Jacque Fresco & Roxanne Meadows - The Venus Project

Source: redicecreations.com

"The Venus Project" was started in the mid-1970s by social engineer, industrial designer, futurist and inventor Jacque Fresco and his partner, Roxanne Meadows. The project focuses on holistic design of sustainable cities, energy efficiency, natural resource management and advanced automation. It’s been highlighted in the film "Zeitgeist Addendum" and the consequent "Zeitgeist Movement" have attracted millions of people worldwide.

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Jacque Fresco NZ Television Interview from john smith on Vimeo.

Gregory Sams | Sun of gOd, Is The Sun Conscious?


July 8,010—Red Ice talks about the Sun of God with Gregory Sams. Pioneering natural foods in the UK, he conceived and launched the original VegeBurger in 1982, adding a word to the language as he opened up the market for vegetarian foods.

In 1990 Greg founded “Strange Attractions” the world's only shop ever dedicated to chaos theory and went on to produce and license fractal images worldwide on everything from posters to book covers to fashion fabrics.

In 98, his first book, Uncommon Sense - the State is Out of Date came out and 7 years into the new millennium he’s been working on the book Sun of gOd which is about the possibility that our sun might be a conscious entity which is smarter then we might think. This is about the discovery of self-organized consciousness that underlines everything and about the potential rediscovery of something the ancient world knew much more about then we do today.
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Kerry Cassidy | Live in South Africa

Source: projectcamelotproductions.com

I traveled to South Africa to see the stone circles and ruins and to meet and conduct a documentary interview with Michael Tellinger. These magical stones are likely the location where the Anunnaki genetically engineered humanity. My talk at Mark’s Place in Johannesburg, South Africa, concerns the current agenda of the Illuminati, the BP oil spill whistleblower testimony and the rising consciousness of humanity. ~Kerry Cassidy

Hongchi Xiao | Healing Techniques

Hongchi Xiao discusses with Anne Margrethe Hess of the Home Planet Network various types of healing, and simple techniques to help oneself, at the Beyond 2012 conference in the Newton Hotel, Nairn, Inverness, Scotland.

Luis Ferando Mostajo Maertens in London

Luis Fernando Mostajo Maertens, from Bolivia, is one of the most important contemporary ET contactees, his contact with extraterrestrials stated in 1977, leading to physical encounters with extraterrestrial beings, and assisting them with planetary assistance programs run by the Inner Positive Government of Humanity, He began to share his experiences and knowledge by giving Contact Preparation courses and talks on the subject. He has written and published 5 books about these messages.. He has been prepared as an Instructor in inner-development techniques in a physical, mental and spiritual level giving courses on the conscientious use of energy and Xolar Initiation.

Luis gave this presentation by special invite, in London's Theosophical Society, at the start of his UK tour. In Spanish with English Translation.

Oil Spill & Toxic Rains | David Sereda

Source: coasttocoastam.com

July 12, 2010–Ecologist, scientist, and spiritual explorer David Sereda talked about the Gulf oil disaster, and possible toxic rains that could cause serious problems. Chemicals from the oil, such as benzene and sulfur dioxide can evaporate into the atmosphere and have toxic effects when breathed or through rainfall, he said. Some 300 million gallons of oil may have leaked into the Gulf of Mexico (30 times larger than the Exxon Valdez spill), and if we don't skim off as much of that as possible, the entire East Coast could be subject to toxic rains once hurricane season reaches its peak, he added.

Further, he posited that crop damage in Georgia (related news story) and a fish die-off in North Dakota may be the result of toxins from the spill getting into the atmosphere. He suggested that people in the Gulf Coast region check their rain water to see if its clear or has oil or discoloration in it, and to possibly have it tested. If contamination has occurred, people should consider getting water purification systems for their homes, he said.

Sereda also discussed a study at the University of Irvine by Dr. Joie Jones which demonstrated that healing thoughts can save cells from toxic effects, and a revised theory of gravity, which suggests mass isn't necessary for gravity. This could lead to antigravity devices being taken more seriously, he commented.

