Hugh Newman | Megalithic Sites of New England, August 28, 2011


Hugh Newman is an earth mysteries and esoteric science researcher who has authored two books. He also organizes the Megalithomania Conferences, co-edits Avalon Rising magazine and coordinates talks, films and workshops at numerous festivals.

Hugh has travelled all over the Northeastern states of America which have a remarkable amount of megalithic structures with some that go back to over 4000 years. Vermont has numerous rock chambers and standing stones that form an archaeoastronomical complex over a broad area. New York State has a mix of earthen mounds, megalithic chambers and giant dolmens. New Hampshire boasts "America's Stonehenge."

On the coast of Rhode Island, is the famous Dighton Rock, with bizarre petroglyphs. In Massachusetts, a strange "hill that roars" sits near a selection of megalithic chambers, cairns and mounds of ancient origin. New Jersey, Maine and Connecticut also have numerous ancient sites that cannot be explained by traditional archaeology of North America. In this interview, Hugh will talk about these sites and explore theories about them that present a new view of the origins of ancient America. ~Red Ice Creations

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John Lamb Lash | A Challenge to the Crop Circle Wizards, August 30, 2011

Source: Grok-the-Talk,

There are presentations or concepts that one comes across in one's life that totally engross the entirety of your intellect and imagination. And while they may be few and far between, this presentation by comparative mythologist, renowned author and Telestes of our age, John Lamb Lash, resonates with the deepest and best layers of one's humanity.

Download this, let it educate and invigorate you. Then send it on to every person you know who is concerned about the future of humanity as we stand in the midst of the greatest turning point in our history with one path leading to a world of freedom and creativity for all, and one leading to a nightmare so ugly that it surpasses the abilities of one's imagination to comprehend.

What is the connection between the technology used to “destroy” the WTC buildings (and it was not just 2, nor even 3 structures) on that fateful day in 2001, and the phenomena known as crop circles?

John Lash explains this connection as only he can do and offers a challenge to the “wizards” who are most likely behind the crop circle phenomena that could very well launch us onto the path that the vast, vast majority of us would like to proceed to.
I can not stress this enough-this is one of the most important communication that you will ever come across.

From John Lash-
“Ten years after September 2001 comes the unparalleled opportunity for a
breakthrough, the moment when "9/11 truth" is finally seen in scientific
veracity and a dream comes true: the dream of free energy. Here is a
challenge to own the truth that can set us free as a species. May the
wizards give us a sign. JLL August 31, 2011”

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Texas Weather Modification Advisory Committee - August 25, 2011


Weather Modification
The Texas Weather Modification Advisory Committee met August 25 in Austin. The agenda is available. The meeting was archived and is available for viewing on RealPlayer.

Rule Review – Adoption Justification, Chapter 79. Weather Modification

The Texas Weather Modification Advisory Committee met March 3 in Austin. The agenda is available online. The meeting was archived and is available for viewing with RealPlayer.

Vacancy on Weather Modification Advisory Committee - The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (Department) announces a vacancy on the Weather Modification Advisory Committee (Committee) established by Agriculture Code, Title 9, Weather and Climate, Chapter 301.

The purpose of the Weather Modification Advisory Committee is to advise the Texas Commission of Licensing and Regulation (Commission) on legislation, policies, administration, research, and other matters related to the duties, powers, or function of the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation under this chapter. This announcement is for the position of an engineer.

Weather Modification - Currently, cloud-seeding projects designed to increase rainfall from convective cloud towers are conducted in nearly 31 million acres of Texas (or almost one-fifth of the state’s land area). In administering the Texas Weather Modification Act (enacted by the Texas Legislature in 1967), TDLR’s weather modification program issues licenses and permits for these projects, many of which have been in existence since 2000. The projects use specialized aircraft and sophisticated weather radar systems, operated by skilled meteorologists, at sites near Amarillo, Plains, Pecos, San Angelo, and Pleasanton. In addition, TDLR issues licenses and permits to other organizations, as well as individuals, responsible for carrying out weather modification operations for both rainfall enhancement and hail suppression. The aim of the regulatory function is to ensure that various methods of modifying the weather do not dissipate clouds nor inhibit their ability to produce rainfall to the detriment of people or property in the affected areas.

The program also sponsors and provides administrative and technical oversight for ongoing weather modification research and development activities. This includes the use of federal grants for exploratory, and confirmatory, cloud seeding experiments. TDLR issues reports on the results of cloud seeding research work and shares information on technological advances with other State agencies, governmental organizations, and interested individuals.

The TDLR staff also works with political subdivisions, other organizations, and individuals in the design, or modification, of rain enhancement projects as well as the implementation of new seeding strategies for augmenting rainfall over targeted watersheds. ~ Texas Department of Licensing and Regulations (tdlr)

Related Links:

Clif High | Webbot Predictions 3.0, August 27, 2011


August 27, 2011–This morning we speak with Cliff High for this special broadcast to discuss more Web Bot predictions.

In the first hour we discuss earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes and the cracks around the world. Cliff gives his now proven accurate analysis about past events and his forecast for the future.
~Truth Frequency Radio

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Howard Hughes interviews Whitley Strieber, August 27, 2011


August 27, 2011–As Hurricane Irene bears down on the U.S. Eastern Seaboard – we speak with the creator of climate disaster movie “The Day After Tomorrow” world-renowned visionary, author and broadcaster Whitley Strieber.
~Howard Hughes

Whitley Strieber is the author of 22 novels and 8 works of nonfiction, including ‘Communion’ and most recently ‘The Key’, and the upcoming ‘What is to Come: the Solution to the Communion Enigma’. Four films, ‘The Wolfen’, ‘The Hunger’, ‘Communion’ and ‘The Day After Tomorrow’ have been made from his books. Whitley is married to author and editor-in-chief Anne Strieber.

