UFO Crash & Cosmic Explosion | Linda Moulton Howe, Whitley Strieber, Mitch Battros, April 28, 2011

Source: coasttocoastam.com

Investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe presented a 3-part report on a UFO crash near Aztec, New Mexico in 1948. The crash recently received attention when it was apparently referred in the 'Hottel memo,' one of the FBI's released documents on their new 'Vault' website. She interviewed researcher Scott Ramsey, who along with Suzanne Ramsey and UFO investigator Frank Warren have written a book, The Aztec Incident: A Recovery in Hart Canyon, which will come out later this year.

Ramsey discussed the Hottel memo's link to a crashed disc in Hart Canyon (see sketch below), burned alien bodies, and earlier UFO books by Frank Scully, and William Steinman which reported on the 1948 incident near Aztec. According to witnesses, the metallic craft, which was about 100 ft. in diameter had a staircase that came out, and portholes from which they viewed about 14-16 charred bodies of small beings that weighed around 40 lbs. each, and had 4-fingered hands, Ramsey recounted. Amid much military secrecy, the craft was reportedly taken to Los Alamos, he noted. More here.
In her last report, Linda discussed the discovery of a strange cosmic explosion in March 2011 that has baffled astronomers. Longer than a typical gamma-ray burst, there has been conjecture that it could represent a black hole eating up a star. She spoke with astronomer Andrew Fruchter, who compared the explosion to a "blazar" (blazing quasi-stellar object). Further details.
Extreme Weather

In the first hour, two guests talked about the recent extreme weather, including the massive tornadoes in Alabama and the South. First, author Whitley Strieber noted that the US had a very cold winter but the cold air didn't reach very far south, so the Gulf and Caribbean waters have stayed warm and because of this "we could have a very explosive storm season...in April and May." Researcher Mitch Battros talked about the influence of space weather, and in particular a recent coronal mass ejection on the sun which he believes could play a part in the weather disruptions.

News segment guest: Christian Wilde

Dr. Nick Begich on Late Night in the Midlands | HAARP, April 21, 2011

Source: latenightinthemidlands.com, earthpulse.com

April 21, 2011–Dr. Nick Begich is well known for his work and research on HAARP, "Mind Effects" and more. He has widely reported in these areas as an expert for many publications, government organizations and private companies. He has been an expert witness for the European Parliament on these subjects and provides significant research contributions in this area. Also, through the Lay Institute on Technologies he organized a private meeting of top scientists in the area of mind effects in 2007.

Begich has authored five books in seven languages on technology and the impacts of change. Heard on thousands of radio and television talk shows and documentaries, he is a frequent commentator on new technologies, energy, politics, education and the environment.

Hillary Raimo interviews Alfred Lambremont Webre, April 28, 2011

Source: hillaryraimo.com, exopoliticsradio.com

April 28, 2011–Alfred Lambremont Webre, J.D., M.Ed.
is known as the founding father of Exopolitics.
His book : EXOPOLITICS: POLITICS, GOVERNMENT AND LAW IN THE UNIVERSE is the evolution of Alfred’s groundbreaking work as a futurist at the Stanford Research Institute,where in 1977 he directed a proposed extraterrestrial communication study project for the Carter White House.

Exopolitics turns the dominant view of our Universe upside down. It reveals that we live on an isolated planet in the midst of a populated, evolving, and highly organized inter-planetary, inter-galactic, and multi-dimensional Universe society. It explores why Earth seems to have been quarantined for eons from a more evolved Universe society.

Exopolitics suggests specific steps to end our isolation, by reaching out to the technologically and spiritually advanced civilizations that are engaging our world at this unique, challenging time in human history.

Why is exopolitics important to the changing world today?

Alfred is a former Fulbright Scholar, a graduate of Yale University, Yale Law School (Yale Law School National Scholar), and of the University of Texas Counseling Program. He has taught economics at Yale University (Economics Department) and Civil Liberties at the University of Texas (Government Department). He was General Counsel to the NYC Environmental Protection Administration and environmental consultant to the Ford Foundation.

Alfred has worked for years to prevent the weaponization of space. He is the International Director of the Institute for Cooperation in Space (ICIS), dedicated to transforming the permanent war economy into a peaceful, sustainable Space Age society, preventing the weaponization of space, and supporting cooperation amongst Life in the Universe. He has been a delegate to the UNISPACE Outer Space Conference and NGO representative at the United Nations

Kevin Smith Show | Command Sgt. Major Reveals Battle with UFOs and Captured Aliens

Source: kevinsmithshow.com

Command Sgt. Major interviewed on Kevin Smith Show reveals U.S. Army battle with UFOs with casualties, deaths of troops, downed UFO and captured aliens.

Richard Dolan on ExopoliticsTV with Alfred Lambremont Webre

Source: exopolitics.com, keyholepublishing.com

In an exclusive ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre released on April 27, 2011, historian and author Richard Dolan states that he estimates authentic UFO and extraterrestrial disclosure will occur in approximately 5 years from 2011.

