Documentary "UFOs, Aliens, and the Question of Contact"

Source: TimeOfTransition

This video explores the secrecy surrounding the greatest cover-up of all time, presenting an overview of the UFO phenomenon, aliens, abductions, disclosure, and hyperdimensional realities. Based on “UFOs, Aliens and the Question of Contact“.

Produced by TimeOfTransition

Length: 1hr 50min

“If the masses started to accept UFOs, it would profoundly affect their attitude towards life, politics, everything. It would threaten the status quo. Whenever people come to realize that there are larger considerations than their own petty lives, they are ripe to make radical changes on a personal level, which would eventually lead to a political revolution in society as a whole.” – John Lennon

NASA Apollo Image Anomalies Part 1 & 2 by LunaCognita

Source: LunaCognita

This presentation is a simple compilation of some more anomalous photographs and 16mm DAC film footage that I have archived during my years of research and investigation looking into the activities of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

The images and footage shown here were taken during the Apollo program, filmed by the astronaut flight crews during their journeys to and from the Moon.
Most of what I show here involves "lunar transients" - unidentified objects in space that were captured on film as they transited in front of (or passed near) a celestrial body such as the Moon or Earth. I believe many of these objects are not on the lunar surface, but rather were above the lunar surface when captured on film.

I also include several examples of NASA image obfuscation as well, just to help highlight the fact that the space agency also removes anomalous objects from frame in order to "sanitize" scenes prior to official archive release so as to ensure they do not reveal too much of the truth about what is really up there.

Hope you enjoy!

Eldon Taylor | Mind Control & Self-Realization


March 28, 2011–A doctor of Psychology and Metaphysics, Eldon Taylor discussed his new book What If?, and how people can meet the challenges of self-realization & actualization. He also reviewed his studies of mind programming, and subliminal suggestion. Television, he pointed out, is a type of mind control or hypnosis that puts people in a Alpha brain state, and a higher level of suggestibility. Astonishingly, by the time a person reaches age 65, they will have spent nine years of their lives watching TV, he reported.

Advertisers sometimes embed demonic or violent subliminal images in order to create a sense of arousal in the consumer, as this will make their product more memorable, he detailed. But, this practice, and the use of increased violence & sex in entertainment vehicles, has caused a desensitization of arousal, wherein ever more graphic images are used to get a reaction from the audience, Taylor said. One possible effect from this is a dramatic decrease in the amount of empathy that teenagers are capable of feeling, he noted.

Further, advertisers try to keep consumers in an anxious state, so they will feel they need their product to fit in or be liked, Taylor continued. People can experience self-actualization (realizing their potential) by helping those in need-- these actions are rewarded by positive neurochemicals, he shared. Using meditation, or thought experiments, a person can clarify their belief structures, and understand their biases and conflicts, he added.

First Hour: Investigative reporter Greg Hunter comments on Japan, Libya, and current events.

Hillary Raimo interviews Graham Hancock


The science behind his latest book "Entangled". Consciousness, Quantum Physics, Parallel Realms, Time Travel, Telepathy, DMT, Ayahuasca and More. Aired 10/14/2010.

The author of the major international bestsellers The Sign and The Seal, Fingerprints of the Gods, and Heaven's Mirror. His books have sold more than five million copies worldwide and have been translated into 27 languages. His public lectures, radio and TV appearances, including two major TV series for Channel 4 in the UK and The Learning Channel in the US - Quest For The Lost Civilization and Flooded Kingdoms of the Ice Age - have put his ideas before audiences of tens of millions. He has become recognized as an unconventional thinker who raises controversial questions about humanity's past.

Nick Redfern | The NASA Conspiracies


March 26, 2011–What does NASA actually know about UFOs? Famed researcher Nick Redfern shares his discoveries. He has researched the matter extensively, and has just published a book about it, the NASA Conspiracies. For example, he says that there is evidence that NASA knew about the face on Mars long before it was revealed to the public. He also asserts that the evidence that the face is an ancient artificial structure is overwhelming, and discusses the brilliant work of the late Mac Tonnies, who explored the origins of the face in terms of history. He discusses the most extraordinary of all questions about the face: why does it look so human, and what does NASA really know about this?

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Clif High on TNS Radio, March 24, 2011

Source: TNS Radio,,

Clif High on TNS Radio, March 24, 2011.

Nassim Haramein on TNS Radio, March 15, 2011

Source: TNS Radio

Diana Johnstone | War on Libya: Perpretators & Manipulators

Source:, Diana Johnstone

March 27, 2011–In this interview, we focus on the war in Libya with political writer Diana Johnstone. She is the author of "Fools Crusade: Yugoslavia, NATO and Western Delusions".

Recently, Diana has written two very revealing articles for called "Libya another Kosovo - NATO and Coalition Bombs for Peace" and "Why are They Making War on Libya?" We try to answer the questions of who is behind the "coalition "forces and why have they decided to attack Libya now? We also detail some of the Sayanim and Zionist agents that have been involved in this process.

