John Lenard Walson | Night Vision Footage, August 13, 2013

Source: JohnLenardWalson youtube

David Icke | The People’s Voice & Perception Absolutism, August 12, 2013


August 12, 2013–British author and speaker David Icke has written 20 books and traveled to over 55 countries. His books reveal how a hidden hand is behind world-changing events like the attacks of 9/11 and the manufactured wars in the Middle East, as part of a mass mind manipulation technique he has dubbed problem-reaction-solution. While being controversial and often heavily attacked, David Icke has driven on with his unrelentless investigation into subject areas that others don't dare touch.

He returns to talk about the new media channel "The People's Voice" and his upcoming book "The Perception Deception." In the first hour, we discuss the current media climate and the diverse voices and opinions that exist. He shares his inspiration for starting a new media channel and what he sees it developing into.
download hour 1 mp3

Former DEA Undercover Agent Michael Levine Talks The War on Drugs, and more, August 13, 2013


Michael Levine is a best-selling author, radio show host and 25 year veteran of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). He joins Guy Evans for Episode 84 of the Smells Like Human Spirit Podcast to discuss the War on Drugs, what effective policing of drugs could look like, his role as an undercover agent, and more. Later in the show, we take a look at Abby Martin's recent takedown of Rachel Maddow, and Kenny Fuentes drops by to discuss Breaking Bad. Enjoy!
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The Eyeopener Report | How to Boycott Big Food, August 13, 2013


The modern supermarket is less and less a place to purchase food for the household and more and more a warzone where shoppers have to negotiate a minefield of toxic chemicals and additives. From processed foods with their string of unpronounceable ingredients to the "fresh fruits and vegetables" saturated in pesticides to meat and dairy products from industrial farms where animals are raised on a diet of growth hormones and animal waste to the ever-present and ever-growing danger of GMO contamination of nearly everything, feeding healthy, nourishing food to your family is quickly becoming difficult, if not impossible, through the industrial food system. Transcript & Sources

RT | Kerry On Damage Control: NSA spying under fire in Latin America, August 13, 2013


The massive NSA snooping revelations have cast a shadow over John Kerry's trip to Latin America - his first visit there since he assumed the position of Secretary of State. He has already received a chilly reception in Colombia - where officials demanded an explanation to reports that Washington had collected vast amounts of internet data there. The next stop on his trip is Brazil - which allegedly was the top regional target of the surveillance program. For more perspective RT talks to geopolitical analyst Eric Draitser.

Barbara Honegger | 9/11 Pentagon Attack - Behind the Smoke Curtain


Barbara Honegger's presentation titled "Behind the Smoke Curtain" in Seattle's Town Hall Theater, January 12, 2013, on what happened and what didn't happen at the Pentagon on September 11, 2001.

You can download this video for free at:

Sonia Barrett & Sharry Edwards | The Business of Disease, Hour 1, August 9, 2013


August 9, 2013–Sonia Barrett is the host/producer and founder of Sovereign Mind Radio, the founder and publisher of Sovereign Mind Magazine and the author of two books. Sonia's writing explores the possibility of immortality or physical existence beyond the common view of time, the potential for a natural ascension in consciousness and the computized design of reality.

Sharry Edwards is the pioneer in the study of Human BioAcoustic Biology. Her 30 years of research is being used at the Institute of BioAcoustic Biology in Albany, OH.? ? Currently, Edwards and her team at Sound Health are using human voice and the associated frequencies to help clients resolve health issues such as macular degeneration, multiple sclerosis, headaches, muscle stress, brain trauma, weight issues and nutritional concerns.

In this program we discuss the upcoming film "The Business of Disease," a documentary exploring the vastness of human potential despite the restrictions of programmed beliefs. For the sheer purpose of profit and control, illness is marketed to the minds of the unsuspecting masses. The results? A society programmed for sickness and death.
download hour 1 mp3

Suspicious0bservers + Eminence Entertainment Enterprises E3 LLC = Viral Video Marketing, August 11, 2013

Source: DutchsinseReloaded youtube


Description: TRUTH MOVEMENT INFILTRATED BY VIRAL VIDEO MARKETING COMPANY ... started by suspicious0bservers... Eminence Entertainment Enterprises E3 LLC.

What is Eminence Entertainment Enterprises E3 LLC.?

quote: "Benjamin R. Davidson pic here on the website : ...

Ben is cofounder and managing member of E3. As a member of Empire Advisors, LLC, Ben brings his valuable experience in business planning, strategic management, and due diligence analysis to E3. Ben is an alumni of Capital University Law School and Penn State University, where he studied economics and accounting. Ben also spearheads operations in Columbus, OH, E3s branch office location.

