Truth Frequency Radio | Christopher Everard & Simon Treselyan Roundtable, November, 2012


We welcome both Simon Treselyan and Christopher Everard to the broadcast to discuss the impossibility of anything in this Universe being all good/light or all evil/dark. We contemplate the ebb and flow of history itself and how it always shows us this key fact: That the balance inside of ourselves reflects the balance of the entire universe, and how the universe needs the dark energy in order for life to continuously form. We also discuss secret societies, ancient mythology, and how/when to defend yourself from being attacked, whether it be physical or psychical. ~Truth Frequency Radio

New World Next Week | Somalian Psyops, Flu Fraud, War Crimes, November 15, 2012

Source:, ,

Story #1: Political Sockpuppetry - US Military Behind Fake African News Sites
Bloggers' Fear - Russian Crackdown On Illegal Web Content Causes Stir
Corbett Report on Psyops 101: A Brief History of Fake News
NWNW Flashback: Fake Report Of Russian Tanks Sparks Panic In Country Of Georgia  

Story #2: British Medical journal Says Roche's Tamiflu Won't Stop Flu
Poll Shows Men Would Rather Do Taxes Than Get Flu Shot
Flashback: WHO Raises Pandemic Alert To Second-Highest Level

Story #3: Personal Sufferings Of Palestinians To Be Heard At Upcoming War Crime Conference
Flashback: Media Monarchy Interview w/ Nile Bowie on the 'Pacific Century'  

Bonus: Israeli, Palestinian Groups Place Ads On TriMet Trains, Buses
'Coup Du Jour' and Petraeus-gate: James Corbett and James Evan Pilato on 'Ground Zero With Clyde Lewis'

Steven Kelley | Lasers, Cavers & Magic, November 14, 2012

Source: Radio 3Fourteen, Lasers Cavers & Magic

November 14, 2012–Steven Kelley, an inventor and laser pioneer, has worked in the defense industry and founded S.K.Industries, the producer of Law17 laser aiming systems used by law enforcement and military. He was a contractor for the NSA, and has worked on projects for the CIA. During this time, Steven was exposed to Billy Meier, ETs, beam ships, alien politics and technology. Steven is the author of "Lasers, Cavers & Magic.” He’ll tell his story of how he was approached to be recruited by a secret group he calls, “the cavers.” Steven shares his knowledge of highly advanced technology, UFOs, aliens and government conspiracy. Later, we discuss developing psychic skills and preparing for a new evolutionary cycle with higher density energy. ~Radio 3Fourteen
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Corbett Report Radio | Life in Japan, November 13, 2012


Tonight James takes a moment out of news and geopolitics to answer one of the most common questions from listeners and viewers: what’s it like in Japan. James talks about his experience in Japan as a teacher and what day to day life is like here, and also shares some clips from the 2009 Video Archive DVD and some subscriber-only videos from the subscriber e-newsletter.
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2MIN News, November 14, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Amazing eclipse photo
Polar Wander
Mystery Dust
Mercury Magnetic Portals

Douglas Dietrich, Charlie McGrath | USA Treats Its Veterans Like Trash, November 12, 2012


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Solfeggio, Ambient Binaural Beats


  3hz Delta Binaural (741hz Solfeggio)
  7hz Theta Binaural (852hz Solfeggio)
  6hz Theta Binaural (639hz Solfeggio)
12hz Alpha Binaural (396hz Solfeggio)
  4hz Delta Binaural (528hz Solfeggio)
  5hz Theta Binaural (417hz Solfeggio)

741hz Solfeggio Frequencies with a 3hz Delta wave Binaural Beat designed to gently ease you into a deep state of relaxation. Both frequencies were chosen to help aid in the exploration and reconnecting of the unconscious mind.

Delta Brainwave Information 
Delta brainwaves are considered the most relaxing brainwave frequency range. Delta brainwaves are commonly associated with the deepest sleep [stages 3 & 4] and a state of unconscious awareness. Delta brainwaves are the lowest in brainwave frequency: ranging from 0 - 4 Hz, but are the highest in amplitude. Delta brainwaves, like other slower brainwave patterns, are generated in the right hemisphere, though they may be observed in widespread patterns throughout various parts of the brain. The delta brainwave range is associated with empathy, the unconscious mind, and a decreased sense of awareness..

Anthony Peake | Quantum Time: The Illusion of Past, Present and Future, November 13, 2012

Source:,, Anthony Peake's Forum

Anthony Peake studied Sociology and History at The University of Warwick and at post-graduate level at The London School of Economics. He is a professional member of The Scientific & Medical Network, The International Association of Near-Death Studies, the Society for Psychical Research and the Institute of Noetic Sciences. He is the author of several books and probably best known for his fascinating theory, which he terms Cheating The Ferryman. It suggests a totally new approach to the nature of consciousness and its relationship with the external world.

Scott Stevens on VERITAS Radio | Chemtrails: A World in Denial


For years, Scott Stevens was an award winning television weatherman who, a decade ago, noticed there was something wrong with our sky. This interview will discuss the phenomenon of chemtrails and the global denial that seems to plague the majority of the population.

No matter how much proof you can present to the average person and no matter how open minded the are, from all the topics discussed in this radio program, chemtrails seems to be main topic dismisses by most. If there is a concerted effort that the powers that want to be is to dismiss and ridicule the subject and those who research it. In fact, there are pilots who fear that conspiracy theorists may put commercial flights in danger. We discuss the possible who and why of "trails", as Scotts Stevens refers to it. The levels of high alkalinity in the soil is threatening farmers all over the globe, not to mention depletion of nutrients.

Chemtrails in the air (aluminum, barium, strontium, etc.), fluoride in the water, and poisonous chemicals in our food. Is there a concerted effort to reduce the population or keep the masses asleep? How much of human "comatose" or "denial" behavior isn't actually caused by the toxicity of this nano-fiber-coated aluminum in Chemtrails? How much of this is causing widespread cognitive troubles?

Scott Stevens is an award winning television weatherman who, a decade ago, began investigating the claims of Lt. Col Tom Bearden that North America was being subjected to full time weather modification. During the course of that personal investigation he was the first to discover the primary reason for the now global chemtrail phenomena. During Scott's two decade television career he worked in Topeka Kansas, Omaha Nebraska, Tulsa Oklahoma, Albany New York and Pocatello Idaho. He is a principle with Blue Water Alchemy in the global project to bring about a shift of the human consciousness in concert with events surrounding 2012.

2MIN News | CME Impact & Three M Flares, November 13, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Israel Underwater Gas Leak
Venice Flood

Corbett Report Radio | Operation Betrayus: From Benghazi to Brennan, November 12, 2012


The shockwaves of the Petraeus affair are still being felt in Washington. Predictably, the media focus is on the prurient nation of the scandal, but this is no ordinary sex scandal. Join us tonight on the program as we look at some of the implications of the affair from "access" journalism to blackmail to Benghazi and CIA secret prisons and the question of who will step in to fill his shoes. ~James Corbett
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Webbot Project | Clifs Wujo with Clif High E-22, November 10, 2012


News, Dr. Bhat, mudra, planet expansion, food body, Mood Cure, RMH's, Vedic Math - a bit over an hour.
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