Jeff Rense & Jordan Maxwell | Hillary Made a Deal With The Devil


Clip from September 05, 2016 - guest Jordan Maxwell on the Jeff Rense Program.

The Corbett Report | 9/11 Suspects: Philip Zelikow | Sept. 7, 2016


In January of 2003, just weeks after Kissinger stepped down, it was quietly announced that Philip D. Zelikow would take on the role of executive director. As executive director, Zelikow picked "the areas of investigation, the briefing materials, the topics for hearings, the witnesses, and the lines of questioning for witnesses." In effect, this was the man in charge of running the investigation itself.

Transcript & Sources

Piers Corbyn | “China/US Climate Change Deal Is an Ideological Attack On Us All!" | Sept. 6, 2016


Tom Campbell | Laurie Huston Interviews Tom Campbell on Our Reality | Sept. 2, 2016


Laurie Huston from News for the Heart is talking with physicist Tom Campbell on our Reality.
This is a deep conversation about our different realities, probable reality, dream reality, and how we create our Reality. It is always about Choice. We discuss that Tom’s work on News for the Heart is about how to apply his theories.

We talk about virtual reality and how this is being backed up with science now. That what is ‘real’ is us as a consciousness, not the body or world that is virtual; the physical context of this reality is not ‘real’. It is our decisions and capability to Love that is our ‘truth’ and consciousness.

Our choices on either Fear (devolving) or Love (evolving) determines what and where our consciousness is and it is our consciousness that is experiencing our choices that is ‘real’!

The whole point of this physical reality is to make choices and to evolve the quality of our consciousness towards love through making ‘loving & caring decisions’; choices about others not just yourself.

We have to own our problems, take responsibility for our choices and own our triggers.

We discussed how anger or negative emotions just create more of the same energies. We create our Karma when we step into the vibration of anger. We raise the probability of living in a world that makes you angry. When you feel a negative emotion, anger, stress, pain… ask yourself why you feel that way!

When the answer is because ‘they’ aren’t doing it the way I want it, you know you are choosing Fear and Ego; it’s all about YOU!

And that’s the problem… which gives us an opportunity to make another choice, one of Love!

Russell Targ | Psychic Breakthrough Remote Viewing in the Future | Part 2 | Dark Journalist | Sept. 2, 2016


Psychic Breakthrough:
In this special Part 2 in-depth interview with the Founder of Remote Viewing, Physicist Russell Targ from the Stanford Research Institute, Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt goes deep into the mysterious psychic process behind this incredible phenomenon and the startling results achieved of being able to actually see into the future in real time under controlled conditions during his innovative and classified experiments.

Remote Viewing The Future!
In Part 1 they covered the amazing high-level top secret cases his group of Psychic Spies solved for the National Security State. In this episode, Targ goes into great detail about the fascinating tools he uses for clarifying psychic visualization and for removing what he calls the 'analytical overlay' that can compel the remote viewer to confabulate the psychic image they are seeing by blending it with other stimuli based on personal memories and associations. He also explains 'non-local consciousness' that is not subject to space or time and encourages the viewers to connect with their innate intuitive abilities using methods he's learned over five decades. In a spontaneous moment Targ requests that Dark Journalist perform a remote viewing on the spot to describe the object he is holding in his hand and the results are compelling!

Third Eye Spies Documentary
The interview covers a stunning range of interesting concepts, from ESP, Mind Control, The Akashic Records, Psychic Prediction, Deep Military Projects, Stargates, Dreams and Telepathic Experiments. They also show the new exclusive trailer from Targ's upcoming documentary, 'Third Eye Spies', coming out later this year that recounts his amazing journey through the covert world of this clandestine CIA psychic program and that is set to blow a hole through the wall of official secrecy.

New World Next Week | No, The UN Is Not Taking Over "The Internet" | Sept. 1, 2016


Story #1: Obama Extends 9/11 “State Of Emergency” For His Eighth (and we can only assume, final) Time
Flashback: Obama Extends Bush 9/11 National Emergency (Sep. 10, 2009)
Force Congress To Observe the Law on National Emergencies
The "Deep State" Behind U.S. Democracy

Story #2: US Set To Relinquish “Internet Stewardship” On Oct. 1st
Snopes: America to Hand Off Internet Domain Name Control
How IT Works Domain Name System
The Censorship Solution with Michael Dean
Video: “This, Jen, Is The Internet.”

