Vasile Lupasc | The True Story of King Vlad Dracula | Hour 1 | March 25, 2015

Source:,, The Engraved Chest of Time

March 25, 2015–Prof. Vasile Lupasc is a historian and a writer who graduated from the Faculty of History at the University of Bucharest, Romania. He is also eight times world champion in karate and a member of the International Grandmaster Society. Vasile’s interest for both history and martial arts has lead him to recover and convey the world of ancient warriors in a clear, compelling and thrilling way.

Prof. Lupasc joins us to speak about his writings on King Vlad Tepes, the subject of seven books he has authored, including Draculea, The Engraved Chest of Time - The True Story of King Vlad Dracula as Told by His Royal Knights. We begin with a look at the history of Europe, with a heritage often shrouded in tales of war and invented myths, and consider the origins of vampire folklore.

Vasile gives an overview of factual accounts of King Vlad of Romania, who reigned during the mid-15th century and admirably protected his country from conquest by the Ottoman Empire. He makes comparisons to the very different story of Dracula as told by Bram Stoker and Hollywood. We learn about the early years of King Vlad, along with the legends that made him such a fascinating and feared leader.

Vasile explains the war tactics used by Vlad and his soldiers in fighting the Turks, and gives an interpretation of the intricacies of his governance of the Romanian people. In conclusion, we discuss the transmuting landscape of leadership across Europe, the unfavorable effects of the EU, and the changes of modernity that are leading to a loss of identity and cultural recognition in the Western world.

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The Corbett Report | The Revolution Will Not Be YouTubed | March 26, 2015


As GooTube goes on an AdSense purge of alt media we take a moment to remember that the entire “free and open” internet as we know it is just a flick of a switch away from total censorship. From censorship “bibles” and manipulated news feeds to bury brigades and disappearing front pages, viral truth content is already under attack. Are you prepared?

Show Notes

What Happens When People First Realize That Their World Isn't Real?

Source: PostPanic vimeo

The people in the proof-of-concept short film Sundays are living in a Matrix-like reality, but this isn't quite The Matrix. This is a story about people just beginning to realize something is awry with their reality. It's not only that they may be living in a simulation — it's also that the world they're inhabiting is starting to break down.

Here is how director Mischa Rozema and PostPanic Pictures describe Sundays, which was filmed in Mexico City and was made for $50,000 following a successful Kickstarter campaign:

The end of the world seems like a nightmare to Ben. A memory of a past life that doesn't belong to him. When Ben starts to remember Isabelle, the only love he's ever known, he realises she's missing in his life. An existential descent into confusion and the desperate need to find out the truth begins. This reality depicts a stunning, surprising and dark world. A world that is clearly not his.

It's certainly an interesting start, especially since this breakdown of reality looks like it's just the beginning. Where do refugees go when reality itself starts collapsing around their ears? This is certainly a short that we'd like to see expanded into a feature film. -Lauren Davis

Joshua Blakeney | Japan Bites Back: Allied Demonization of the Empire of the Sun | Hour 1 | March 23, 2015


March 23, 2015–Joshua Blakeney is a freelance journalist originally from the UK based in Canada. He has been Press TV's Canadian correspondent since April 2012. He is a co-host of The Real Deal radio show and co-founder of Non-Aligned Media. In 2014, after extensive archival research at the Diet National Library in Japan, Blakeney published Japan Bites Back: Documents Contextualizing Pearl Harbor, the topic of our discussion.

Joshua begins with an overview of his journey into the world of WWII revisionist history, a subject that is far less taboo in Japan than it is in the west. He speaks about the backdrop of Japan as the perceived aggressor in the Pearl Harbor operation, and the threat of communism that went against Japan’s unique, homogenized and autonomous way of living.

Joshua explains the history of Japan’s interests in preserving the Asiatic agrarian societies and the need to expel White influence. Then, we compare Pan-Asianist ideology to Iran’s attempt to unify its region today. Joshua makes connections to false flag events such as Pearl Harbor and origins of wars that have been interpreted in a fraudulent manner.

