Frank Joseph | The Real War of the Worlds: Military Encounters with Extraterrestrials | Part Two | Oct. 25, 2018


Frank Joseph discusses his book 'Military Encounters with Extraterrestrials - The Real War of the Worlds'.

Although close encounters with alien spacecraft are reported as far back as Ancient Egypt, it wasn’t until the 20th century that UFO sightings and extraterrestrial encounters were truly documented, due to advances in technology as well as the vast increase in incidents, particularly with military forces.

Revealing his extensive research, Frank Joseph presents a comprehensive history of armed confrontations between humans and extraterrestrials in the 20th and 21st centuries. He explains how, with the development of atomic bombs and ballistic missiles, the frequency of extraterrestrial intervention in human affairs increased dramatically.

He documents incidents both famous and little known, including 'foo fighter' sightings and battles with Allied and Axis combatants during World War II, and eye-witness reports from encounters during wars in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and the ongoing hostilities in the Middle East. He examines evidence for the shoot-down of 'flying saucers' at Roswell and other locations, alien sabotage of nuclear weapons, and in-flight abductions of both human crew and aircraft.

He explores the evidence for the Battle of Los Angeles, which occurred three months after Pearl Harbour, and the details of Operation Highjump, the U.S. Navy’s alleged defeat in Antarctica by ET forces seventeen months after the atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, while also uncovering evidence of secret Antarctic German bases.

The author then examines recent examples of alien interdiction in Earthly affairs, such as the meltdown of the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan and the fiery abort of Elon Musk’s Falcon 9 missile launch. Finally, we consider the issue of disclosure and ask, if hard evidence of Earth visitations by extraterrestrial life really exists, will it ever be admitted by those who hold its secrets?

Part 1: Frank Joseph | The Real War of the Worlds: Military Encounters with Extraterrestrials | Part One | Oct. 17, 2018

The Corbett Report | I, For One, Welcome Our New Robot Overlords... #PropagandaWatch | Oct. 24, 2018


…and so should you! Just kidding. Today we explore the cute and cuddly side of the propaganda push to normalize robots in our everyday life…and the darker side of this phenomenon that they’re trying to distract us from.

Show Notes:
Pepper the robot appears before Education Committee
We Need A Word For This
Boston Dynamics Big Dog (new video March 2008)
UpTown Spot from Boston Dynamics
Uncle Sam Doesn’t Want You Anymore
Buy your copy of the 9/11 War Games + 9/11 Trillions DVD
Mike Krentz, graphic design

Richard Dolan and Joseph Farrell | SSP Reality and Illusion | Oct. 23, 2018


Check out this impromptu live chat with Richard Dolan and Dr. Joseph Farrell on the Secret Space Program - Reality and Illusion.

Richard Dolan & Jimmy Church | The Corey Goode SSP Fiasco | Oct. 22, 2018


Special live show with Richard Dolan and Jimmy Church.

Max Igan | How the Matrix Controls You | Oct. 19, 2018


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - October 19th, 2018.

Brien Foerster | Lost Ancient High Technology Of Egypt Full Lecture | Oct. 20, 2018


Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News | Oct. 20, 2018


How is the global economy really doing? How is the state of the environment directly connected to the economy? The oceans are now filled with trash, what are all the sources of this trash? The largest science panel in the world says we "could" pass major climate tipping points in a decade or less. Is this the truth? Or did we pass the point of no return decades ago? Where does geoengineering fit into this equation?

Raising awareness on the critical issue of climate engineering is more important now than ever before. With each passing day many more are starting to investigate the geoengineering issue. Rapidly changing conditions on countless fronts are further forcing many to re-evaluate their former perspectives and conclusions. All of us are needed in the ongoing effort to educate and raise awareness. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.

Richard Dolan | Disinformation and UFOs | Oct. 20, 2018


Dark Journalist Special | Secret Space Program CIA Disclosure Cult! | Guest Walter Bosley | Oct. 19, 2018


Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Oct. 18, 2018


The Nefarium has been busy in Joseph's absence: the CSU was handed its walking papers in the Bavarian state elections in Germany, the AfD (Alternativ fur Deutschland) surged, and Italy is (as predicted) playing hardball with the EU:

Article: Italy Declares War on Merkel and the EU

Calvin Parker | Pascagoula - The Closest Encounter: My Story | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


On October 11, 1973 nineteen year old Calvin Parker and his friend forty two year old Charles Hickson were spending a frustrating evening fishing on the Pascagoula River in Mississippi. Both men loved to fish but, THAT NIGHT'S fishing trip would turn out to be one they would never forget.

In the early evening both men were startled when a strange craft descended and hovered a few feet above the ground and just a few yards from their location. Before they had any chance to run, an opening appeared in the craft and out "floated" three humanoid creatures. Both men were absolutely terrified when these creatures grabbed them and took them aboard the craft.

On the craft both men were subjected to an examination and at one point they were so terrified as they believed they were about to die. Minutes later both Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson were deposited back on the riverbank and the craft departed. Taking off in their car the two terrified witnesses eventually located a public telephone box and phoned the local sheriff. A short time later they were being interviewed at their local sheriff's office.

These two disorientated witnesses told their story of their close encounter and abduction by these strange creatures. The next day all hell was let loose as the press descended on this unsuspecting Mississippi town. Calvin Parker, seriously disturbed by these events, has largely remained in the background without ever detailing the full account of what happened that night, how it affected him and his life, and other close encounters he has experienced down the years.

Now, for the first time, Calvin Parker tells his story in full. This book, Pascagoula - The Closest Encounter, tells the story of one of the classic close encounters currently on record. This book features for the first time the full transcript of Calvin Parker's hypnotic regression session with the late Budd Hopkins, one of the world's foremost researchers of this phenomena. The manuscript is also packed full of documents, newspaper cuttings and photographs old and new.

Linda Moulton Howe | No More Lies! | Higher Journeys with Alexis Brooks | Oct. 17, 2018


Long time investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe has covered a multitude of stories having to do with “high strangeness.” But this is the first time I’ve heard her speak so adamantly and passionately about our state as a human race, within the context of the high strangeness that is so obviously being ignored!

Though we spoke about some of her signature research: animal mutilations (including some of the more recent reports), anomalous paranormal encounters - of late she’s been delving into the phenomenon of childhood out of body experiences (OBEs), and of course the reality that we are dealing with an alien influence that is intelligent and omnipresent; living side-by-side with us everyday, this time Linda Moulton Howe went into the BIG picture and on a level that I’ve not heard before!

Her words are sobering, urgent, poignant and a message for the masses. If you’ve been a follower of Linda’s work for years or a newcomer to her brand of investigative journalism, you MUST not miss what she had to say here!
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