Jay Weidner | Who Was Stanley Kubrick?, September 24, 2013

Source: timemonkradio.com, jayweidner.com

Spilling the NSA's Secrets: Guardian Editor Alan Rusbridger on the Inside Story of Snowden Leaks, September 23, 2013

Source: democracynow.org

Three-and-a-half months after National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden came public on the the U.S. government's massive spying operations at home and abroad, we spend the hour with Alan Rusbridger, editor-in-chief of The Guardian, the British newspaper that first reported on Snowden's leaked documents.

The Guardian has continued releasing a series of exposés based on Snowden's leaks coloring in the details on how the NSA has managed to collect telephone records in bulk and information on nearly everything a user does on the Internet. The articles have ignited widespread debate about security agencies' covert activities, digital data protection and the nature of investigative journalism.

The newspaper has been directly targeted as a result -- over the summer the British government forced the paper to destroy computer hard drives containing copies of Snowden's secret files, and later detained David Miranda, the partner of Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald. Rusbridger, editor of The Guardian for nearly two decades, joins us to tell the inside story of The Guardian's publication of the NSA leaks and the crackdown it's faced from its own government as a result. -democracynow.org

Frater X | The Secret War on Human Consciousness, September 20, 2013

Source: redicecreations.com, middlechamberfx.wordpress.com, fraterx.blogspot.com  

September 20, 2013–Frater X is an author of both speculative fiction and critical research. He is a lecturer of esoteric philosophies, occult sciences and mystery traditions and a member of 9 different esoteric orders including the Knights Templar, Knight Masons, Order of the Sword of Bunker Hill, Masonic Rosicrucians and the Ancient Order of Druids. Frater X is considered a prolific analyst and commentator among his Masonic peers.

In the first hour, we discuss the war on human perception. Is war human nature? Is it natural or unnatural the way humans organize and strive for resources? Then, Frater X puts forth his view on how the US military was born and rose up to be. He'll also talk about how the war on human consciousness uses the compulsory schooling system and requires the homogenization of humanity. -redicecreations.com
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'My ELF Weapon': More Proof Navy Yard Shooter Targeted with Mind Control Weapons, Truthstream Media, September 18, 2013

Source: truthstreammedia.com, thesleuthjournal.com

The mainstream media is reporting that suspected Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis carved the phrases "My ELF Weapon" and "Better off this way" into his weapon before 12 people were reportedly killed with it in a mass shooting this week. ELF typically stands for extremely low frequency, the type of waves used in everything from weather weapons to mind control devices.

Can you imagine having voices talk to you, directly inside your head, for weeks on end? What if you went to authorities only to find they thought you were insane? What if those voices wouldn't stop? What if they commanded you to do something you didn't want to, something unspeakable, over and over and over, even invading your sleep without reprieve? What if they finally promised you rest, finally promised you that you would be "Better off this way" if you just did what they asked?

While we don't really know what happened that day, more and more it appears that Alexis had been a target of directed energy weapons. The Washington Post is even admitting that ELF is used in conjunction with 'weather efforts'! Discussion that would have been considered the talk of crazy conspiracy theorists even six months ago is apparently mainstream now...

Truthstream Media article
WP Story
WT Story

3 Reasons Why Government Shouldn’t Be Run Like a Business

Source: onlinemba.com

Created by OnlineMBA.com

The difference between running a business and running a city boils down to this: Try closing a local, little used fire station to save a few bucks. Outraged neighbors of all political stripes would storm the city council in protest.

Now compare that to the silence that typically follows a corporate decision to close an underperforming branch bank or a surplus warehouse.

The reactions are different and for good reason. Although corporations and governments are organizations, that may be one of the few traits they have in common. The role of a business, any business, is to make money.

Successful companies typically accomplish that by producing products that consumers want. In addition, they must continuously find ways to reduce costs to better meet the bottom line.

Although governments must respond to the desires of their constituents (consumers) by providing necessary services (products), here the path diverges because public officials, unlike those in the private sector, must balance meeting the bottom line with the expectation that they will also provide for the common good, however that’s defined. Check out the video and learn about the three major differences that separate governments from businesses.

Max Igan | Stuff You Need to Know, September 20, 2013

Source: thecrowhouse.com

Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - September 20th, 2013

Dr. John Hall | Govt Mind Control Technologies, September 19, 2013

Source: infowars.com, satweapons.com

Dr. John Hall, anesthesiologist and author of "Satellite Terrorism" discusses the facts of the possibilities of Government mind control and Satellite harassment.

The Corbett Report | Solutions: Overcoming Stockholm Syndrome, September 20, 2013

Source: corbettreport.com

In the 1970s, a strange psychological phenomenon was identified: in traumatic abduction situations, a certain percentage of the population is prone to falling in love with their abductors. But if we are living in a societal prison of the mind, then are there those who have fallen in love with their mental jailers? Find out more about societal Stockholm syndrome in this week's edition of The Corbett Report. -corbettreport.com
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Crystal Clark | James Horak | TPP: Corporate Charter for the New World Order, September 14, 2013

Source: wolfspiritradio.com, drowninginabsurdity.wordpress.com, emvsinfo.blogspot.com

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a monstrosity akin to being the corporate charter of the New World Order, effectively providing the framework for corporate global dominance. The details of the agreement are being written and negotiated in secret by 600 corporate advisors (including Walmart, Pfizer, Monsanto & Halliburton) while both Congress and the press have been barred from accessing the text. Sections of the text leaked to the public indicate a massive corporate conglomerate is working behind the scenes, through the TPP trade agreement as well as global consolidation (too big to fail) tactics, to upgrade transnational corporate rights and power from 'personhood' status to 'nationhood' status with a bent towards global resource management and control.

