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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query james corbett. Sort by date Show all posts

The Corbett Report | WHO's Sordid History of So-Called Pandemics | Feb. 13, 2023


via CHD.TV: James Corbett and Meryl Nass continue their efforts to unpack the WHO’s vast bureaucratic overreach toward a global biosecurity state. Interpreting recently drafted amendments to the International Health Regulations for future pandemics, Nass and Corbett remind us of the sordid history of so-called pandemics, from Smallpox, Swine Flu, Bird Flu, Zika, Ebola, Monkeypox to COVID, pointing out the failures of the WHO at dealing with nearly every one of them.

Yet one area continuously prevails, curiously evading public questioning — the demand for toxic products and the success of selling pharmaceuticals, and the sleeper contracts which activate the WHO’s financial fangs. Don’t miss this quintessential duo on today’s ‘Good Morning CHD’.

Show Notes: 

James Corbett & Ernest Hancock on Declare Your Independence | May 9, 2021


James Corbett joins Ernest Hancock for his weekly appearance on Declare Your Indpendence. This week they discuss: the Quigley formula, 6G, the information-industrial complex, Cody Wilson, the fourth turning, “neuro-rights” and salt marches.

*PLEASE NOTE: I said Cecil “B.” Rhodes a couple of times here. Was I thinking of Cecil B. DeMille? In any event, it’s of course Cecil John Rhodes. -James Corbett

Show Notes:

Meet Carroll Quigley

The last will and testament of Cecil John Rhodes : with elucidatory notes to which are added some chapters describing the political and religious ideas of the testator
Interview 1158 – Joe Plummer Teaches Tragedy and Hope 101
New ‘6G chip’ could download Netflix film in ‘less than a blink of the eye’
The Information-Industrial Complex
Post-Political: A Speech
The Fourth Turning: Why America’s “Crisis” May Last Until 2030
What’s in your head? Just like in Nolan’s ‘Inception’, brain tech can hack your mind; ‘neuro-rights’ can keep you safe

James Corbett | The WWIII Script on Macroaggressions with Charlie Robinson

Source: The Octopus of Global Control,

[RECORDED ON JUNE 30, 2023] via The Octopus of Global Control: It sometimes feels as if our reality is part of some carefully coordinated script or outline that the global power structure has planned for humanity. The events feel inorganic and forced, so it begs the question of how much control we have over the outcome of the world.

James Corbett knows how to read the script and describe it in a way that makes sense to everyone, but it seems like magic when he predicts outcomes years in advance. We know from history that world wars preclude economic paradigm shifts, and we’re definitely heading into an economic catastrophe, so could the march to World War 3 really be that far away?

What is the new role for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and China, and is this the end of the Dollar? Will the new economic system be built on the ashes of World War 3, or do we still have time to rewrite the script for how this whole thing turns out? James Corbett has some thoughts, and he’s not going to sugarcoat it any longer.

Show Notes:

James Corbett on The US vs John Lennon | Nov. 11, 2021

Source:, Glass Onion 

Glass Onion welcomes James Corbett of to discuss the 2006 documentary about John's political activism and his fight against the Nixon administration to stay in the U.S.

We also take some time to look at the political landscape of the time and the difference between then and now in terms of how much the public is shown about what is really happening in the world. Big thanks to Broc West for the video editing and slides.

Show Notes:
Glass Onion podcast on Apple / / Podbean / Soundcloud / Stitcher
Vinnie Caggiano and James Corbett dissect "She Loves You"
The U.S. vs. John Lennon (2006 documentary)
Everything I Know About Conspiracies I Learned From The Beatles
Lennon on Lennon: Conversations with John Lennon
Rebuilding America's Defenses (PNAC)
Rumsfeld warns of Pearl Harbor surprise attack at confirmation hearing
Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media
Geraldo Rivera says Obama is Dead Instead of Osama
Gimme Some Truth: The John Lennon FBI Files
Obama: A Legacy of Ashes
"The CIA and the Media" by Carl Bernstein
Church Committee Hearings CIA Heart Attack Gun

James Corbett on The Weaponization of Psychology | July 23, 2023

Source & Show Notes:

Investigative journalist James Corbett has investigated how psychology is being weaponized to target dissidents. In this episode he is explaining the absurd previous diagnosis “anarchia” - which was “too much” love for freedom. And “drapetomania” - which was the mental illness of slaves running away from their masters.

Over the last three years, we have seen a medical doctor being diagnosed and force medicated for “corona insanity”. This was because of his resistance to the government narrative in Switzerland. We have also seen an increased willingness to pathologize “conspiracy theorists”, and to label people as “domestic terrorists” for using their right to share their opinions.

