Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News | Feb. 25, 2017


The forced contamination and degradation of populations and the planet continues from countless sources. The military/medical/industrial complex is showing signs of desperation on every front. The shadow government that controls our country will stop at nothing to defend its lifeblood, the petrodollar and the flow of oil.

The pharmaceutical industry is helping to fuel the national opiate addiction epidemic that has already killed more Americans than the Vietnam War. Weather whiplash is evolving into full blown climate disintegration. Record heat to chemically ice nucleated snowstorms in a days time is now a regular occurrence. Below is an example from Northern California recorded on 2/24/2017.

Texas hits 107 degrees in February (shattering all former former February records for the entire US). Globally, 20,000,000 people are predicted to perish in the next 6 months due to starvation.
What will it take for the masses to realize that we all sink or swim together? A committed collective effort to sound the alarm is the great imperative.

New World Next Week | CIA Operative "Blind Sheik" Dies in Prison | Feb. 23, 2017


Story #1: "Blind Sheik" & The CIA - Media Again Bury U.S. Support For Radical Islamism
Michael Springmann on Visas for Terrorists

Story #2: Turning a Traffic Ticket Into Constitutional Trial of the Century
Watch Me Commit A Heinous Thoughtcrime!

Story #3: Man Wrongly Convicted With Bite Mark Evidence Confronts Bite Mark Analysts
Video: Virginia House Passes Bill to Pay Over $1.5M to Keith Harward
Four Ways The Crime Lab Can Frame You
Bilderberg Conference 2017 - 1-4 June, Chantilly, Virginia?
Fear = False Evidence Appearing Real

Dr. Carmen Boulter | Bombshell Atlantis Egypt Discovery! | New Explosive Evidence! | Dark Journalist | Feb. 23, 2017


New Explosive Archaeological Discovery Shows Egyptian Royal Pharaoh Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti Deep Connection to the Lost Continent of Atlantis in Ancient Artifacts dated to 10,000 B.C.!

In this stunning Part Two episode with Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Expert Dr. Carmen Boulter she explains that her new and historic discoveries at a remote site in Turkey of an extensive collection of Ancient Egyptian artifacts reveal a connection to the Lost Continent of Atlantis. The evidence of an Atlantean Princess found among the ruins of the Secret Tomb opens up all kinds of questions for our dating of Ancient Egyptian as well as Atlantean history. As Dr.Boulter explains, 'this is history in the making and the stunning discovery will forever change the story of early humanity and the rise of civilization!'

Atlantis, often scorned by academics as a myth, was said by the Greek Philosopher Plato to have been an advanced culture located somewhere in the Atlantic that sank into the ocean due to its spiritual demise. Later, during the 20th century, the Sleeping Prophet Edgar Cayce predicted that ruins of this lost continent would rise in modern times near what is now Bimini off the Coast of Florida. When a huge structure known as the Bimini Wall was seen by researchers near Bimini in 1968 it sparked a new wave of interest in the reality of the legendary Atlantis that continues through to the present.

Excitement, Mystery, Controversy, Intrigue
A great deal of intrigue, controversy and excitement hangs over these amazing findings that were excavated in Turkey inside a concealed mountain vault tomb. Dr. Boulter is a leading expert on Ancient Egypt and her classic five-part Netflix series 'The Pyramid Code' changed the way we look at the level of technological and spiritual development in ancient times. Her deep involvement in this amazing find has not only given it great credibility, it has also resulted in rigorous scientific testing being done on these objects. The explosive initial results give an earth shattering date of 10,000 B.C. to these classically Dynastic Egyptian artifacts. That predates the historic Egypt by 8,000 years!

Atlantis Royal Family: Atlantean Princess
The groundbreaking discovery throws a completely new light on the age of the royal lineage of the Amarna ruling family. This royal lineage includes Akhenaten, Amenhotep, Nefertiti, Hatshepsut and Tutankhamen. With the discovery of an Atlantean Princess at the site with the Ancient Egyptian Amarna Artifacts, It raises all kinds of important questions about humanity's early history.

It strongly suggests that this unusual Amarna lineage may have been a Heritage of Blood transferred down from the Royal Adepts of Atlantis and is linked with legends of their advanced spiritual understanding and extraordinary psychic abilities.

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Feb. 23, 2017


Dead Russian diplomats: others are noticing the pattern now:

Four Dead Russian Diplomats in Three Months

Jeff Rense & Dana Durnford | CATASTROPHE - Fukushima Can End Most Life On Earth In Next 9 Year | Feb. 21, 2017


You had better WAKE UP and begin DEMANDING the government quit lying and get deadly serious about Fukushima. We are facing an EXTINCTION EVENT. That is no overstatement.

Listen to the evidence and proof in this video that your government will NOT ADMIT. In fact, when was the last time you heard President Trump or ANY major political figure even speak the words 'Fukushima radiation'?

We are ALL being deceived. Listen carefully to this video and pay attention. Send it to your Congress person and DEMAND the government begin telling us the TRUTH and at least TRY to do something about the radiation flowing over, on and INTO us, 24-7. This IS the worst catastrophe in recorded human history. PERIOD. Mass death is coming.

