Fort Worth UFO Explosions discussed by Kevin Smith and James Horak, December 1, 2012


The original footage for this video was filmed in Ft. Worth, Texas on May 10th 2011 by Brian Luenser ( and caused some speculation about what is shown here. This video was discussed on the Kevin Smith Show later with James Horak. James knows quite a bit about what we see in this amazing video because he was there when it happened. Kevin Smith finally is getting answers that are certainly hard to comprehend for most.

For better resolution and quality go to Youtube and choose HD to watch on full screen!

3MIN News, December 1, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Sinking Landscape
Hurricane Wrapup 1
Hurricane Wrapup 2
Kamchatka Volcano

Max Igan | Apartheid by Deception - Israeli Terrorism in Gaza, November 30, 2012


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - November 30th, 2012

Dr. Nick Begich | The Technologies of Political Control, December 1, 2012


This is the century of the brain and the mind. The technologies that have advanced, under cover of secrecy and national security, now have the power to either enslave us or free us to our higher potentials. These technologies will impact our consciousness itself and, as a result, require an invigorated public debate in the light of day. At the same time, there is hope and great possibility in these areas of science.

The first part of this book deals with the sinister side of controlling the human mind with the second part exploring the possibilities that are emerging with new brain and mind enhancing technologies. The greatest threats and the greatest possibilities reside within the core of who we are and what happens in the center of our minds, the seat of our souls. This is the most important book yet released from the research efforts of Dr. Nick Begich.

2MIN News | Starwater, November 30, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Starwater on Mercury

Johan Oldenkamp | Wholly Science, November 29, 2012


November 29, 2012–Dr. Johan Oldenkamp is an all-round scientific researcher, based in the Netherlands. He is the author of 25 books. The main title of his latest book is ‘Wholly Science,’ which we’ll detail in this interview. Johan will explain how science and religion do not offer genuine insights into the nature of our reality, only descriptions of all phenomena. The reason that both the universities and the churches offer misguidance is the artificial division between physics and metaphysics.

He distinguishes the difference between source, proto and shadow worlds. Johan also covers the source code, yin yang, the primary 4 sources of the universe and 13 tones of creation. We briefly touch upon 2012 incoming energies and manifestations. In the second hour, we discuss how technology is viewed within Wholly Science. Then, we’ll discuss the body’s feedback system and caring for our body temple. Johan will talk about the cons of quantum physics and the wave particle duality, which he says is part of the shadow. We end on an interesting discovery he made at the Giza Plateau.
~Red Ice Creations
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Dr. Judy Wood interviewed by Anne Hess, Hilversum, Holland, November 2012


Dr. Judy Wood appeared at the Breakthrough Energy Movement conference at Hilversum,Holland in November 2012. Dr. Wood states thata Tesla type weapon was unleashed on the Twin Towers, and our consciousness was manipulated into believing then winged planes were able to cut through feet thick steel. Discussing her book "Where Did The Towers Go".

Corbett Report Radio | The Palestine Question, November 27, 2012


From the recent Israeli operation in Gaza to a bid for non-member state status at the UN to the specter of Yasser Arafat being dug up from his grave, there is no shortage of news from Palestine right now. Tonight on the program James goes over these stories and shares some of his recent reports on Palestine including an interview with former Palestinian detainee Jawwad Musleh. ~James Corbett
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2MIN News | Lunar Eclipse, November 28, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers

NOAA Climate Data
Current Oceania Weather Pattern PDF

Dr. Richard Hansler | Low Blue Lights, November 26, 2012

Source:, Lighting Innovations Institute

It’s time to get your circadian rhythm back on beat. Exploring health and ancestral living has led It’s Rainmaking Time!® to a greater understanding of the role of light in the body’s cycles, energy patterns, and overall health. Physicist Dr. Richard Hansler – the author of Great Sleep! Reduced Cancer! and Heroes of Cancer Prevention Research – details the effect of artificial light on hormone production and sleeping patterns. In this enlightening segment, Dr. Hansler explains how blue light disrupts the production of melatonin in the pineal gland, making it difficult to fall asleep. We will discuss various lighting solutions and products that support natural melatonin production, the details of Dr. Hansler’s illustrious history as a senior scientist at GE’s Nela Park lighting laboratory and his post-GE career as the founder of Lighting Innovations Institute and co-founder of Low Blue Lights, an online retailer of advanced lighting products. ~Kim Greenhouse
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James Corbett presents to the 9/11 Revisited: Seeking the Truth conference in Kuala Lumpur


James Corbett, editor of The Corbett Report, presents to the "9/11 Revisted: Seeking the Truth" conference in Kuala Lumpur on November 19, 2012.

Jerry Wills on VERITAS Radio | Extraterrestrials Among US


During this interview we discussed many topics surrounding the extraterrestrial presence on planet Earth, as well as a discussion about an interview conducted by by Jerry and Kathy Wills (on location) to Prof. Lachezar Filipov. Filipov was the scientist who reported extraterrestrial contact. He had a quite distinguished, mainstream scientific career.

Since 2005 Prof. Lachezar Georgiev Filipov - Deputy Director, International and National Activities Head of Astrophysics and Synergetic Division, Space Research Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS).

Prof. Filipov had given a press conference say that ET's are amongst us, and he was quickly muzzled and hidden away, before the Western Press could speak to him. We discuss this mystery and the interview.

In addition, Jerry Wills discusses his own extraterrestrial experience and how it was to grow up very different than other humans, including being 6'6 in eighth grade, his purpose, goal and vision after being placed on planet Earth. ~Mel Fabregas
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