Bill Ryan's commentary on the RULERS OF THE WORLD interview


On 1 January 2011 I (Bill Ryan) published a controversial interview with a deep insider - whom I called 'Charles' - who had worked closely for many years directly for the group of men that were controlling the planet. I called it RULERS OF THE WORLD.

In that interview, 'Charles' confirmed the following:
  • The reality of the plan to set up a false flag event to frame the ETs as hostile.
  • Full details (with a rationale from the controllers' point of view) of the plan to reduce the world's population.
  • Confirmation that the human race is an ET genetic project.
  • Confirmation of ET reality, and the reality of their craft.
  • A statement that the ET craft had been brought down deliberately (after one or two initial 'lucky hits' in the 1940s).
  • Confirmation of the existence of the Mars base, and that we're poised to leave the solar system.
  • Confirmation of the existence of the back-engineered man-made flying triangles.
  • The existence of the controlling group, with details of their composition and modus operandi.
  • Confirmation of artifacts on the moon, and confirmation that Arthur C. Clarke knew a great deal.
  • Confirmation that there's anticipated to be a peak of solar activity that might interfere with electrical circuits (in 2012 or 2013).
  • Confirmation that the solar system is a binary system (i.e. that 'Planet X' is a reality).
  • Quite a bit more - about the way that the insiders operate, their goals and plans, and how they think.
In this 50 minute video commentary, Bill Ryan answers a number of questions about the interview, Charles' background, the ET genetic project that is the human race, and much more.

Back in Time Series | Freeman TV - HAARP, May 2005


Freeman's award-winning documentary on HAARP. The U.S. Government has a new ground-based "Star Wars" weapon which can change weather patterns, jam all global communications, unnaturally impact the earth's upper atmosphere, and negatively effect your health.

Jeff Harman | Decoding the Future


Jeff Harman talked about his methodologies and offered analysis of current events, the economy, and what he sees ahead.  We discussed how how the principle of astrology was proven to be scientific.  Planetary position imprints biological clocks of mammals.  This is a show that sets apart tabloid astrology from real ancient astrology, which is Jeff Harman's specialty.

Jeff Harman is a professional astrologer who practices a combination of ancient techniques including Traditional or Classical Western Astrology, Kabbalistic, and Vedic Astrology. Jeff has mastered these methods despite the difficulty of working with tedious translations of ancient texts and complex terminology. He also uses Astro-Location to map a person's best geographic locations.

Jeff is a master of Electional and Horary Astrology. Electional Astrology is used for selecting auspicious times for scheduling important events such as a wedding, business opening, real estate transaction, travel or surgery. Horary Astrology is used for obtaining answers to specific questions and is useful in forensics. Birth information is not necessary for Electional and Horary Astrology.

Vedic Astrology, from ancient India, is a system that examines karmic cycles, and offers remedial measures for clearing karma. These include mantras, yantras and gemstone prescriptions.

Kabbalistic Astrology reveals the cycles and structure of a person relative to the cosmos.

Jeff has over thirty years experience, as is second-generation in the art. Clients all over the world consult with him regarding business and personal matters. These include celebrities in the worlds of film, publishing, and music, as well as doctors, lawyers, and entrepreneurs.

Jeff has been a member of the American Federation of Astrologers, the Council of Vedic Astrologers, the National Council of Geocosmic Research, and the International Association of Business Astrologers. He has appeared on television, radio, and web shows and has presented for groups such as IONS, MUFON, and the Association of Celebrity Personal Assistants.

Jeff has thousands of case studies from his client files. He offers astrology as a way for people to obtain useful information about their lives and interests and then to incorporate practical astrological strategies when making decisions and scheduling important life events such as getting married or buying a home. He is based in Tucson, AZ and Southern California, and is available worldwide by phone or internet conferencing.

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Dr. Judy Wood on the Hillary Raimo Show


Is the weaponization of free energy technology being used as we speak? Are 'non-lethal' weapons a reality? Was 9/11 an example of this weaponization?

We stand today at the dawn of an entirely new age. Man has in his hands a method of disrupting the molecular basis for matter and the ability to split the earth in half on a moments notice. (It gives the term, "scorched-earth policy" a new significance.) The technology that was demonstrated on 911 can split the earth in half or it can be used to allow ALL people to live happily ever after with free energy.

However, he who controls the energy, controls the people. Control of energy leads to destruction of the planet.

