Dark Journalist will take a deep dive into Secret NASA Missions in The HotZone to locate ancient ruins between Cuba and Yucatan using advanced space imaging technology, The predictions of Edgar Cayce about land rising near Bimini and the Atlantis Hall of Records have set off a decades long geopolitical battle to find the secret TUAOI power source by governments all over the world.

Dark Journalist has talked to insiders who say those that are operating in the HotZone for Private or Military purposes need to sign a highly restrictive NDA not to discuss the ruins of the advanced civilizations they see in their operations. Live QA with DJ and Miss Olivia!

Linda Moulton Howe | Ancient Alien Technology & Gobekli Tepe | Dark Journalist


Join Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt and his Emmy-award winning guest Coast to Coast AM Investigative Reporter Linda Moulton Howe for an explosive and exclusive Special Report on the shocking mysteries of ET Self Activating Technology and the Alien Connection to the Ancient Stone Circle Site Gobekli Tepe!

Gobekli Tepe
The mysterious Ancient Archaeological site called Gobekli Tepe, in Turkey has been dated to 10,000 B.C. which throws a wildly different light on human history and reveals signs of ET Interference on Earth. Are we Starseeds that advanced extraterrestrial beings placed here to evolve a higher spiritual vision of the universe?

Ancient Alien Technology
In this special episode Dark Journalist and Linda Moulton Howe explore her deep investigation and research visits to Gobekli Tepe to discover the strange ANCIENT ALIEN TECHNOLOGY it may represent and her shocking realizations that the patterns in Sacred Architecture, Crop Circles and Gobekli Tepe are all a part of ET Self Activating Software to raise the global consciousness of humanity!

The Message
Since the powerful ancient site of Gobekli Tepe was buried 12,000 years ago by a race forgotten to history, does the discovery of this ancient marvel in the 21st century signal that a massive paradigm shift is underway? Is humanity being activated to see a higher and deeper vision of reality that includes contact with star civilizations? Is the cataclysm that destroyed this ancient civilization happening again and is the message of Gobekli Tepe a warning of survival to humanity that planet Earth is on the precipice of massive upheaval and destruction?
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