Ty Bollinger | Monumental Myths of the Mainstream Media | Veritas Radio | Segment 1

Source: veritasradio.com

In the words of George Noory, "Monumental Myths, is a veritable buffet for so-called conspiracy theorists." So, put on your seatbelt and prepare to be thrust headlong into the world of "conspiracy reality." "In Monumental Myths, Ty Bollinger welcomes you into a scenic tour of some of the most outrageous events in our modern history - and he is an excellent tour guide. You'll move at a good pace, knocking back topic after topic with gusto. You won't be bogged down with the kind of tedious excess that is the death of most PBS-endorsed political guidebooks, but neither will you lose essential and enlightening detail. And Ty's good-humored, common-sense but well-reasoned approach will keep you involved (and smiling) throughout, wanting to see what big lie gets skewered next.

The events are covered, major and minor, from JFK to GMO, Boston to Waco, aspartame to Oklahoma City, fluoride to Monsanto-land, MLK, chemtrails and beyond. The book functions as a kind of 'greatest hits,' or sportsman's guide to a 'World Series of Conspiracy.' Ty brings that feeling to his work: the love of a good sports writer for a game. The game here is our history of national and international deception, played by the jackals who've manipulated their way into power. Most authors take on one issue to excess, burying us in useless and irrelevant data, without drawing our eye to the hundred similar (or identical) events on the horizon. But what we really want - and what Ty delivers - is a compendium, a means to compare and contrast the lies of history: how much better it is to have it all laid out in one, colorful, entertaining volume. And what's wrong with being entertaining? The bad guys don't know what to do when the truth-tellers crack wise and get funny - it throws them off their pitch.

So much the better for the truth-seekers that we keep our sense of humor - and Ty certainly does. Even when the material goes into dark country, even when we're faced with acts of willful destruction so callous, brutal and monstrous you'd think we'd just lay down and give up, Ty marshals us on by shining a light on the things that make us human: our curiosity, wit and humor, compassion, integrity, critical thinking; and, thank goodness, the thing that governments and media ignore - our irreplaceable common sense." ~ Liam Scheff, author of Official Stories. "Why did Monumental Myths need to be written? To fill the monumental gaps in the real history not taught to most Americans! And Ty Bollinger is just the man for the job, covering a comprehensive array of events from perspectives unapproved by any government agency, but guaranteed to cure your historical deficiency diseases.

The time is right and the people are finally hungry enough to see through the empty calories fed to us by the mainstream media. What Ty has done with this book is to satisfy the most voracious of appetites for those who are the hungriest to know what has gone wrong over the last 100+ years right up until today. With great breadth, depth and humor, prepare to have your historical and contemporary chakras aligned to see through some of the most monumental myths that, up until this point, have misled generations of freedom-loving people into 'misinformational' bondage. I can't thank Ty enough for putting all of this information into one book!" ~ Robert Scott Bell, Syndicated host of the "Robert Scott Bell Show. -veritasradio.com

New World Next Week | Pedophiles, Drugs and Money in the New World Order, March 27, 2014

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com, corbettreport.com, mediamonarchy.com

Story #1: Lord Justice Fulford 'Campaigned to Support PIE Paedophile Group'

Judges Presiding Over Phone Hacking Cases Elevated to Higher Office

Man Convicted of Having Child Sex Abuse Images on PC Wins Appeal Allowing Him Access to Kids

High Court judge and the child sex ring

Judge apologises for involvement with NCCL group linked to PIE

Who is judging the judges?

Bill Clinton identified in lawsuit against his former friend and pedophile Jeffrey Epstein

British Paedophile Was Living Next to Resort Where Madeleine McCann Was Snatched

UK Takes Seven Years to Announce McCann's Proximity to David Reid

Story #2: Vatican Bound Cocaine-Filled Condoms Seized By German Customs

Banquet of Chestnuts

Papal aide, Vatican singer fired over alleged gay-prostitute ring

Drug Cartels Rely On Big Banks To Launder Profits; At Border, Drugs Go North, Cash Goes South

Flashback: NYSE Chief Meets Rebel in Colombia

Story #3: Sanctions Against Russia? Don't Tell ExxonMobil

Oil Spill Shuts Down Houston Ship Channel on Exxon Valdez Anniversary

BP Spills Unknown Amount of Tar Sands Into Lake Michigan

U.S. Gives Russia Free Military Equipment Used By Army, Marines

America's Secret Establishment: China to be world power by year 2000

Hits Dhanak Interviews Dr. Richard Alan Miller

Source: HitsDhanak youtube, richardalanmiller.com, transformtheillusion.com

Dr. Richard Alan Miller is a pioneer in the annals of metaphysical and paranormal exploration. Miller began working in the "X-Files" world of Navy Intel (Seal Corp. and then MRU) in the late 60s. In this discussion we talk about the holographic reality and ESP. -Hits Dhanak

