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Showing posts sorted by date for query james corbett. Sort by relevance Show all posts

The Corbett Report | Naming Names and Connecting Dots in the Globalist Agenda | Oct. 9, 2024



So, you want someone to name names, cite documents and expose the facts about the decades-long globalist takeover? Then you’ve come to the right place! Join James for this week’s edition of The Corbett Report where he breaks down Dr. Meryl Nass’ presentation to the International Crisis Summit in Tokyo and provides context and further reading about the cadre of elitists who are attempting to take control of the planet and its resources.

Show Notes:

Episode 466 – Japan Rising
Attack on Food and Farmers and How To Fight Back symposium Day 1 / Day 2
The Future of Food is OURS to Decide – #SolutionsWatch)
How Big Oil Steers the Environmental Movement
Interview 1131 – Elaine Dewar on Maurice Strong’s Cloak of Green
Meet Maurice Strong: Globalist, Oiligarch, “Environmentalist”
The First Global Revolution, a 1991 book from The Club of Rome purporting to identify, diagnose and solve the world’s problems:

In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we suggested that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. In their totality and in their interactions, these phenomena constitute a common threat which demands the solidarity of all peoples. But in designating them as the enemy, we fall into the trap. about which we have already warned, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself.

Limits to Growth
Are There Limits to Growth? – Questions For Corbett #077
How & Why Big Oil Conquered the World

Hugh Downs: Now for the first time in the history of man, an international movement is underway. The people of the nations and the nations of the world have joined together to find the answers. This building and the worlds representatives hold the solution. We’ve seen what we’ve done to bring about the destruction of our Earth. Is it not the time now to cure the disease that we ourselves have created? SOURCE: Survival Of Spaceship Earth (1972)

Yes, the “cure” for the “disease” of mankind, according to Rockefeller-funded propaganda featuring John D. Rockefeller III as an expert commentator, was to be found at the United Nations, whose headquarters had been so graciously donated by the Rockefeller family itself. And the first step toward discovering that cure was to organize the UN Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm in 1972, the world’s first international environmental conference.

Narrator: For 11 days in June 1972, Stockholm was a magnet for everyone concerned with the environment: 1,200 official delegates from 113 nations were in Stockholm for the 1st International Conference on the Human Environment. The meeting, first proposed to the United Nations by Sweden and approved by the General Assembly in 1968, attracted worldwide attention.

In four short years, the topic of the human environment had gone from the back pages of newspapers to make headlines on page 1. SOURCE: 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (Part 1)

And who better to oversee the conference and lay the institutional groundwork for this burgeoning, oiligarch-supported movement, than a consummate oil man?

Maurice Strong: The very fact that the conference began with 113 participating countries, with very high-level delegations from those countries, this in itself represented a very significant step forward. Because this demonstrated more than anything else the real concern of the majority of countries in the world.
SOURCE: 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (Part 1)

Fact Check: Polio Vaccines, Tetanus Vaccines, and the Gates Foundation
Report of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment
The Hard Road to World Order” by Richard Gardner
Interview 1433 – Patrick Wood on the Hard Road to World Order
Episode 322 – What Is Sustainable Development?
Brundtland Commission Report – “Our Common Future”
Corbett Report Radio 161 – Rio+20 Wrap-up
Is the IPCC Rigged? – Questions For Corbett #096
Convention on Biological Diversity
Edging closer to operationalizing an agreement on the fair and equitable sharing of benefits from the use of digital sequence information on genetic resources
Agenda 21
UN Rolls Out Agenda 2030 Global(ist) Goals – (New World Next Week – Oct 2015)
2022 CBD COP 15 update – Manage 30% of the world’s resources by 2030!
Natura 2000
Episode 465 – The UN’s [Death] Pact for the [Globalist] Future
The UN’s “Pact for the Future,” Translated From the Globalese
Planetary Regime: The Globalists’ Blueprint in Their Own Words

The Corbett Report | Japan Rising | Oct. 2, 2024



The International Crisis Summit descended on Tokyo last week to warn about the new "replicon" self-amplifyijng mRNA vaccines that are about to be unleashed like a third atomic bomb upon the population of Japan.

James Corbett was there to cover the proceedings, to document the speeches, to participate in a massive rally in the heart of Tokyo against this dangerous new medical intervention, and to lecture sitting members of the Japanese Diet about his bodily sovereignty.

