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Showing posts sorted by date for query malerba. Sort by relevance Show all posts

EBTV | Dr. Larry Malerba, D.O. | Metaphysics & Medicine: Practical Applications | Part 2


EBTV presents host Evita Ochel and featured guest Dr. Larry Malerba, D.O. in a dialogue about the limitations and biases of conventional medicine and science on common health and healing areas.

Dr. Malerba is a physician, educator, and writer whose mission is to build bridges between holistic healing, conventional medicine, and spirituality. He is the author of 2 books, “Green Medicine: Challenging the Assumptions of Conventional Health Care” and his new book “Metaphysics & Medicine: Restoring Freedom of Thought to the Art and Science of Healing”, as well as countless articles on his own site, as well as on various popular media.

General topics covered in the video include:

1. How to understand conventional medicine’s blind spots (1:48)
- material causes versus energetic causes of disease
- the “never well since” nature of disease
- the iatrogenic nature of disease

2. The role of emotions on the bio-energetic field, health, and disease. (8:12)
- the amplification of emotional trauma through the years
- the role of consciousness in healing on a root level
- the importance of effective emotional/energetic release

3. How medical “isms” influence the genetic inheritance of disease. (17:00)
- genetic versus energetic inheritance

4. How medical “isms” influence the germ theory. (23:08)
- the consequences of waging war versus enacting effective solutions
- the importance of focusing on the internal host, rather than external germ

5. Practical advice regarding infections and antibiotic use. (27:51)

6. How medical “isms” influence vaccine use. (31:28)
- the questionable efficacy of vaccines
- the questionable safety of vaccines
- the importance of having choice with respect to vaccines

7. How medical “isms” influence cancer treatment. (38:22)

8. The importance of returning personal judgment, knowing what is right for us, back to ourselves. (44:28)

Part 1 - EBTV | Dr. Larry Malerba, D.O. | Metaphysics & Medicine: Societal Implications

EBTV | Dr. Larry Malerba, D.O. | Metaphysics & Medicine: Societal Implications


EBTV presents host Evita Ochel and featured guest Dr. Larry Malerba, D.O. in a dialogue about the role of metaphysics in medicine, and the limitations and biases of conventional medicine and science.

Dr. Malerba is a physician, educator, and writer whose mission is to build bridges between holistic healing, conventional medicine, and spirituality. He is the author of 2 books, “Green Medicine: Challenging the Assumptions of Conventional Health Care” and his new book “Metaphysics & Medicine: Restoring Freedom of Thought to the Art and Science of Healing”, as well as countless articles on his own site, as well as on various popular media.

“It is a disturbing reality that modern medicine believes it can heal illness without consideration for the role of consciousness.” ~ Dr. Larry Malerba, D.O.

Link to past video episode: "Green Medicine: A Holistic Approach to Health" -
General topics covered in the video include:

1. A summary of how Dr. Malerba became professionally involved as a holistic physician. (2:05)

2. Dr. Malerba’s view of the conventional medical system. (3:47)
- link to report “Death by Medicine - 2004”

3. How metaphysics influences medicine. (7:23)
- Book quote: “While medical science projects an image of fact-based certainty, its very foundation is predicated upon unspoken metaphysical beliefs.” Dr. Larry Malerbav - the limitations of materialism

4. The consequences of medicine failing to incorporate our new quantum world-view. (10:50)
- the influence of reductionism

5. How reductionism brings about the illusion of control and leaves us with a fragmented world-view. (14:12)

6. How mechanism in Western medicine confuses association with causation, and results in circular thinking. (16:36)

7. How rationalism is one of the most flagrantly abused ‘isms’ of Western medicine. (19:26)

8. The financial limitations of individual patient care in light of the current medical model. (25:46)

9. How objectivism dismisses patient’s experiences, fuels its own biases, and objectifies the body and disease. (28:42)

10. How conformism has limited both patients and healthcare providers into a limited way of thinking. (30:55)

11. How skepticism limits our progress and potential. (39:09)
- an example of how the Measles outbreak and vaccination policy is influenced by skepticism

12. Societal next steps given the challenges of modern medical science. (47:31)
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