Tom Campbell | The Nature of Reality, Consciousness & Evolution Part 1, January 15, 2011

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EBTV on presents - The Nature of Reality, Consciousness and Evolution - featuring special guest physicist and author of the book My Big TOE, Tom Campbell, and host Evita Ochel.

In this part 1 of 3, Tom talks about and/or explains the following topics:
- transcendental meditation
- out of body experiences
- what is reality
- parallel processing
- knowing vs experiencing
- the limitation of words to describe experiences
- the non-objective nature of our reality
- double slit experiment
- the probabilistic nature of reality
- the origin of the Big Bang
- the limitations of Albert Einstein's work
- the definition of consciousness
- connection of reality to consciousness
- the nature of reality as virtual
- placebo effect and mind healing
- is it possible to be an objective human being
- the uncertainty of our reality
- the subjective nature of our reality
- the rule set of reality
- the consistency of reality
- the power of intent
- the role of fear and ego in creating our reality
- tips for creating an optimal reality

David Icke on The Unexplained with Howard Hughes, January 15, 2012


January 15, 2012–This time we talk to highly compelling and very controversial writer and speaker David Icke about 2012 and what might happen to our world this year – and we look back on what David thinks are the causes of the amazing global events of 2011. ~Howard Hughes

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Colin Andrews | Government Circles, January 12, 2012

Source:,,, The British Government and Crop Circles

January 12, 2012–Colin Andrews is best known for his research into the crop circle & UFO subjects since 1983. He provides the only continuity between the past crop circle research era and the present, along with his friend and colleague, Busty Taylor. Colin is the man who coined the term "Crop Circle."

Among his many accomplishments, he started the first research organization, Circles Phenomenon Research (CPR) and has written numerous books. In the final analysis Andrews believes the phenomenon is challenging people to a higher level of consciousness. In this first hour, Colin begins discussing government circles, Nick Pope, the British government and secrecy.

He mentions the Royal Family's interest into the paranormal. Then, he shares experiences and synchronicities with other crop circle researchers from his early days. Colin talks about interacting with crop circles and the differences today verses back then. He'll also discuss human consciousness working with the Akashic Field.

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Tracy R. Twyman | Money Grows on the Tree of Knowledge, January 10, 2012


January 10, 2012–Tracy Twyman has been writing about alternative history and the occult for 14 years. She is the author of several nonfiction books and is also the former Editor of Dagobert's Revenge Magazine, a journal of esoteric history that was published from 1996 to 2003. In 2006 her website made national news when it was banned by the Supreme Court of Pakistan on charges of blasphemy. Recently she was featured in the documentary film Bloodline, released in May 2008. Her book The Merovingian Mythos was licensed by Sony Pictures for use in the upcoming film Angels and Demons, prequel to The Da Vinci Code.

Tracy R. Twyman's latest work on the esoteric history of money. Learn how the modern-day alchemists who control our economy create fool's gold out of nothing. These masters of illusion have tricked us all into sacrificing our own youth, and that of our own children, by convincing us that "time is money."

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Max Igan | Truth Frequency Interview, January 14, 2012


Max Igan on Truth Frequency Radio, January 14, 2012.

"Houston, we have a problem!" (Yugoslavian Space Program) Trailer, January 9, 2012

Docudrama revealing one of the biggest secrets of space race during cold war - Yugoslavian space programme.

"Yugoslavs made rapid development based on unknown diaries of Yugoslav space pioneer Herman Potočnik - Noordung after 2nd world war. Technical solutions described in Potocnik's unpublished papers were the basis for establishing secret Yugoslav space
programme in 1948, after Josip Broz Tito's conflict with Stalin.
In late 1960, CIA discovered that Yugoslavia already had an operational space-flight technology.

In March 1961 Yugoslavia secretly sold complete space programme to USA.
In May 1961, Kennedy announced USA choose to go to the Moon.
In this documentary we will reveal how Tito built the biggest secret underground space centre in Europe in army base Željava with code name "Object 505".

Researched and written by Boštjan Virc
Directed and co-written by Žiga Virc
Production Studio Virc

Object 505 footage:

Patrick Chouinard, Dr. John Apsley | Giants & Lost Civilizations, January 12, 2012


January 12, 2012–Independent researcher Pat Chouinard presented information and theories about an ancient race of giants, as well as lost civilizations and their artifacts. There are numerous cross-cultural references to giants, as well as creation myths that involved them. "I think they were a highly advanced race," and they were said to have a lifespan of hundreds of years, he noted. Mesopotamia and Atlantis were not the first civilizations, "I believe there were hundreds, thousands of civilizations going back to a very very remote and early time in our history," he said. Sanskrit writings of India refer to civilizations that existed hundreds of thousands of years ago, "and I think the giants go back to this time," he continued.

One of the mysteries he's explored concerns the finding of ancient out-of-place Caucasians in such countries as New Guinea, China, and Japan, as well as in North America, far before the Europeans had arrived. Some of these were described as "red haired giants," and the Native Americans have myths about light-skinned giants, called the 'Bright White God,' and Quetzalcoatl, he detailed. Chouinard suspects that this race, which might have been as tall as 15-18 ft., gradually died out from epidemics or other factors.