Show Notes:
Replicon: Big Pharma Preps the Next Bioweapon
Japan becomes the first (and so far the only) country in the world to approve a self-amplifying mRNA “vaccine”
January 2024 – Japanese Professors’ from “Vaccine Study Group” Unveils “Unprecedented” Side Effects in Press Release
April 2024 – Tens of Thousands Protest WHO’s ‘Supranational Grab Over Global Health’ in Japan
May 2024 – Japan’s Former Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications Apologizes During Today’s Massive Protest Against the WHO
Aug 2024 – Japan’s Largest MSM Broadcaster, NHK, Releases Groundbreaking Feature on mRNA Vaccine Harms
International Crisis Summit

James Corbett on The Transformation of Humanity | Sept. 26, 2024

Source:, The Freedom Convo Podcast


via The Freedom Convo Podcast: James Corbett discusses cultural transhumanism, psychological transhumanism, technocratic transhumanism, vitalism, the bio/digital convergence, simulacra and simulations, hyperreality, the desert of the real, the Sentient World Simulation and much more with David Gardner of the Freedom Convo Podcast.

Show Notes:

The Freedom Convo Podcast / Rumble channel
Who Is Bill Gates? (Full Documentary)
Episode 057 – Transhumanism and You
Episode 402 – Your Guide to The Great Convergence
Mass Media: A History (Digital Download)
Episode 423 – Into The Metaverse (The Media Matrix — Part 3)
The Magic Words – #SolutionsWatch
Biodigital Convergence: Bombshell Document Reveals the True Agenda
Milken Institute – Universal Flu Vaccine (C-SPAN 2019)
Meet the Sentient World Simulation: How the Government Predicts the Future
Information Awareness Office – Wiki
Replicon: Big Pharma Preps the Next Bioweapon – (Free Substack link)
All Watched Over By Machines Of Loving Grace

The Corbett Report | Is It Pyramids All The Way Up? - Questions For Corbett | Sept. 17, 2024


A listener writes in to ask whether the pyramid of control that the would-be rulers of the world want to impose on us applies to them, too. James supplies an answer on this edition of Questions For Corbett.

Show Notes:
Interview 1875 – James Corbett Breaks The Spell of the Global Conspiracy
Episode 261 – International Law?
September 11, 1990: Address Before a Joint Session of Congress
The discourse of anarchy in IR” by Jack Donnelly
Do We Ever Really Get Out of Anarchy?” by Alfred G. Cuzán
The Road to 9/11 by Peter Dale Scott

James Corbett Answers 9/11 Questions | Sept. 13, 2024


via Truth Over Comfort: 911 can be a touchy subject, you may be like me and not have a consolidated view, are undecided, have questions, or you may feel the likelihood of an inside job is low, nevertheless, the day remains to have many strange phenomenons and questions.

The official line the Bush administration could not see an attack like this coming, is a clear lie, no matter your overall view of 911 Truth, shown by the governments documents and words themselves. Whatever you may think, this interview should provide information you may have not been aware of, and all though we did not cover everything, it will provide a starting point to follow the links discussed.

Whatever your view, there is no hiding from previous administrations working with terrorists, bin laden, Al-qaeda in previous conflicts to achieve geopolitical goals, which led to their rise and these attacks, if you believe the official story.

In this interview I had James on the 4th time, this time to discuss the 911 attacks. We discuss the lies that the Bush administration could could never have imagined an attack like this, proven by the many pre 911 war Games with similar scenarios, including one specifically with Bin Laden’s face on the first page.

We also discuss the many war games on the day of 911, that confused the response shown by the NORAD tapes released by Vanity Fair and whether the war games were coincidence or intentional. On top of this, we spoke about the investigations into 911 insider trading, of investors appearing to have foreknowledge of the attacks, shown by the activity of trades with airlines and other companies in the days coming up to 911. We discussed the explosions reports in the towers, building 7, the pentagon, Pennsylvania, AQ Links and other general questions.

The Corbett Report | The Future of Food is OURS to Decide - #SolutionsWatch | Sept. 10, 2024


Using our knowledge of the Future of Food agenda, today James explores ways that we can negate that agenda and work toward building up the food and farming systems we will need to build resistant, thriving, independent communities in the future.

Show Notes:

How to Become A Very Independent Producer… – #SolutionsWatch
Very Independent Producer Summit 4 – Say No to NWO
Attack on Food and Farmers and How To Fight Back Day 1 / Day 2
Eat Ze Bugs or You’re Racist! #PropagandaWatch
Open Seeds: Biopiracy and the Patenting of Life
Concerns over rice shortage growing in Japan
Why has Japan been hit with rice shortages, soaring prices despite normal crops?
Episode 275 – Solutions: Boycotts and Buycotts
Buycotts – #SolutionsWatch
The Sugar Conspiracy
Episode 365 – Lies, Damned Lies, and Government Nutrition Advice
Gavin Mounsey Substack
Episode 299 – Solutions: Guerrilla Gardening
Community Gardens – #SolutionsWatch
Episode 460 – The Future of Food
Regenerative Agriculture – #SolutionsWatch

The Corbett Report | How to Become A Very Independent Producer… – #SolutionsWatch | Sept. 4, 2024


So, you want to become an independent producer? Well, you’re in luck! In today’s edition of #SolutionsWatch, James shares a sneak preview of his presentation to the Very Independent Producer Summit 4 – Say No to NWO containing some tips and advice he has for young up-and-comers.

