Director Oliver Stone talks ‘Snowden’ Movie | Sept. 19, 2016


Hollywood director Oliver Stone’s biopic on NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden hit theaters recently and the Academy Award winning director spoke with RT America’s Trinity Chavez about his new film, “Snowden.”

Stone tells RT that it “took a lot of guts” for Snowden to leak the information he did about the NSA’s warrantless wiretapping program and “only a few people have spoken out about the NSA and all have gotten into trouble.”

SNOWDEN | Official Trailer

Academy Award®-winning director Oliver Stone, who brought Platoon, Born on the Fourth of July, Wall Street and JFK to the big screen, tackles the most important and fascinating true story of the 21st century.

Snowden, the politically-charged, pulse-pounding thriller starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Shailene Woodley, reveals the incredible untold personal story of Edward Snowden, the polarizing figure who exposed shocking illegal surveillance activities by the NSA and became one of the most wanted men in the world.

He is considered a hero by some, and a traitor by others. No matter which you believe, the epic story of why he did it, who he left behind, and how he pulled it off makes for one of the most compelling films of the year.

Robert Phoenix | The Stranger Things Midnight Special | Offplanet Radio with Randy Maugans & Emily Moyer | Sept. 18, 2016


We discuss Robert's incredible 3 part article on "Stranger Things." He unpacks the symbolism of the characters, the symbiotic relationship of the show has with the movie "Midnight Special," and the connections of the series' stars, creators, and writers to black projects like MK Ultra. We then dive even deeper and find ourselves discussing some of the absolute STRANGEST THINGS you could imagine....and how we are personally connected to them.

Tom Campbell | Marseilles Workshop, Sunday 2015 | Part 1-4


The Marseilles workshop delivers the most current collective information of Tom Campbell's MBT theory. "Physics Metaphysics and the Fundamentals of Reality."

Dane Wigington | Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News | Sept.17, 2016

Source:, Dane Wigington Facebook

The day is rapidly coming when countless members of our society will be forced to face the fact that they have been living in a delusional reality. So many will soon be forced to face the fact that they, themselves, have been a part of the tyranny, whether actively or passively, by fully supporting the system that has painted us into this dark corner. Those who have bought into and used the "conspiracy theory" programmed knee jerk response to any individual that had the courage to try and share unpleasant truths with them, are a massive part of the problem.

The constant utilization of the "conspiracy theory" term in our society shows cowardice and a true lack of objective reasoning. Real and objective investigation of dire global issues takes courage and fortitude. As countless crimes of the power structure begin to become impossible to hide, they are preparing to tighten their noose of total control. Will the masses wake in time?Being an active part of the solution, or of the peaceful resistance, is a choice, make your voice heard while you can.

Max Igan | Reclaim Your World | Sept. 16, 2016


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix, September 16th, 2016.

Brien Foerster | Quadcopter Footage: Amazing Ancient Pyramid Of Chalcatzingo In Rural Mexico | Sept. 16, 2016


This entire video was shot using my quadcopter Pachacutec thanks to the local authorities. As far as I know, no one else has filmed so much with a quadcopter in this location. -Brien Foerster

People say Hollywood programming doesn't exist | Sept. 16, 2016


People say Hollywood programming doesn't exist.

Rage Against The Machine | Testify | (C) 1999 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.

Info: Rage Against the Machine wikipedia

Music video by Rage Against The Machine performing Testify. (C) 1999 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.

Mark Devlin |  Musical Truth: Exposing the Mind-Control Manipulations... | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


To most people, the music industry represents a source of harmless fun and entertainment. Beneath the glossy veneer, however, lies the devastating truth of who really controls these institutions, and the deeply malevolent agendas for which they're being used.

Mark Devlin is a long-standing DJ and music journalist. 'Musical Truth'" is the culmination of his five years" of research into the true nature of the industry and its objectives-from dark occult rituals, to mind-controlled artists, and all points in between. The book shows how these agendas fit into the much wider picture of what's really going on in the world, and crucially - how the power lies with us to bring it to an end.

Brien Foerster | The Amazing Ancient Jungle City Of Palenque In Mexico | Sept. 15, 2016


Palenque is one of the most impressive ancient sites in Mexico. Located in the deep jungle of Chiapas, it is well worth a visit; or two. -Brien Foerster

New World Next Week | President Dimon? The Banksters Are Taking Off Their Mask | Sept. 15, 2016


Story #1: Bayer-Monsanto Deal Makes New Ag Monstrosity
#MorningMonarchy: Bayer Eats Monsanto, We Get Sick
“Monsanto” Story Archive on Media Monarchy, 2007-Present
NWNW Flashback: Why Are Monsanto Insiders Now Appointed to Protect Food Safety?
The Codex, Fluoride, Auschwitz, Monsanto Connection
Ford Shifting All U.S. Small-Car Production to Mexico

Story #2: J.P. Morgan Chase Chief Says He’d “Love to Be President”
EU Launches Ethics Probe Into Barroso Over Goldman Job

Story #3: Juncker Proposes EU Military Headquarters
Brussels to Push for Closer EU Military Unity Post-Brexit
New Calls for EU Army In Wake of Paris Terror

#GoodNewsNextWeek: Drumming Out Depression, Creative Sarcasm, Nature Therapy

The Corbett Report | Yes, Mainstream Media Bias is Getting Ridiculous...But Why? | Sept. 14, 2016


Have you noticed how over-the-top ridiculous the mainstream propaganda is getting during this (s)election cycle? Of course you have. And so have most of your mainstream-believing friends and co-workers. So why is the MSM pushing this in the public's face? Is there an agenda at play here?

Show Notes:
Anarchyball notes MSM hypocrisy on Hillary’s Health
Jason C. contrasts recent WaPo coverage of Hillary’s Health Zoomed in footage of Hillary “stumble” MSM Finally Admits Their Bias; Now What Are We Going To Do About It?
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