David Icke meets Marcel Messing

Source: niburu.nl

On Saturday September the 19th of 2009 David Icke gave a lecture in the Auditorium of the Amsterdam RAI for 1.500 people. On Thursday the 17th David Icke meets Marcel Messing.

Barnie Von Grabe | Accountability in the Gulf Coast

Source: itsrainmakingtime.com

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25 July 2010—Who is truly involved and clearly responsible for the Gulf oil spill besides the general contractor, British Petroleum? Barnie Von Grabe explains who else needs to come forward and own their part in the problem, and who needs to correct it.

Derrel Sims & Miriam Delicado | 16 July 2010

Source: projectcamelotproductions.com

Kerry Cassidy at Whistleblower Radio interviews Derrel Sims & Miriam Delicado.

Michael S. Schneider | Constructing The Universe

Source: redicecreations.com

July 22, 2010–"We look into numbers, structure, patterns, geometry, math and how the universe is constructed using the most simple yet energy efficient means. We'll discovering the geometric code of nature with Michael S Schneider, author of "A Beginner's Guide to Construction the Universe - the Mathematical Archetypes of Nature, Art and Science - A Voyage from 1 to 10". Michael S. Schneider is an educator and writer who encourage a "love of learning" through an appreciation of mathematics, nature, art and science."

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Mechanisms of Control | Media, Sports & Entertainment

CAESAR III | Exposing the Social Network Trap

Source: truthfrequencyradio.com

Special broadcast with guest Anti-Illuminati exposes CAESAR III – a software program created to enslave the populations through social networking sites.

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Antonio Huneeus | The Vatican E.T. Connection

Source: veritasshow.com

Antonio Huneeus discusses the Vatican Extraterrestrial Connection, which includes UFO sightings in Rome going all the way back to 214 B.C. Among the topics discussed, he describes in detail a famous report in 1954 when a formation of unidentified objects flew right on top of St. Peter’s square and made a St. Andrew’s cross for a few seconds. It seems that UFOs are still flying over the Roman airspace and particularly the area around Vatican City.

Open Minds Investigative Reporter J. Antonio Huneeus has covered the UFO field from an international perspective for over 30 years. His articles have appeared in dozens of publications in the U.S., Latin America, Europe and Japan. He was also the co-author of the Lawrence Rockefeller-funded “UFO Briefing Document – The Best Available Evidence” and edited the book “A Study Guide to UFOs, Psychic & Paranormal Phenomena in the USSR.” Huneeus studied French at the Sorbonne University in Paris and Journalism at the University of Chile in Santiago in the 1970s. He has lectured at dozens of UFO Conferences all over the world and has been interviewed by many media outlets including The Washington Post, Discover, the Sy-Fy and History Channels, Nippon-TV, etc. He received the “Ufologist of the Year” award at the National UFO Conference in Miami Beach in 1990 and the “Courage in Journalism” award at the X-Conference in Gaithersburg, Maryland, in 2007.

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Richard Dolan on TechZing - UFOs and the National Security State

Source: TechZing

July 21, 2010–Justin and Jason speak with UFO historian, Richard Dolan, author of UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-Up, 1941-1973, The Cover-Up Exposed, 1973-1991 and a third and final volume which has not yet been released, but which covers the history from 1991 up to the present day. Some of the topics discussed include the top twelve government documents on UFOs and how they were obtained via the Freedom of Information Act, The Black Vault as a source of released government documents, a provocative UFO encounter at an Air Force missile base, why an alien race might find us interesting and whether there could possibly be more than a single species, the rapid advancement of human technology and the Singularity, some interesting statements made by Ben Rich, former director of Lockheed’s Skunk Works, the possible transfer of recovered alien technology from the hands of the military to aerospace contractors, the black budget and special access programs, how the National Reconnaissance Organization, the NSA, Bletchley Park and the Manhattan Project all remained secret from the public for many years, possible reasons for the government’s desire for secrecy on the subject of UFOs, Nick Cook, the editor of Jane’s Defense Weekly, and his book on the Nazi effort to develop Zero-point energy, Katherine Austin Fitts, former assistant secretary of HUD and her amazing revelations about the Arlington Institute’s work on the topic of aliens, investigative journalist Leslie Kean and her upcoming book UFOs: General, Pilots and Government Officials Go on the Record, the possibility that aliens may have been here for thousands of years, NASA Astronaut Edgar Mitchell’s revelation that there exist deep black programs within the US government to study alien technology, the history and controversy surrounding the Majestic 12 documents, the intelligence community’s use of disinformation and it’s corrosive effect on democracy, NICAP – the leading civilian UFO organization of it’s time and how it was infiltrated by the CIA, how Richard was able to make a career for himself as a UFO historian and some advice on being a writer and publishing your own work.

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Matt Simmons on what a Hurricane will do to the Oil Spill

Matthew Simmons, founder and chairman emeritus of Simmons & Company International, sheds light on the lies, mismanagement, and potential dangers related to the BP Gulf oil spill.

What happens to those who bring in free energy...

Bill Ryan interviews Paul Hellyer, ex-Defense Minister of Canada

Source: projectavalon.net
In September 2005, Paul came out to made a public statement that he knew that UFOs and ETs were a reality.

Among much else, he was personally informed by a US Air Force General that "Everything in Col. Philip Corso's book THE DAY AFTER ROSWELL is true - and more".

The 'more' included confirmation that US representatives had had face to face contact with extraterrestrials. He had also heard that most of the visitors were benevolent, but that one race was hostile.

This is a very pleasant, cordial and intelligent conversation with an ex-government minister of remarkable courage and integrity, speaking up with what he knows about the fact of the ET presence. ~Bill Ryan

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Trailer - The Curse of the Black Gold in the Niger Delta

Source: talkingeyesmedia.org

Curse of the Black Gold: 50 Years of Oil in the Niger Delta is a riveting book by photographer Ed Kashi, UC Berkeley professor Michael Watts, and various Nigerian writers. It examines the profound cost of oil exploitation on the people of the Niger Delta and it traces the 50- year history of environmental degradation and community conflicts that have plagued the region. Talking Eyes Media produced the multi-media component for this project.

To learn more, visit www.curseoftheblackgoldbook.com
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