We specifically talk about Bernard-Henri Lévy as being the leading voice influencing Sarkozy in France to take action against Gaddafi and Libya. Stay with us for a very revealing hour.
Topics Discussed: NATO, the war in Libya, US forces, Britain, France dropping the first bombs, Sarkozy, the debacle in Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan, regime change, oil, opium in Afghanistan, oil in Iraq, images of the atrocities, pre-emptive strike, United Nations, ground operations in Libya, the French connection, the Israel connection, Zionism, Sayanim, Richard Pearle and more. ~Red Ice Creations

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Project Avalon | Lucia René - Unplugging the Patriarchy

Source:, ‪‬

This new video, with author, teacher, mystic, and woman's activist Lucia René, is an intriguing discussion about the role of women - and men - in today's world: essentially an esoteric perspective on what could be called the depth psychology of power.

Lucia states that the days of the Patriarchy - which has been in command on Planet Earth for thousands of years - are coming to an end. Women are now beginning to stand in their own power... and with it, the role of men is being redefined.

Whatever gender you are, this is a timely and deeply interesting interview. Lucia's book is an important one for our changing times, and as a man - apologizing for the abusive attitudes and actions of many of my fellow men for countless generations - I'm delighted to be giving it the prominence it deserves.

Bill Ryan

Bill Ryan & Kerry Cassidy | Uncensored & Uncut


What was supposed to be a rather short update on the respective projects of Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan, turned out to be a full two hour interview.  It is a very personal interview that discusses the reasons and forces involved with the Project Camelot breakup.  We then discussed some of the witnesses and projections for the next few years.  To say this is probably the most candid and personal interview I have done with fellow truth seekers would be an understatement.  I emphasized that their synergistic relationship still does make a difference.  I wish Kerry and Bill much health and success and hope to meet again on a yearly basis to discuss their investigations.

Kerry Lynn Cassidy (Project Camelot Productions) has a BA in English with graduate work in Sociology, an MBA certificate from the UCLA Anderson Graduate School of Management, and was competitively selected to attend a year of film school at the UCLA Extension Short Fiction Film Program as one of their first "hyphenates": a writer-director-producer. After 19 years in Hollywood working for major studios and independent production companies in production, development and new media, she has written a number of screenplays, acquired the movie rights to the Wingmakers story in 2003, and started work on her own UFO documentary in 2005.

Bill Ryan (Project Avalon) has a BS in Mathematics with Physics and Psychology. For the last 27 years he has been a management consultant, specializing in personal and team development, leadership training and executive coaching. In November 2005 he inaugurated the Project Serpo website, the report of an alleged disclosure, in stages, of a US-alien exchange program claimed to have taken place over 40 years ago. While he had been interested in UFOs, Free Energy research, and alternative medicine for over thirty years, his first contact with the UFO community at large occurred after establishing the Serpo website.

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Gary Schwartz | Communication With the Deceased & Life After Death


March 24, 2011–In this Red Ice interview, Dr. Gary Schwartz discusses the hypothesis that the consciousness of a person survives physical death. He is a professor of psychology, medicine, neurology, psychiatry, and surgery at the University of Arizona and Director of its Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health. He is probably most known for controversial experiments with mediums.

In his early career Schwartz published extensively on biofeedback research and health psychology. His major research focus for the past ten years has been in the field of parapsychology, including the study of life after death, the spirit and other psychic phenomena. He has authored or coauthored more than 450 scientific papers including 6 in the journal Science.

He is a Fellow of the American Psychological Society and the Society of Behavioral Medicine. He is also corporate director of development of energy healing for Canyon Ranch Resorts and the author of several books, including "The Afterlife Experiments", "The G.O.D.Experiments", "The Truth about Medium", "The Energy Healing Experiments", and the co-author of "The Living Energy Universe". His latest book is called "The Sacred Promise". We'll talk about Gary's laboratory research and experimentation when it comes to communication with the deceased. Gary shares the proof that he's found on the existence of spirit. ~Red Ice Creations

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The Unexplained | Richard Guy - Earth Expansion


March 24, 2011–This show features New York based structural engineer Richard Guy – he’s spent a big part of his life trying to get the message out that the earth is expanding and the oceans are shrinking – and that will have big consequences for us all…
~Howard Hughes

About Richard Guy

Richard Guy is one of the original, foundation members of the Expanding Earth Exchange which was founded in California in 1979 by Dr. S. Warren Carey, Mr. H. Hugh Wilson and Mr. Ralph Groves. Members of the EEE come from all sorts of backgrounds in science and engineering. All arrived at the realization of Earth Expansion through their particular discipline. For more on the Expanding Earth Exchange and for Mr. Guy's concepts regarding earth expansion click on this link (See Archives.)

Richard Guy is a Structural Engineer with forty years of Engineering experience in the United States, Middle East, England and the West Indies. He has run a consultancy practice as Chief Engineer and CEO of Amalgamated Design Group Ltd for the last thirty years. During his long career he has observed subtle patterns of Earth Expansion in the design of many structures particularly bridges and dams. Many dam and bridge failures can be attributed to earth expansion but nothing is known and, much less, understood about this phenomenon. In his book "IS PLANET EARTH EXPANDING" published in 1990 he sets out briefly the hypothesis of Earth Expansion and manifestations of the phenomenon.

Richard Guy has written numerous newspaper articles on the subject of earth expansion, he has spoken to Service clubs, Astronomical Societies, professional groups and students at high school and university level. He has written abstracts for geological conferences in China and Brazil which have been published internationally.

He is the sole proponent, worldwide, to focus on how ancient civilizations developed, as an important link in the proof of the Earth Expansion Theory. For this contribution he has been recognized by the International Biographical Center of Cambridge, England. He is listed in their Centennial Edition as one of 2000 Intellectuals of the Twentieth Century.

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