... Ben and Adrian have found that their friendship has brought invaluable trust and cooperation to managing E3 together and plan to continue their personal and professional relationship into the far future.

... Ben has also served in a number of legal and business positions throughout his career, including N8medical, the Supreme Court of Ohio, and the law offices of Goldberg, Kamin, and Garvin. He specializes in secured transactions, contracts, and business law. Ben also enjoys blogging, running the golf course, video editing, and playing the guitar.

" Suspicious0bservers = E3 LLC ... its even on suspicious0bservers website at the bottom! His website designed by E3 (the million dollar VIRAL VIDEO MEDIA MARKETING COMPANY he founded). Nice that he's the owner !

They even have suspicious0bservers listed under their (our) creations:

Nice that E3 LLC. , founded by Benjamin (suspicious0bservers) , specializes in INTERNET MEDIA MARKETING .. and VIRAL VIDEO MARKETING !!

Turns out that E3 media .. Eminence Entertainment Enterprises E3 LLC. wants to work for the US Army:

This is HUGE ! that is him, suspicous0bservers for sure as the founder!

Look up E3 LLC. Benjamin Davidson on google NOW

Notice the above paragraph quote .. He runs a PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY TOO !!! called n8medical ... his dad.. charles e. davidson sits on the board of directors

3MIN News | Earthquakes, Volcanos, and Flares, August 12, 2013

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Jim Humble speaks Freedom Central about MMS, August 11, 2013

Source:,, Jim Humble on

Aerospace engineer Jim Humble's third career started accidentally while on a gold prospecting trip in the jungle of Venezuela. There, using stabilized oxygen, he improvised an effective remedy for his colleagues who were stricken with malaria. As curious as he had always been in his life, he returned to his native US and wondered why the cure had worked so well. The answers to his own questions led him to the development of a more powerful form of oxygen therapy, chlorine dioxide, which he called Miracle Mineral Supplement. With a mission to help the human race whatever he did, Jim made it widely available in the form of sodium chlorite which the user 'activated' by adding lemon juice or vinegar - and medical teams conducted 100,000 research trials in Africa where it was found that MMS would frequently relieve the symptoms of malaria in as little as four hours.
See also:
Jim Humble on Veritas Radio

GRTV | 60 Years of Strife: Ending War in Korea, August 11, 2013


On the surface, the casual observer of Korea could be forgiven for forgetting that the nation is still at war. The South has been utterly transformed since the days of the fighting, with the impressive skyline of modern-day Seoul reflecting the country's modern, high-tech economy. Even the DMZ has been tamed and gentrified, with souvenir shops and tourist attractions mingling seamlessly with military personnel whose presence at times seems more ceremonial than operational.

But beneath that surface remains the deep, lingering scars of a nation divided against itself, and the memories of a bitter, brutal war. Now, 60 years after the signing of the armistice, Korean peace activists are working harder than ever to confront the myths that have propped up and maintained this state of war, spearheading an effort to finally bring real peace to the Korean peninsula.

Jef Harvey on OffPlanet Radio | Healing The Matrix, August 7, 2013


Jef Harvey has a background in Naval Intelligence, electronics, advanced software systems, as well as training in remote viewing and neurolinguistic programmming (NLP). He is a technologist and healing arts practitioner, homeopathy practitioner, Board Certified in Quorom Nutrition, who is deploying emerging technologies in autoimmune disease reversal and accelerated deep tissue wound healing.

We discuss Jef's childhood -training- for his future work with Office of Naval Intelligence, assigned to the USS John F. Kennedy and the CV-67 Intelligence Center; his background in NLP and remote vieiwing; his desire to do counter-intelligence on the -powers-that-be-, and his adventures in corporate America.

SE 5 1000 Radionics hologram programmer The focus of this interview is on Jef's current work in the healing arts field using holographic generators, which operate on the cellular field level, combined with his own nutritional research to facilitate outcomes in a wide range of disorders including cancer, diabetes, Lymes, fibromyalgia, arthritis, Alzheimer's, thyroid issues, and a spectrum of autoimmune disorders.

We discuss the process behind the latest device Jef' is now using, The SE-5 1000 which employs an advanced scalar wave amplification technology, and is the most advanced holographic code programmer for information fields available. These technologies go far beyond the field of health remediation, they offer a means to administer specialized nutritional support, emotional balancing, and, and elimination of toxic EMF effects. As we also learn, these devices offer promise for treatment of PTSD-DID and effects mind control and abuse.

download mp3 hour 1, hour 2

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