Richard Cassaro | The Triptych Enigma, Gothic Cathedrals & Freemasonry, November 18, 2012


November 18, 2012–Journalist, speaker and Freemason Richard Cassaro is the author of "Written In Stone: Decoding The Secret Masonic Religion Hidden In Gothic Cathedrals And World Architecture." The book uncovers a lost wisdom tradition that was practiced globally in antiquity, found memorialized in pyramids, triptychs, and identical images worldwide.

The central tenets of this tradition have been perpetuated in western "secret societies." The most visible of these is the so-called "Masonic fraternity," which according to Richard is an age-old order whose ranks have included Europe's gothic cathedral builders and America's founding fathers.

We’ll discuss "the triptych enigma," something Richard has found evidence for around the world. What does this architectural secret symbolize? In the second hour we discuss Freemasonry today vs. in the ancient days and the significant differences between operative and speculative Freemasonry. Is there a conspiracy in the upper ranks of the Scottish Rite? We also cover Lucifer worship and the speculation that Masonry has been infiltrated by Luciferians. Later, we talk about a second renaissance, seeking true knowledge and the internal quest. Richard also talks about the hijacking of spirituality and the significance of one fulfilling their destiny and following their dreams.~Red Ice Creations
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3MIN News, November 18, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Cali Cap&Trade
Brain Waves
Mars Water

Troy McLachlan | The Golden Age & The Electric Universe, November 17, 2012


Author, Troy McLachlan joins a number of writers with an interest in proposing alternative interpretations of human and natural history. A strong proponent of Electric Universe theory and Saturn Theory, his first publication 'The Saturn Death Cult' is a radical discussion on the links between planetary catastrophism, ancient mythology and their connection to ancient and modern occult ritual. 

Born in South Africa, raised and educated in New Zealand, and now resident in the United Kingdom, Troy D. McLachlan spent over fifteen years in Hong Kong alternating between journalism and the film industry. He is planning a series of follow-ups to the main premise found in his first publication 'The Saturn Death Cult' and maintains the website Saturn Death where he posts supporting articles on occult ritual, mythology and Saturn Theory cosmology. ~Spectrum Radio Network

Abundant Focus high Alpha SMR binaural beats (ambient study tool)

Source:, JezebelDecibel youtube

Sensory Motor Rhythm SMR is within the range of 12 to 15 Hz. The safe SMR range (12 to 14 Hz) is particularly useful for general study needs. Suitable for people who have stress and/or anxiety issues. This ambient entrainment, enables both relaxed alert and focus -- with some multi-tasking potential to make an excellent study tool. Listen softly with stereo headphones, to promote clear focus and movement. With regular use the benefits of synchronised SMR brainwaves will become more apparent and consolidate.

Jay Weidner | The Moon Landing Conspiracy


Jay Weidner is an author, filmmaker and hermetic scholar. Wired Magazine called him an "authority on the hermetic and alchemical traditions," and "erudite conspiracy hunter" Jay Weidner is a renowned author, filmmaker and hermetic scholar. Considered to be a 'modern-day Indiana Jones' for his ongoing worldwide quests to find clues to mankind's spiritual destiny via ancient societies and artifacts, his body of work offers great insight into the circumstances that have led to the current global crisis.

He is the director of the powerful and insightful documentaries, Kubrick's Odyssey, Infinity; The Ultimate Trip, and the forthcoming feature film, Shasta. He is also the producer of the popular documentary films, 2012 The Odyssey and its sequel, Timewave 2013.

Jay was featured in the History Channel's documentary, The Lost Book of Nostradamus and was associate producer and featured in the History Channel's special, Nostradamus 2012, and also in Brad Meltzers, Decoded. He also participated in Jesse Ventura's, Conspiracy Theory for TruTV.

In addition, he is the co-author of The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye; Alchemy and the End of Time, (Destiny Books) and A Monument to the End of Time (with Vincent Bridges), as well as a contributing writer for the book, The Mystery of 2012 (Sounds True).

3MIN News, November 16, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Iron Dome
Iron Dome 2
Iron Dome 3
UFO debunked
State of the Climate
Warm Records
Statoil Halts North Sea Platform
Red Auroras

Scott Onstott, Kevin McMahon & Dan Tatman | Numerology, Geomancy & Geometry, November 15, 2012



November 15, 2012–Scott Onstott was educated as an architect at the University of California at Berkeley. After a series of epiphanies, Scott created an epic documentary film called Secrets in Plain Sight, a densely-packed series about esoteric patterns found in art, architecture, and urban design.

