Marilyn Gewacke & Diane Saunders | Report on February 2012 Scottsdale CSETI, March 9, 2012


March 9, 2012–Marilyn Gewacke and Diane Saunders share their experiences from the CSETI Expedition near Scottsdale AZ at the end of February 2012.

You have heard Marilyn speaking with Dr. Greer on several occasions and today she is joined by Diane Saunders. The experiences from the Scottsdale expedition is fresh in their minds and they make them vivid for you. They have also organized a CSETI local working group in New York.

Diane Saunders, C.S.W. is a clinical social worker and psychotherapist specializing in individual and marital therapy. She studied yoga and meditation with Swami Rama of the Himalayas and is a certified Hatha yoga teacher. She brings her background in mind body therapies to her role as therapist and cofacilitator of spiritual retreats. Diane is also a nondenominational minister and mother of two.

Paul Levy | Wetiko & The Dreaming, March 8, 2012


March 8, 2012–Paul is a pioneer in the field of spiritual emergence, as well as an innovator in the field of dreaming, a Tibetan Buddhist practitioner for over 30 years and the author of The Madness of George Bush: A Reflection of Our Collective Psychosis, as well as the book we'll discuss, Wetiko: The Greatest Epidemic Sickness Known to Humanity.

Paul says our species is clearly in the middle of a mass psychic epidemic, which he calls malignant egophrenia and Native Americans call wetiko psychosis. There is a psycho-spiritual disease of the soul whose origin is within ourselves that has the potential either to destroy our species or wake us up, depending upon whether or not we recognize what it is revealing to us. We'll discuss how Wetiko operates, what it needs and how it mutates. Paul talks about co-collective creation, our unconscious mind and shadow self. He also explains how Wetiko can actually be the greatest gift. ~Red Ice Creations
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The Kevin Smith Show | NASA: What the hell are you doing?


NASA has canceled their planned manned mission to the moon, killed the Space Shuttle fleet, canceled their participation in the ESA Mars mission, announced the cancelation of planetary exploration. I've got a question. ~Kevin Smith

Talk radio like nowhere else on earth
The Kevin Smith Show

The Unexplained | Howard Hughes interviews Thomas P. Fusco, March 1, 2012


Thomas P. Fusco has devoted nearly three decades of research into the relationship between mind, physics, spirituality, parapsychology, scientific anomalies and paranormal phenomena with the goal of uncovering the unifying cosmological framework that has eluded mankind for generations.

Howard Hughes: This time we talk with Tom Fusco in Florida – he says he’s come up with a fascinating scientific theory that links together and explains all paranormal phenomena…

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New World Next Week | Stop KONY 2012, LulzSec FBI, Fukushima Anniversary, March 8, 2012


Story #1: Joseph Kony Viral Video Campaign Clouded In Controversy
'Get Kony' Goes Viral: Questions Raised About Charity's Social Media Blitz
Joseph Kony Is Not In Uganda
Invisible Children, The Next Chapter

Related: Breitbart Autopsy Leaves More Questions Than Answers
After Ohio Primary, Kucinich Loses Seat in Congress

Story #2: LulzSec Hackers Charged after Ringleader Turns Informant
Flashback: One In Four US Hackers 'Is An FBI Informer'

Story #3: Children Wait Another Year for UN Radiation Study
Related: Iran Tops Agenda of UN Nuclear Inspectors' Meeting in Vienna
Flashback: Toxic link - the WHO and the IAEA

X1.1 Solar Flare + CME / Solar Watch March 5, 2012

Source: SolarWatcher youtube

X-Flare. Solar activity is now high. Big Active Region 11429, which emerged on March 2nd, is crackling with strong flares. The strongest so far, an X1-class eruption, occured just ths morning, March 5th at 0413 UT. The explosion also hurled a bright coronal mass ejection (CME) into space. The expanding cloud will probably deliver a glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field on March 7th. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras in the nights ahead.

David Icke on The Alex Jones Show, March 6, 2012


On the Tuesday, March 6 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with former BBC television sports presenter, spokesman for the Green Party, author and speaker David Icke. He is the author of Infinite Love Is the Only Truth: Everything Else Is Illusion and is featured in a number of videos, including Speaking Out: Who Really Controls the World and What We Can Do About It and Freedom or Fascism: The Time to Choose.

Human Origins, EMVs and E.T.-Life - Mark Snider interviews James Horak on Ohio Exopolitics Part 2, March 5, 2012

Source: Ohio Exopolitics,

March 5, 2012–Mark Snider again is extracting tremendous amounts of information from James Horak about the human condition and our relation to the people in our solar system we have had in the past. James also explains what his position on earth is and how he found out what his task is. The importance and function of the EMVs in relation to sun, earth and sentient life is explored and what is going on on Venus, Mars and Jupiter and its moons. The design of the universe is laid out by James and in recognizing it's beauty you may understand why it can't be any other way.

Lloyd Pye | Amazing New Starchild Skull DNA Results, March 3, 2012

Source:, Lloyd's Starchild Skull Update Details

Lloyd Pye has come out with some new results from the DNA testing of the Starchild Skull that reinforces the theory that absolute proof can be obtained that the Starchild Skull is NOT Human.

In this Audio Update Lloyd tell us the results of those latest tests and what it means to the overall discovery that the Starchild skull is Alien in origin. ~Spectrum Radio Network

Lloyd's Starchild Skull Update Details:

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Bob Dean & Clifford Stone | Twilight of the Old Boys Network, March 5, 2012


This is a video of several guerrilla style interviews with Bob Dean and Clifford Stone conducted over a 2 day period at the 2012 UFO Congress... Retired, Command Sergeant Major, Robert O. Dean and Retired, Sergeant Clifford Stone hadn't seen each other in some time. They are old friends and both have been given special access to the above top secret world of the military involving interaction with ETs of various races.

In this once in a lifetime interview we get them together, at one place and time, sharing war stories and reminiscing about their encounters. I ask them the hard questions and attempt one more time to get them to reveal the true nature of the military involvement with ETs. What it means for humanity and where it is well as the fact that there are friendly and not so friendly visitors to this planet. Some who walk among us and down the halls of the Pentagon. ~Kerry Cassidy

John Lenard Walson | Close Moon Footage, March 2012

Source: JohnLenardWalson youtube

Adrian Salbuchi | Putin a Break against NEO-Colonial West, March 5, 2012


International consultant and author Adrian Salbuchi who's in Argentina gives a view of the Russian election from abroad.
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