But we have a choice. And this choice is real. Live happily ever after or destroy the planet. This is why I have been studying the evidence of what happened on 9/11. This evidence is central to it all. 9/11 was a demonstration of a new technology; free energy. Tonight hear the science, theory and facts about the realities.

DR. Judy Wood holds a B.S. (Civil Engineering, 1981) (Structural Engineering), M.S. (Engineering Mechanics (Applied Physics), 1983), and a Ph.D. (Materials Engineering Science, 1992) from the Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia.

Her dissertation involved the development of an experimental method to measure thermal stresses in bimaterial joints. She has taught courses including
* Experimental Stress Analysis, * Engineering Mechanics, * Mechanics of Materials (Strength of Materials),* Strength of Materials Testing.

Piers Corbyn | The Cold Truth of What is to Come in 2011

Source:‬, ‪‬

January 6, 2011–Alex Jones interviews Piers Corbyn, Meteorologist and astrophysicist, owner of Weather Action which makes weather forecasts up to a year in advance. Corbyn is well-known for his opposition to the idea of anthropogenic global warming.

Dennis Fetcho | The Isisian Codes


January 2, 2010
We have Dennis Fetcho with us to kick off our first program of 2011. He joins us from Jordan to discuss the Isisian Codes and the Illuminatus Observor. Dennis has spent nearly 20 years as an international marketing strategist covering fields as diverse as aerospace and telecom and Dennis has spent the last decade developing the Isisian Codes, a highly evolved form of Gematria in English that reveals the underlying mathematical philosophy of the Illuminatus. Follow along today as we talk about Gematria, the Hermetic Qabalah, Hebrew, the origin of the English language and how language relates to numbers, codes and mathematics. Later, we discuss how it can be used to both suppress and uplift. Topics Discussed: Thelema, Kabbalah, Hebrew, Gematria, Aleister Crowley, mathematics, magical systems, English language, the angelic language, speculative freemasonry, alphanumerics, the Isisian Codes, Illuminati, pi proportion, Sun, Moon, Venus, super intelligence, Paracelsus, naming things and places, Carl Von Linné, runes, Johannes Bureus, ruins, Babel, splitting up the language, the original language, the forces behind the language, the demiurge, Set, Typhon, Solomon’s Temple, rebuilding the temple, Hiram Abiff, Lucifer, religion, theology, philosophy, pine tree, pagan and more. ~Red Ice Creations

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Travis Walton Discusses his Abduction Experience, January 3, 2011

Source: open minds radio

Travis Walton claims that in 1975, while working as a logger in Arizona, he and several co-workers came across a UFO in the forest which shot a beam of light at Travis. Frightened, his friends fled the scene, when they returned Walton was gone. Walton recalled waking up on the side of the road, he thought only a few hours had past, but he had actually been missing for 5 days. He later recalled being on the craft and the strange creatures that were there with him. His story was made into a movie called Fire in the Sky.

Richard C. Hoagland | Disclosure & Space Review


January 2, 2011–C2C science advisor Richard C. Hoagland talked about the concept of disclosure and ET contact, as well as NASA and the space program. He referenced Arthur C . Clarke's books, such as 2010: The Year We Make Contact, and suggested that writers such as Clarke were using a kind of code to share inside information. Contact or disclosure has already taken place-- not the revealing of ET beings, but the remnants of their technology or machinery, he explained. He cited the Norway Spiral and Moscow Tetrahedron, which appeared on the same day at the end of 2009, as possible examples of this technology.

He also discussed the possibility that NASA has a secret space program. "I'm thinking that maybe some of the UFO traffic, those cables that Assange threatened to reveal, in fact has nothing to do with UFOs-- it's all about secret spacecraft," he said. Hoagland also analyzed the deeper theological implications of the Pope's new willingness to "baptize aliens," which suggests to him that the Church is aware that ETs are part of the human family.

The Wikileaks Documentary

A well made high budget documentary full of information.

The Rulers of the World | A new Project Avalon Video Interview



In the summer of 2010 I was approached by a very unusual man. The story of that contact is described by him in this interview. I've called him 'Charles'.

He's spent many years working for the elite group that considers it their responsibility to run the planet.

He's not an academic, a historian, or a scientist. But he wanted to communicate some important information: about the worldview and philosophy of this group — from their point of view: what they're trying to achieve, why, and how. What he wants to see is what he calls a 'Fair Contest'.

There's a great deal of material that was not covered in this interview. It is, to some degree, the start of a dialog. The group of 33 that 'Charles' works with is indirectly using this opportunity to communicate. I've reported this communication as accurately as possible.

