Diana Johnstone | The Toulouse Murders, The French Election & EU, May 13, 2012

Source: redicecreations.com, Diana Johnstone

May 13, 2012–Diana Johnstone is an American political writer based in Paris, France. She focuses primarily on European politics and Western foreign policy. She is the author of "Fools Crusade: Yugoslavia, NATO and Western Delusions." We begin discussing Mohamed Merah who shot seven people dead in France in March. Johnstone details her article analyzing the events called "The Toulouse Murders." We'll cover the recent French election and how the Toulouse "terrorist" affected the outcome.

Nicholas Sarkozy is now gone and the new President of France is Francois Hollande. Diana talks about who this new president is. Later, we discuss the economic situation in the European Union, Greek austerity measures and Germany. What is the future of the European Union? Considering its shady and unstable foundation, will it crumble under the pressure of the current economic turmoil, or will it come out even stronger? ~Red Ice Creations

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John Lenard Walson 2012

Source: JohnLenardWalson youtube

Philip Coppens in Paris | European Pyramids, Ancient Aliens & Mary Magdalene

Source: juicylivingtour.com, philipcoppens.com

Philip Coppens is an author and investigative journalist, ranging from the world of politics to ancient history and mystery. He co-hosts The Spirit Revolution radio show with his wife Kathleen McGowan and is a frequent contributor to NEXUS Magazine and Atlantis Rising Magazine.

Since 1995, he has lectured extensively and has appeared in a number of television and DVD documentaries, including Ancient Aliens: The Series (The History Channel). He is the author of The Stone Puzzle of Rosslyn Chapel, The Canopus Revelation, Land of the Gods, The New Pyramid Age, Servants of the Grail, the ebook 2012, Science or Fiction?, Killing Kennedy and The Ancient Alien Question.

Clif High | The "Mass Arrests" Claim, Fulford & The White Dragon Society, May 10, 2012

Source: redicecreations.com, halfpasthuman.com

May 10, 2012–Clif High, along with his associate George Ure, developed the Web Bot, or the Web Bot Project in the late 1990s. It's an Internet bot software program or a web spider that originally was designed to predict stock market trends. Eventually it developed into something different.
Now it's claimed to be able to predict future events by tracking keywords on the web.

In the first hour of the program Clif gives his take on a story of coming "mass arrests" being told about by author and speaker David Wilcock and whistleblower and alleged insider "Drake." They say that top military brass in the Pentagon have secret plans to arrest people in high places. This means corrupt politicians, bankers and those who have subjected people to financial tyranny.

Connected to this story is also Benjamin Fulford, a former writer with Forbes magazine. From Japan, he's been reporting and writing about the Yakuza and the "White Dragon Society" and their supposed opposition to the western royal families and the Illuminati. Tied into this is also material about how the severity of the Fukushima nuclear disaster is being downplayed. Listen to this program to hear Clif High's opinion on these things and much more. ~Red Ice Creations

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Regina Meredith on Veritas Radio | Soulo Journey: Life from the Soul's Perspective

Source: veritasradio.com, cmn.tv

Regina's new book 'Soulo Journey: Life From the soul's Perspective' offers a rarely glimpsed rendering of the origins of the human species. With this new understanding of what it is to be a Human-Being, our choices change.

Empowering and enlightening, 'Soulo Journey' draws from Regina's 30 year background in esoteric studies combined with having had access to more than 400 brilliant thinkers of our time as the host of Conscious Media Network.

Soulo Journey takes the fear out of understanding humanity's deepest roots and reflects back our true entitlement to limitless creation.

The following are a few of the subjects covered in the book and this interview: How the human species came into creation The schism of the soul vs. animal mind Choosing our gene pool Why humans have required outside 'guidance' Healing from the soul's perspective Human feedback loops with Earth Manifesting from the Soul Giving children voice Breaking the hypnosis and unearthing our own truths ...and much more

Strange Object Caught In A CME Goes In Reverse, May 2012

Source: BeePeeOilDisaster youtube

John Lamb Lash on TMRN, April 2012

Source: timemonkradio.com, gaiaspora.org

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GRTV Backgrounder | The Chicago NATO Summit, May 11, 2012

Source: grtv.ca, corbettreport.com

Ever since its inception there have been those who have warned that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, far from offering a simple "collective security" pact to ensure the integrity of its member nations' borders, would in fact be used as an offensive tool of imperial adventurism and conquest. Since the NATO-led Kosovo bombing campaign of 1999 at the very least, those fears have appeared more and more justified.