This inflated status enables corporations to sue sovereign nations having strict health, safety and/or environmental laws with the claim that such laws "violate their corporate rights to make money" via exploitive activities such as drilling, mining and fracking. Hundreds of similar lawsuits, costing nearly three hundred billion dollars in taxpayer funds globally, have reportedly already been filed. The latest, and perhaps most disturbing, is Bayer/Syngenta suing the European Commission to overturn the ban on their pesticides---the same pesticides proven to be responsible for killing millions of bees.

While TPP negotiations are expected to be finalized by Oct 1st 2013—a deadline that may also be related to upcoming disaster preparedness requirements centered around FEMA Region 3—the TPP deadline can, through a dedicated public focused on freedom and right-living, be stalled and pushed back for a third time (and perhaps final) time. To learn more about the Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Agreement (TPP), as well as the Trans-Atlantic Free Trade Agreement (TAFTA), and find out what you can do to personally get involved, please visit the Public Citizen Global Trade Watch website as well as http://www.exposethetpp.org/

Video: It Can't Happen Here by Larken Rose
Video: Trans-Pacific Partnership: Corporate Global Domination (long version)
Video: Ask Lori [Wallach] Live: Trade Expert on the TPP

UPDATE(S): Special thanks to Jacqui C. for uncovering records proving Senator Sheldon R. Songstad (Republican--retired), is in fact a real person. Songstad was reportedly the source from which the "memo" regarding FEMA Region III deadlines originated—a claim I have been unable to verify.

New World Next Week | Alexis Psyop, School Sucks, Panera Cares, September 19, 2013

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com, corbettreport.com, mediamonarchy.com

Story #1: SWAT Team 'Stood Down' At Navy Yard Mass Shooting Scene
Probe Launched Over Claim That Elite Capitol Police Unit Blocked From Navy Yard Massacre
Navy Yard Shooter Carved 'BETTER OFF THIS WAY' And 'MY E-L-F WEAPON' Into Stock Of Gun
Ground Zero: Many Untold Anomalies to Aaron Alexis' Story

Story #2: Child Star Says School Brainwashes Kids, Everyone Should Drop Out
Video: Famous Actor Reveals Real Name, Gives Incredibly Insightful Speech About Hard Work And Generosity At Teen Choice Awards
Biotech Industry Slips Pro-GMO Propaganda Into Children's School Textbooks
Is The BBC's "Science Britannica" Yet Another Primetime Advertisement For GM?

Story #3: Panera Bread's CEO Tries To Eat On $4.50 A Day
Flashback: Problems At Portland's Panera Cares
Flashback: A Governor Truly Tightens His Belt
Just What The Doctor Ordered: Med Students Team With Chefs

GRTV | Staging the Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria, September 19, 2013

Source: grtv.ca

In the wake of the Syrian chemical weapons attack, shocking footage of the victims of that attack were widely circulated in an effort to raise the ire of the public and spur support for military intervention. Now, a new report on that footage finds troubling inconsistencies and manipulation with the video that calls the official narrative of the attack and its victims into question. This is the GRTV Backgrounder on Global Research TV. -grtv.ca

William Patterson | G.I. Gurdjieff: The Fourth Way, September 18, 2013

Source: Radio 3Fourteen, gurdjiefflegacy.org  

September 18, 2013–William Patterson is a teacher of The Fourth Way, an ancient, esoteric teaching of self-development brought to the West by G. I. Gurdjieff, which predates not only Christianity but the Egyptian, Judaic, Persian, Buddhist and Islamic religions. He is the author of 8 books on The Fourth Way and is the director-writer-narrator of the documentary DVD trilogy The Life & Significance of G.I. Gurdjieff.

Patterson was a longtime student of Lord John Pentland, who was appointed by Gurdjieff to be the leader of the Work in America and William is the founder/director of The Gurdjieff Studies Program. For many years he has led groups, as well as given seminars and talks throughout the United States.

We'll discuss the esoteric teaching of The Fourth Way, including the concept that humans are not born with a soul but must create and develop a soul through the course of life. William elaborates on Gurdjieff's claim that people cannot perceive reality in their current states because they do not possess consciousness but rather live in a state of a hypnotic waking sleep. "Man lives his life in sleep, and in sleep he dies." As a result of this condition, each person perceives things from a completely subjective perspective.

People in their typical state function as unconscious automatons, but that one can wake up and become a different sort of human being altogether. We'll also discuss the many I's, from selves to individual to the self. Later, William explains how humanity is in danger of losing our freedom to machines as we are giving more power to our mechanical side. William presents a different perspective on life, one that defies most teachings you've heard. -Radio 3Fourteen
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