The Corbett Report | Meet Lee Harvey Oswald, Sheep-Dipped Patsy, November 15, 2013


In this week's special documentary episode of the podcast, we explore the life and legend of Lee Harvey Oswald. Was he a poor, disgruntled loner or an overachieving marine? A presidential assassin or a sheep-dipped patsy? Find out in this week's edition of The Corbett Report. Transcript & Sources

ISON 7 Times larger than Lovejoy

Source: BPEarthWatch youtube

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Friday, November 15, 2013

Source: | Edgar Fouche: NSA Disinfo Agent or Pathological Liar?, November 14, 2013


The Truth will set you free! Thanks Ed for coming clean! So many lies, for so long... Finally, we have some truth! Special Thanks to my friends David Hilton, Dan Benkert, and others on the AlienScientist Forum for helping to catch Ed in lie after lie after lie and helping me to expose the truth!

Rick Simpson | Cannabis Cures Cancer, It's Getting Legalized, Where Is The Medical System?, November 13, 2013


November 13, 2013–Rick Simpson With many of the worlds nations seriously considering legalizing cannabis it is important to recognize how far we've come since the days of reefer madness.

Touring Europe and being let on mainstream prime time TV has been a great experience because it is extremely encouraging in the face of hostility & ridicule.

Getting Hemp oil for cancer patients is just one objective and it ties into the entire medical system with the many conditions it cures, not just treat.

This makes it all the more important as the current medical system is basically the leading cause of death and who would argue that curing people is not a better result than killing them?

RUN FROM THE CURE - Full Version

The following presentation of RUN FROM THE CURE: The Rick Simpson Story was made possible by Rick Simpson and video producer Christian Laurette... made for free to teach YOU how to heal yourself of disease and illness using cannabinoids.

New World Next Week | Afghan Opium Record, GCHQ spoofs LinkedIn, GMO Apples, November 14, 2013


Story #1: Afghan Opium Output Soars To Record Level...Again

An Introduction To Gladio B -- James Corbett On Breaking The Set

NWNW Flashback: UK & Canadian Troops Investigated Over Heroin Trafficking Claims

Video Flashback: Geraldo Interviews Soldiers "Guarding" Opium

US, Israel Lose UNESCO Voting Rights Over Palestine

Story #2: British Spy Agency GCHQ Set Up Fake LinkedIn, Slashdot Pages To Plant Malware

British Spies Hacked Telecom Network By Luring Engineers To Fake LinkedIn Pages

Oil Espionage: How The NSA And GCHQ Spied On OPEC

In Lavabit Appeal, U.S. Doubles Down on Access to Web Crypto Keys

Poll Finds American Writers "Self-Censoring" In Wake Of NSA Scandal

Story #3: McDonald's And Gerber Have Not 'Rejected' Arctic Apples

Industry's Secret Plan To Get The Feds To Kill GMO Labeling In Every State

Factory Forests? USDA Considers Approval Of Genetically Engineered Trees

Freeman | Aliens From Hell, Rise of the Dark Hero & NWO Capitals, November 13, 2013


November 13, 2013–Freeman is an internationally-known TV producer, film maker, radio talk show host and lecturer. He is considered an expert in the fields of the occult, trauma-based mind control, government conspiracy, and ancient civilizations. At the start of this interview, Freeman talks about the influx of intelligence agencies involved with entertainment and what programming we can see coming out of film and TV.

He points out signs and symbols used in entertainment that come from the O.T.O. Then, we discuss trauma based mind control of celebrities and how it has become a part of modern pop culture. In the second hour, Freeman explains the origins of the "Mark of the Beast" and how it relates to popular culture, new technologies and human cloning. Then, Freeman tells us about the "New World Order global capitals" and how Kazakhstan is at the very forefront of these new extraterrestrial preplanned cities. These capital cities are designed to reflect an ancient magical seal of Solomon to bind demons and to perform magic.
download hour 1 mp3

WikiLeaks reveals secretive TPP agreement, November 13, 2013


The Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal is in trouble, as 170 members of the House of Representatives have balked at backing the agreement. The TPP would open up markets between Pacific Rim countries, but critics focus on the high level of secrecy surrounding the negotiations, where members of Congress are being shut out by powerful transnational corporations.

The Obama administration wanted to fast track the approval of the TPP in Congress, meaning that senators couldn't filibuster the bill, nor could lawmakers amend the bill. But the 170 representatives who signed onto a letter refusing to fast track the bill could effectively kill the deal. And now the secretive negotiations aren't so secretive anymore, as whistleblowing organization WikiLeaks published the actual text of one of the chapters of the agreement. RT's Sam Sacks talks to James Love, director of Knowledge Ecology International, and Peter Maybarduk, program director of Public Citizen Global Access to Medicine, about the latest developments in the TPP

Article: Secret Globalist Treaty Threatens Internet Freedom

Freeman Fly | Miley Cyrus, The Illuminati and Aleister Crowley, November 13, 2013


Uncovering Illuminati celebrities and their connection to the Ordo Templi Orientis sex magic rituals.

The Sun is Reacting to 3 Comets, November 13, 2013

Source: BPEarthWatch youtube

Brian Kannard | Steinbeck: Citizen Spy, November 11, 2013

Source:, Steinbeck: Citizen Spy Excerpt,

November 11, 2013–In 2009, Brian left his career to finish his first book, Skullduggery: 45 True Tales of Disturbing the Dead, and in early 2010, opened the independent publishing house Grave Distractions Publications. In the last three years, Grave Distractions has published over fifty books for nineteen different authors.

He joins us to discuss his new book Steinbeck: Citizen Spy. Brian obtained two documents from the CIA via the Freedom of Information Act that blows away everything we thought about Steinbeck. The first piece is a letter, in Steinbeck's own handwriting, offering to work for the agency. The second is a reply from Walter Bedell Smith accepting Steinbeck's offer. In his investigations he's also uncovered that the FBI has destroyed portions of Steinbeck's FBI file. Utilizing information from Steinbeck's FBI file, John's own correspondence, and interviews with John's son Thomas Steinbeck, playwright Edward Albee, a former CIA intelligence officer, and others, Steinbeck: Citizen Spy uncovers the secret life of American cultural icon and Nobel Prize–winner, John Steinbeck.

Did Steinbeck actively gather information for the intelligence community during his 1947 and 1963 trips to the Soviet Union? Why was the controversial author of The Grapes of Wrath never called before the House Select Committee on Un-American Activities, despite alleged ties to Communist organizations? Did the CIA influence Steinbeck to produce Cold War propaganda as part of Operation MOCKINGBIRD? Why did the CIA admit to the Church Committee in 1975 that Steinbeck was a subject of their illegal mail-opening program known as HTLINGUAL? We'll discuss all this and more.
download hour 1 mp3

Richard Alan Miller | ‪Holographics And The Fukushima Apocalypse Explained‬, November 11, 2013


Dr. Richard Alan Miller – The ins and outs of the holographic universe, classified US govt technology and knowledge kept by the military industrial complex now has the ability to either save or destroy mankind, and it's not getting used to help us!

Our food is being weaponized and the oceans (along with pretty much everything else) are being contaminated and all life on earth is in deep trouble from Fukushima, yet hardly anyone is talking about it!
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