Show Notes:
Very Independent Producer Summit 4 – Say No to NWO
Finding Your Lifestyle of Liberty – #SolutionsWatch
Attack on Food and Farmers and How To Fight Back Day 1 / Day 2
Japanese man in mystery survival
The Highlighter is Mightier Than the Sword! – #SolutionsWatch
September Open Thread and Subscriber Video 2024
Become a Corbett Report member

The Corbett Report | Who Had Access to the Twin Towers? - Questions For Corbett | July 16, 2024


If you, like Ancap94, have been getting into 9/11 Truth lately, you might want to know who had demolition access to the Twin Towers before 9/11. If so, boy does Kevin Ryan have some answers for you! Join James for today’s edition as he shines the light on Kevin Ryan’s groundbreaking article on “Demolition Access to the World Trade Center Towers,” the pre-9/11 WTC power down, and other long-forgotten bits of 9/11 conspiracy reality.

Show Notes:

Demolition access to the World Trade Center towers
Meet In-Q-Tel, the CIA’s Venture Capital Firm (2011)
Clearing the Decks – Questions For Corbett
Interview on Richard Gage Unleashed
Interview 293 – Aidan Monaghan on remote control airplanes
How to Steal an Airplane: From 9/11 to MH370
George Washington’s Blog cover Forbes story
Mysterious Power Down at WTC days before 9/11 Jack Blood interviews Forbes
Gary Corbett [no relation] discusses the WTC power downs
Scott Forbes discusses the WTC power down
WTC Employee Discusses pre 9/11 Power Downs
Kevin Ryan on The Corbett Report
Another Nineteen: Investigating Legitimate 9/11 Suspects
9/11: A Conspiracy Theory
9/11 Whistleblowers: Michael Springmann
9/11 Trillions: Follow The Money
False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda
Interview 741 – Jeremy Rys Identifies the Real 9/11 Suspects

The Corbett Report | Clearing the Decks – Questions For Corbett | June 26, 2024


In an effort to clear the decks and make way for another deep-dive, focused edition of Questions For Corbett, today James run through a dozen or so quick questions. Enjoy!

Show Notes:
Your Guide to Fifth-Generation Warfare
Interview 1816 – The WWIII Script on Macroaggressions with Charlie Robinson
How Will WWIII Be Fought? – Questions For Corbett #062
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Questioned About Zionism, Calling Palestinians Pampered.
Are Pro-Palestinian Protests Being Hijacked By Marxists To “Destroy Capitalism, Freedom & Democracy”?
What Is Safeway and Who Really Owns It?
Episode 449 – How BlackRock Conquered the World
How Vanguard Conquered the World.
The Future of Food
Regenerative Agriculture
How to Boycott Big Food
Solutions: Guerrilla Gardening
Community Gardens – #SolutionsWatch
Eat Ze Bugs or You’re Racist – #PropagandaWatch
“An Open-Minded Spirit No Longer Exists Within NPR” – NPR Veteran Excoriates Outlet Over Hunter, Russiagate Activism
Punished NPR Journalist Resigns After Calling Out Partisan Trainwreck
New NPR CEO Gave Ted Talk Asserting “Truth” Is A “Distraction”
NPR Scandal Should Kill Taxpayer-Funded Broadcasting
The BBC Exposed (2013)
Episode 050 – The “C” Word
I Am A Conspiracy Theorist
CIA Dispatch 1035-960
Interview 1885 – Whistleblower Reveals US Cover Up of Israeli War Crimes (NWNW 557)
The Corbett Report . . . now with CAPTIONS!

The Corbett Report | I Read The Most Dangerous Superstition (And You Can, Too!) | June 24, 2023


In the EXACT OPPOSITE of the tradition of the "I Read . . . So You Don't Have To" series of podcasts, today James presents a read-through / exploration of a book you actually really SHOULD read: The Most Dangerous Superstition by Larken Rose! Strap in and get ready for a data dump. And then get ready to read the book yourself!