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Art Markman, Ph.D. | Smart Change |  Hour 1 | Sanitas Radio


Smart Change explores the psychological mechanisms that form and maintain habits in individuals and groups and offers real, accessible and actionable advice for changing habits. In an engaging narrative, Markman covers a wide range of habits, from individual behaviors like eating better and exercising regularly to work-related behaviors such as learning effectively and influencing customers’ purchases. He proposes that there are five effective tools to help individuals change behavior and to help people influence the habits of the people around them:

1. Tame the “Go” system: Identify the triggers of habits, replace old behaviors with new ones and generate specific plans to deal with obstacles.

2. Harness the “Stop” system: Learn to deal with stress and other factors that hinder the development of new and positive habits.

3. Optimize your goals. Determine the course of behavior change and how to successfully incorporate those changes for the long term.

4. Manage your environment: Change your surroundings to dramatically reduce poor behavior and habits.

5. Engage your Neighbors: To affect other people’s behavior, understand the shared culture that creates a mutual dependency, and allows neighbors and colleagues to have a profound positive influence on the behavior of other members of their community.

The United Nations Admits Chemtrails Are Real


The following video is of Rosalind Peterson, President of Agriculture Defence Coalition, who addresses the UN on chemtrails, geoengineering, and weather modification.

The acknowledgement by the UN that our skies are being polluted with aluminium, barium, lead, arsenic, chromium, cadmium, selenium, and silver should give weight to the claims that Chemtrails cause a whole host of health problems in the general population, including:

Neurological effects, heart damage, eyesight issues, reproduction failures, immune system damage, gastrointestinal disorders, damaged kidney, damaged liver, hormonal problems, and more.

S0 News | Eruption Watch, Tornado Warning | March 25, 2014


Brien Foerster | Teotihuacan In Mexico: Mysterious Ancient Pyramidal Complex | March 24, 2015


The huge ancient site in Mexico called Teotihuacan, the "Birthplace of the Gods" or "Where Men Became Gods" in the Aztec Nahuatl language was supposedly built by the Toltec people about 100 AD. However, it is possible that at least aspects of this site are far older. Come and explore with us. -Brien Foerster

The Corbett Report | You Are Being Programmed to Accept the Global ID Control Grid | March 24, 2015


Half a century ago people had to be reassured their social security card was not being used for identification. Now there are federally standardized and globally synchronized ID cards, government-sponsored online ID projects, DNA databases, and even secret databases of your newborn baby’s genetic information and nobody bats an eyelid. How did we get here, and how can we break this conditioning?

Show Notes

S0 News | Severe Storm Alert, Jupiter Chaos | March 24, 2015


Breakaway State - UFO Secrecy & The Black Budget | Dark Journalist | March 23, 2015


Join Dark Journalist and his special guests as they unravel the treacherous path of The Breakaway Civilization, Deep State, Black Budget, UFO Secrecy, Covert Intelligence Ops, Advanced Technology, Secret Finance and more! In this unique episode, we will celebrate over ONE MILLION VIEWS with a show dedicated to the very best clips of the past year. With Coast to Coast AM Investigative Reporter Linda Moulton Howe, Former Assistant Housing Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts, Historian Richard Dolan, Nuclear Physicist Stanton Friedman, Former Defense Minister Paul Hellyer, Scholar Dr. Joseph P. Farrell and Professor Peter Dale Scott.

We will also review and read some of your excellent and thoughtful viewer comments from the previous twenty-five episodes!

Dark Journalist goes deeper into the matrix to map out the real terrain of life in the 21st century and reveals hidden power structures and an invisible elite that are attempting to centralize control of the planet by usurping traditional democracy to create a hierarchy of domination using clandestine structures in the deep state. These forces have access to secret advanced technology and trillions in public funds that were pilfered by a network of shadow financial institutions obscured from public view.

What is the real story of the Black Budget? Global Governance? Secret Space Program? UFO Technology? Ancient Human Ancestry? Media Manipulation? Political Blackmail? National Security State? Who is really controlling our world and what is their end game? Are eighty-five wealthy individuals and six media corporations controlling the lives and future of seven billion people on planet earth? What is the goal of the technocratic empire and digital superstate that is being created while the vast majority of citizens are lulled into sleep and passivity with entrainment technology embedded in our personal devices and mind control in the corporate media?

Gulf Stream is slowing down faster than ever, scientists say | March 23, 2015


The Gulf Stream that helps to keep Britain from freezing over in winter is slowing down faster now than at any time in the past millennium according to a study suggesting that major changes are taking place to the ocean currents of the North Atlantic. Read more at:
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