David Icke on the Regina Meredith Show | Part 1 & 2

Source: reginameredith.com, davidicke.com

John Kruth at Monroe Institute on Rhine: Oldest Parapsychology Lab in USA | Apr. 30, 2018

Source: monroeinstitute.org

John Kruth, executive director of the Rhine Research Center, presented at The Monroe Institute Professional Seminar on "The Power of Place: Studies at the Rhine Research Center."

The Rhine is the oldest operating parapsychology lab in the country. The first academic lab to develop a formal method for examining psi phenomena, the Rhine became an important destination for people experiencing psi or who were interested in exploring psi phenomena through the lens of science.

In this talk, John gives an overview of ongoing research at the Rhine including projects that reveal how location and place might be developed or hold information that will influence future psi activity at that site.

John's 20+ years of professional technology experience and 8+ years as a professional researcher provide him unique insight into the integration of technology and parapsychological research. His studies include explorations into psychic healing, the energy behind psychokinesis, poltergeist activity and other unconscious effects on electronic devices, measurements of biophotons (ultraviolet light) from energy healers, applications of remote viewing for investments, and updating traditional psi testing methods to take advantage of 21st century technology and science. John has contributed to numerous publications and has spoken at many professional conferences.

Max Igan | Why Are They Hiding History? | Apr. 27, 2018

Source: thecowhouse.com

Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - April 27th, 2018.

Jeff Rense & Clifford Stone | More Rock Solid Proof Of UFOs-ETs On Earth | Apr. 19, 2018

Source: Rense.com

This Jeff Rense Program Hour Is from 04-19-18 with Guest Clifford Stone.

Matt Landman | Frankensky: Dissecting the New Homomutatus [Man-Made] Sky | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio

Source: veritasradio.com, ActualActivists.com, FrankenSkiesTheMovie.com, StopGeoengineeringTucson.com

We've all heard the story of Frankenstein. Frankenstein is a scientist who creates and brings to life a manlike monster which eventually turns on him and destroys him. If you listen to this program, I'm sure you know our sky is no longer normal, although most people accept it that way.

Did you know there is a new scientific term for the new sky and the 12 new types of clouds added to the Cloud Atlas? It's called Homomutatus sky. Man-made sky. Or shall we call it, Frankensky. During our discussion we discuss the chronology, the possible participants and their technology, the purpose, the outcome, 5G, and how we can take care of our health in order to mitigate the results.

Matt Landman grew up in the suburbs of Washington DC where he studied business and received a Bachelors degree in Marketing Management from Virginia Tech in 2003. Matt relocated to California where he worked in Finance and studied film at California State University of Humboldt and earned a Masters degree in Business Administration with a focus in Strategic Sustainability in 2010.

After various careers in business and finance, Matt left the corporate world to be an organic farmer where he unknowingly had actually began his career as an activist. Working outdoors and dependent upon the elements, Matt witnessed weather engineering in Northern California as the region suffered from a historic and catastrophic drought.

The realization that the weather was being manipulated via atmospheric aerosol dispersal changed Matt's life forever as he inevitably decided to devote his existence to exposing the hidden agenda in 2015. Since this commitment, Matt hosted the first Annual Global Chemtrail Summit in Vancouver Canada in May of 2016 and then again in May of 2017.

In June of 2017 Matt released the groundbreaking documentary, Frankenskies and has since been promoting the exposure of the film and working on the film's sequel. Matt will be hosting the third Annual Global Chemtrail Summit in Tucson, Arizona May 2018, which is a fitting location considering the public launch of solar geoengineering / chemtrails as a solution to global warming. Matt continues to inspire others to bring awareness to geoengineering where many feel much scrutiny and transparency is needed.

