In Memoriam Kevin Smith † 14 Aug 2013 - with Jerry Wills


The Great Kevin Smith has passed away. Kevin Smith, the best paranormal radio talk show host has left a gaping hole in the alternative media and the hearts and minds of all who loved him.

Jerry Wills hosted the 'In Memory of Kevin Smith Show', in memory of our dear friend Kevin.

Many of Kevin's, friends and listeners called in to recall their memories of him. Made all the worse as he passed away on his birthday. Yet again our thoughts go out to his family, especially his wife and son.

Kevin never wanted people to 'stand and weep' once he was gone, that being left a huge gaping hole in many peoples lives and hearts and it's going to take a while to get over the shock of not hearing your voice every night. Thanks from all of us for putting on this show under such tight timescales.

Kevin @ "Castle Kevinstein" Studio

Richard Dolan | ET Disclosure, What It Means For Humanity, August 14, 2013


One of the most well-known names in modern ufology, being perhaps the world's leading researcher and historian of the UFO subject. He is the author of two information-packed volumes of UFO history - UFOs and the National Security State (volumes one and two), as well as an analysis of the future in a book called A.D. After Disclosure: When the Government Finally Reveals the Truth About Alien Contact. He is a regular guest on Coast-to-Coast AM radio, and he's appeared on many television specials for The History Channel, SyFy, BBC, and elsewhere.

Stephen Bassett on Veritas Radio | Ending The Truth Embargo | Segment 1 of 2


From April 29 to May 3, 2013 Paradigm Research Group produced its most ambitious project - the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure. Forty witnesses from ten countries were brought to the National Press Club in Washington, DC. Researchers, activist and military/agency persons of high rank and station testified for thirty hours over five days before six former members of the U. S. Congress regarding events and evidence supporting the extraterrestrial explanation for a range of unexplained phenomena.

Warren McLachlan | Hour 1 & 2 - Dark Side of Finland, August 14, 2013

Source: ,  

August 14, 2013–Australian Warren McLachlan tells the tragic story of battling the Finnish government for his children. It all began when his Finnish wife surrendered their two children to Finnish social services while they were separated.

Warren explains the details of this horrifically unjust case, ongoing for over 10 years, in the attempts to get his children back. He’ll talk about how his children are under the care of unreasonable psychiatrists who have heavily medicated his children. Warren talks about how the Finnish Justice Department refuses to enforce the law against the offending psychiatrists and how Finnish human rights groups lack sufficient resources to help.

We’ll discuss the Finnish government child care system that provides the ideal environment for child abusers and medical testing. Although Warren is the capable willing father of these children and his ex-wife is unsound, the state is blocking him from gaining custody while his children move around from various government homes and institutions. We’ll also discuss how governments and medical companies are profiting from social services. And all the while Finnish media will not give this case attention.

 download mp3 hour 1, hour 2

Sad farewell to a dear friend.. Kevin Smith, August 15, 2013


Dear readers, subscribers and fellow truth-seekers.

It is with a heavy heart and blurry eyes that I bring the sad and shocking news to you that Kevin Smith, a very dear friend to both James Horak, myself and many others throughout the truth community, has last night left us to journey on this mortal plane alone…. You are sadly missed my friend.

As many of you will be aware, Kevin had a heart attack 3 days ago and after having a stent put in was sent home from hospital yesterday… (a bit too early perhaps). Last night he died, leaving the rest of us and his family reeling in shock at loosing him so soon after such a close call.

If it were not for Kevin, this blog would not exist. He introduced me to James Horak and the rest, as they say, is history….

Kevin, we are all devastated by your death, leaving a gaping hole not only in the lives of those who loved you but the wider community as a whole. You are (I can’t bring myself to say were just yet) a shining light of no-nonsense truth and wisdom, laughs and chuckles, thought provoking questions and open minded discussion on matters of great importance.

As I sit here and write this through blurred eyes and tear stained face, I cannot help but wonder and hope that you are now in a place in the Sun or an EMV, now aware of ALL that is, ever was and ever will be and chuckling your little socks off. Save those of us who love you a seat for when we eventually join you.

