New World Next Week | Arafat Poisoned, India To Mars, Fukushima Cleanup, November 7, 2013


Story #1: Swiss Study Shows Polonium Found In Arafat's Bones
Swiss Scientists Confirm Polonium Poisoning Caused Arafat's Death
PDF: Swiss Forensic Report on Arafat's Death
Obama Reportedly Told Aides He's 'Really Good At Killing People'

Story #2: India Launches Its First Mission To Mars
Mythbusting India's Mars Mission
Players Arriving In India For World Chess Championship
Saudi Nuclear Weapons 'On Order' From Pakistan

Story #3: Fukushima Trial Run Begins Dangerous Reactor 4 Clean-Up 
TEPCO Feeling Heat Over Fuel Removal
Video: Animation Explains How Fukushima Fuel Rod Removal Will Happen
Ground Zero: 'China Syndrome and the Doorway to Hell'
US Election Bonus: Washington Rejects GMO Labels, With Help From Food Companies
Colorado Counties Step Toward Secession

Jef Harvey | Holographic Radionics, Truth Connections, November 7, 2013


Jef Harvey spent six years in the United States Navy and was inducted into a watcher group that infiltrated many of the Jesuit Illuminati controlled military organizations. He was assigned to EC Division, an electronics unit and worked in the Intelligence Center on board the now decommissioned aircraft carrier CV-67.

Today Jef is board certified in nutrition and specializes in homotoxicology for creating detoxification protocols utilizing homeopathics, system specific plant-based endocrine adaptogens delivered by traditional means as well as scalar and holographic methods. Jef provides the scalar systems used for coding holograms to various practitioners and companies entering the field of holographic information delivery.

His current Research focuses on information field modulation of matter, clinical research involving patterned frequency engram modulation of the Central Nervous System pain neuromatrix and activating dormant areas of the brain mind matrix.

He utilizes various leading edge technologies including, but not limited to radionic/torsion field generators, Shiva and Shakti Neural Stimulation Systems and complex signal wave generation.

As a military trained remote viewer and radionics technologist he assists the brain in directing energy patterns for various remote field manipulation strategies including biological effects.

X Flare Update, November 6, 2013

Source: BPEarthWatch youtube

Going Underground: UK's GCHQ Hush (ft. Pepe Escobar), November 6, 2013


Afshin Rattansi goes underground on Britain's reputation abroad following the Edward Snowden revelations -- with the help of journalist Pepe Escobar; discusses the cuts to Legal Aid - a top lawyer calls for an overhaul of the entire justice system. Plus, Simon Cowell's in bed with... The Israeli Defence Forces?!

An Introduction to Gladio B | James Corbett on Breaking The Set, November 6, 2013


James Corbett of The Corbett Report joins Abby Martin of Breaking The Set to discuss "Gladio B," the continuation of the clandestine NATO program, Operation Gladio. We talk about the history of Gladio and the transition of the program into a campaign to fund and foment Islamic terrorism in the Central Asia/Caucasus region. For more information, please consult the "Gladio B" video series from earlier this year available from and

Al Qaeda Rebels Supported by Uncle Sam: US, Allies to Blame for Chemical Attack in Syria, November 5, 2013


An analyst says the United States and its allies in the region are to blame for having helped militants in Syria to launch the deadly chemical attack on civilians in August. Michel Chossudovsky told Press TV in an interview on Friday that the US-led "military alliance" backed "the rebels in using chemical weapons" in Syria.

"The United States and its allies continue to support the al-Qaeda-affiliated rebels which are involved in the process of destruction of an entire country (Syria)," he stated.

Chossudovsky noted that "Israeli sponsored rebels" backed by "Qatar, Turkey, [and] Saudi Arabia" staged the chemical attack and "then blamed it on the [Syrian] government."

"And we know unequivocally that that event which used fake videos of children killed was there; it was a false flag and its objective was to blame the Syrian government when in fact those crimes were committed and ordered by the United States and its allies," said Chossudovsky.

He said the militants fighting against the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad "are the foot soldiers of the Western military alliance."

Chossudovsky also expressed regret that the international community has not taken any action to stop "a humanitarian crisis" which is unfolding in Syria.