Colin Wilson | The Outsider, The Robot, Magic & the Occult

Source: redicecreations.com

11 July 2010—Colin Wilson has written over 100 books on subjects like the occult, mysticism, consciousness, psychology, religion and more, both in fiction and non-fiction format.His recent book is Super Consciousness: The Quest for the Peak Experience. In this Red Ice interview, he talks about magic, the occult, the esoteric, Aleister Crowly, consciousness, psychology and religion

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Don Deppeller a.k.a. 'Dondep' on Blogtalk Radio

Source: blogtalkradio.com

In the first part of this Radio Show Don Deppeller a.k.a. 'Dondep' touched the following topics:

Dan Burisch, Poleshift, Bilderberg Group, New World Order, Eisenhower Meeting, Majestic 12, The Rothschilds, Tau-9 Threaty Conference, Earthchanges

Background Informations:

Don Deppeller has lived an interesting life -
he has seen his share of adventure and tragedy — more than most.

His deep interest in the study of history lead him to works that suggested an alternate 'pre' history... tales of Sumeria and ancient societies introduced the possibility of an off-world hand in the early days of our planet. His studies of esoterica, familiarity with governmental requisitioning and the bidding process, and both professional and personal relationships with elected officials has placed him in a unique position to understand and address the problems relating to Disclosure.

More informations here:

The Affidavit

The Affidavit of April 13th, 2005 and the preceding Canadian Form 255 Request To Admit & Form 256 Response To Request To Admit, regarding the testimony of Dan Burisch, MJ-12 badge number H-6196E. Admits to existence of MJ-12, illegal surveillance of US citizens, participation of Dan Burisch in projects that may or may not panic the population, particularly Project Preserve Destiny and the Tau-9 Treaty Conference for the Preservation of Humanity.

Cigar Shaped Metallic Object Spotted Over UK June 2010

Voices of the New Paradigm | Dr. Steven Greer

Source: New Paradigm Films

The Day Before Disclosure

Are we standing at the threshold of the most groundshaking paradigm-shift ever? Is the “greatest story in human history” about to be revealed?

This is one of the most comprehensive documentaries ever producd on the on the UFO and ET issue, - and the secrecy surrounding this compelling and severely complex phenomenon . What do we know by now, – and what do we know about why we should not know?

The film is presenting the UFO-history and some of the best documented cases from both the European and the American continents.  Eyewitneses and many of todays most renowned UFO-researchers present their testimonials and views. The implications of Disclosure and the anticipated impact on society is thoroughly discussed. The film also presents the alien abduction syndrome, and issues surrounding it.

George Ure | UrbanSurvival

Source: veritasshow.com

During George Ure's first appearance on Veritas we discussed many topics, including the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster, the economy, possible war with Iran, and more importantly, what you can do to weather this confluence of events.  The future belongs to those who prepare.  It's not fear mongering; it's thinking ahead.  George analyzes data on a daily basis and projects the future.  This is common sense advice to anyone who may be affected by all the scenarios developing; especially November 2010.

George Ure has been a renaissance man type since he left the corporate world in 2002 after stints as a big city news director, vice president of an international airline, battery state of charge instrumentation marketing guru and software strategic planner.  In addition to an MBA, George is equally comfortable on a tractor, doing plumbing and wiring, flying airplanes and writing about his long-time love…something called “long wave economics”.  To say his outlook on the next few years is grim understates the short-term outlook for bad, bad, and worse.  But he shares with others (like Dr. Jack Lessinger’s work) the outlook for a much better world sometime after 2020 when “responsible capitalism arrives and the end of “little King” capitalism (me…me…me…damn it, it’s all about ME!) capitalism dies off from the weight of its own compounding sins….”

UrbanSurvival.com provides daily business news analysis and financial market coverage from the long wave (longwave) economic perspective. Since 1996, the site has expressed the view that traditional constant-expansion corporate business models would all collapse some day and that we'd eventually be forced to move toward green (sustainable) business models - the new economics of responsible capitalism - or perish.

EMVs - Designers of the Solar System - James Horak speaks Part 3

The first person to really detect these objects in the rings of Saturn was Dr. Norman Bergrun and he had noticed that their behavior was highly anomalous.

So what he did, he started paying more and more attention and he found that they were behaving in highly anomalous ways, that they were very large and that they seemed to be concentrating their effort on an unfinished ring at its terminals. His investigation in this ring was completed by then.

At this moment even NASA has admitted, are vast objects within the corona of our sun, some always there, now is a gathering of many.

They've protected this planet from countless cycles of coronal mass ejections that would otherwise have decimated all lineage of cultures present on a relative short historical rather than geophysical basis.

