The Corbett Report | Don't Hate The Media, BECOME The Media | March 10, 2015


James Corbett, Luke Rudkowski and Dan Dicks wrap up their special session of Change Media University in Acapulco, Mexico with a wide-ranging conversation on alternative media and internet journalism. They discuss the importance of intrinsic goals and reflect on the civilizational shift that is happening as we move away from a centralized mass media culture to a decentralized, peer-to-peer culture.

Gilad Atzmon | Zionist Pressure Groups & Jewish Identity Politics | Hour 1 | March 6, 2015


March 6, 2015–Gilad Atzmon is a British jazz artist and author born in Israel and trained in composition and jazz at the Rubin Academy of Music, Jerusalem. He is a member of the Blockheads, founded the Orient House Ensemble in London, and has recorded and performed with many rock music legends. Gilad also writes on political matters, social issues, Jewish identity and culture.
He has written two novels, and his latest book, The Wandering Who? is a study of Jewish identity politics.

In the first hour, Mr. Atzmon gives an account of the recent cancellation of his scheduled performance with the Orient House Ensemble at Manchesters Royal Northern College of Music. The prestigious cultural institute gave into pressure to stop the show by the ultra-Zionist organization North West Friends of Israel (NWFOI), who accused Atzmon of fostering anti-Semitism and denying the holocaust.

Gilad speaks about the historically strained relationship between Jews and Europeans, the questionable ethics of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement (BDS Movement) and the serious issue of British pedophile networks. Then, he talks about the controlled opposition of the Jewish anti-Zionist network, which diverts attention from Israels ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, and the Leftist domination that has left Palestine to crumble.

Gilad gets into the largely Jewish phenomenon of identity politics, the division of Europes working class, and enforced monoculture. In an exceptional extended second half, Gilad speaks to the psychopathic principles of Israels PM Benjamin Netanyahu and his process of projection. We discuss the link between the BDS boycott movement, funding from liberal Zionist George Soros, LGBTQ influence and the role of the Open Society associating gay rights with the Palestinian cause. Later, we examine the effects of splicing society into marginal discourses and the disastrous sexual revolution. In conclusion, we chew over the root cause of pervasive fear of anti-Semitism.

download hour 1 mp3

Graham Nicholls | Navigating the Out Of Body Experience: Part One | Legalise Freedom Radio | March 8, 2015


Graham Nicholls discusses his books Avenues of the Human Spirit and Navigating the Out of Body Experience. This is a two part interview. Part two will be published soon.

The talk includes the nature of the out of body experience, the science behind it, and the state of current research into OBEs. Out of body experiences can be self-induced, but can they be controlled? Are out of body experiences always positive, and might they ultimately have a purpose? What might they tell us about the nature of consciousness and the possibility of life after death?

Other subjects touched upon include remote viewing, near death experiences, reincarnation, quantum entanglement and the notion of extended mind and collective consciousness, and the role of sound in altered states of consciousness. We also discuss the skeptic community and their role in denying and debunking non-material forces and psychic phenomena in general.

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Jim Marrs | FADE to BLACK with Jimmy Church | Feb. 16, 2015


Jim Marrs joins us once again and we discuss the breaking news about John Podesta and his UFO Disclosure tweet, the possible DHS shutdown, ISIS, UFO history and why global banking is connected to everything...ufology, war and conspiracy.

The Corbett Report | Corruption, Lies, Threats, and Journalism in Mexico | March 7, 2015


Hector Cubillos of joins James in Acapulco to discuss his own brush with the corrupt government officials of Mexico and the lies, threats and intimidation that keeps the lid (more or less) on journalists there.

Max Igan | The World is Run by Psychopaths and Wrapped in Bullshit


This is a 15 minute synopsis due to YouTube limiting my uploads. -Max Igan

Download Entire One Hour Broadcast as mp3

EBTV | Dr. Larry Malerba, D.O. | Metaphysics & Medicine: Practical Applications | Part 2


EBTV presents host Evita Ochel and featured guest Dr. Larry Malerba, D.O. in a dialogue about the limitations and biases of conventional medicine and science on common health and healing areas.

