Noam Chomsky | Today's GOP is a Candidate for Most Dangerous Organization in Human History | May 17, 2015


In Part 2 of our wide-ranging conversation with the world-renowned dissident Noam Chomsky, we talk about the conflict in Syria, the rise of ISIS, Saudi Arabia, the political crisis in Brazil, the passing of the pioneering lawyer Michael Ratner, the U.S. relationship with Cuba, Obama’s visit to Hiroshima and today’s Republican Party.

"If we were honest, we would say something that sounds utterly shocking and no doubt will be taken out of context and lead to hysteria on the part of the usual suspects," Chomsky says, "but the fact of the matter is that today’s Republican Party qualify as candidates for the most dangerous organization in human history. Literally."

Jordan Maxwell | "Moses Manna From God, Which Saved The Israelites, May Have Been Magic Mushrooms!" | Richie Allen Show | May 16, 2016


Mark Vidler | Sacred Geometry of the Earth | Legalise Freedom Radio


Mark Vidler discusses Sacred Geometry of the Earth – The Ancient Matrix of Monuments and Mountains. From continent to continent across the globe, Mark Vidler and Catherine Young reveal that order is everywhere on Earth.

On remote islands, soaring summits, and level deltas, they unveil natural topographic patterns related to pi, the golden ratio, and right-triangle geometry. And as the planet's design emerges, it becomes clear that this hidden order in nature decided the location of ancient monuments the world over. 

Through detailed maps, Vidler and Young show how the locations of megalithic monuments reflect and enhance a natural pattern on the Earth that connects its major features. The authors examine the geography of many islands, and each continent, including Antarctica, to show how the highest peak on each landmass falls on a line connecting coastal extremes.

They reveal how circles of standing stones and man-made mounds mark intersections of these lines. They explore the connection between the Nazca lines in Peru, and the Amazon, Nile, and Ganges deltas, and explain how the locations of the Giza pyramids, Stonehenge, and Machu Pichu are integrated into the natural design on Earth.

As they uncover geometric patterns line by line, point by point, they reveal how the world's ancient monuments represent a form of transglobal communication that far predates the written word. Perhaps the biggest mystery in all of this, however, is how, in ages before flight, satellites, and Google Earth, ancient peoples could have had a truly global picture of the Earth that we today are still rediscovering.

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Brien Foerster | Egypt Obelisks: Created With Lost Ancient High Technology | May 17, 2016


The great obelisks of Egypt were not made by the dynastic people because they did not have tools hard enough to quarry or shape them. They found the obelisks when they arrived in the area 5000 years ago. -Brien Foerster

Jeff Rense & Jay Weidner | America Fractured


Clip from May 11, 2016 - guest Jay Weidner on the Jeff Rense Program.

William Engdahl | Rothschild, Cheney, Murdoch's Genie Energy oil in the Golan Heights

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News | May 14, 2016



Global die-offs, nuclear meltdowns, societal chaos and starvation, and climate disintegration, how much longer can the current paradigm continue? How much longer will the vast majority of populations cling to their delusions and denial of reality? The programmed power structure response of using the "conspiracy theory" term is a trademark (and psychological defense mechanism) of those that so far have refused to investigate and who thus refuse to face the truth.

At this moment in time the human race is like the man who was photographed on the Sri Lanka beach standing motionless, staring at the receding ocean that was about to produce a life crushing tidal wave. Will the human race (like the man in Sri Lanka) just stand and stare while the remaining life and life support systems of our planet are systematically wiped out? What will you do with the time you yet have? Make the most of the time you are allotted, do your part, help us to credibly sound the alarm while we can still make a difference.

Article: Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, May 14, 2016

Dr. Steven Greer on Carol Rosin Show | NEW Critical Urgent Disclosure Information | May 13, 2016


Dr. Steven Greer appeared on the Carol Rosin Show on May 13, 2016 to discuss new critical and urgent information regarding the Disclosure Movement. While we encourage you to listen to the entire show to gain an overall perspective, if time is of the essence for you, please know Dr. Greer highlights the new information during the second half of the interview.