As is normal journalistic practice, some of the information was asked to be off-record at this stage. As you watch this interview, you will see that there are a great many unanswered questions. I'd like there to be a further interview. But any decision about this isn't mine to make.

For me, the second half of 2010 has been an interesting time. It's culminated in this opportunity to communicate indirectly, through this video and through 'Charles' himself, with the group of people who are running the planet.

This is what I would like this opportunity to say:

I understand the history and context that 'Charles' has explained — some of which is in this interview.

But there is another way.

If you are to be the true leaders of the planet, you can be the captains of Spaceship Earth with a responsibility for the entire Human Family.

There can be a massive clean-up operation. You know that the technology exists. Between us all, this can be done.

Clean water, clean air, clean oceans, free energy, abundant wildlife, health and education for every human being.

Planet Earth could be a paradise planet — a model for this sector of the galaxy.

The Human Race is a massive, long-term experiment.

This information, confirmed by yourselves via 'Charles', will not be new to many of those watching this video.

'Charles' has explained that the extraterrestrial race who initiated this project are letting everything unfold with a philosophy of non-interference.

It is arguable that the optimum conclusion for all — an outcome that would delight those whose project this is — would be for the Human Race to take responsibility for itself: and show just what they can do.

Your legacy to remain for time immemorial, here and elsewhere, could be:

We cleaned up the mess.

We inspired and funded the world's brightest and best from every nation to work together to solve the problems.

We fully restored this beautiful, magnificent jewel of this solar system.

Look what we did.

When the entire Human Family, organized, focused, and under inspired leadership, worked together — to show just what could be done.


Also in this interview:

* How I was initially approached by Charles because I had become a 'problem'.

* The plan to create a false flag event to present the ETs as dangerous enemies.

* The plan to reduce the world's population through the control and distribution of food.

* 'Planet X' and dangerous solar activity (both are real - but are not show-stopping threats).

* The ET project to create and optimize a new genome - which is the human race on this planet.

*This is the first time in the history of the human race that we have got our hands on ET technology - which was never part of the plan. There were no accidental UFO crashes: all the craft were shot down - at first by a 'lucky hit', and thereafter deliberately.

* The legacy of the controlling group, and why they feel this is their responsibility.

* The way the controlling group functions, and considers its role: some of their codes, protocols, and 'rules'.

Note that this group is NOT the Illuminati. This is a Council of the 33 most senior members (defined in a specific way) of each of the 33 bloodline families on the 'inside'. The controlling group does not have a formal name.

My intention is to suggest to the controlling group in the strongest and most courteous way I can that there is another way to go. I want nothing less than to change the timeline of the human race.

And to do that, the shift in consciousness that will be required needs to extend from the very lowest to the very highest strata of society. Now that 2011 is upon us - and here we all are still standing (and in the process becoming wiser, more aware, more responsible, and much better informed): I ask all of you reading this, and watching the video, to join me in a vision for Planet Earth in which every human being, no-one excludes, plays their part in creating.

Bill Ryan
1 January 2011

Graham Hancock | The Past – The Present


During this New Year's Eve edition of Veritas, we close this period with bestselling author Graham Hancock.  To leverage the time we discussed portions of Hancock's books, taking us from the past to the present.  He is not an armchair researcher.  He travels the world and experiences for himself.  This is a journey into a man's adventure into a world those in control would prefer to keep hidden.  The past has been erased from our consciousness to keep us weak and to give us the illusion of lack of control.  After decades of research Graham Hancock has decided to delve into the world of science fiction, with his new novel: ENTANGLED.  This novel offers a mosaique of all his impeccable work.  As part of his research for Supernatural, Graham Hancock traveled to the Peruvian Amazon to drink the powerful plant hallucinogen Ayahuasca with indigenous shamans. Such visionary experiences, Hancock argues, were fundamental to the unprecedented and astonishing evolutionary leap forward achieved by our species during the past 40,000 years and provided the inspiration for the earliest art and religious ideas of mankind. It is difficult for those who have not experienced Ayahuasca, or other related shamanic hallucinogens, to visualise the strange parallel realities into which these substances bring us. Fortunately, however, a number of shamans in the Amazon are also gifted artists and have made paintings of their own visions.