Even though the methods used against us are ugly, and the majority just go along uncritically, James Corbett shows examples of how modelling disobedience can dramatically turn the situation around.

James Corbett | Echoes of WWI | Q & A | Sept. 25, 2017


James Corbett answers questions from the audience after delivering his presentation, "Echoes of WWI: China, the US and the Next 'Great' War" to the Open Mind Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark on September 16, 2017.

James Corbett | Echoes of WWI: China, the US, and the Next "Great" War | Sept. 22, 2017

Show Notes & Documentation

James Corbett on Smells Like Human Spirit Podcast, June 14, 2012


James Corbett of the Corbett Report (, and contributor to RT television joins us for an interesting and informative discussion on the Smells Like Human Spirit podcast. Mr. Corbett, a leading figure in the world of alternative news, was very generous with his time and eloquent in relation to many topics, including human awareness, the role of the media, 9/11, and more. Enjoy. ~Smells Like Human Spirit Podcast

download mp3

James Corbett | The Biosecurity State, Germ Theory, RFK Jr, & the Transgender-Transhuman Connection | June 4, 2023


At the 2nd Better Way Conference in Bath, UK, Derrick Broze interviews James Corbett of The Corbett Report. Derrick and James discuss the changes which have taken place since their 1st in person interview in February 2020, specifically COVID1984 and the rise of the Biosecurity State & Technocracy. Derrick also asks James his thoughts on RFK Jr's presidential run, germ theory, and the Transgender-Transhuman connection. Don't miss this powerful interview!

The Corbett Report | Your Guide to the Great Reset | Oct. 16, 2020


You’ve all heard by now that The Great Reset is upon us. But what is The Great Reset, exactly, and what does it mean for the future of humanity? Join James for this in-depth exploration of the latest rebranding of the New World Order agenda and its vision of a post-human Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Show Notes:

The Great Reset | Launch session 3 June 2020
The Great Reset book.
The Great Reset website.
The Great Reset Event 201 coronavirus plushie
Interview 1581 – James Corbett Breaks Down the Great Reset (w/ Pete Quinones)
The Great Reset podcast.
Kerry et al. on The Great Reset podcast
Anne Richardson et al. on financing a sustainable recovery
Grover on The Great Reset podcast
Was There Foreknowledge of the Plandemic?
Interview 1533 – John Titus Exposes the Fed’s Coronavirus Lies
Solutions: Spontaneous Order
COVID-19 Transformation Map
What is a transformation map? (2017)
What is the Fourth Industrial Revolution?
Klaus Schwab & His Great Fascist Reset
Yuval Noah Harari: the world after coronavirus | Free to read
deplatforming controversial speakers
Interview 1579 – Jeremy Kauffman Introduces LBRY and Odysee
unklfranco comments on James Corbett Breaks Down the Great Reset (on Odysee)
Governor Cuomo Announces Collaboration with Gates Foundation to Reimagine Education
Technocracy and Education – James Tracy on GRTV
Sesame Street on education as a tool of societal transformation
Rich getting richer during COVID scam (New World Next Week)

James Corbett Destroys the China War Propaganda | June 15, 2021


In today’s edition of The Redpill Series, James Corbett joins Patrick MacFarlane on the Liberty Weekly podcast for a hard-hitting, information-packed and wide-ranging conversation on the 2D China vs. US war narrative that is being steered by the war propagandists and the 3D China + US reality underneath.

In addition to China and the New World Order, James and Patrick talk about The Great Convergence, the question of how WWIII will be fought and what part we have to play in derailing this propaganda narrative before it destroys humanity.

- The Liberty Weekly Podcast
- China and the New World Order
- Getting To Beijing: Henry Kissinger’s Secret 1971 Trip
- Rockefeller Family in China: Then and Now (Richard Rockefeller)
- Yale Group Spurs Mao’s Emergence
- Skull & Bones – The Bush’s China Connection
- Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler
- Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution
- Wall Street and FDR
- Antony Sutton Trilogy Of Western Technology And Soviet Economic Development
- Deal With the Devil: How the Global Elite Re-colonized China
- Norman Dodd On Tax Exempt Foundations
- Council On Foreign Relations (including UN origins)
- How Will WWIII Be Fought? – Questions For Corbett
- The Shadows of Power by James Perloff
- 2034: A Novel of the Next World War
- Episode 402 – Your Guide to The Great Convergence
- From A China Traveler (Rockefeller ode to Mao in NYTimes)
- ‘Whoever leads in AI will rule the world’: Putin to Russian children on Knowledge Day
- ‘Independent’ report claiming Uyghur genocide brought to you by sham university, neocon ideologues lobbying to ‘punish’ China
- Why Orwell Matters by Christopher Hitchens
- Why Big Oil Conquered the World
- Amazon US customers have one week to opt out of mass wireless sharing
- Echoes of WWI: China, the US, and the Next “Great” War
- ‘Fort Detrick base is full of suspicions’: China asks US for explanation of 2019 respiratory disease after Biden’s new Covid probe
- Falsehood In Wartime (World War 1)
- Heirs of Mao’s Comrades Rise as New Capitalist Nobility (Bloomberg report on “Eight Immortals”
- Mapping China’s Red Nobility (Bloomberg infographic)
- How Bloomberg “News” Censors the News
- China’s Suspiciously American Arsenal: A Closer Look