Show Notes:

Episode 412 – I Read The Great Narrative (So You Don’t Have To!)
Episode 418 – I Read Bill Gates’ New Book (So You Don’t Have To!)
Episode 439 – I Read Richard Haass’ New Book (So You Don’t Have To!)
Episode 451 – I Read Yuval Noah Harari’s Book (So You Don’t Have To!)
The Most Dangerous Superstition by Larken Rose
Larken and Amanda Rose on The Corbett Report
Jones Plantation film
The Tiny Dot
Tiny Candles

James Corbett Predicts the CBDC Rollout on Reality Check Radio | June 20, 2024


via “Independent journalist James Corbett from The Corbett Report joins us to discuss CBDCs, Digital IDs, and more. You won’t want to miss this one!”


The Corbett Report | Regenerative Agriculture – #SolutionsWatch | June 17, 2024


We all know the problem of The Future of Food. So, who’s ready for the solution? Today on #SolutionsWatch, James examines regenerative agriculture, one of the solutions that is already being used to wean us off the industrialized factory farming system and back toward a healthy relationship with our food . . . and with the earth itself.

Show Notes:

Episode 460 – The Future of Food
How to Boycott Big Food (2013)
Episode 275 – Solutions: Boycotts and Buycotts
Solutions: Guerrilla Gardening (2015)
The Future of Food (Is Ours to Decide)
Community Gardens – #SolutionsWatch
Regenerative agriculture (Wiki)
Regenerative Agriculture Podcast
Episode 121: Building a Truly Regenerative Kitchen with Mollie Engelhart
Short #1 – MacroPak and the Importance of Calcium
Episode 94: Challenging Assumptions About Regenerative Agriculture with John Kempf hosted by Future of Agriculture
Burdened by debt and unable to eke out a living, many farmers in India turn to suicide
How rural communities are tackling a suicide and depression crisis among farmers
Farmers have a high suicide rate. Therapists struggle to connect with them
Common Ground documentary
The Fundamental Principles of Regenerative Agriculture and Soil Health
Dr. Elaine Ingahm’s Soil Food Web
Dirt Doctor
Gavin Mounsey Substack (use the discount code embodythesolution for 25% off a physical copy or 50% off a digital copy)
Covert Food Gardening In The Era Of The Lawn Nazis
Fire Roasted Fermented / Bourbon Infused Hot Sauce
Regenerative Gardening Seed/Seedling/Tree Sources 2024
Regenerative Resources (a recommended reading list from my library)
Trees of Power: Ten Essential Arboreal Allies
Regenerative Soil by Matt Powers
Mounsey Minute on MediaMonarchy

The Corbett Report | The Fight for Health Freedom Continues – #SolutionsWatch | June 4, 2024



After years of build-up and anticipation, the 77th World Health Assembly has come and gone. So, what did the would-be lords of global health gavel down on? And what does it mean for the future of the fight for health freedom? Joining us today to talk about these important issues is James Roguski.

James Roguski Substack
All WHA docs
IHR amendments<br /> The Amendments to the IHR have been adopted
Watch the World Health Assembly sessions
Oklahoma SB 426 (prohibiting enforcement of policies required or recommended by the World Health Organization)
Louisiana SB 133 (anti WHO, WEF, UN)
“Climate change and health” resolution adopted at the World Health Assembly

The Corbett Report | How to Defeat A Gatekeeper – #SolutionsWatch | Apr. 24, 2024


When you call someone a "gatekeeper," you may think you're saying something about that person, but people who know the true nature of gatekeeping hear something very different. Join James for this short, simple and powerful message detailing how you can defeat the only gatekeeper in the world once and for all.

The Corbett Report | Suing the Tyrants - #SolutionsWatch | Apr. 17, 2024


You've tried protesting, you've tried boycotting, what else is there to do? Well, how about filing a lawsuit? Join James for this week's edition of #SolutionsWatch where he weighs the pros and cons of suing the tyrants and considers the potential utility of Notices of Liability in holding government officials personally accountable for their behaviour.

