Jef Harvey | 4th Phase Water Healing: Living Waters! | OffPlanet Radio | Sept. 22, 2014


The assault on the human biology deepens: chemtrails, water fluoridation, GMO foods, rampant epidemic threats like Ebola, and a weakening of the Earth’s energetic grids all conspire to make us sick and shorten our lives. We need solutions:

Jef Harvey returns to discuss the healing properties of what is called “EZ (exclusion zone) Water” or fourth phase An energetically re-structured water made under a proprietary special process, which when consumed or applied topically, has a tremendous cure rate for cancers, Morgellans, diabetes, and numerous ailments; it also opens the cells to properly hydrate and purge toxins at the cellular level. The concepts of fourth phase water are explained in this YouTube video with Dr. Gerald Pollack at TEDEX:

Tom Campbell México City 2013


From November 2013 - Expand your Consciousness Workshop in Mexico City hosted by Dr. Diana Morales.

S0 News | Solar Tornados, Volcanos, Space-Weather, Sept. 21, 2014


Frank Salter | Radicalization of Social Sciences & Culture Wars | Hour 1 | Sept. 19, 2014


September 19, 2014–Frank Salter is an Australian academic and researcher at the former Max Planck Institute for Behavioral Physiology. He is a political ethologist, studying political phenomena using the methods and theories of behavioral biology in addition to conventional methods. He is the author of six books. In the first hour, Frank explains how the social sciences were radicalized in universities as a way to gain control of the culture.

We’ll talk about the university departments of sociology, cultural anthropology and political science which are devoid of biologically-oriented courses and why the focus is on gender, ethnicity, feminism, sex differences, national identity, ethno-cultural diversity, multiculturalism and immigration. Later, we talk about a few of the iconic people that are praised by today’s social sciences, several of whom are known to have falsified scientific results. Frank says we must inject fact back into culture.

download hour 1 mp3

Tom Campbell | Midwest Real with Michael Phillip


The beat goes on with Quantum Mechanics, Simulation Theory, and the nature of Reality in this interview with Tom Campbell hosted by Michael Phillip.

GeoengineeringWatch | Weather Update, September 20th, 2014


The unbelievable swings in temperatures will continue to increase as the climate engineers put ever more pressure on the biosphere's life support systems. In the last week some regions in the US went from 80 degrees, to the high teens with record snow, and back to the 90s. The climate forcing, coupled with the ever increasing contamination from these programs, are threats that we must face and bring to a halt.

Assange | Google has revolving doors with State Dept, Sept. 20, 2014


Going Underground's Afshin Rattansi talks with Jullian Assange in an exclusive interview. They discuss imperial foreign policies, Google, impact of WikiLeaks and more.

Courtney Brown | 9/11: What Really Happened? | Remote Viewing | Part One | Legalise-Freedom Radio | Sept. 19, 2014


Courtney Brown discusses the results of a remote viewing project which focused on the events of 9/11. The 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, D.C. in the year 2001 were arguably the most shocking and audacious events to happen so far this century. There are many unexplained anomalies associated with these attacks.

The number and nature of the anomalies have led a significant and growing number of people to question the official explanation of these events as simply the actions of a small band of terrorists known as al-Qaeda led by Osama bin Laden. This investigation takes a fresh look at 9/11 using remote-viewing methods that were originally developed by the U.S. military and used for espionage purposes. The results are both deeply disturbing and highly controversial.

Remote Viewing 9/11 | The Farsight Institute


Official Trailer

Project Release Date: 11 September 2014

The 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, D.C. in the year 2001 were arguably one of the most disturbing events to happen so far this century. There are many unexplained anomalies associated with these attacks. The number and nature of the anomalies have led a significant and growing number of people to question the official explanation of these events as simply the result of a small band of terrorists known as al-Qaeda led by Osama bin Laden. This investigation takes a fresh look at these events using remote-viewing methods that were originally developed by the U.S. military and used for espionage purposes. The two primary events examined here are (1) the destruction of the World Trade Center in New York, and (2) the attack on the Pentagon. Both attacks took place on the same day.

Remote Viewing 9/11: Part 1 - The World Trade Center Attacks

According to remote-viewing data collected at The Farsight Institute in one of the most revolutionary projects ever, this is the story of what really happened during the terror attacks that occurred in the United States on the 11th of September, 2001.

This is Part 1 of a two-part documentary, and in this part the focus is on the World Trade Center attacks that occurred in New York City on that infamous day. Combining two of the best remote viewers on the planet currently, using U.S. military derived methodologies for perceiving across time and space, and working within a scientifically clean and totally blind experimental design, we now have new eyewitness reports that change everything we were originally told about the 9/11 events.