"A country has been destroyed; there is an outbreak of polio, at least it is reported, and then the question is who is responsible for this hideous crime against the Syrian people and the entire nation. It is what I call the self-proclaimed international community," he said.

Chossudovsky described the international community as a "rogue conjunction of warmongering states... responsible for extensive war crimes against the people of Syria."

The End of American Power? Washington has Lost All Credibility, November 5, 2013


The Leader of Iran's Islamic Revolution says the United States has lost its political and military power and turned into a country grappling with its biggest economic and financial problems. He was addressing a group of school and university students on the occasion of Student Day in Iran. 

Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said the U-S is suffering from political problems and divisions which led to the recent shutdown of the federal government. The leader noted that Iran's current economic hardships pale in comparison with those of the US administration. He said US officials made projections some 11 years ago about having 14-thousand billion dollars in extra revenues by 2011 or 2012, and that now, in practice, they are suffering from a huge 17-thousand billion dollar deficit. He added that this alone shows America's true economic situation and the inaccuracy of their official calculations.

Ayatollah Khamenei also made mention of deep divisions among Washington's allies, saying that the U-S has failed to convince even its closest partners like France or Britain to back its decision on launching a strike against Syria.

For more on this issue, PressTV speaks with political analyst Paul Craig Roberts.

Jason Erb | Economic History & Alternative Currencies, November 4, 2013


November 4, 2013–Jason Erb joins us from Ontario, Canada where he started the website Exposing Faux Capitalism during the global financial collapse in 2008. We'll hear about a number of topics such as the history of the monetary system, credit default swaps, debt based currency and compound interest. Jason explains how the currency system is run by belief, confidence and control of information but nothing is there to back it up.
download hour 1 mp3

The Eyeopener Report | The War on Journalism, November 5, 2013


The term "war on journalism" is an apt description of the current state of affairs because there is a war being waged on the public right now. It is a war for the hearts and minds of the population, and it is being waged by the bought-and-paid for government and the compliant repeaters in the corporate controlled dinosaur media that is bleeding readership and viewership as alternative entities increasingly dominate the information battlefield. Find out more about this war and the forces that are waging it in this week's edition of the Eyeopener report.
Transcript & Sources

Sgt. Clifford Stone, US Army | The Interplanetary Phenomena Research Unit | Disclosure Proj. Archive

Source:,, Energiereichtum youtube

Sergeant Stone tells an amazing story about the history of UFO's and extraterrestrials dating back to the early 40's and probably before. General Douglas MacArthur organized a group called the Interplanetary Phenomena Research Unit back in 1943 to study this issue and it continues to this day. Their purpose is to recover objects of unknown origin particularly those that are of non-Earthly origin. They obtain field intelligence information and pass it on to those who are the "keepers of this information." This unit was thought to be working in conjunction with Bluebook but in fact was not.

#MillionMaskMarch: Anonymous Supporters Rally Worldwide to Protest Corruption, Police State, November 4, 2013


Hundreds of cities across the world are expected to stand together as one today in major rallies planned by the global protest movement Anonymous. The Million Mask March aims to unite those protecting online privacy, as well as standing up to corporate greed, GM foods, and other causes. Gayane Chichakyan spoke to some of the activists. Live Updates:

Sharry Edwards, M.Ed. | Bioacoustic Vocal Profiling Today


October 28, 2013–The voice is a holographic representation of the self. Bioacoustic vocal profiling can identify biomarkers in the voice that indicate imbalances in physical and emotional health. By recording a sample of a patient’s voice and using spectral analysis and mathematical algorithms, a bioacoustic vocal profiling technician can assess risk to the body’s biochemical functions and structural organization from environmental threats and exposure to toxins and pathogens.

Sharry Edwards, M.Ed., the pioneer of this unique diagnostic technique and the founder of Sound Health Options, first appeared on It’s Rainmaking Time!® in a January 2010 segment titled Bioacoustics: What the Voice Tells Us to discuss bio-acoustic biology and its diagnostic potential for disease and nutritional deficiencies. In this segment, Sharry returns to provide a glimpse into the evolution of the field of bioacoustic vocal profiling in the last three years. Join us as we explore the research and claims of the Institute of BioAcoustic Biology, the skills and technology involved in BioAcoustic vocal profiling, and the current challenges facing this promising and controversial science.
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