WHY IS THIS URGENT? Because there has been a GRAND ESCALATION from the DIS-information camps in the public sector and media … and YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT IT!

The headlines and descriptions below are from Carol Rosin’s archive link for this same show. (You can follow the link here to her archived file on American Freedom Radio) We encourage you to support her sites and visit their webpages for more information.

Jon Rappoport | No More Fake News Room | FADE to BLACK with Jimmy Church | May 12, 2016


Another Thursday...another FADERNIGHT...John Rappoport joins us with his No More Fake News Room and he discusses the only he can. This is an amazing presentation...then we take calls from around the world.

Interview start 31:30 min.

Jim Marrs | Population Control: How Corporate Owners Are Killing Us | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


From the food we eat, the water we drink to the air we breathe, everything these days seems capable of killing us. Recently we have seen an unprecedented number of deaths due to medications for diseases that may not even exist, obscure cancers caused by our modern devices, and brutal police tactics. All a coincidence? Think again. In Population Control, acclaimed journalist Jim Marrs lays out a stunning case for his most audacious conspiracy yet: the scheme concocted by a handful of global elites to reduce the world's population to 500 million by whatever means necessary and make a profit from it.

Marrs, the bestselling author of Rule by Secrecy and The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy, pulls no punches in exposing this evil and chillingly effective plan. He explains how a small group of tremendously wealthy and powerful people control virtually every important industry -- guns, oil, pharmaceuticals, food, and of course the media -- and how it uses this vast network of conglomerates to take actions that lead to the deaths of men and women all over the world.

In the explosive Population Control, Marrs lays bare the damning truths corporate owners don't want you to discover: how they've spied on private citizens, intentionally spread disease, and destroyed the planet chasing profits, all to improve the lives of a privileged few while eliminating everyone else. Finally, he offers a citizen's blueprint for fighting back.

New World Next Week | Peace Breaks Out When Police Force Quits | May 12, 2016


Story #1: In Presidential First, Obama Will Visit Hiroshima To “Pay Respects
Wikipedia: 42nd G7 Summit - May 26-27, 2016

Story #2: US Carries Out Another Bioterror Experiment Using “Non-Toxic” Gas On NYC Subway
Cops Say Sorry Over “Allahu Akbar” Cry In Terror Training Exercise
Morning Monarchy: Homeland Security Releases Gas In NYC Subway, Says Riders Shouldn't Worry
Flashback: CIA May Have Tested Biological Warfare in New York in '50s, Church Says (Dec 1979)
Flashback Video: “Operation Big City” - U.S. Army/CIA Bio-Weapon Tests on U.S. Citizens

Story #3: Flyers' Patience At “Breaking Point" Over Long Lines
New York, New Jersey Airports Threaten To Ditch TSA, Hire Own Security Screeners
Algebra Terror Delays PA-to-NY Flight
Media Monarchy Flashback: Outrage at TSA Grows As ‘Opt-Out Day’ Planned (Nov 2010)

#GoodNewsNextWeek: 'Little Libraries' Are Popping Up All Over America

#NewWorldNextWeek Headlines:
Emails From Clinton's IT Director Appear to Be "Missing"
33 Ill As Nuclear Waste Leak Continues at “America’s Fukushima”
Former Facebook Workers Admit To Routinely Suppressing Conservative News
#PanamaPapers Are Now (Kinda) Available Online
Apple's Tim Cook Heading Back To China To “Meet High-Level Government Officials”

Linda Moulton Howe | FADE to BLACK with Jimmy Church | May 11, 2016


Linda Moulton Howe is back with us and we cover her recent report on the Sphinx in Alaska...her interviews with the members of the US Army who were there on a training mission...we also discuss other news stories from around the world...later in the program we have Paul Andrews and Victoria Gavoian from Contact in the Desert to tell us what to expect at CITD 2016.
Interview start 33:50 min.
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