The science of remote viewing has matured to the extent that such a project as this is finally achievable. But no one could have expected the results to be as shocking as what was actually revealed by these new data. This remote-viewing study will change the way many people look at the world, and it adds a strong note of caution to the potential for manipulation of even advanced democratic industrial societies. Interested viewers may also want to see Part 2 of this documentary (which is a separate movie). Part 2 focuses on the Pentagon attack that occurred on that same day, as well as the personnel and organization of those who engineered the joint operations in New York and Washington, D.C.

View on Demand - Remote Viewing 9/11: Part 1 - The World Trade Center Attacks

Remote Viewing 9/11: Part 2 - The Pentagon Attacks and the Organization 

According to remote-viewing data collected at The Farsight Institute in one of the most revolutionary projects ever, this is the story of what really happened during the terror attacks that occurred in the United States on the 11th of September, 2001.

This is Part 2 of a two-part documentary, and in this part the focus is on the Pentagon attack that occurred in Washington, D.C. on that infamous day, as well as the organization and personnel of those who engineered the joint World Trade Center (in New York) and Pentagon attacks. Combining two of the best remote viewers on the planet currently, using U.S. military derived methodologies for perceiving across time and space, and working within a scientifically clean and totally blind experimental design, we now have new eyewitness reports that change everything we were originally told about the 9/11 events.

The science of remote viewing has matured to the extent that such a project as this is finally achievable. But no one could have expected the results to be as shocking as what was actually revealed by these new data. This remote-viewing study will change the way many people look at the world, and it adds a strong note of caution to the potential for manipulation of even advanced democratic industrial societies. Interested viewers may also want to see Part 1 of this documentary (which is a separate movie). Part 1 focuses on the World Trade Center attacks that occurred on that same day in New York.

View on Demand - Remote Viewing 9/11: Part 2 - The Pentagon Attacks and the Organization

Jeff Rense & Jay Weidner | Shadow Government Theater


Clip from September 10, 2014 - guest Jay Weidner on the Jeff Rense Program.

Tom Goodrich | Hellstorm: The Myth of the Good War | Hour 1 | Sept. 17, 2014

Source:, Ilya Ehrenburg

September 17, 2014–Tom Goodrich, majored in history and also psychology. He painted watercolors for a living in New England before authoring 10 books. He has written books on the American Civil War, the Indian Wars, the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, World War II and many more. We’ll discuss his book Hellstorm: The Death Of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947, which details the most deadly and destructive war in human history where millions were killed, billions in property was destroyed and ancient cultures were reduced to rubble.

WWII was truly man's greatest cataclysm. Although thousands of books, movies and documentary films have been devoted to the war, there has never been such a terrible retelling of the story as found in Tom’s book. We’ll begin discussing events prior to the war and talk about the nation that defied the elite global order.

Tom tells about WWII “good war” propaganda and what’s not said. Tom also talks about the dark secrets of the allies who tortured, raped and unleashed sadistic behavior upon Germans. We’ll hear about the millions of innocent German civilians, including women and children who were massacred. He’ll also talk about the worst nautical disasters in history which claimed thousands of lives, the greatest mass migration known to man in which millions perished and the fate of those wretched victims in post-war death camps and torture chambers.

We’ll continue with post-war events and the denazification of Germany. Later, Goodrich shares stories he uncovered, some humane, involving fighting soldiers. Also, we’ll discuss the post- war ransacking of German inventions and patents.

download hour 1 mp3

New World Next Week | Audit the Fed Passes the House (Again) Sept. 18, 2014


Story #1: Russia, China In Talks to Make SWIFT Alternative
Apple Pay to Invade China With Help From UnionPay
Belgian PM calls out US Gov for SWIFT data mining
Flashback: The #BRICS Plan For a #NewWorldOrder Begins With... a Bank
Russia, Egypt seal preliminary arms deal worth $3.5 billion

Story #2: House Approves Ron Paul’s ‘Audit the Fed’ Bill
31 U.S. Code § 714 - Audit of Financial Institutions
Fed Gives No Hints On First Rate Hike's Timing
Has Quantitative Easing Helped the US Economy?
House Votes to Give Obama Authority to Train, Arm Moderate Syrian Rebels

Story #3: Middle-School Dropout Codes Clever Chat Program That Foils NSA Spying
Clear Channel Rebrands as iHeartMedia, Like Blackwater Changed to Academi
Trust in Mass Media Returns to All-Time Low
Video: Angry Mob Tosses Ukrainian Politician Into Trash
Video: Motorcycle-Riding Trash Vigilante Serves Dirty Justice
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