This is the answer of the greatest of all anomaly, how a life giving fusion star can be so close, yet not cyclicly decimate the life it gives.

But at the same time these objects can serve the opposite extreme when what occupies a planet is sentient, turns on its own.

The EMVs have been around from the very beginning, ever since any sentient life has been seeded as they are the mechanical designers of systems that can support life long enough for civilsations to come and go.

It is what begins life on a planet. First of all you have to have an engineered configuration of this planet with its fusion star.

The planet has to have a moon around it in a certain proportion, arranged proportion to the planets size to make it alive.

This drives the mantle like a generator, the armature and produces features that'll hold atmosphere, provide a gravity, provide whats needed.

These are no accidents, this is all engineered. This is no hit and miss or a million to one probability. No, this is created and managed in a wonderous and beautiful way.

They are not under any particular persons command, they're like on automatic pilot, it's pretty well automatic.

If you need some direction, what you say it's 'God' but they are far beyond anyones memory, any ET and they're regarded with awe by ET or all ETs and in speaking euphemistically if not literally, these objects are 'THE HAND OF GOD'.

There was an incident in Utah that opened all that up to me.

There is a place in a national forest in Utah, in the La Sal mountain-range, where there is an ongoing operation that is part of what EMVs do.

At night these EMVs mine deep Earth and deposits and they remove them and put them in the rings of Saturn.

The material is bombarded by cosmic radiation and broken down and then they return Earth's deposits from the rings of Saturn and when it's ready it's completely assimilable by any kind of tissue and has remarkable qualities.

They return them so that the Earth can be reseeded and be once again be fertile after a failed experiment is ploughed under.

They are like the fertilizer-machines of a farmers field.

The EMVs have nothing to do with the military or with the intelligence community at all, they can not be approached.

ET can not approach them.

They are regarded with absolute awe by ET and when I speak of ET, I am speaking of people from all over this part of the galaxy.

The EMVs are an energy, they have form but they are blinding, you can't see their detail.

There is something very wonderful on the inside of these things.

I want to tell you now because in a way everyone has a right to know this. Souls, souls are inside these objects.

There is no suffering, there's a community, it's very wonderful, you want to be there all the time, you don't wont to leave, when you're gone, you feel a mournful loss and you feel their mournful loss for you.

It's indescribable.

You'll be there one day.

Extraterrestrials are sentient species, very, very much so humanoid and have very little differences between us with one important exception, the unified consciousness.

They have removed abarrancy from the species, like suicide bombers, like serial killers, like paedophiles etcetera, etcetera, etcetera, because when you have Star Trek- or star travel technology you have placed an potentially in one persons hand the ability to destroy everybody.

The ETs don't have the social injustice that seems to breed it, they don't have a problem with distribution of wealth.

They don't have social engineers working on efforts to mindcontrol people into doing things against their own self-interest.

Abarrancy has a source and has a cause. It just isn't just happenstance or genetic and if you've go back, correcting any problem effectively, yes, you can solve these problems.

And well, there are dark sides to everything. I'll say this that the civilisations the ETs are from don't tolerate anything in the way of manipulation or agenda, there are strict rules in place and they are enforced.

Andrew Collins | Beneath The Pyramids, Giza Cave System Rediscovered

Source: redicecreations.com

4 July 2010—What is going on beneath the Giza plateau in Egypt? News has been coming out that underground cave systems that have been uncovered. There have also been rumors and stories about secret archaeological excavations taking place in the vicinity of the Sphinx. Objects are rumored to have been taken out and a lot of speculation is going around on the web about this. Andrew Collins, author of Beneath the Pyramids, talks about the discovery of Giza’s cave system, Egypt’s “duat”, the real underworld that exists underneath the pyramids. Andrew Collins has re-discovered these. He found the entrance to this natural cave system at the “tomb of the birds”, located at the plateau’s north cliff.

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Scott Stevens | Weather Wars

Source: redicecreations.com

1 July 2010—Former meteorologist Scott Stevens talks about Weather Warfare, Weather Manipulation, Chemtrails, Pollution and Environmental impact of Geo Engineering of the Climate. He discusses the secret ongoing weather manipulating projects involving scalar waves, orgone energy and the big picture connected with this dark agenda.
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David Icke on Rense June 29, 2010

Source: rense.com

Cosmology & Remote Viewing | Chris Impey, Major Ed Dames

Source: coasttocoastam.com

June 29, 2010–In the first half of the show, Astronomy Professor Chris Impey discussed the evolution and structure of galaxies, as well as the eventual death of the Milky Way, and even the entire universe. The universe is going to become very sparse, cold, and empty, and "astronomers will all be out of jobs in a few billion years, as there'll be nothing to look at-- the stars will have all died, and galaxies will be ripped apart by expansion so that we can't even see them with our biggest telescopes," he explained.