Story #3: Homeland Wants To Take Over Elections As “Critical Infrastructure”
A Candidate's Death Could Delay or Eliminate the Presidential Election

#NewWorldNextWeek Headlines:
Popular Herbal Supplement Cures Pain, DEA Makes It Illegal
FriendFace Fires Human Editors, Algorithm Immediately Posts Fake News
TPP Criticism Grows, Obama Plans Lame Duck Sneak Attack

Belgians Hunt Books, Not Bulbasaurs + Attractive Altruism & Community Relief

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Sept. 1, 2016


You tell me: Deutsche Bank is refusing gold deliveries, while simultaneously pointing out the overvaluation of the S&P index due to central bank action.

Deutsche Bank Calculates How Much Of The S&P's Value Is Due To Central Banks

Jeff Rense & John Carman | Inside The Mind of a Secret Service Agent


Clip from August 22, 2016 - guest John Carman on the Jeff Rense Program.

Dane Wigington | Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News | Aug. 27, 2016


The completely controlled criminal cabal, that masquerades as legitimate media, are relentlessly continuing with their efforts to cast doubt on the climate engineering reality. These efforts are becoming rapidly more outlandish and transparent.

In California the attempt to pass a new bill, AB1671, is yet another effort to hide the truth about vaccines, the medical industry criminality as a whole, and countless other issues. There is a proven link between mosquito spray and autism, and the Zika spraying is out of control. In the meantime, the Pentagon has lost hundreds of thousands of guns in Afghanistan and Iraq. Mass species die-off continues around the globe, our planet has been decimated in the geologic blink of an eye.

Edward Stringham  | Police Violence Versus Private Governance | Anarchast | Aug. 27, 2016 


Jeff interviews economist and author of Private Governance, Edward Stringham, topics include: police officers actually get killed less than the average person, 1 out of 12 people killed is at the hands of the police, multiple times the rates in other comparable countries, legal system stacked in favour of the police, serving and protecting government interests, the value of asset forfeiture now exceeds that of private burglaries, militarization of the police, private security solutions, Cell 411, Threat Management, police have no obligation to protect the public, taxpayers pay the damages, huge police pensions, lack of accountability.

Show Notes:
Edward's book 'Private Governance
The Article 'Is America Facing A Police Crisis
Norm Stampers book 'Breaking Rank'

Sibel Edmonds | The Rulers’ Angel-Evil-Making Process: From Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak to Turkey’s Erdogan | Aug. 28, 2016


Can people turn evil overnight? Do angels become evil overnight? Were they angels in the first place? Not in the real world, but one ruled by evil forces working through their illusion-making tentacles, aka the media. Join us in this episode presenting the rulers’ angel-evil-making process, and take a trip down memory lane from the rise and fall of Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak to the current turmoil surrounding Turkey’s Recep Erdogan.

New World Next Week | EpiPen Price Gouge Tied to Clinton Foundation | Aug. 25, 2016


Story #1: Pharma Firm Mylan Faces Scrutiny Over 548% Price Increase On ‘EpiPen’
West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin Mum On EpiPen Price Hikes By Daughter's Drug Corp Mylan
Company Gouging Price Of EpiPens Is A Clinton Foundation Donor, Partner Since 2009
Mylan CEO Is Clinton Donor, Daughter Of WV Senator Joe Manchin
Jay Rockefeller Op-Ed: “Hillary Looking Fearlessly At West Virginia’s Future”
Rockefeller Medicine: The Real History Of Modern Healthcare

Story #2: Secret Sky Cameras Record Baltimore’s Every Move
Baltimore Police Defend Aerial Surveillance Program
Radiolab: Eye In The Sky (Jun. 18, 2015)
Crime-Sensing Mics Hear, Locate Gunshots
Baltimore Hires/Fires Neo-Nazi Lawyer To Defend Police

Story #3: The Federal Reserve's Facebook PR Disaster

Feeding The Needy With Olympics Excess + Jailbreaking Freedom & Divesting G4S

#NewWorldNextWeek Headlines:
Most State Dept. Meet-And-Greets With Hillary Resulted In Clinton Foundation Donations
United Nations Admits to Releasing Cholera in Haiti, Killing 10,000 People
United Nations Source of Haiti’s Deadly Cholera Outbreak (Dec. 21, 2012)
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