Obama to Visit Saudi Arabia, Key Source of Funding for Growing Jihadi Militarism in Middle East, March 26, 2014

Source: democracynow.org

Despite Saudi Arabia's funding and arming of militants in Syria, Iraq and beyond, President Obama is set to visit the kingdom this week to meet with King Abdullah. It's the only Middle Eastern or Gulf nation on Obama's overseas itinerary. Many analysts say the conflict in Syria has grown into a proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran.

Saudi Arabia's links to jihadist groups go back decades. Fifteen of the 19 Sept. 11 hijackers were Saudi. The 9/11 Commission report identified Saudi Arabia as the main source of al-Qaeda financing. And in 2010, WikiLeaks published U.S. diplomatic cables which identified Saudi Arabia as the world's largest source of funds for Islamist militant groups.

Members of Congress and human rights organizations have also been calling on Obama to address the kingdom's treatment of women, religious minorities and political activists. We are joined by Patrick Cockburn, Middle East correspondent for the Independent. Cockburn wrote the Independent's recent five-part series examining the resurgence of jihadists across the Middle East, "Al-Qa'ida's second act — Why the global 'war on terror' went wrong." -demcracynow.org

Jeff Rense & Wolfgang Halbig | Exposing Sandy Hook!

Source: rense.com

Clip from March 17, 2014 - guest Wolfgang Halbig on the Jeff Rense Program.

The Eyeopener Report | Confronting Cognitive Dissonance, March 25, 2014

Source: corbettreport.com, BoilingFrogsPost.com

Are you irate, irritable and irrational when presented with evidence that goes against your preconceived notions of how the world operates? Looking for a solution to your stress? Join us this week on The Eyeopener as we examine the theory of cognitive dissonance and how it stops people from confronting the uncomfortable truths about the way the world really works. -James Corbett

Transcript & Sources

The 7 Year Return of Comet Holmes,The Blue Star, March 25, 2014

Source: BPEarthWatch youtube

The Return of Comet 17P Holmes on March 27 2014
The comet has an orbital period of 6.8 years. It last reached perihelion, its closest approach to the Sun, on May 4 2007. At that time, it was 2AU (186 million miles) from the sun. Today, the comet is about 1.6AU (149 million miles) from Earth and about 2.4AU (223 million miles) from the Sun.

The comet's nucleus is believed to measure only about 3.5 km in diameter. The comet was discovered November 6 1892 by Edwin Holmes in London. Before its recent outburst, it was only magnitude 17, and barely visible in a large telescope. On October 23 2007 the comet unexpectedly brightened to magnitude 2.5 and became visible to the naked eye in the constellation Perseus. - GW

The Asia-Pacific Perspective | China's Bin Laden, March 23, 2014

Source: corbettreport.com, apperspective.net

SEGMENT 1: Asia-Pacific Protests

And Now....The 'Anti-Protest' Law in Australia

Thousands drawn to Australia-wide protests against government policies

Taiwan protesters occupy parliament over China trade pact

Tokyo rally against reactor restarts draws over 5,000

Thailand to lift Bangkok state of emergency

SEGMENT 2: Military Maneuvers

Philippines: Ban on foreign military bases not absolute

Japan Draws Up Overhaul Of Arms-Export Ban

China announces military spending increase

Australia to buy U.S. Triton drones to secure Indian Ocean resources

North Korea test-fires missiles amid tensions

SEGMENT 3: Kunming Attack Blame Game

From Pakistan, Uyghur Separatist Vows Revenge on China

Uyghur militant's support for Kunming knife attack 'proof of China's terror threat'

Suspected Uyghurs Rescued in Thai Raid of Human Trafficking Camp

Sibel Edmonds on Gladio B

Dr. Joseph Resnick | Space Exploration and Commerce, March 24, 2014

Source: itsrainmakingtime.com

Dr. Joseph Resnick’s résumé is nothing short of intimidating. A graduate of Westinghouse Electric Corporation’s Electromechanical Engineering School Apprentice Program and the University of Pittsburgh, he also holds a graduate degree in Earth and Space Health Systems Management, and was a NASA Scholar-in-Residence at the Military College of Vermont. Additionally, he holds a Ph.D. in Environmental Studies with concentration in bioremediation and biodefense from the Union Institute and University at Cincinnati.

