William Engdahl | GMO, Seeds of Destruction Lecture

Source: williamengdahl.com

Stockholm the 9th of April 2014. Opendox.se and Anarchos present F. William Engdahls lecture about GMO - genetically modified organisms; Monsanto.

Observing the Frontier 2017 Conference | Opening Presentation

Source: suspicious0bservers.org

April 8-9, 2017 at the Embassy Suites Hotel and Spa of Albuquerque, New Mexico, the 3rd Observing the Frontier conference will bring the Observers to the new home of Space Weather News and the most-watched solar news show on the internet.

New World Next Week | Bayer Study Finds Bayer Pesticides Are Killing Bees | July 6, 2017

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com, corbettreport.com, mediamonarchy.com

Story #1: Mainstream Media Now Advocating ‘All Citizens’ Spend Time in Prison as ‘Service’ to Country
The #CNNBlackmail Meme Wars
CNN Goes COMPLETELY INSANE, Threatens to Dox Reddit User Over Meme

Story #2: Bayer Accidentally Funds Study Showing Its Pesticide is Killing Bees, Promptly Denies Conclusions
“Country-Specific Effects of Neonicotinoid Pesticides on Honey Bees and Wild Bees”
NWNW Flashback: China Pushes Public to Accept GMO as Syngenta Takeover Nears (May 25, 2017)
Gene-Editing Companies Attack Research Revealing Unintended CRISPR Effects
As UK’s National Health Service’s Tainted Blood Was Killing Thousands, They Were Planning to Use Victims as Guinea Pigs for R&D

Story #3: US to Create ‘Space Corps’ in Radical Air Force Overhaul
Video: U.S. Planning to Create 'Space Corps' as Sixth Branch of Armed Forces
Audio: Congressman Proposes Military 'Space Corps'
Audio: House Panel Votes to Split Air Force, Create New U.S. ‘Space Corp’
NWNW Flashback: Pentagon Moving to Weaponize Space (Jun. 26, 2015)
NWNW Flashback: US Draws Up Rules For Commercial Moon Travel (Jun. 16, 2016)
NWNW Flashback: The Government of Mars Is Already Being Planned (Jun. 23, 2016)
Flashback: Rumsfeld Commission Warns Against "Space Pearl Harbor" (Jan. 11, 2001)

Ben Davidson | Space Weather And Earthquakes

Source: gunsandbutter.org, Suspicious0bservers.org

Ben Davidson returns to discuss space weather and how it impacts our earth from the climate to earthquakes to human health. He covers galactic cosmic rays, solar flares, coronal mass ejections and coronal holes. Also discussed is his new Disaster Predication Application and the Earthquake Prediction Center. He concludes with information about his upcoming conference, Observing the Frontier and some of the featured speakers. -gunsandbutter.org

The Corbett Report | SHOCK UN WARNING: Only 3 YEARS Left to SAVE THE PLANET!!! | July 4, 2017

Source: corbettreport.com

Uh oh. Top (former) UN Climate officials (Costa Rican diplomats with no scientific background) are "calculating" that if we don't stop emitting carbon dioxide by 2020 the earth is doomed! That's right: three years left to save the planet! Or is that 50 days? 96 months? Or were we doomed 5 years ago? Or was that 17 years ago?... -corbettreport.com

Show Notes:
World has three years left to stop dangerous climate change, warn experts
Three years to safeguard our climate
Figueres: First time the world economy is transformed intentionally
Interview 1046 – Patrick Wood Exposes the Technocracy Agenda
UN Grants Earth A(nother) 20 Year Reprieve From Global Warming
UN: Earth will be doomed by 2000!
Ehrlich: Earth will be doomed by 1980!
Corbett Report Radio 121 – Marc Morano vs. Paul Ehrlich
Pachauri: It’s Too Late to Fight Climate Change
PM warns of climate ‘catastrophe’
The Climate Hoax Tipping Point
Just 96 months to save world, says Prince Charles

The Corbett Report | Psychographics 101 | June 30 , 2017

Source: corbettreport.com

What do you get when you combine behavioural science with big data and use the new Frankenstein hybrid to better influence people’s thoughts, opinions and desires? Why, psychographics of course! Join James today as he delves into the murky world of billionaire hedge fund owners, creepy thought manipulators and the Trump campaign. -corbettreport.com