Working with Google Earth, Kevin McMahon has found a number of remarkable synchronicities that show incredible interconnectedness, sacred geometry and numbers across the natural landscape of the planet as well as some strategically placed man-made structures. One of the most remarkable is the International Peace Garden.

Architect Dan Tatman has done some very interesting research on the history and symbolism found within the architecture of Bath, Somerset, UK. In the first hour of this roundtable, we’ll discuss a broad range of topics ranging from numerology to geometry and geomancy. We’ll highlight the significance of ratios, pentagrams, enneagrams, triangles and how numbers relate to each other.

Kevin speaks more about the world pentagram grid and the International Peace Garden. Scott shares his findings from his video series. Dan shares his research into Bath architecture. In the second hour, Scott and Kevin discuss 9/11 and the World Trade Center site and then move onto cosmic harmonies. Scott brings forth his insight into what he calls the "4 Encoders," who are responsible for the patterns and synchronicities. Are these insights into the mysterious super conscious mind coming from the cosmos? ~Red Ice Creations
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Truth Frequency Radio | Christopher Everard & Simon Treselyan Roundtable, November, 2012


We welcome both Simon Treselyan and Christopher Everard to the broadcast to discuss the impossibility of anything in this Universe being all good/light or all evil/dark. We contemplate the ebb and flow of history itself and how it always shows us this key fact: That the balance inside of ourselves reflects the balance of the entire universe, and how the universe needs the dark energy in order for life to continuously form. We also discuss secret societies, ancient mythology, and how/when to defend yourself from being attacked, whether it be physical or psychical. ~Truth Frequency Radio

New World Next Week | Somalian Psyops, Flu Fraud, War Crimes, November 15, 2012

Source:, ,

Story #1: Political Sockpuppetry - US Military Behind Fake African News Sites
Bloggers' Fear - Russian Crackdown On Illegal Web Content Causes Stir
Corbett Report on Psyops 101: A Brief History of Fake News
NWNW Flashback: Fake Report Of Russian Tanks Sparks Panic In Country Of Georgia  

Story #2: British Medical journal Says Roche's Tamiflu Won't Stop Flu
Poll Shows Men Would Rather Do Taxes Than Get Flu Shot
Flashback: WHO Raises Pandemic Alert To Second-Highest Level

Story #3: Personal Sufferings Of Palestinians To Be Heard At Upcoming War Crime Conference
Flashback: Media Monarchy Interview w/ Nile Bowie on the 'Pacific Century'  

Bonus: Israeli, Palestinian Groups Place Ads On TriMet Trains, Buses
'Coup Du Jour' and Petraeus-gate: James Corbett and James Evan Pilato on 'Ground Zero With Clyde Lewis'

Steven Kelley | Lasers, Cavers & Magic, November 14, 2012

Source: Radio 3Fourteen, Lasers Cavers & Magic

November 14, 2012–Steven Kelley, an inventor and laser pioneer, has worked in the defense industry and founded S.K.Industries, the producer of Law17 laser aiming systems used by law enforcement and military. He was a contractor for the NSA, and has worked on projects for the CIA. During this time, Steven was exposed to Billy Meier, ETs, beam ships, alien politics and technology. Steven is the author of "Lasers, Cavers & Magic.” He’ll tell his story of how he was approached to be recruited by a secret group he calls, “the cavers.” Steven shares his knowledge of highly advanced technology, UFOs, aliens and government conspiracy. Later, we discuss developing psychic skills and preparing for a new evolutionary cycle with higher density energy. ~Radio 3Fourteen
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Corbett Report Radio | Life in Japan, November 13, 2012


Tonight James takes a moment out of news and geopolitics to answer one of the most common questions from listeners and viewers: what’s it like in Japan. James talks about his experience in Japan as a teacher and what day to day life is like here, and also shares some clips from the 2009 Video Archive DVD and some subscriber-only videos from the subscriber e-newsletter.
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2MIN News, November 14, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Amazing eclipse photo
Polar Wander
Mystery Dust
Mercury Magnetic Portals
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