In the latter half of the show, Maj. Ed Dames returned to share remote viewing updates on such topics as the oil spill, evacuations, solar activity, and the economy. The oil spill in the Gulf will have long term consequences for the region, he said. After hurricanes move petrochemicals onto land, water supplies will be poisoned, and there'll be evacuations in the area on the level of Katrina or Chernobyl, with martial law possibly imposed, he warned.

CNN Anderson Cooper | BP & Transparency 10 June 2010

R.C. Hoagland & J. Marvin Herndon - Methane Fears

Source: coasttocoastam.com

June 30, 2010—In the first half of the program, scientist J. Marvin Herndon discussed methane gas fears in the Gulf disaster. "Petroleum and natural gas deposits largely come about as a consequence of the earth fracturing," he said, and if there are cracks at the site of the oil leak, the initial fracture could spread, and potentially release a huge methane bubble. There've been suggestions that mass extinctions occurred in the distant past due to methane releases, he noted.

Richard C. Hoagland, who joined the conversation, said "we know there's a bulge-- the crust is literally being lifted upward in a ridge...and something is pushing it up, which is the pressurization of this extraordinary methane bubble they pierced with this deep well," which could be as deep as six miles down. If the methane bubble is released, it will cause water displacement that could create a massive tsunami, he warned. He called for the release of real time mud log data, so non-BP geologists could evaluate the situation.

Robert Morning Sky | 2012 & Beyond

Source: veritasshow.com

Long, long ago, the Ancient Ones pointed at the year 2012 as a time that changes would occur.  An Elder who has remained in the shadows has stepped forward to help unlock the secrets to the words of the Ancient Ones.  So, too, he has helped to reveal the secrets of making contact with Star Beings and the deliberately hidden history of our world.  The changes that must be made in order to avert catastrophes in the year 2012 and afterwards will not be made by mankind, they will be made by womankind.

Robert Morning Sky travels almost constantly, mesmerizing audiences large and small around the world. He demonstrates traditional native American dances, then tells his story in living rooms, theatres, in school auditoriums, on radio and TV shows and in personal interviews -- anywhere people will listen to him. He has quickly become a favorite speaker at expos and UFO conventions. His words resonate with truth. People receive answers to far more questions than they could ever think to ask, and they come back to hear him again and again. morning sky has been subjected to several burglaries at his office with confidential files and computer equipment stolen. His travel trailer was vandalized. His life has been threatened. He has suffered great losses, but he made a promise to his grandfather, and that promise will not be broken, no matter the cost. In his own words: "My name is Robert Morning Sky. I am a nobody, I am no one special. I am, however, a dancer who has had the extraordinary privilege of performing an honoring dance for the ‘ancient ones’ of the world at literally dozens of sacred sites. To perform these honorings in the right way, I have studied the oldest scriptures and words of the ‘ancient ones’. To distinguish the miraculous from the natural phenomena of the world, I have had to study different science disciplines, the way the human mind works, and the many kinds of shamanism and magic of the ancient world. What I have found is astonishing. The future of our world is in the hands of our young ‘seekers’. In the hopes that I can help today’s young ‘seekers’ join hands with the ‘ancient ones’, I share my journeys with you. “the truth is hidden behind the ‘reality’ used to control the masses...” “There were many reasons that led to my eventual decision to withdraw from the speaker’s circuit as soon as my one-year commitment to my grandfather was complete. When the year was over, I began my journeys to visit ancient sacred sites and to pay my respects to the ‘ancient ones’. I also began to search out those individuals, both civilized and primitive, who could help me in my search for answers to the mysteries of the world. Truly, in many cases, I went into the ‘shadows’: hidden canyons, hidden ruins, hidden corridors in civilized institutions and hidden back rooms for conversations with individuals who did not want their identities revealed.”

U.S. Fleet and Israeli Air Corridor Reports Raise Iran Attack Fears

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