Until then we will honor your memory and dedicated hard work to continue to openly speak the truth about matters that affect Humanities and this Planet’s tenuous future.

You will be missed by more than you could ever have known possible…… God Speed Kevin xxxx

All our love and respect..

Torz, James, Shuny, Crystal and anyone else who’s ever known you or called in to your show…

In Memoriam 
(by James Horak)

“You matter.” You have a right to know.”

Etched by one intent effort and another
to go where so few others bother
A guiding light to thought with density
the realm of physics with added intensity
Holding open a stage to all when any
answers could be found…
Never denying any cogent thought that
might lead to new ground
Knowing how to challenge issues without
Logic and insight served all means he had
of redress
The prince of a genre, a friend to so many
shoes to fill, cannot any
A right to know is now what’s left
for Kevin Smith now has the fullest sense
of that right to know

RT | After Snowden leaks NSA replaces people with computers, August 15, 2013


Late last week, President Obama addressed the NSA's surveillance program leaks and declared a thorough review of the agency's operations before Edward Snowden leaked the information to The Guardian, but now the NSA is going to fire 90 percent of its system administrators to minimize the number of people who have access to sensitive classified information. RT's Meghan Lopez has more.

Facing 90 Years, Bradley Manning Expresses Regret for "Unintended Consequences" of Leaking Docs, August 15, 2013


Bradley Manning apologized for leaking classified documents to WikiLeaks during his sentencing hearing on Wednesday. Manning faces up to 90 years in prison after being convicted last month on 20 counts. He said: "I am sorry for the unintended consequences of my actions.

When I made these decisions, I believed I was going to help people, not hurt people." Manning added, "I understood what I was doing and the decisions I made. However, I did not truly appreciate the broader effects of my actions. Those effects are clearer to me now through both self-reflection during my confinement in its various forms and through the merits and sentencing testimony that I have seen here."

An Army psychologist who analyzed Manning while he served in Iraq also testified Wednesday, along with a clinical psychologist who spent 21 hours examining Manning after his arrest. Manning's sister and aunt also both took the stand to deliver emotional testimony about his childhood. We speak to reporter Alexa O'Brien who was in the courtroom and has closely covered the Manning trial. "Bradley Manning is more of a moral character, than he is a political one," O'Brien says.

New World Next Week | Lavabit Shutdown, Mars Mission, Weed TV, August 15, 2013


Story #1: Encrypted Email Providers Shutter Services To Protect Users From Government Snoops

Microsoft Reverses Itself on Xbox One Camera Requirement Because Of NSA Spying Revelations

Jailed Qwest CEO claimed that NSA retaliated because he wouldn't participate in spy program

NWNW Flashback: Microsoft's Kinect - Is Your Videogame Machine Watching You?

Obama Achieves What Nixon Couldn't As Bradley Manning Convicted Of Espionage

Story #2: More than 100,000 People Want To Fly To Mars In 2022 - And Never Come Back
After Six Months, Mars Food Study Researchers Emerge From Under The Dome In Alaska

Story #3: Is The CFR Pushing For Medical Marijuana?

Video: Morgan Spurlock's 'Inside Man' On Medical Marijuana

Video: Weed - A Dr. Sanjay Gupta Special

Kevin Smith Has Passed Away

We have lost a good friend. I'm devastated. May you rest in peace Kevin.

Dr. Joseph Mercola | Coca Cola's Aspartame Propaganda Exposed, August, 14, 2013


Dr. Joseph Mercola M.D. of discusses the bombshell new studies that have come out on refined Sugar and Coca-Cola's new ad campaign defending Asapartame.
See article "Coke to Defend Safety of Aspartame in New Ad"

Dr. Joseph Mercola M.D. continues about the rampant corruption and falsities perpetrated by many medical studies and how we can sift through the information to get at the truth of matters involving sugar, aspartame, GMOs and the FDA.

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Wednesday, August 14, 2013


This is a summary of news headlines from the United States and around the world as reported by Democracy Now! on Wednesday, August 14, 2013.

John Lenard Walson | Night Vision Footage, August 13, 2013

Source: JohnLenardWalson youtube

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