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Apr. 26, 2018

Source: gizadeathstar.com

As of yesterday, it's official, North Korea's nuclear program is on hold, because its testing site is destroyed.: North Korean Nuclear Test Site Has Collapsed, Explaining Kim's "Suspension" Of Further Tests

The trouble is, are we being told the truth as to how its test site was destroyed? Joseph offers a bit of high octane speculation about this story from last year: Mattis hints at secret 'kinetic' military options for North Korea

Richard Dolan | The Extraterrestrial Hypothesis

Source: richarddolanpress.com, ozarkmt.com

It is time to rethink the ETH. Back in the 1950s, when UFOs were new to public awareness, the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (ETH) was the dominant theory among those who believed the phenomenon was real and not from our civilization.

The idea was fairly simple: UFOs were “interplanetary” and belonged to beings with more advanced technology than we had. Over time, competing theories emerged to explain the obvious high strangeness that accompanied so many UFO and encounter cases, ideas such as interdimensional entities, spiritually-based beings, projections of our own mind, strange natural phenomena, psycho-social explanations, and much more. By comparison with some of these, the ETH has come to seem almost pedestrian.

Richard Dolan argues that the ETH remains valid but needs to be understood in a fresh way, one that incorporates the genuine high strangeness of the UFO phenomenon. When we look objectively at the available evidence, the ETH still appears to be a strong candidate to explain much, if not all, of UFOs.

But now in the 21st century, we understand our reality to be much more complex than our predecessors did in the 1950s. Richard will make a case that other beings are indeed here, and they may be from elsewhere, but the reality they represent is far beyond the reality we are accustomed to thinking about. -ozarkmt.com

Dark Journalist | CIA Blocks JFK Files | President Trump Stand Down to Deep State! Apr. 26, 2018

Source: DarkJournalist.com

In this Special LIVESTREAM Report Dark Journalist examines how the Deep State blocked release of the records of the assassination as CIA Director Mike Pompeo gets approved as Secretary of State! He also looks at President Trump's failure to fulfill the Congressional law JFK Assassination Records act passed in 1992 which mandated all records be released by October 26th of 2017.

Trump's bowing to CIA Pressure follows a series of incidents like the bombing of Syria that suggest the Deep State may now control the Oval Office. -DarkJournalist.com

F. William Engdahl | Manifest Destiny, Democracy as Cognitive Dissonance | Apr. 25, 2018

Source: jaytaylormedia.com, williamengdahl.com

William Engdahl says a blood thirsty NATO seeks endless wars and the overthrow of Russia and any other nation that gets in its way of total global domination.

The Saker | Superpower Confrontation in Syria: It's Not Over

Source: GunsandButter.org, thesaker.is

Actual targets hit in the April 14th missile strike on Syria; symbolic strike; chemicals would have created toxic cloud; facts no longer matter, only perceptions; Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) investigation resolution blocked by UN;

abandonment of international law, conflicts to be resolved by war; Russia announces ahead of time evidence Britain plans to stage false flag chemical event with White Helmets; Russia’s dilemma in responding to US missile barrage;

China’s response; goal of the AngloZionist attack on Syria; Russian weapons systems; confrontation with Russia not over; attack consistent with Oded Yinon Plan for the Greater Israel; Syria, Ukraine and Iran in the crosshairs;

Russia sending reinforcements; one world hegemon versus a multipolar world order; alliance between Turkey, Russia and Iran; Zionist lobby a pretext used to achieve power in the US; Zionism merged with Anglo/American power to create a one world hegemony. -GunsandButter.org

Jeff Rense & Preston James | Matrix Total Control

Source: Rense.com


This Jeff Rense Program Hour Is from 04-16-18 with Guest Preston James.

Professor Michel Chossudovsky on a Korean Peace Plan | Apr. 25, 2018

Source: globalresearch.ca

Professor Michel Chossudovsky breaks down the options for the Republic of Korea (ROK) and invokes a talk he presented to the country's National Assembly on the 21st of February.

In this 30 minute interview from Cebu, Professor Chossudovsky critiques the Trump Administration's 'bloody nose' strategy, relays his impressions of the ROK political climate and the ROK President, and outlines where Japan fits into the overall dynamic unraveling in the West Pacific.
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