John Lash on GLPVC Raw Feed, June 2012


In this near 2 hour uncut interview with John Lash, we dive into some very deep subjects on Gnosticism and some of the last remaining texts that weren't destroyed in the Crusades. Learn history from the losers before it was almost erased and heavily changed. Sophia the feminine aspect of God, the Nag Hammadi Treatise, The Aeons, The Archons, Nefarious beings that feed off the earth and its inhabitants, other possibilities of who and what Jesus was and so much more! ~Clandestine Timelord

Julian Assange's The World Tomorrow | Cypherpunks, Part 2 (E9), June 12, 2012


You can't do much online or with your phone without someone, somewhere, knowing what you're doing. But there's one group on your side. They're called the Cypherpunks Movement, and they're on Julian Assange's show here on RT to talk about their plans to keep your private data, private.

Arnie Gundersen, David Blume, Dr. John Apsley, Dr. Theresa Dale | Fukushima Special, June 9, 2012


John B. Wells welcomed various experts in nuclear power, energy, and health for a discussion on the Fukushima nuclear accident and how the disaster may affect our health and environment.

John Lenard Walson | Close Moon Footage, June 11, 2012

Source: JohnLenardWalson youtube

Nora Gedgaudas | The Paleo Diet, Primal Body & Primal Mind, June 10, 2012


June 10, 2012–Nora Gedgaudas is one of the world's leading experts on Paleolithic (Paleo) nutrition and author of the international bestselling book "Primal Body, Primal Mind: Beyond The Paleo Diet For Total Health and a Longer Life." She is Board-certified in Holistic Nutrition through the National Association of Nutritional Professionals and is a Certified Nutritional Therapist.

Nora served as a trainer for the State of Washington Institute of Mental Health, illuminating nutrition's impact on mental health for State health care workers at all levels. She maintains a private practice in Portland, Oregon as both a Certified Nutritional Therapist and a Board-certified Clinical Neurofeedback Specialist.

In August 2011, Nora was a featured presenter at the Ancestral Health Symposium at UCLA-billed as "the Woodstock of evolutionary medicine." We'll discuss the pre-agriculture diet and lifestyle. Also, we cover the negative impacts of agriculture upon our environment and the ill effects of grain in our bodies. Nora provides specific information on why the paleo diet is the best for the human body.
~Red Ice Creations

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Freeman Interviews Jay Weidner | Archons, Alchemy and Modern Movie Magic


Dr. Brooks Agnew on GLPVC's The Raw Feed

Source: ClandestineTimelord youtube,,,

Dr. Brooks Agnew, Founder of Advanced Planetary Explorations, LLC is the Scientific Project Director of the North Pole Inner Earth Expedition (NPIEE). By far the most innovative and courageous exploration effort in modern times. In this podcast, we discuss his plan for visiting the center of the earth, why the molten lava core theory is false and the center of the earth is something much greater, oceans underneath our oceans, quantum physics, the holographic nature of reality, HAARP and more.

Kevin Smith Show | Dr. Courtney Brown - Remote Viewing, Base on Mars, June 8, 2012


June 8, 2012–Appearing on the Kevin Smith Show, Dr. Courtney Brown discusses the Farsight Institute's remote viewing work, and their viewing of an operational base on Mars. Brown discusses what the viewers saw of the bse and its inhabitants, and says there is a NASA photo of the base. ~Kevin Smith

Barry King, Duncan O'Finioan and Miranda Kelly on Offplanet Radio, June, 2012

Source:, Barry King, O'Finioan's Blog, Information Machine

Barry King conference call with Duncan O'Finioan and Miranda Kelly, hosted by Randy Maugans of OffPlanet Radio---Recorded June 2, 2012.

Barry King (UK), a/k/a. THE VOICE, has for 18 years consistently disclosed the information about his childhood as part of a secret intelligence agency project to cultivate and deploy the abilities of children for covert operations; his experiences and observations while working at the Peasmore underground base, working in alien crash recovery, as well as revealing the existence of the testing facility for 'super machines' at Wiltshire in the UK, disclosures about PROJECT MANNEQUIN. His files are available at:

In early May of 2012, Barry announced he was leaving the disclosure movement largely due to discouragement over the lack of integrity by disclosure figurehead, Dr. Steven Greer. The so-called "disclosure" movement has been slowly eroded by fake disclosures, newer and "glitzier" personalities, and slanted agendas that continue to skew the raw evidence by suppressing data and testimonies. The "truth" is messy and should not be massaged by clever media manipulators for their own gain and personal biases.

This conversation occurred after an online series of exchange with Duncan O'Finioan and we agreed to host a conference call where Barry, Duncan, and his partner, Miranda Kelly could meet and exchange ideas and insights. This conversation is the "raw" recording of over 1 1/2 hours over Skype.

We expect that Barry's testimony will stand on the record as a large contribution to "real" disclosure project which lives outside the hands of controllers and handlers like Steven Greer and other media outlets and that Barry has not yet completed his work, but stepped back to let the dust settle. We are releasing this today on June 9, 2012 in honor of Barry's 60th birthday.


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New World Next Week | Gmail Hacking, Panda + Bear, TB Resistance, June 7, 2012


Story #1: Google To Warn Possible Victims Of State-Sponsored Spying
Related: Obama Lights The 'Flame' - From 'Virtual War' To Military Conflict

Story #2: China, Russia Sign Joint Communique To Deepen Cooperation
Related: China, Russia United Against Intervention In Syria
Russia Prepares For War In Syria, Army Units
Tajikistan Hosts China, Russia Lead Military Exercises
Russia Has World's Largest Nuke Arsenal -- 10,000 Warheads

Story #3: Tuberculosis Survey In China Finds Drug Resistance Rife
Research: "National Survey of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis in China"
Related: Untreatable Multi-Drug-Resistant Gonorrhea Sex Bug on the Way

Brit Dee & Tom Secker | The Anders Behring Breivik Case & Trial, June 7, 2012


Brit is particularly interested in global terrorism, real and contrived, the manipulations and subversive agendas of the political and financial elite, and propaganda of the mainstream media. Tom Secker is a British based writer, researcher and filmmaker who specializes in terrorism, the security services and declassified history. He has been writing on the philosophy and politics of fear since 2008.

Brit Dee is a writer, researcher and broadcaster. His journalism is regularly published on many alternative media sites. Tom and Brit will discuss the Anders Breivik trial, points of interest in the case, interesting connections, suspicious aspects and the strategy of tension. We'll talk about how this terrorist event may be used to further the globalist's agenda. ~Red Ice Creations

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Courtney Brown | Truth Connections Radio, June 5, 2012


Having completed a major round of experiments using Remote Viewing, a tool used to explore questions relating to consciousness and existence, Courtney Brown, Ph.D., leading scholar in the field of Remote Viewing, and Chief Investigator at The Farsight Institute, joins Truth Connections to discuss the results of the Institute's latest findings.

Courtney's investigations demonstrate that conscousness is more than a by-product of the physical human nervous system, being a trainable mental procedure used to perceive places, people, and events. Remote Viewing is scientifically and spiritually important, as well as educational and beneficial in our development as a species.

Based on research using Remote Viewing methods that were developed by the U.S. Military for espionage purposes, and multiple methods derived from these, Courtney will share his discoveries about time; dimensions; the universe; and a number of verifiable, but rare, secret, or hidden details about the planetary bodies contained herein. All viewing procedures are undertaken by the most renown, skilled, and qualified remote viewers on the planet currently. ~Truth Connections Radio
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