James Corbett at the 9/11 Truth Film Festival | Sept. 14, 2022

Source:, 2022 9/11 Truth Film Festival 

On Sunday, September 11, 2022, James Corbett appeared at the 2022 9/11 Truth Film Festival (in support of the Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry and their upcoming film, 9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom) to talk about Part 3 of False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda. He discusses the film with Richard and Gail Gage of and answers questions about the research that went into it. 

Show Notes:

The Corbett Report | How Do I Introduce Voluntaryism? - Questions For Corbett | Feb. 1, 2023


Tony writes in to ask about how to introduce his Swedish friends to voluntaryism. I don't know about Swedish language resources, but if you're looking for a manual on voluntaryism in English, boy, do I have some suggestions for you!

Show Notes:
Fundamentals of Voluntaryism -
Interview 1429 - James Corbett and Liberty Weekly Recommend Books
Authoritarian Sociopathy by Davi Barker
The Voluntaryist Handbook Organized by Keith Knight
Introduction to The Voluntaryist Handbook in Swedish
Interview 1741 - Keith Knight Presents The Voluntaryist Handbook
The Politics of Obedience by Etienne de La Boetie
Interview 1563 - Keith Knight and James Corbett Dissect Voluntary Servitude
How to Present Info for Visual Learners - #SolutionsWatch
"Government"—The Biggest Scam in History...EXPOSED!
The Most Dangerous Superstition by Larken Rose
Attend Candles in the Dark
Interview 1510 - Larken and Amanda Rose Shine Candles In The Dark

James Corbett | Geopolitics, Eugenics & Depopulation


January 21, 2011
From Canada, James Corbett is an independent journalist who has been living and working in Japan since 2004. He has been writing and producing The Corbett Report, an online multi-media news and information source, since 2007. His forthcoming book, Reportage: Essays on the New World Order, will be available for purchase in early 2011.

He joins us from Japan to discuss the big picture from a geopolitical and conspiratorial point of view. We highlight areas such as the manipulation of the financial system and currencies. We talk about the banks and the bailouts. Then, we connect the eugenics agenda and the ongoing chemical castration of men with estrogen mimicking chemicals in waterbottles and many other plastic products.

Is this part of the de-population agenda? Later, we talk about the GMO and pharmacological agenda that is being ran by the psychopathic elite with the aid of the corporate media.

Topics Discussed: the Corbett Report, news and media in Japan, the financial system, international news, Amero, North American currency, Washington DC, the philosophy of the panopticon, international currency, the surveillance society, eugenics, Galton and Darwin interbreeding, Bisphenol-A, psychopathic elite, economic system, generational, doing good, compartmentalization, Syngenta, Monsanto, John P. Wheeler III, dead microbiologists, swine flu and bird flu.~Red Ice Creations

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James Corbett on The Activation Podcast | Aug. 3, 2021


On this episode of The Activation Podcast, Derrick Broze speaks with researcher and journalist James Corbett. Derrick and James talk about James’ personal background, his thoughts on Japan and the Olympics, the psychology of COVID1984, and much more in this empowering conversation!

Show Notes:
The Conscious Resistance Network
The Activation Podcast
Derrick Broze Announces #ExposeBillGates Global Day of Action
Broze interviews Corbett in Mexico
The Tokyo Olympics are rigged to fail. Why hasn’t the media noticed?
Derrick’s 2 Part Investigation on Parasite Stress Theory: Part 1 and Part 2
Derrick Broze’s Holistic Self-Assessment online course
Filed in: Interviews

The PRE PLANNED Global Response To COVID-19 And The ENDGAME Agenda EXPOSED With James Corbett! | March 25, 2020

Source: Press For Truth,

We are living in unprecedented times. The powers that ought not to be are trashing the global economy and they are doing it in ways that some of us could have never have imagined, so the question isn’t “has the government overreacted” because we know they clearly have! The question now is “can we come back from this”?

