Tom Campbell | Science and the Language of the Larger Consciousness System | Sept. 8, 2015


Tom shares his My Big TOE science perspective with three talented women, Hillary Raimo, Marla Frees, and Laurie Huston, who deal everyday with the reality outside of our known system.

First and foremost a scientist, Tom explains that what these women do is just a natural part of his Big Theory of Everything.

By its very definition, a Big TOE must explain both the known and the unknown of our reality.

Jim Willie | Updates in the Petrodollar War: China, Iran, and QE to Infinity | TMRN | Sept. 8, 2015


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Vahan Setyan | Armenian History | FADE to BLACK with Jimmy Church | Sept.1, 2015


Vahan Setyan is our guest and we discuss for the first time exclusive...the Armenian Highlands and what they truly mean to world history. Gobekli Tepe is not Turkish...before Turkey was established GT was in Armenia. All of this and much more is disclosed on this show for the first time.

Karin Smith | The Real Story of South Africa | Hour 1 | Sept 7, 2015


September 7, 2015–Karin Ann Smith is an expat South African living in Texas. She studied Nursing at Grey's Hospital in Pietermaritzburg and worked in the Casino industry and for the biggest supermarket chain in South Africa, both upper management positions dealing with the Unions. She has been an activist calling for world attention to the genocide of the Boer people in South Africa for at least 10 years.

Her family fled the civil war in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and eventually settled as farmers in South Africa, where her family of 5 siblings and both parents have suffered attacks by AK47 wielding gangs twice in the last 3 years, resulting in the death of her father last September.

Karin talks about the history of South Africa during the days of the Dutch East India Company when the Cape of Good Hope was developed. She explains the early clash of the nomadic Boors and the African Zulu Nation along with the British colonization of the mineral rich region.

We discuss the 1948 establishment of the Republic of South Africa by the National party, when apartheid laws were instituted as a way to maintain the peace between the minority White Afrikaners, the ruling Boers and warring indigenous Black tribes. Karin explains the political interests of the African National Congress (ANC) and underscores the track records of its communist faction, Joe Slovo, and the founder of the Armed Wing, Nelson Mandela.

She also gives details related to the slow decline and decimation of the once predominately White South Africa, where taxpayer dollars cannot support the globalist takeover of a country lacking viable commerce from its majority population. Karin highlights some of the post-apartheid sanctions instituted by the ANC, along with the bigger picture of hatred towards Whites that has been stirred up by the ANC and their allies, the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), led by Julius Malema.

We consider the unique situation of present-day South Africa, where the reality of its brutally anti-White environment is strangely left out of any mainstream global report. We discuss the dire circumstances of Afrikaner squatter camps and government edicts that keep White citizens jobless, uneducated, and under the constant threat of illness and violent crimes against them.

download hour 1 mp3

James Corbett on the Battle for Your Mind | Sept. 6, 2015


Today James joins Dan Schultz of New Culture Radio on KFUG 101.1 FM to discuss market manipulations, government lies, false flag predictions, and other aspects of the battle for consciousness that defines our modern era. We also discuss how the exposure of these lies and manipulations is vital to the revolution in consciousness that presents the true solution to these problems.

Show Notes:
In Day’s Second Big Glitch, NYSE Halts Trading
DOJ Sacrifices Flash Crash Scapegoat
Banker Admits Libor Conspiracy
Neo’s passport expired on 9/11/01
Simpsons image “predicts” false flag nuclear attack in November 2010
The same Simpsons image “predicts” another false flag in June 2012
The Pentagon’s strengthening grip on Hollywood
Entertainment Industry Liaison –
Modern art was CIA ‘weapon’
Rick Ross: CIA Behind Hip-Hop’s Drug Fetish
Propaganda by Edward Bernays (1928)
Australia, the US, and the Asia-Pacific Pivot

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Nassim Haramein | Pushing The Envelope of Physics | Vancouver | Aug. 29, 2015


New World Next Week | The EU Immigration Crisis Explained | Sept. 3, 2015


Story #1: China Sends Five Navy Ships Off Alaska Coast For First Time Ever
82 New US-Trained Syrians Prepare for Fighting
Petraeus: Use Al-Qaeda Fighters to Beat ISIS

Story #2: West Warmongering Behind Europe Migrant Crisis

Story #3: #GoodNewsNextWeek - Canadian Public Servant Investigated for Anti-Tory Song, ‘Harperman’
Whistleblowers File $100 Million Suit against NSA, FBI
Germany Moves to Ban GMOs
Two Judges Sentenced To 28 Years For Selling ‘Kids For Cash’ To Prisons
UK PM Cameron and Wife Swam in Raw Sewage on Vacation Last week
Central Banks Nervous As Alternative Currency With David Bowie's Face Goes Viral

Max Igan | Leading Ourselves to Safety | Sept. 5, 2015


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - Season 5 - Episode 08

Full Show:

Download Entire One Hour Broadcast as mp3

Dr. Rima Truth Reports | Dr. Rima E. Laibow & Ralph Fucetola | Aug. 31, 2015


Dr. Rima Truth Reports

Rima E. Laibow, M.D.Rima E. Laibow, M.D. is a graduate of Albert Einstein College of Medicine (1970) who believes passionately in the right of Americans to choose their own health paths. She has practiced drug-free, natural medicine for 35 years by seeking the underlying cause of every illness and ailment and treating that root cause.

She believes in using nutrients and other natural options to find, define and treat the problems which underlie degenerative, chronic diseases and poor aging while supporting the immune and other crucial systems. She has enjoyed remarkable success with a wide assortment of cataclysmic problems.

Dr. Laibow is the Founding and past President of the NeuroTherapy Certification Board, which she helped establish, in order to strengthen and develop the field of NeuroBioFeedback and bring it into wide-spread use as a powerful, non-toxic tool for modern medicine.

Because of Dr. Laibow’s awareness of the powerful natural, non-toxic options available to treat the underlying cause of disease she is focused on maintaining these choices for all Americans. Based on her understanding of the impact of poor nutrition and chemical/pesticide toxicity on the declining health of America, Dr. Laibow is determined to help Americans maintain the choices that allow them to protect themselves from disease and toxic harm.

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Sept. 3, 2015


BREAKING NEWS! France confirms (just barely) flaperon is from missing Malaysia Air flight 370... Mystery solved(not)!

France says wing part found on Reunion Island definitely from MH370
MH370 Flaperon Is Confirmed as First Debris from Missing Malaysia Flight

Pepe Escobar | ‘China's V-Day parade is sending multiple messages to Asia and the West’ | Sept. 2, 2015


China is marking the 70th anniversary of victory over Japan in WW2 with a spectacular military parade involving thousands of soldiers and hundreds of military hardware . Political analyst Pepe Escobar told RT what the multiple messages that China is delivering to the world could be.

Zen Gardner | On Money - The Blood of the Fear Exchange Network | Aug. 31, 2015


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