Show Notes:

Introduction to Psychographics
Time Reference: 01:13

Interview 906 – Social Engineering 101 with James Corbett
Time Reference: 05:27

Episode 145 – You Are Being Gamed
Time Reference: 05:33

B.F. Skinner’s “Walden Two” – FLNWO #17
Time Reference: 05:40

Episode 129 – CALEA and the Stellar Wind
Time Reference: 06:03

Corbett Report Radio 207 – 20 More Ways You Are Being Spied On
Time Reference: 06:15

How the Government Predicts The Future – Inside the “Sentient World Simulation”
Time Reference: 06:23
Episode 033 – Meet Edward Bernays

Time Reference: 06:46
DNA Shaming: Welcome to Orwell’s Nightmare
Time Reference: 07:00

Alexander Nix, CEO, Cambridge Analytica – Online Marketing Rockstars Keynote | OMR17
Time Reference: 07:40

What was the role of Cambridge Analytica in the EU referendum? – BBC Newsnight
Time Reference: 17:33

Company psychologically tailors ads to voters
Time Reference: 19:11

Ted Cruz using firm that harvested data on millions of unwitting Facebook users
Time Reference: 21:15

The Reclusive Hedge-Fund Tycoon Behind the Trump Presidency
Time Reference: 22:33

The great British Brexit robbery: how our democracy was hijacked
Time Reference: 23:43

Society Is Being Programmed By A Black Box
Time Reference: 28:04

“Propaganda” by Edward Bernays
Time Reference: 37:10

Cambridge Analytica – What We Do
Time Reference: 37:40

4 Ways The Crime Lab Can Frame You
Time Reference: 39:07

What was the role of Cambridge Analytica in the EU referendum? – BBC Newsnight
Time Reference: 40:41

The Information Commissioner opens a formal investigation into the use of data analytics for political purposes
Time Reference: 46:04

Trump’s digital guru on the winning campaign operation
Time Reference: 48:35

This data company knows all about you
Time Reference: 50:05

Why Data Analytics Is the Future of Everything
Time Reference: 51:38

The Real Making of the President: Cambridge Analytica
Time Reference: 52:09

“Propaganda” by Edward Bernays
Time Reference: 01:50

How Big Data is Engineering Your Life
Time Reference: 55:10

How to Boycott Big Tech
Time Reference: 55:23

The Hymn of Acxiom
Time Reference: 56:00

Dane Wigington | Geoengineering: A Clear & Present Danger To Humanity | July 1, 2017

Source: kevbakershow.com, geoengineeringwatch.org

Geoengineering Watch with Dane Wigington. Hard-hitting specifics on the real-time existential threats to us all. How to inform others and calls to action. Our moral obligation to defend ourselves, our families and mankind. -Geoengineeringwatch.org

Dark Journalist | Disclosure Inc. The Art of The Steal! | New Deep State Part 5 | July 1, 2017

Source: DarkJournalist.com

New Age Deep State Part 5: Whistleblower Annette O'Toole
In this breakthrough Part 5 episode of New Age Deep State, Dark Journalist welcomes Whistleblower Annette O’Toole from the Ascending Starseed website who worked closely as a former insider with the 3 Year Disclosure Marketing Cult of self-proclaimed ‘Time Traveling Astronaut’ Corey Goode and his Business Partner Roger Ramsaur. The Marketing Cult includes questionable aspects in their program such as a therapy network to help followers cope with disclosure, ‘Corey’s Kids’ space gear promotions and a Comic Book based on Goode’s adventures in Secret Space with Blue Avian aliens.

Full Disclosure Corporation Harvesting Operation
O’Toole, who has successfully run the Ascending Starseed website for many years, recounts her experience working with Corey and Company to set up a Solstice Conference for the Summer and how she spent months formulating the event as the corporation encouraged her to build it up. She soon became wary of dealing with Goode when the 3 Year Disclosure Marketing Cult started to control the terms of her association and she saw her colleagues used as proxies, treated poorly, and then thrown aside.