Show Notes:

Suing the National Park Service for Not Accepting Cash
FBI Has To Face Lawsuit Over ‘No-Fly List:’ Supreme Court
Man Sues Govt for Not Protecting Him from Sea Rise
Swiss government violated women’s human rights by climate change inaction, ECHR rules
Alex Jones To Sue CIA After Undercover Report Claims Agency “Went After Him Hardcore”
Update on Derrick Broze’s Lawsuit Against Texas (April 2024)
Derrick Broze sues Texas to challenge the election law that kept him from running for mayor of Houston
Make Americans Free Again – Litigation
Supreme Court Unanimously Rules Public Can Sue Officials Who Block Them on Social Media in Some Circumstances
InPower – FAQ
Sending This Notice of Liability To Your Doctors May Wake Them Up And Stop Them Causing More Harm

The Corbett Report | Eat Ze Bugs or You’re Racist! #PropagandaWatch | Apr. 2, 2024


You know how #SolutionsWatch replaced #PropagandaWatch three years ago? Well, I found a piece of propaganda so crazy, so self-contradictory, so hilariously reaching, so weirdly self-deconstructing that it has to be heard to be believed. Feast your ears on this wet hot dumpster fire of nonsense served up by the very confused propaganda pushers over at NPR.

Show Notes:

This right wing conspiracy theory about eating bugs is about as racist as you think
Huo Jingnan
Episode 381 – Who Will Fact Check the Fact Checkers?
Nicole Kidman Eats Bugs | Secret Talent Theatre | Vanity Fair
Eating bugs to save the planet
Why you will be eating bugs very soon | James Rolin | TEDxBozeman
This London insect farm is changing the way we eat | Pioneers for Our Planet
Episode 040 – Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars

The Corbett Report | Guerrilla Marketing – #SolutionsWatch | Mar. 19, 2024


Between fighting the online censors and fighting to break through the wall of noise distracting the average smartphone zombie, it’s getting harder and harder for activists and infowarriors to reach people online with real news and information. So, what can people do in the real world to gain attention and get the word out about important events? From postcards to trash can fliers to good old fashioned homemade signs, join James for this week’s Solutions Watch as he explores the exciting world of guerrilla marketing.

Show Notes: 

The Corbett Report | Is Opposing Israel Anti-Semitic? - Questions For Corbett | Mar. 11, 2024



The genocide in Gaza continues and world reaction is turning against the state of Israel. But does this mean the world is growing anti-semitic? Join James for an important exploration of the situation in Palestine and why there can be no exceptions made for anyone when it comes to basic morality.


March Open Thread
Time Reference: 00:33

Time Reference: 04:09

Will the Al-Aqsa Flood Drown Us All? – #NewWorldNextWeek
Time Reference: 07:17

Israel’s 9/11 on The Last American Vagabond<
Time Reference: 08:09

Israel, Propaganda and Apocalypse on The Truth Expedition
Time Reference: 08:52

Israhell and the Hannibal Directive – #NewWorldNextWeek
Time Reference: 09:22

Episode 455 – The 7th Annual Fake News Awards
Time Reference: 10:05

Israel to Face Trial for Genocide? – #NewWorldNextWeek
Time Reference: 10:38

Interview 1869 – The Flour Massacre and the Gaza Holocaust (NWNW 547)
Time Reference: 11:17

Israel Bombs Areas of Southern Gaza Where It Told Palestinians To Flee
Time Reference: 12:16

חדשות האמת (Truth News)
Time Reference: 15:53

Israeli Apartheid: “A Threshold Crossed”<
Time Reference: 26:58

The Corbett Report | Navigating the River of Lies | Mar. 5, 2024


Last year, New Zealand activist Billy Te Kahike interviewed James for a documentary he was creating about the New Zealand government's response to the COVID scamdemic. Well, that documentary is now here. It's called River of Lies and it's available now at Today James talks to Billy TK about his documentary and shows some of the raw interview footage that was recorded last year.

Show Notes

The Corbett Report | How to Stop the WHO – #SolutionsWatch | Feb. 27, 2024



We all know the problem by now: the World Health Organization is trying to override your health freedoms and abrogate your bodily autonomy in the name of their scamdemic agenda. But what is the solution? Join James for this in-depth exploration of the ideas, organizations and actions that are already in motion to derail the WHO tyranny and regain our medical sovereignty.

Show Notes: 
Episode 417 – The Global Pandemic Treaty: What You Need to Know
Episode 442 – The Global Pandemic Treaty Is A Threat To Us All
Episode 445 – James Corbett Testifies at the National Citizens Inquiry
Canadian petitions to parliament
UK petition
US petition
The Global WHO Uprising Has Begun! on CHD TV
Amending The International Health Regulations (2005) – Health.Govt.NZ<br /> Netherlands Letter To Parliament:
South Africa Bill To Withdraw From WHO
Press conference on the growing concerns over the WHO ‘pandemic treaty’
Presentation to Irish parliament
UK Reject and Exit the WHO!
Good News: The UK’s membership of the WHO seems to be unlawful and legal action is pending
Nullification – #SolutionsWatch
Maharrey on The Corbett Report
Michael Maharrey on “Shot Callers” discussing nullifying the WHO agreements
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