The Corbett Report 233 | The Kubrick Question


Originally aired on July 2, 2012

His films have birthed some of the most iconic images in the history of cinema, yet still remarkably little is known about Stanley Kubrick's life...or death. Today on the podcast we examine the works of the world-famous director for clues as to what he knew, and whether or not he was silenced for blowing the whistle on the powers that shouldn't be.

This video was produced by James Corbett and is shared with his expressed permission.

CrossTalk: #IranDeal - Good Deal? (ft. Pepe Escobar), November 27, 2013


How significant is the nuclear deal with Iran? How does it affect internal politics in Iran? Is this deal a sign of major geopolitical realignment? And what are the biggest stumbling blocks on the way? CrossTalking with Pepe Escobar, Richard Weitz and Daniel McAdams.

Clif High | Bandwidth Caps, Bitcoin, ISON & Nummo Origins, November 25, 2013



November 25, 2013–Clif High, along with his associate George Ure, developed the Web Bot, or the Web Bot Project in the late 1990s. It's an Internet bot software program or a web spider that originally was designed to predict stock market trends. Eventually it developed into something different. Now it's claimed to be able to predict future events by tracking keywords on the web.

In the first hour of the program Clif and Henrik discuss the looming internet bandwidth caps that are slated to limit, restrict and control internet data consumption. The control of the internet comes in many different forms and the cap is the latest trick by the ISP monopolies, enabled by government, to make more money and to shut down streaming services. Clif talks about hackers and other alternatives to circumvent these restrictions. Later, we discuss the "wings" that have sprouted on comet ISON in the last few days, as it's getting closer to the sun. We move on to discuss the positive aspects of Bitcoin, why you should get involved and how they continue to increase in value, as more and more people get aboard.
download hour 1 mp3

WikiLeaks speaks out against TPP secrecy, November 25, 2013


The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a trade deal that countries along the Pacific Rim have been negotiating in secret for several years, yet bragging that it could be the biggest trade agreement in history, addressing everything from food to medicine to intellectual property. Critics of the negotiations and the potential deal contend that the TPP will only help big corporations at the expense of the general public. Last week, whistleblowing organization WikiLeaks leaked 95 pages of documents relating to the TPP's intellectual property negotiations. RT's Meghan Lopez speaks with Kristinn Hrafnsson, spokesman for WikiLeaks, about the TPP, its negotiations and how WikiLeaks got the documents they leaked.

ISON UPDATE, November 25, 2013

Source: BPEarthWatch youtube,

Comparing ISON to Mcnaught. SDO Comet ISON Viewing Link:

Dr. Mercola Interviews Patrick McKeown | How the Buteyko Breathing Method Can Improve Your Health and Fitness

Source:,, Patrick McKeown youtube

Natural health expert and founder Dr. Joseph Mercola interviews Patrick McKeown about Buteyko breathing and its benefits on people's health. Read full article at:

Measure your breathless during physical exercise

The length of time which you can comfortably hold your breath provides feedback of how breathless you are during physical exercise. A low breath hold time is indicative of greater breathlessness. A high comfortable breath hold time is indicative of lighter breathing during physical exercise. To reduce your breathlessness during sports, apply the OxyAthlete program to improve your comfortable breath hold time. -Patrick McKeown

The People's Voice - Be Part of the Heard | Goes to Air Today, November 25 at 17:00 GMT


The People's Voice Goes to Air Today,  November 25, 17:00 GMT.  Good luck guys!
Program Schedule

P5+1 & Iran agree landmark nuclear deal at Geneva talks, November 23, 2013


The P5+1 world powers and Iran have struck a historic deal on Tehran's nuclear program at talks in Geneva. Ministers overcame the last remaining hurdles to reach an interim agreement, despite strong pressure from Israel and lobby groups. Read more at

Secrets of Project Red Light - A. H., Boeing Aerospace / Disclosure Proj. Witness Testimony Archive

Source:,, Energiereichtum youtube

A. H. is a person who has gained significant information from inside the UFO extraterrestrial groups within our government, military and civilian companies. He has friends at the NSA, CIA, NASA, JPL, ONI, NRO, Area 51, the Air Force, Northrup, Boeing and others.

He used to work at Boeing as a surface technician. He was introduced to four-star General Curtis Lemay and one day went to his house in Newport Beach, CA and spoke with him about this subject. Lemay confirmed the ETV crash at Roswell. AH's NSA contact told him that Henry Kissinger, George Bush as well as Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev were all aware of the ET subject.

His CIA contact told him that the USAF had shot down some of these spacecraft. A friend of AH's who worked at Boeing was part of crash recovery and personally saw and carried ET bodies. AH says that a group in the FBI discovered that radar testing was causing interference with some of the ETV's and that this was what was causing so many crashes. He also says that there are underground bases testing and maintaining extraterrestrial technology in Utah (reachable only by air), Enzo California, Lancaster/Palmdale California, Edwards AFB in California, March AFB, Eglan AFB in Florida, London England and many other locations.

Jesse Ventura | The Assassination of JFK & American Geopolitics, November 22, 2013

Source:, Official Jesse Ventura Facebook

November 22, 2013–Jesse Ventura is the former Independent governor of Minnesota. He is also a former US Navy Frogman, professional wrestler, movie actor, visiting fellow at Harvard Kennedy School of Government, and New York Times bestselling author. He was the host and executive producer for TruTV's Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura.

He'll discuss his new book, They Killed Our President: 63 Reasons to Believe There Was a Conspiracy to Assassinate JFK. 2013 marks the fifty-year anniversary of the tragic event that changed the way citizens view the honesty and integrity of their government. Today, the majority of Americans believe the government was involved in both the assassination and the cover-up. According to a 2003 Gallup poll, 75 percent of Americans believe some kind of conspiracy occurred. We'll discuss absurdities and suspicious behavior surrounding the case against Lee Harvey Oswald, who was convicted for the assassination of JFK. Later, we'll discuss current politics, including foreign policy, political parties, gun control and one world government. Jesse ends speaking about the words of the America forefathers who reminded us to remain vigilant in order to keep the country intact.
download hour 1 mp3

Jim Marrs on JFK, 9-11 and Ancient Civilizations, November 21, 2013


Best selling Texan author/journalist Jim Marrs on JFK, 9-11 and Ancient Civilizations.

ISON Warning/Disintergration Event, November 22, 2013

Source: BPEarthWatch youtube

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