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with James Corbett of The Corbett Report about the pre planned repose to Covid-19, how governments all over the world are using this to gain a tighter grip of control and most importantly what you can do to protect yourself and your family moving forward in these vary trying and uncertain times.

The Corbett Report | Medical Martial Law 2020 | March 21, 2020

The Corbett Report | False Flags Watch Along (Part 3) | Sept. 15, 2022


On Sunday, September 11th, James Corbett and Broc West of The Corbett Report joined Ryan Cristian of The Last American Vagabond for a live Corbett Pirate Stream to watch and discuss Part 3 of False Flags: A Secret History of Al Qaeda.

Show Notes:
The Last American Vagabond
Corbett Pirate Streams - #SolutionsWatch
False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda (transcript and downloads)
Enough Already: Time to End the War on Terrorism
Deadliest Day in Spec Ops History: The Extortion-17 Chinook Crash
Obama 'Put a Target on Their Backs', SEAL Team 6 Family Members Say
Obama stonewalls SEAL Team 6 Extortion 17 helicopter crash probe, watchdog says
Patrick Clawson Responds to Questions, Full Video - 9/21/2012
Kodomosan website
Become a Corbett Report member
Donate to The Last American Vagabond

The Corbett Report | False Flags Watch Along (Part 1)

The Corbett Report | False Flags Watch Along (Part 2)

James Corbett | Fukushima Disaster Update, January 5, 2012


January 5, 2012–James Corbett is an independent journalist who has been living and working in Japan since 2004. He has been writing and producing The Corbett Report, an online multi-media news and information source, since 2007. His forthcoming book, Reportage: Essays on the New World Order, will be available for purchase later this year.

He returns to Red Ice to give us an update on the Fukushima disaster in the first hour. He shares concerns about the food supply and talks about the Japanese perspective. Then, we discuss media coverage surrounding the Fukushima disaster. Who can we trust? James talks about Japan's political future and the possible globalist agenda to use the disaster to reshape the country.

We talk about radiation fallout on land and ocean and the accuracy of death statistics from Japan's radiation. James brings up the "de-CON-tamination" work process in the Fukushima Prefecture. Later, we discuss the strategy of the elite demonizing nuclear power in order to globally control it. The first hour ends on the topic of clean energy and suppressed technologies. ~Red Ice Creations
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James Corbett Breaks The Set on The Federal Reserve


James Corbett appears on "Breaking The Set" with Abby Martin to discuss his documentary film, "Century of Enslavement: The History of the Federal Reserve." James and Abby discuss what the Federal Reserve is, why it must be opposed, and how best to end the current system of debt servitude.

Century of Enslavement: The History of The Federal Reserve

What is the Federal Reserve system? How did it come into existence? Is it part of the federal government? How does it create money? Why is the public kept in the dark about these important matters? In this feature-length documentary film, The Corbett Report explores these important question and pulls back the curtain on America's central bank.

Transcript & Resources

James Corbett | What is the alternative media?


On July 7, 2015, James Corbett was asked to present to a course on alternative media in the International Relations department of Japan's prestigious Ritsumeikan University. The lecture covers how James came to start The Corbett Report, the technology that has enabled the alternative media revolution, and the promises and perils of that revolution.

James Corbett on The Pete Quinones Show

Source: The Pete Quinones Show Youtube,

via The Pete Quinones Show (RECORDED APRIL 19, 2022): Pete invited documentarian, researcher and commentator, James Corbett, to return to the show. James discusses how he believes the transgender movement we are currently seeing points forward to an even more technocratic transhuman movement.

Show Notes:
What is the Trans Agenda? - Questions For Corbett #082
West Japan city says tourism "princess" can now be of any gender
Exploring Biodigital Convergence
Biodigital Convergence: Bombshell Document Reveals the True Agenda
Prof. Yuval Noah Harari | Humans are now Hackable Animals
Way of the Future: A New Church Worships an AI God
Use of fear to control behaviour in Covid crisis was ‘totalitarian’, admit scientists
WHO Cares What Celebrities Think - #PropagandaWatch
Sean Parker - Facebook Exploits Human Vulnerability
The Superclass by David Rothkopf
Top Disney Shareholders
Ukrainegate: What You're Not Being Told
The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America by Peter Dale Scott
Harari Explaining Humanity's Role in the 4th Industrial Revolution
Rothschild on a tortoise
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