Dr. Malerba is a physician, educator, and writer whose mission is to build bridges between holistic healing, conventional medicine, and spirituality. He is the author of 2 books, “Green Medicine: Challenging the Assumptions of Conventional Health Care” and his new book “Metaphysics & Medicine: Restoring Freedom of Thought to the Art and Science of Healing”, as well as countless articles on his own site, as well as on various popular media.

General topics covered in the video include:

1. How to understand conventional medicine’s blind spots (1:48)
- material causes versus energetic causes of disease
- the “never well since” nature of disease
- the iatrogenic nature of disease

2. The role of emotions on the bio-energetic field, health, and disease. (8:12)
- the amplification of emotional trauma through the years
- the role of consciousness in healing on a root level
- the importance of effective emotional/energetic release

3. How medical “isms” influence the genetic inheritance of disease. (17:00)
- genetic versus energetic inheritance

4. How medical “isms” influence the germ theory. (23:08)
- the consequences of waging war versus enacting effective solutions
- the importance of focusing on the internal host, rather than external germ

5. Practical advice regarding infections and antibiotic use. (27:51)

6. How medical “isms” influence vaccine use. (31:28)
- the questionable efficacy of vaccines
- the questionable safety of vaccines
- the importance of having choice with respect to vaccines

7. How medical “isms” influence cancer treatment. (38:22)

8. The importance of returning personal judgment, knowing what is right for us, back to ourselves. (44:28)

Part 1 - EBTV | Dr. Larry Malerba, D.O. | Metaphysics & Medicine: Societal Implications

Erich von Däniken, Jesse Marcel III | UFO Gods | FADE to BLACK with Jimmy Church | Feb. 11, 2015


Erich von Däniken joins us live from Switzerland and we have a very open-ended conversation on Chariots, his current research and up is Jesse Marcel III and we talk about his family, Roswell and his new project: the Typhoon F1 Sportscraft.

The Corbett Report | The Global Fight Against Internet Censorship | March 6, 2015


From Japan to Canada to the US, there is a worldwide legislative battle taking place to clamp down on the internet and stifle alternative journalism. James talks to Dan Dicks and Luke Rudkowski in Acapulco, Mexico about these threats and how to fight back against them.

S0 News | Solar Flares are Back | March 6, 2015


The David Icke Videocast | Vaccine Fascism | March 6, 2015


Sally Fallon Morell | Weston A. Price & Nourishing Traditions | Hour 1 | March 4, 2015


March 4, 2015–Sally Fallon Morell is founding president of the Weston A. Price Foundation, founder of A Campaign for Real Milk and author of the best-selling cookbook Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats. She is also the author of The Nourishing Traditions of Baby & Child Care and Nourishing Broth.

Sally is with us to discuss the culinary customs of our ancestors and wise food choices that contribute to excellent overall health. She begins with the story of Dr. Weston A. Price, a dentist who studied nutrition and traveled to remote parts of the globe looking at dental health and overall health.
Dr. Price discovered that groups who consumed foods with high levels of the fat soluble vitamins A, K & D had excellent teeth and general health.

Sally explains how the foods that are commonly consumed today are missing the proper fats that supply these vital nutrients, leading to an appalling epidemic of chronic disease, infertility and children who suffer the consequences of parents with poor nutrition.

We talk about the importance of grass-fed animal fats, the dangers of pasteurized dairy products, and the detrimental effects of following a vegan diet, particularly during pregnancy. Then, Sally explains the basic rule of nature and how flooding the body with foods that deplete vitamins, minerals and fats along with restricting essential fats leads to disease.

We consider the harmful effects of fluoride as well as the vilification of raw milk. We end by looking at the importance of cholesterol and fats for healthy brain functioning, the long-term, damaging effects of GMO foods, and ways to integrate the wisdom of the ancients into our daily nourishment.

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