She decided the group was not so much interested in 'love and light' and a Space Being philosophy of oneness as it was in optimizing their bottom line at the expense of their members. Eventually, through a series of slick corporate business moves, O’Toole found herself cut completely out of the loop of her own conference.

Five Major Figures Come Forward
O’Toole’s powerful account fits with a wider pattern of using assets and ideas without permission and general disregard for intellectual property that the marketing group seems to embrace. Five major figures in Alternative Research have come forward with accounts of these kind of incidents, including popular Web Bots developer Clif High, Dr. Joseph Farrell, Linda Moulton Howe, The Object Report’s Agent K and UFO Filmmaker Jim Nichols.

O’Toole’s message is not one of bitterness, but of awareness in dealing with what she views as 'unethical and shady’ business practices of he 3 Year Disclosure Marketing Cult. Her personal experience with Corey and Company has set her on a path of helping others to question the claims of any group that purports to be in touch with ‘Higher Beings.'

Note: Due to the important nature of this video and it’s many revelations, you may at your discretion download it and upload it to your channel with proper citation and share it with your viewers to make sure it is not censored.

The fantastic track at the end of the episode was performed by The Anthropophobia Project.

Jim Marrs | The Illuminati: The Secret Society That Hijacked The World | Veritas Radio | Hour 1 | June 22, 2017

Source: veritasradio.com, jimmarrs.com

Chilling initiations. Big banks and money manipulations. Possible links to the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Adamses, and Bushes. Reviewing the evidence, documents, and connections, The Illuminati: The Secret Society That Hijacked the World by award-winning journalist and author Jim Marrs shines a light on the history, workings, continuing influence, and pernicious and hidden power of this secret order.

Surveying experts--from those who dismiss the Illuminati as a short-lived group of little consequence to skeptics who dare question the government's accounts and pronouncements--Marrs cuts through the wild speculation and the attempts to silence critical thinkers to tell the true story of this secret cabal. He investigates their origin as "The Ancient and Illuminated Seers of Bavaria" the depiction on the United States one-dollar bill of an all-seeing eye and pyramid on the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States, the Protocols--or procedures--for usurping national governments and gaining world domination, the symbolism found in today's international corporate logos, Knights Templar, assassins, Skull and Bones, whistle blowers, the revolutions in France, Russia, and America, and much, much more. Wealth, power, and intrigue come together in this in-depth expose on the Illuminati, their history, connections to powerful people, and their place in modern America.

Award-winning journalist Jim Marrs is the New York Times bestselling author of The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy, The Rise of the Fourth Reich, Rule by Secrecy, Alien Agenda, and Crossfire, which served as the basis for the Oliver Stone film JFK.

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | June 29, 2017

Source: gizadeathstar.com

Big news this week as the Vatican franchise of the Nefarium has just experienced a high-ranking arrest in "pedogate"... but it may presage something else. -gizadeathstar.com

The Corbett Report | White House Prepares Another Chemical Weapon False Flag Attack in Syria | June 29, 2017

Source: corbettreport.com

The White House announced on Monday that they are preparing to frame Syrian President Assad for the next chemical weapon attack in Syria, essentially giving the green light to their Al-CIA-da forces to proceed with another false flag event.

So who is behind this, what is at stake, and where is the attack likely to take place? Join James for this Thought For The Day as he goes over the latest information on this false flag attack and solicits your participation in an open source investigation. -corbettreport.com

Show Notes:
White House press release announcing coming chemical weapon attack
White House Says It Will Fake “Chemical Weapon Attack” In Syria
Dispatch From the Middle East: U.S. Buildup All About Iran
Mattis: US arms for Syrian Kurds will continue after Raqqa
Air Strike in Syria: “We Got A Fuckin’ Problem”
Trump’s Red Line
Pentagon, State Dept ‘Clueless’ on Trump’s Assad Allegation
Mattis Claims White House Threat to Syria ‘Worked’
Russia says Putin and Trump should probably talk at G20
The US Gov’t Killed More Civilians This Month Than All Terrorist Attacks in Europe Over the Last 12 Years

William Engdahl | America’s Decline, the Dollar and Gold | June 28, 2017

Source: jaytaylormedia.com, williamengdahl.com

William Engdahl speaks from his recent trip to China and gives his take on how the people see the U.S. in general and Trump in specific.
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