RT | Arab anger swells: Riots in Egypt, Yemen 'out of control', September 14, 2012

Source: RT.com

The wave of anti-American protests is gathering strength as it sweeps across the Muslim world. Police in Yemen have reportedly fired warning shots at another mob of protesters heading for the US embassy, while similar clashes rage in the Egyptian capital. RT's Paula Slier reports from Cairo.

David L. Smith on GRTV | The Origins of the Euro Crisis, September 14, 2012

Source: grtv.ca

As ECB chief Mario Draghi announces an unlimited bond buyback program to prop up the faltering Euro, and as the German supreme court rules that the European Stability Mechanism is constitutional, all eyes are once again on Europe. Now, analysts like David L. Smith are explaining the origins of the crisis and its likely consequences to an increasingly concerned public. Find out more in this week's GRTV Feature Interview.

3MIN News, September 14, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Winter Plant Survival Map
Guatemala Volcano
Eruption video
Cold Coming
Quennsland Drought
Watch Typhoon Sanba
Sunspot Class

Simon G. Powell | The Psilocybin Solution vs. Elite Psychedelic Psyops, September 12, 2012

Source: Radio3Fourteen, simongpowell.com

September 12, 2012–After graduating from UCL in 92, Simon G. Powell suffered an extended bout of 'mushroom fever' brought on by excessive psilocybin use. After his 'mushroom fever' subsided, he was left with a case of chronic biophilia compounded by chronic gaiaphilia. He was compelled to write a number of unorthodox books, including The Psilocybin Solution and Darwin's Unfinished Business. He also wrote and directed two documentaries: Manna and Metanoia.

Simon discusses the experience and the message of the psilocybin mushroom. We’ll talk about Earth intelligence and its connection to human consciousness. Then, Simon refutes Jan Irvin’s research on the secret history of the magic mushroom and Gordon Wasson’s involvement with the CIA. He also comments on John M. Allegro’s mushroom cult theory. ~Radio 3Fourteen
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3MIN News | SuperTyphoon, Record Ice Melt/Flooding, Spaceweather, September 13, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Isaac Reversed Mississippi
Vegas Flooding
Utah Flood
Nigeria Flood
Himalayan Melting
Arctic Ice Melt 1
Arctic Ice Melt 2
Wunderground Typhoon & Tropical Storm Map

James Corbett | The Last Word on Voting, September 12, 2012

Source: corbettreport.com

We vote every day, not in some meaningless election, but in who we choose to associate with, what we choose to spend our money on, what we choose to invest our time and energy doing. This is the essence of freedom.

Transcript » corbettreport.com

Wikileaks released half a million documents related to 9/11, September 12, 2012

Source: RT.com

Despite the legal battle the Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange finds himself in, today the website itself is still functioning. Today it has released half a million documents gathered within 24 hours of the 9/11 attack. So it seems that despite the political turmoil faced by Assange for Wikileaks it's business as usual. RT spoke with the whistleblower's lawyer Baltasar Garzon for the latest development in his case.

2MIN News, September 12, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Jupiter Impact
Pakistan Flooding
Leslie on Sat
More Leslie
Herd Losses
Planets Form in Center of Galaxy

Lyndon LaRouche | The Economic System, September 11, 2012

Source: larouchepac.com

In today's discussion between Lyndon LaRouche and the national slate, Mr. LaRouche gets to the core of the current dismal situation the nation faces with the choice of either of the two leading presidential candidates: party politics must now come to an end if we are to avert thermonuclear war.

Dr. Judy Wood | Revisiting 9/11: Embracing the Facts, September 10, 2012

Source: itsrainmakingtime.com, drjudywood.com, wheredidthetowersgo.com

Forensic scientist and researcher Dr. Judy Wood, the author of Where Did the Towers Go?, returns for a blockbuster discussion about her 10-year analysis of the September 11th events at the World Trade Center – and why the official story is impossible according to the laws of physics. Dr. Wood’s approach to discovery and critical thinking honors the lives that were lost, and seeks to bring closure to families that lost loved ones on this tragic day in American history. For the first time since 9/11, we will explore the forensic evidence surrounding the destruction of the World Trade Center buildings – including 1,400 cars, thousands of bodies falling out of the buildings, and the “dustification” of the twin towers: how it is that 43,600 windows, 600,000 square feet of glass, 200,000 tons of structured steel, five million square feet of gypsum, six acres of marble, and 425,000 cubic yards of concrete turned to dust.

Eleven years ago, we looked on in horror as these stunning events unfolded – and many of us are still reeling. Finally, the time has come to consider the empirical data, open our minds, and ask what really happened to the towers that day. Join us as Dr. Judy Wood brings new light and in-depth understanding into the real forensics of 9/11. ~Kim Greenhouse
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2MIN News, September 11, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers youtube

Summer Weather Records
Pakistan Flood
Jupiter Impact
Occupy Hong Kong


Source: larouchepac.com

A dark, gruesome, but wholly true depiction of the threat of thermonuclear war, the consequences, and Obama’s deployment of a major portion of the U.S. thermonuclear capabilities in multiple theaters threatening both Russia and China.

Watch german version here » bueso.de
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