He talked about the demise of the Atlantean civilization, suggesting that primitive groups that co-existed on the fringes of Atlantis as it was fading, picked up some remnants of their advancements, and eventually rose up to become the historic civilizations that we know from ancient history. Chouinard also spoke about ancient megalithic structures like Gobekli Tepe and Baalbek, as well as the anomalous discovery of the "X Woman of Siberia," in which a finger bone was found that came from a separate, unknown evolutionary line that dated back some 50,000 years.

Fukushima & US Deaths

First hour guest, Dr. John Apsley reported on increased deaths in North America that he believes are associated with the Fukushima catastrophe, and the leaking of radiation. There was a spike in infant mortality rates within the first 10 weeks of the catastrophe in cities across the US, and the radiation contamination likely came through rainfall, he said, adding that infants were particularly susceptible because of their reduced thyroid function. For more, see this page from Apsley.

News segment guests:
Greg Hunter, Peter Davenport

Dr. Ted Loder and Dr. Steven Greer | New Energy for the New Year, January 13, 2011


Dr. Greer and Dr. Loder discuss the ever increasing importance of bringing out the truly alternative energy sources of zero-point energy.

Some of the discussion may be old news for those who have been following The Orion Project but for others who are just learning about these possibilities it bears repeating. The ever increasing urgency of getting this truth out is a wake up call to us all.

New World Next Week | Obamney vs. US, USrael vs. Iran, Eugenicists vs. Everyone, January 12, 2012


Story #1: Ron Paul Is The Only Candidate With The Momentum to Challenge Romney

- Ron Paul Says It's Two-Man Race Now
- Why Paul Won't Make Third Party Bid

Story #2: Israel 'Not Shedding a Tear' Over Mystery Death of Iranian Nuclear Scientist

- Haaretz Timeline on Mysterious Deaths And Blasts Linked to Iran's Nuclear Program
- Clinton Denies US Role in Killing Iranian Nuclear Scientist
- More Murder of Iranian Scientists: Still Terrorism?
- Assassination of Iranian Scientist Joint Operation By Mossad, MKO
- NWNW Flashback: 'Funding Terror' from December 22, 2011

Story #3: Forced Sterilization Victims Granted $50,000 Over Admitted US 'Eugenics' Program
-North Carolina May Compensate Sterilization Victims
-Related: US Argues It Is 'Immune' From Guatemalan STD Experiment Lawsuit
-NWNW Flashback: 'Experiments Exposed' from March 3, 2011

Randy Maugans | Hypesters, Lies and Mind Control, January 11, 2012


January 11, 2012–From crazy claims about Comet Elenin to wild stories about impending doom, a large body of people seem to be exploiting the internet and the credulity of readers simply to draw attention to their websites. William Henry calls this "a deadly serious game" and Randy Maugans explains just why they are spreading their stories and what they hope to gain. This is a hard-hitting name-naming program that asks the questions: why all the hysteria, why all the lies?

Randy Maugans, guest with metaphysical author and researcher, William Henry.

Subject: the truth movement undone! David Wilcock, Richard Hoagland...Project Camelot...Elenin, the fear fest, the crying game, the theatrical, and even plagaristic accountability, no scruples, and almost NO substance...clever marketing or mass mind control?

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James Corbett | Syria - Endgame Approaches as Conspiracy Continues, January 11, 2012


Three people have reportedly been killed by security forces across Syria on Wednesday. Bashar Al-Assad has spoken to supporters in Damascus for the second time in the last 24 hours, reiterating his dismissal of calls to step down. He's blaming the ten-month-long unrest in the country on foreign-funded terrorists, promising to crush them with extreme prejudice. The UN says Damascus has stepped up its crackdown on protesters, but Assad claims no order was ever given to fire on civilians. The President's pledged commitment to Democratic reform, promising a referendum on a new constitution by March, and free elections soon after. RT talks to independent news editor James Corbett.

Dr. Piet Martens | The Solar Return, January 10, 2012

Source:, Dr. Piet Martens

January 10, 2012–The sun’s role in climate and weather has become a hotly debated topic in the official climate change story, however overlooked in public or political forums. Some modelers and pro-AGW (anthropogenic global warming) claimants have stated that the sun has little to no impact on the global climate system. In response, many empiricists have argued that the sun is incorrectly represented in the global circulation models AGW theorists use to project future climate scenarios.

In this segment, Dr. Piet Martens, a Research Professor in the physics department of Montana State University, joins us to outline the implications of current research for solar activity. Dr. Martens and his colleagues are currently developing 16 programs that use NASA solar data and image processing techniques to identify and predict solar storms, sunspots, coronal mass ejections, and other solar events that may threaten our electrical grid. Join us with Dr. Piet Martens as we explore space weather modeling and his perspectives on new solar data. ~Kim Greenhouse
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