Graham Hancock is the author of the major international bestsellers The Sign and The Seal, Fingerprints of the Gods, and Heaven's Mirror. His books have sold more than five million copies worldwide and have been translated into 27 languages. His public lectures, radio and TV appearances, including two major TV series for Channel 4 in the UK and The Learning Channel in the US - Quest For The Lost Civilisation and Flooded Kingdoms of the Ice Age - have put his ideas before audiences of tens of millions. He has become recognised as an unconventional thinker who raises controversial questions about humanity's past.

Born in Edinburgh, Scotland, Hancock's early years were spent in India, where his father worked as a surgeon. Later he went to school and university in the northern English city of Durham and graduated from Durham University in 1973 with First Class Honours in Sociology. He went on to pursue a career in quality journalism, writing for many of Britain's leading newspapers including The Times, The Sunday Times, The Independent, and The Guardian. He was co-editor of New Internationalist magazine from 1976-1979 and East Africa correspondent of The Economist from 1981-1983.

In the early 1980's Hancock's writing began to move consistently in the direction of books. His first book (Journey Through Pakistan, with photographers Mohamed Amin and Duncan Willetts) was published in 1981. It was followed by Under Ethiopian Skies (1983), Ethiopia: The Challenge of Hunger (1984), and AIDS: The Deadly Epidemic (1986). In 1987 Hancock began work on his widely-acclaimed critique of foreign aid, Lords of Poverty, which was published in 1989. African Ark (with photographers Angela Fisher and Carol Beckwith) was published in 1990.

Hancock's breakthrough to bestseller status came in 1992 with the publication of The Sign and The Seal, his epic investigation into the mystique and whereabouts today of the lost Ark of the Covenant. 'Hancock has invented a new genre,' commented The Guardian, 'an intellectual whodunit by a do-it-yourself sleuth.' Fingerprints of the Gods, published in 1995 confirmed Hancock's growing reputation. Described as 'one of the intellectual landmarks of the decade' by the Literary Review, this book has now sold more than three million copies and continues to be in demand all around the world. Subsequent works such as Keeper Of Genesis (The Message of the Sphinx in the US) with co-author Robert Bauval, and Heaven's Mirror, with photographer Santha Faiia, have also been Number 1 bestsellers, the latter accompanied by Hancock's three-part television series Quest For the Lost Civilisation.

In 2002 Hancock published Underworld: Flooded Kingdoms of the Ice Age to great critical acclaim, and hosted the accompanying major TV series. This was the culmination of years of research and on-hand dives at ancient underwater ruins. Arguing that many of the clues to the origin of civilization lay underwater, on coastal regions once above water but flooded at the end of the last Ice age, Underworld offered tangible archaeological evidence that myths and legends of ancient floods were not to be dismissed out of hand.

Graham's next venture Talisman: Sacred Cities, Secret Faith, co-authored by Robert Bauval, was published in 2004. This work, a decade in preparation, returns to the themes last dealt with in Keeper Of Genesis, seeking further evidence for the continuation of a secret astronomical cult into modern times. It is a roller-coaster intellectual journey through the back streets and rat runs of history to uncover the traces in architecture and monuments of a secret religion that has shaped the world.

In 2005 Graham published Supernatural: Meetings with The Ancient Teachers of Mankind, an investigation of shamanism and the origins of religion. This controversial book suggests that experiences in altered states of consciousness have played a fundamental role in the evolution of human culture, and that other realities - indeed parallel worlds - surround us all the time but are not normally accessible to our senses.

While researching Supernatural Hancock travelled to the Amazon to drink visionary brew Ayahuasca - the Vine of Souls - used by shamans for more than 4000 years. It was his experiences with the vine lead to his latest work, Entangled. Written with the same page-turning appeal that has made his non-fiction so popular Entangled is his first novel. It tells the story of a supernatural battle of good against evil fought out across the dimension of time on the human plane.

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John Lash on Conscious-tv


Author and teacher John Lash is one of the foremost exponents of the power of myth to direct and shape an individual's life, as well as history itself. John is a lifelong student of world mythology, Tantra, Buddhism, Gnosticism, the pre-Christian Mysteries, alchemy, astrology, and naked-eye astronomy. He has traveled widely throughout the world and has lived in Japan, the UK, Greece, France, Spain and Belgium.

John's published works include The Seeker's Handbook: The Complete Guide to Spiritual Pathfinding, Twins and the Double, The Hero: Manhood and Power, and Quest for the Zodiac. John is co-founder and principal author of, sponsored by the Marion Institute. In addition, John founded the Institute for Creative Mythology in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
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