Since that time, NATO has continued to take a lead role in more and more overtly offensive campaigns of aggression in theatre after theatre. By now it is commonly understood to be an extension of the Pentagon itself, a convenient international military instrument for Washington to wield whenever the pretense of an international consensus cannot be achieved at the UN Security Council. ~James Corbett

SolarWatcher | SOHOs Greatest Hits Volume 1-4

Source: SolarWatcher, sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov

Compilation of the best anomalies i found from the Soho probe. ~SolarWatcher

Soho LINK http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov

Anthony Peake | The Illusions of Reality: Life, Death & Time, May 11, 2012

Source: evolvingbeings.com, anthonypeake.com

Anthony is a researcher in the areas of metaphysics and quantum physics, a public speaker and author of 5 books with his most recent titles including The Out Of Body Experience: The History & Science of Astral Travel and The Labyrinth of Time: The Illusion of Past, Present & Future. He is a member of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, The Scientific & Medical Network and the Society for Psychic Research. He and his work have been featured on numerous British and International media outlets.

In the show entitled "The Illusions of Reality: Life, Death & Time", Anthony shares some of his research and hypotheses about these themes, including major topics like:

- The illusion of solidity and "seeing is believing"
- The role the brain and eyes play in creating reality
- Is the external world created internally
- Where is the consciousness located
- The Zero Point Field
- The role of perception, belief and expectation in creating our reality
- The role of the observer in creating the reality
- Singular versus collective consciousness
- The connection to a virtual reality and the work of Thomas Campbell
- The nature of reality as holographic
- Common misconceptions about Out of Body Experiences
- Understanding dreams/precognitive dreams/lucid dreams
- Understanding the out of body experience as an intrasomatic experience
- Mention of neurotransmitters like Melatonin, Metatonin (DMT)
- The connection of the hypnagogic state to the OBE
- Characteristics of a NDE (near death experience)
- "Cheating the Ferryman" hypothesis and reincarnation
- "Bohmian IMAX" hypothesis
- The impact of the Golden Rule and Karma
- An overview of Anthony's new book "The Labyrinth of Time"
- Time as a construct of the mind

David Wilcock | UFO Intervention, May 9, 2012

Source: coasttocoastam.com

May 9, 2012–Intuitive researcher and filmmaker, David Wilcock, discussed how UFO intervention is thwarting efforts to start WWIII and how this interference is part of an organized movement toward a golden age of humanity. He dubbed these actions "divine intervention," since it appears that when the UFOs make their presence known it seems to be for benevolent reasons. To that end, he specifically cited craft shutting down nuclear weapons as an example of their positive intent. Given the ephemeral and surreptitious work of these positive UFO events, Wilcock surmised that they are beholden to a "prime directive" to not overtly interfere in human events unless it is absolutely necessary, such as curtailing the proliferation of nuclear weapons.

According to Wilcock, these benign UFOs are working in opposition against a group he called "the cabal" which consists of the power brokers behind the New World Order agenda. The leaders of the cabal, Wilcock said, are "openly and routinely interacting with a variety of extraterrestrial species," possess knowledge that humans are actually ET hybrids, and maintain stargates that allow them to leave the Earth at will. He contended that one of the key goals of the cabal, which has been planned for 300 years, is a "mass uncloaking of their true identity and their philosophy." This philosophy, he said, is rooted in Luciferianism, but has been corrupted over time to espouse ideals like "the manipulation and control of people for the betterment of self" and using occult rituals for personal gain.

Eventually, he said, this conflict between the benevolent ETs and the cabal will reach a crescendo as the planet shifts into a "golden age" as prophesied by religions and myths around the world. However, he claimed that the prophesies were "cleverly worded" by the ETs to trick the sinister "powers that be" into believing that mass disasters will befall the planet during this transition, thus distracting them and keeping them fearful. Based on his research, Wilcock explained that the shift into a "golden age" is not simply an overnight change for the human race but one that "requires a spiritual evolution to occur." This evolution, he said, will give the human race a greater understanding of its role in the universe as a whole. Wilcock expressed great optimism that the metamorphosis of the human race, coupled with the intervention of the ETs, will ultimately lead to the crumbling of the nefarious Luciferian cabal.

Amardeep Kaleka and Dr. Steven Greer | Sirius: The Next Step in Disclosure, May 11, 2012

Source: worldpuja.org, NeverendingLight.com, CSETI.org, DisclosureProject.org

Dr. Steven Greer is joined by Emmy award winning documentary filmmaker, Amardeep Kaleka. They discuss the next level of Disclosure that will happen with the documentary they are working on. The first part will include witness testimony that will establish that we have been visited by ET civilizations. The 2nd part will connect the dots showing how the ET issue relates to the New Energy issue and the development of new civilization on planet Earth. The final section of the film will show the contact the CE-5 teams led by Dr. Greer have been experiencing (CE-5 = Close Encounters of the 5th kind).
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