Newsbud | China Watch with Peter Lee | Asian States Play the Murder Card; Is the War Card Next? | Feb. 22, 2017

Source:, Newsbud on Twitter

The assassination of North Korean leader Kim Jung Il’s brother in Malaysia, and a wave of terror in Pakistan possibly instigated by India indicate that murder is very much part of the state toolkit in Asia. And where murder goes, war is often not far behind. This week: Murder, Mayhem, and Monsters on the Loose!

Show Notes:
CCTV footage of attack on Kim Jong Nam
iWar: War and Peace in the Information Age
North Korean officials are preparing to come to U.S. for talks with former officials
Terrorism will be responded to with full might, says Nisar
The 'ISIS' Myth and Terrorist Reality in Afghanistan
US Commander Warns of Russian, Iranian, Pakistani, Influence in Afghanistan
Afghan bottom line
Press release on six-party consultations on Afghanistan in Moscow
The Great Wall official trailer
Box office: China just turned ‘xXx: Return of Xander Cage’ into a hit

The Corbett Report | J. Michael Springmann | How The CIA Lets In The Terrorists | Feb. 17, 2017


J. Michael Springmann of joins us to discuss his new book, Visas for al-Qaeda: CIA Handouts that rocked the world. We discuss Springmann’s experience at the U.S. consulate in Jeddah in Saudi Arabia in the 1980s and the ongoing CIA program to illegally provide US visas for their terrorist operatives that he discovered there.

download mp3

David Icke | Edward Heath, Donald Trump & The War On Perception | Richie Allen Show | Feb. 21, 2017


Rense | New Frankenstein Synthetic DNA Vaccines Forever Change YOU | Feb. 22, 2017


The next gen of vaccine horror is here. You better pay EXTREMELY close attention to this conversation. 'Science' has announced that vaccines are moving away from traditional formats and will now be composed of viruses that will carry entirely new forms of DNA right into your cells where they will REPLACE or join your body's existing, God-given NATURAL DNA with this new SYNTHETIC DNA.

This new DNA will allegedly confirm protection on you from various viruses that each new DNA type is created to kill. However, this new virus-delivered SYNTHETIC DNA can be created to do almost ANYTHING to you…permanently and forever. This fake DNA can CHANGE ANY PART OF YOUR BEING…from intellectual and emotional processes to all physical traits that are created and regulated by our natural DNA.

We are entirely governed by our birth DNA but soon, according to one scientist, 'EVERYONE WILL HAVE SYNTHETIC DNA.' We are talking about ABSOLUTE CONTROL of the human species through synthetic, DNA. This is a monumentally important video.

Melinda Leslie | MILABS: The Experiences, Evidence & Implications |  FADE to BLACK with Jimmy Church | Feb. 20, 2017


Melinda Leslie is a researcher and investigator in the field of Ufology with over 27 years of experience. For five years she has been the Owner of UFO Sighting Tours in Sedona, Arizona, where she has conducted nearly 600 tours with the use of military Night Vision Goggles.

Melinda is a UFO abductee and has been public with her own extraterrestrial and covert-ops human abduction experiences for 26 years and has researched a military and intelligence agency involvement in UFO abduction cases for 25 years. Both her research and personal experiences have been featured in 19 books by prominent authors in ufology.

Melinda has lectured for numerous organizations including MUFON and the International UFO Congress and is a frequent guest on numerous radio shows including Coast to Coast AM.

Tonight, Melinda will update us on her latest research on how covert human agency programs are reverse engineering extraterrestrial abductees for information to be used in both extraterrestrial (ET) technology and covert-ops personnel development programs and tell us about her night-vision events at this year’s Contact in the Desert.

Interview start: 30:48 min.

Brien Foerster | An Exploration Of The Source Of The Ancient Olmec People Of Mexico | Feb. 20, 2017


In the jungle of the Yucatan area of Mexico lie the ruins of the oldest Olmec site called Tres Zapotes.
-Brien Foerster

Newsbud | The Geopolitical Report with Kurt Nimmo | Saudi Arabia, the United States, and the Special Terror Relationship | Feb. 20, 2017

Source:, Newsbud on Twitter

On this episode of The Geopolitical Report, we examine the special relationship between Saudi Arabia and the United States and the prominent role the Saudi Wahhabi version of Islam plays in the spread of Salafist ideology and terrorism.

President Trump’s decision to not include Saudi Arabia on his list of travel ban nations reveals it is business as usual in Washington — and business as usual for Trump, who is on friendly terms with the Saudis, including the half brother of Osama bin Landen.

We also look at the role the Saudis have played in funding the likes of the Islamic State and al-Nusra in Syria and its partnership with the CIA and the Pentagon.

Show Notes:
Bin Nayef receives CIA award for 'counter-terrorism'
EXCLUSIVE: Donald Trump made millions from Saudi government
US embassy cables: Hillary Clinton says Saudi Arabia 'a critical source of terrorist funding'
Foundation Ties Bedevil Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Campaign
US created Taliban and abandoned Pakistan, says Hillary
Saudis Bankroll Taliban, Even as King Officially Supports Afghan Government
May 1996: Saudis and Al-Qaeda Allegedly Strike a Secret Deal
WikiLeaks: Podesta Emails
Trump is wrong - Saudi Arabia, not Iran is the world's 'number one terrorist state'
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