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Secret Access: UFO's on the Record, Aired August 25, 2011

Source: History Channel

The film features in-depth accounts by people who are willing to risk their jobs and
reputations to speak out about their extraordinary experiences, such as former Arizona
Governor Fife Symington III; Nick Pope, former head of the British Defense Ministry's
UFO Investigative Unit, and others. Commentary is provided by investigative journalist
Leslie Kean, author of the NY Times bestseller UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government
Officials Go On the Record, who spent ten years studying the UFO phenomenon and
bringing together high level sources from around the world.

Sightings of strange lights and darting orbs are reported from all over the world, and most
are easily explained. But a few other cases present evidence that UFOs are real. SECRET
ACCESS: UFOs ON THE RECORD focuses on claims that cannot be ignored: sightings
over a nuclear-armed military base near Phoenix, a forest in England, a small city in
Belgium. These remarkable eyewitness stories are illustrated with actual source materials
such as footage, radar images and voice recordings from NASA, the Air Force and the

Although the government has determined such episodes to be "insignificant," records
have nonetheless been confiscated, and the experts were sworn to secrecy...until now.

Aired: 25th August 2011

Michael Tsarion | The Posthuman World & the End of Evil, August 25, 2011

Source: FreeTruth Show,

Michael Tsarion was born in Northern Ireland and is a researcher of the occult. He is an author and public speaker whose topics include symbolism, sidereal astrology and Atlantis. He is also the producer and presenter of the Origins and Oracles series which explores ancient mysteries and forbidden knowledge. An expert on the occult histories of Ireland and America, has made the deepest researches into the comparative mythologies of the world and into his own country's ancient and mysterious Celtic Tradition.

Max Igan | Within and Without, August 26, 2011


Max Igan - Surviving The Matrix - 08/26/11

Emery Smith and Dr. Steven Greer | ET Communication using unusual Technology, August 26, 2011


World Puja Network Show - August 26, 2011
- Conversations with Dr. Steven Greer -
"ET communication using unusual technology"
Guest: Emery Smith

August 26, 2011–Dr. Greer will be discussing with Emery Smith the unusual and amazing ways that the ETs interact with technological devices at the CSETI expeditions. All over the world, Mr. Smith and Dr. Greer have had many amazing experiences with magnetometers, radar detectors and cameras. These interactions have been escalating in intensity with almost musical signals coming through the magnetometers at Crestone 2011. It's fascinating. Join them to find out more.

Will Hart | Solar Flare Apocalypse & Comets, August 25, 2011

Source:, Will Hart Articles

August 25, 2011–Will Hart is a freelance journalist, nature photographer, documentary filmmaker and author of The Genesis Race. Back from a long hiatus, Will says we may be in for a tough time as 2012 approaches. In this interview, Will Hart discusses solar activity and the impact it will have on our power grid.

It is possible we may be heading for a major black out, it turn drastically changing our current civilization. We'll talk about the transition from the 4th sun into the 5th, according to the Mayans. Then, Will brings up the correlation between the sun and natural disasters and tells us some of the things we might expect. He says these events are a wakeup call, yet many are ignoring the signs.

Next, we'll explore the electric universe, comets to keep an eye on (Elenin, YU55, Honda and Levy), cosmic alignments and important dates this September. Will urges everyone to be prepared for loss of electricity and stock up on food, yet not to panic. Later, we discuss the connection between sun spot cycles and social unrest. ~Red Ice Creations
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The Human Brain's Potential | Part 1, H.A.A.R.P. Proving Mind Control

HAARP has been accused of having the "ability" to control minds--here's the proof & the connection to the actual "mind control" technology that's currently (quietly) in use today.

No one has been able to get the Government to admit to it at ANY LEVEL, but the information has been out there for quite some time. It's always a matter of connecting dots--and we are the guinea pigs. Electro-magnetic stimulation of the brain has been used for "research purposes" for decades for a variety of reasons, and they've come very close to perfecting it with advocates like John Elder Robison, and Jason Padgett. Both Autistic Savants receiving this treatment.

Electro-magnetic Stimulation of the brain(electrical wave impulses directly through the cranium) AKA Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation(TMS)--has been around since the 1980s. The Russian's were using it on our Embassy in Europe back in '67. And it seemed to work--it was reported that many working in the building at the time, suffered with 'depression.' And apparently ANY electrical/energy pulsation can cause our brains to react either positively, or violently. Remember when 'flashing' Japanese cartoons were causing children to have seizures? Knowing what I know now, I almost wonder if that was an accidental broadcast--or another 'test.' Radio and sound waves can cause serious, and even life-threatening issues as well.

This technology has the power to CURE serious neurological conditions like depression, anxiety, and AUTISM! Therein lies the problem...if it can cure it, it can certainly cause it.

Stanton Friedman | UFOs and MJ-12


Nuclear Physicist Stanton Friedman is considered one of the worlds leading experts on MJ-12, the code given to an elite group of scientists and military personal set into action by secret presidential order to over see the harvesting and reverse engineering of technology from crashed UFOs of ET origin. After years of painstaking research, this LIVE presentation provides the facts about this secret research group that operates without congressional oversight.
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