Richard Dolan "is the author of two volumes of history, UFOs and the National Security State, as well as an analysis of the future, A.D. After Disclosure: The People's Guide to Life After Contact. Richard's writing is widely seen as ufology's gold standard. His seminal history, UFOs and the National Security State, has inspired such statements as "the best history ever written about UFOs" by best-selling author Whitley Strieber, and "masterful and important" by Dr. Edgar Mitchell of Apollo 14."

Judy Erwin and Rife Technology, April 21, 2011

Source: hillaryraimo.com

A scientist by the name of Royal Raymond Rife discovered that the unique electronic "signature" of each specific disease can be modified to eliminate nearly every affliction know to man.  And it is rapid and completely harmless, without side effects.

Imagine, for a moment, that you have spent more than two decades in painfully laborious research and have discovered an incredibly simple, electronic approach to eliminating literally every disease on the planet caused by viruses, fungus and bacteria.

Indeed, it is a discovery that could end the pain and suffering of countless millions and change life on Earth forever. Certainly, the medical world would rush to embrace you with every imaginable accolade and financial reward imaginable. You would think so, wouldn't you? Unfortunately, arguably the greatest medical genius in all recorded history, Royal Ramond Rife, suffered a fate literally the opposite of the foregoing logical scenario. In fact, the history of medicine is replete with stories of genius betrayed by backward thought and jealously but most pathetically by greed and money.

A simple sound frequency technology was discovered!

Rife found that every biochemical compound vibrates at its own distinct frequency pattern. Therefore, every living thing has its own unique frequency which is genetically determined, with no two being the same. By exposing disease organisms to highly modified forms of their own unique frequency, Rife discovered he could destroy pathogens by the millions leaving healthy tissue unharmed. How is this possible? Find out tonight!

Judy is a gifted intuitive and researcher Who has over 30 yrs in alternatives of all types and has worked closely with this company for about 10 yrs now She has worked daily with the BCX 211&411 and was involved in the development of the unit.

Dr. Michio Kaku interviews Leslie Kean on UFO Disclosure

Source: mkaku.org

Bill Ryan from Project Avalon: Part 1

Source: projectavalon.net

In Part 1 of this personal interview, recorded in April 2011, Bill Ryan from Project Avalon talks about his life, his values, his passion, and his mission on Planet Earth.

Turd Ferguson On TMRN, April 22, 2011

Source: webbotforum.com, tfmetalsreport.blogspot.com

Profile Turd Ferguson
"Turd Ferguson" has been involved in the securites "industry" for over 20 years. He first received his NASD licenses in June of 1990. Ultimately disgruntled by the fraud known as "financial planning", he retired to a career as a serial entrepreneur in 2008. The Turd is NOT a soothsayer, a psychic or a witch. After all these years, he simply has a decent handle on the PM "markets".

David Icke | The Cosmic Firewall & The Moon Matrix, April 24, 2011

Source: redicecreations.com, davidicke.com

April 24, 2011–David Icke is an English writer, public speaker, and former media personality best known for his views on what he calls "who and what is really controlling the world".

David is one of the most controversial speakers and authors in the world. He has written 16 books explaining his position and has attracted a substantial following across the political spectrum. His 533-page The Biggest Secret (1999) has been called the conspiracy theorist's Rosetta Stone.

In the first hour of this interview, David begins talking about the new vibrations that are coming into the world to replace the old ones. He says it is not a time for the faint-hearted. The control system in clamping down harder than ever as more people are waking up to it.

David says it is a time to listen to what feels right, not what sounds right. Then, he discusses the wide reaches and purpose of the current control system which is light years beyond us. David talks about the cosmic firewall that is in place between humanity and true information. This leads us into discussing the moon matrix. It is possible the moon is being used as a blocking device from decoding real information that would change the world of humanity and also beaming other frequencies which deceive the masses and protect those in control. So what is the moon and where did it come from? We'll discuss scientific aspects of the moon as well as some legend about it.

Topics discussed: 2012 doomsday, new information energetic construct, bubbles of the five senses, intuition, left brain, information hobby, truth and entertainment, collective reality, electric universe, the Moon, Saturn, DNA, switched off, meta-materials, bending light, Moon anomalies, who built the moon? Hollow moon, broadcasting signals from the moon, hollowing out, mythology, Credo Mutwa and more.
~Red Ice Creations
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Jordan Maxwell | Jeff Rense Show, April 21, 2011

Source: rense.com, jordanmaxwell.com

Back in Time Series | Tom Bearden at the J.B. Bernal World Scientific Conference on Security and Disarment 27-31 May 1988 - Secret Superweapons that drive disarment negotiations

Presentation by Tom Bearden on Scalar Superweapons and their role in the nuclear disarmament negotiations. Information on Scalar technology presented at the J.B. Bernal World Scientific Conference on Security and Disarment 27-31 May 1988.
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