David Weatherley, William White Crow, Tony Kudos | The Black Eyed Children

Source: beyond2012radio.com, truthfrequencyradio.com, leprechaunpress.com

"They just want to come inside. Across the world, there are a growing number of accounts of strange, black eyed children. They appear on doorsteps, at car windows, hotel rooms and even boats. Their skin is pale, their mannerisms odd and they have one consistent request. They want to be invited inside. What exactly is this growing phenomena? Are they demonic entities? Alien hybrids? Perhaps they are some form of spirit seeking passage to another place. Or, are they simply a modern urban legend born of the computer age" ~David Weatherley

3MIN News, January 2, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers

John Lenard Walson | GENESIS 1V 1 1 3, January 2, 2012

Source: JohnLenardWalson youtube

3MIN News | ISON, A Great Comet? January 1, 2013

Source: Suspicious0bservers

New Year's Aurora
SK Nuke Plant
ISON Article

Tom Campbell | Bridging Miracles and Science, December 31, 2012

Source: mybigTOE.com

"Physicists have become the mystics of our own age, bridging miracles and science." This insightful quote is from Dr Brian Weiss (Yale,Columbia) in his new book, Miracles Happen.

Tom Campbell's work as a large complex systems analyst for NASA (PhD work UVA) helped him not only in developing his Big TOE (theory of everything), but was vital in his Consciousness research analyzing the large complex system we call Reality.

Max Igan on Veritas Radio | A Year 'In Lak Ech'

Source: veritasradio.com, thecrowhouse.com

The message: Lead by example in everything in all you do. Change you energetic state. Change the way you perceive the world. Change the way you interact with the people around you. Interact with people In Lak Ech, as yourself. Give the people the respect that you would want for yourself and the empathy that you have for yourself. This is how we change the world. We don't really have to do anything. If we start applying ourselves to reality and applying our high energy to the world around us, the world will change by default. This is how it happens. This is the time that it can happen. It has to start now and it has to start with the individual. It has to start with you. This is how to change the world.

Podcast mit Helga Zepp-LaRouche (German), 28. December 2012

Source: bueso.de, helga-zepp-larouche.de

In Memory of Philip Coppens

3MIN News, December 31, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Seals Endangered

Review of SOHO STEREO images for December 30, 2012

Source: myunhauzen74

Max Igan | Ask the Questions and Live the Answers, December 28, 2012

Source: thecrowhouse.com

Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - December 28th, 2012.

'HAARP' massive TTA's discovered on secret island and sea floor, December 27, 2012

Source: revmichellehopkins youtube

Incident lasted 2 days: December 24th and December 25th, 2012.

TTA = Tesla Tech Array
HTA = HAARP Type Array
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