A monumental applied scientist and inventor, Dr. Joseph Resnick holds numerous US and foreign patents for what he calls “exotic technologies”. Patent #5807724 allowed Dr. Resnick to “retire” in 1993, and led to the development of the BioBoom, BioSok, Micro-Sorbe, Poly-Sorbe, Oil-Buster, and PRP (Petroleum Remediation Product), now re-branded as KONTAK™.

Dr. Joseph Resnick is the CEO and Chairman of RMANNCO, a specialist in product and process reformulation. Dr. Resnick also works in RMANNCO’s Science and Technology Division as the Senior Chief Scientist for Microencapsulation Technologies, and oversees the Future Soldier Systems Division, the Vehicle Up-Armor and Visual Mitigation Division, the Earth & Space Biodefense Divisions, and the Materials Sciences R&D Laboratories.

Dr. Resnick is a Life Member of the National Defense Industrial Organization and the founder of the National Anti-Terrorism Technology Development and Training Center and the National Eco-Counter Terrorism Institute. For the last thirty years, he has worked with NASA, HAARP, and other aerospace and defense organizations in the public and private sectors. Seven of his discoveries were showcased at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center from 1985-1995, and he was featured in Techbriefs Magazine in 1994 for developing new bioremediation products to clean up oil spills. The avid environmentalist has been nominated for the Tyler Environmental Prize (2012-2014).

In 2007, Dr. Joseph Resnick founded Vans For Vets, a non-profit corporation that provides handicap-equipped vehicles and watercraft, mobile homes, and mental health and outreach services to veterans and family members free of charge.

Along with former guest Guy Cramer and Lt. Col. Timothy O’Neill, Ph.D., Dr. Resnick is a member of ROC, a North American team safeguarding the loophole in space law that allows individuals to hold mineral rights on moons and other planets. Dr. Resnick was structuring a new organization called the Universal Mineral Leases Registry (UMLR) when a group of predominant scientists proposed a parks project on Mars. Guy Cramer proposed that ROC obtain mineral rights to the specified regions through the UMLR before going public. ROC has acquired the mineral rights for Mars, designating the regions as “extraterrestrial nature preserves”, as well as 8.9 million acres around the Apollo 11 Lunar landing site, currently designated as a “World Heritage Site”. The ROC team holds mineral rights for 95% of the side of the moon facing Earth, the polar regions, and 50% of the far side of the moon. They plan to oversee the extraction of Helium-3 and other minerals for the advancement of space exploration, science, and energy production.

download mp3

The Truthseeker | Media 'staged' Syria chem attack, March 23, 2014

Source: RT.com

BBC 'total fabrication from beginning to end' of Syria 'atrocity'; call to revoke visas for intel agents posing as reporters in NATO targets; CIA caught infiltrating CNN, and Operation Mockingbird is back.

Seek truth from facts with UK Member of Parliament George Galloway; Illinois University Professor of International Law Francis Boyle; investigative reporter John Helmer; ordinary Syrians; and Ukraine covergirl 'Julia'. -RT.com

Full Transcript

Mark Weber | Extremist Watch Groups, Culture Clash & Germanophobia | Hour 1 | March 21, 2014

Source: redicecreations.com, ihr.org, The Mark Weber Report

March 21, 2014–Mark Weber is an American historian, author, lecturer and current affairs analyst with a specialized knowledge of US foreign policy, international relations, the Second World War, and, more broadly, of twentieth-century European and American history.

Weber is also director of the Institute for Historical Review, an independent, public interest research and publishing center in southern California. In 1988 Weber testified for five days in Toronto District Court as a recognized expert on Germany's wartime Jewish policy and the Holocaust issue.

In the first hour, Mark talks about a known terrorist group - the Jewish Defense League – who for 3 months impacted IHR's finances by shutting down the Institute's processing of credit card orders and donations. Behind the shutdown was Dov Hikind.

We'll discuss the monopoly and blatant double standards of Jewish organizations such as the JDL, ADL and SPLC. Then, Mark talks about the dangers of applying morality to politics, used to justify war and takeover. Weber also speaks about current ethnic and culture clashes, although we're being told these are just superficial constructs. -redicecreations.com

download hour 1 mp3

Jay Weidner on Stanley Kubrick's Fake Moon Landing footage

Source: rense.com

Clip from March 13, 2014 - guest Jay Weidner on the Jeff Rense Program.
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