David Freeman | Emotioneering

Source: redicecreations.com, beyondstructure.com, freemangames.com

October 26, 2010–David heads The Freeman Group, the most active game writing/design consultancy in the business. All the members of The Freeman Group are WGA members (Writers Guild of America), and all have sold scripts to studios or TV series. The Freeman Group specializes in making games more emotionally immersive, which means not just executing great stories, characters and writing, but also building emotion right into the gameplay. David also teaches "Beyond Structure," L.A.'s most popular screenwriting workshop. "Beyond Structure" has been taken by many prominent game executives and designers, as well as scores of noted film and television writers, directors, producers, and executives. In this radio program, David describes "Emotioneering", David's techniques for emotionally immersing the viewer. With a combination of entertainment and art, the audience must be offered a meaningful and emotionally rich experience. Also, we discuss symbolism in movies, focusing on the emotional effects. He says emotion is the reason people go to films, watch TV, and listen to music. ~Red Ice Creations

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Keith Chester | Military Encounters with UFOs in World War II

Source: openminds.tv

October 25, 2010–Keith Chester is the author of Strange Company: Military Encounters with UFOs in World War II. Strange Company is the first in-depth account of unconventional aircraft observed and reported by the military during World War II. It includes the reactions by military commands, their viewpoints, and theories as they struggled to make sense of the observations. Strange Company presents one of the greatest wartime mysteries, one that has been shrouded in ignorance for more than sixty years. And it suggests that while an immense twentieth century war was raging on Earth, there appeared to be someone, or something, from somewhere else, watching us.

Dr. Brooks Agnew | Inner Earth, Egypt, & Consciousness

Source: coasttocoastam.com

October 25, 2010–Electrical Engineer and Doctor of Physics Brooks Agnew discussed ancient Egypt, new physics, cosmology, consciousness, and time travel. He also shared an update on his planned North Pole Inner Earth Expedition, which could now take place in the summer of 2012 along the Arctic Circle, pending the availability of an icebreaker ship. The expedition also faces funding issues, which has delayed it in the past. Interestingly, he noted there is research that shows there could be a large ocean that lies underneath the crust of the Atlantic ocean.

Finding the Inner Earth could prove to be especially beneficial if the planet faces a global catastrophe, he said. According to a manuscript found in Abydos, Egypt, the ancient Egyptians might have fled to the Inner Earth to escape a cataclysm, possibly at a desert town called Damenhur. As part of Agnew's upcoming Egyptian Tour, they will stop at Damenhur to investigate this location.

Citing how time slows down at the speed of light, Agnew said he is able to experience a kind of time travel while practicing a 17th breath meditation, in which he goes to a world that has a different sky than Earth's. He also talked about physics research that indicates certain particles are coming into our universe from another dimension. There is a missing construct in physics which may involve human consciousness in the formation of matter, he added.

Riki Ott: "People Now Dropping Dead" in the Gulf

In this interview with Rose Aguilar, Riki Ott talks about the health crisis caused by the BP oil disaster in the Gulf. She says she's currently dealing with three or four autopsies and knows of people who are down to 4.7% of their lung capacity and have enlarged hearts. "These people have oil in their bodies," she said.

She believes four to five million people in the Gulf were exposed to either acute or intermediate levels of oil at dangerous levels.

Rose spoke with Riki Ott on the sixth-month anniversary of the BP oil disaster -- one of the largest environmental disasters in U.S. history.

After Disclosure (A.D.) | Richard Dolan, Bryce Zabel

Source: coasttocoastam.com, Richard Dolan, afterdisclosure.com

October 24, 2010–Richard Dolan and Bryce Zabel, talked about their new book After Disclosure, which examines what life will be like after the reality of UFOs is revealed. Despite what has been a fruitless, decades-long fight for answers to the UFO enigma, the authors contended that disclosure is an inevitability. "There's going to be a time, a day, a moment, an event," Dolan said, "something in which the 'powers that be' are forced to make the decision to disclose." From there, Zabel surmised, "when they do decide they have to give it up, because events are spinning out of their own control, they'll try to manage it, even as it goes public." Having looked at the various possible scenarios where UFO disclosure becomes such a necessity, they determined that an incontrovertible, mass UFO sighting recorded by modern technology would be the most likely event.

Detailing how they think UFO disclosure would unfold, the authors speculated that the announcement may occur on a Friday afternoon. They theorized that this timing would be used to off-set a potentially catastrophic stock market reaction and to also allow for the general public to use the weekend to digest the stunning news. The duo traced the disclosure announcement from the first day, which they foresee as a time of confusion and potential panic, to the first week, when people would begin asking questions about why and how this news remained secret for so long. This call for accountability, they said, would result in a paradoxical relationship between society and the media, military, and government, where they would be blamed for "missing" the story but also looked to for answers and protection. Ultimately, Zabel and Dolan put forward the idea that, while the first post-disclosure year would be "a bumpy ride," society will eventually stabilize as it becomes acclimated to the new world that has emerged from beneath the veil of secrecy.

Andrew Collins | Giza's Cave Underworld Update

Source: redicecreations.com, andrewcollins.com

October 21, 2010–Andrew Collins is the author of "The Cygnus Mystery", "Gateway to Atlantis," "Tutankhamun: The Exodus Conspiracy" and his latest book is called "Beneath Pyramids". Andrew is back to discuss the latest developments on Giza's cave underworld, Edgar Casey's Hall of Records and Dr. Zahi Hawass' announcement of the caves during the episode "Bats" of his "Chasing Mummies" TV series. In the second hour we discuss the "The Cygnus Mystery" and the connection to Giza's cave underworld. Other topics discussed: Tomb of the Birds, NC2, Hawass caves, Hermes, Thoth, Salt, Howard Wise, Caviglia, Edgar Casey, Giza to Saqqara cave connection, Hall of Records, Randall Stevens, halls of initiation, Lingam stone, TerraSAR-X radar satellite images, hidden rooms in the caves, Dr David Cheetham, archeology, Chasing Mummies, Edgar Cayce' s Foundation A.R.E., Aswan Dam, water at the pyramids, womb, hominids, homosapiens, Ben-Ben stone, secret chamber, aliens, genetic engineering, creation of man, unconscious construction of pyramids, divinely inspired, timing and more. ~Red Ice Creations


Jim Nichols | Aliens, Archons, & The Gnostic Grail

Source: veritasshow.com

Jim Nichols is one of the most renowned UFO illustrators of modern time and a respected UFO researcher.  Jim discussed the ET-Archon-Gnostic connection.  Many religions and governments have omitted or removed factual data from the books.  Could history have been mythologized to limit our potential? We discussed who the Archons are and what their mission on this planet was/is.  Could they be the ones controlling our lives?

Jim Nichols was born a Post-War baby-boomer in 1948 in the flatlands of northwestern Ohio. By the time he had reached his senior year of high school, Jim’s restless creativity fueled in him an abiding ambition to become an artist. Even while serving two years of Army service, he managed to complete a correspondence course in commercial art. Following his discharge, Jim resettled in Tucson, Arizona in 1972. For a time, cactus, sagebrush, mountains and skies dominated his artistry and he made something of a name for himself as a painter of southwestern landscapes. By the late 1970s, however, he discovered he could not be content to limit his art to just desert scenes. Popular films of the day like Star Wars and Close Encounters rekindled a love of science fiction that he knew as a youngster. Soon alien landscapes and space ships captivated his creativity. Beginning in 1980 and throughout the following decade, Jim painted numerous UFO illustrations that have been published internationally. His notoriety in the field of UFO research earned him a co-host seat on a weekly, public access television program in Tucson, produced by Ted Loman, entitled UFOAZ Talks. This popular award-winning program ran from 1991 through 1997 and was aired on public access channels across the country. Currently, after so many years of painting fine art and illustration, Jim has expanded his creative talents to include sculpting as well, thus bringing an added dimension to his legacy of artistic skill.

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UFO’s Over New York | PSYOP Or Prophecy with Freeman and Jim Marrs

Source: truthfrequencyradio.com

On 10-13-10 a massive UFO display was seen by thousands in New York City. The event lasted all day and reports began to surface of sightings all over the world. This coincided with predictions made by retired NORAD director, Stan Fulham in his 325 page book, Challenges Of Change.

Tonight, 10-14-10 we welcome veteran researchers and UFOlogists – Jim Marrs and Freeman to discuss the event. Was it prophecy fulfilled? Are aliens real and visiting us? Or is this simply a government PSYOP??

Note: Unfortunately, we had some technical errors during this recording. We apologize for the lower than standard quality.~Truth Frequency Radio

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Norio Hayakawa | UFO Ultimate Reality

Source: exotica-radio.com

October 14, 2010–Veteran UFO researcher, Norio Hayakawa,on Dulce bases, UFO chasing, and the "perception" of the UFO phenomena...

Former director of the Civilian Intelligence Network, a loosely-knit citizens' watchdog group on government accountability and network of researchers, investigators and intelligence gatherers whose primary focus was on the government's Black Budget Programs at locations such as the operating base at Groom Lake, Nevada (Area 51).

After more than 45 years of researching the UFO phenomenon, he says that a conditioning of belief systems has been orchestrated since 1947 by a manipulative force that is preparing mankind for a near future mysterious scenario. Both Area 51 and Dulce, New Mexico will play a role in that scenario.

On this show Norio reveals, for the first time, that he has learned that well-know UFO and alien researcher, Anthony Sanchez, has withdrawn his book, "UFO Highway", after he expressed a "loss" which forced the cancellation of the book's December release.

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Carl Johan Calleman | The Last Day of the Mayan Calendar

Source: redicecreations.com

October 19, 2010Carl Johan Calleman, author of "Solving the Greatest Mystery of Our time : The Mayan Calendar", "The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness" and "The Purposeful Universe: How Quantum Theory and Mayan Cosmology Explain the Origin and Evolution of Life". We discuss Carl's work on the end of the Mayan Calendar and his views on the "Last Day" of the Creation Cycle of the Mayan Calendar, a period between November 3rd 2010 and October 28th 2011. Topics Discussed: the calendar coming to an end, the galactic underworld, celebrating a new balance, rationality, masculinity, domination, western & eastern forces, the feminine, council of elders, the 2012 movie, cosmic plan, cosmic energy shift, balancing, nine foundations of the pyramid, March 9th 2011, into the space of God, chaos, compression of time, predictions based on the Mayan Calendar, rise of China, economic crash, the cosmic schedule, polarity shift in consciousness, the cosmic tree of life, Gliese 581g, meeting our galactic neighbors, biological evolution, unity consciousness, the movie Avatar, galactic center, conscious co-creation, The Secret, and how to serve the cosmic plan. ~Red Ice Creations

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Jordan Maxwell on Rense, October 18, 2010

Source: rense.com

Dr. Eugene Podkletnov | Anti-Gravity Scientist gives Rare Interview

Source: alienscientist.com

This rare interview of Dr. Eugene Podkletnov was filmed at Tampere Technical University in Finland, early 2004.

For more complete background Information on Dr. Eugene Podkletnov and the subsequent drama of competing theories from a variety of different researchers who jumped on the band wagon, please visit:

Reference Papers:

Podkletnov's Original 1992 Paper:

Podkletnov's 1997 Paper

Podkletnov's Paper on Impulse Gravity Generator:

ESA Replication by Martin Tajmar:

I posted this interview for the benefit of scientists and researchers out there who are getting into this field, and I encourage everyone to do their own research in addition to the information provided by Dr. Podkletnov and myself. I also recommend making a review of Frank Znidarsic's Work:
The Control of Natural Forces by Frank Znidarsic

The Duality of Matter and Waves
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