Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Dec. 12, 2019


Today's the day Britons go to the polls in their general election: at issue: Brexit.

Election poll BOMBSHELL: Down to wire for Boris as Tory majority SLASHED 24hrs before vote

The Corbett Report | The Douma Hoax: Anatomy of a False Flag | Dec. 6, 2019


As whistleblowers and documents continue to destroy the narrative surrounding the alleged chemical weapons attack in Douma, Syria last year, it is becoming increasingly apparent that this false flag event has been exposed. This week on The Corbett Report podcast, James goes through the remarkable timeline of the Douma hoax and breaks the spell that the propagandists have sought to cast on the public.

Show Notes & MP3

Max Igan | Epstein, Prince Andrew and The Mega Group - Part 4 | Dec. 12, 2019


The Mega Group — a secretive group of billionaires formed in 1991 by Charles Bronfman and Leslie Wexner, the latter of whom has received considerable media scrutiny following the July arrest of his former protege Jeffrey Epstein. Media profiles of the group paint it as “a loosely organized club of 20 of the nation’s wealthiest and most influential Jewish businessmen” focused on “philanthropy and Jewishness,” with membership dues upwards of $30,000 per year. Yet several of its most prominent members have ties to organized crime.

the Mega Group also had close ties to two businessmen who worked for Israel’s Mossad — Robert Maxwell and Marc Rich — as well as to top Israeli politicians, including past and present prime ministers with deep ties to Israel’s intelligence community.

In addition, Mega Group members have also been key players in the pro-Israel lobby in the United States. For instance, Max Fisher of the Mega Group founded the National Jewish Coalition, now known as the Republican Jewish Coalition — the main pro-Israel neoconservative political lobbying group, known for its support of hawkish policies, and whose current chief patrons, Sheldon Adelson and Bernard Marcus, are among Donald Trump’s top donors.

Perhaps the best illustration of how the connections between many of these players often meld together can be seen in Ronald Lauder: a Mega Group member, former member of the Reagan administration, long-time donor to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israel’s Likud Party, as well as a long-time friend of Donald Trump and Roy Cohn.

S0 News | Magnetic Reversal Update, USA Hail Warning, Climate Report | Dec. 11, 2019


Tim McMillan on the Nimitz Encounters | The Black Vault Radio | Dec. 10. 2019


It has become one of the most intriguing encounters of modern day UFO research.

On November 14, 2004, about 100 miles off the coast of San Diego, California, the USS Nimitz Carrier Strike Group was conducting a training exercise.

Multiple U.S. Navy pilots, along with numerous Navy personnel onboard the USS Princeton, witnessed the event. And to this day – it all remains unexplained.

In 2007, a video of one of the unidentified objects was leaked onto the internet. Originally captured with an infrared camera on-board one of the F/A-18 Super Hornets involved in the incident, The Black Vault made international headlines when it was able to get the U.S. Navy to finally admit – they have no idea what that object is. They consider it something they call – unidentified aerial phenomena or a UAP.

My guest today, is retired police Lt. Tim McMillan. He works tirelessly as an investigative journalist, having written for Popular Mechanics, Vice News, The Drive’s WarZone, and others. He has dug deep into the 2004 Nimitz Encounters by speaking directly with nearly every witness that has come forward; and having just completed a popular news piece that garnered worldwide attention, he is here to share his findings about the case.

Stay tuned… you’re about to take a journey inside The Black Vault.

S0 News | Ultrasonic Scream, CME Erupts, GOES Super Chemistry | Dec. 10, 2019


The Corbett Report | Climategate Rebunked - Marc Morano | Dec. 9, 2019


It's been a decade since the leak of emails from the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia exposed the lies, obfuscations and dirty tricks behind the climate change orthodoxy. But although the conversation has long since moved on, there's still a lot we can learn from the lessons of "Climategate." Joining us today to reflect on a decade of Climategate lies and where the debate stands today is Marc Morano of

Show Notes:
Climategate coverage on The Corbett Report
The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change
Don’t Let Media Whitewash Climategate! Read Chapter excerpt revealing the truth behind scandal 10 years later
Information Commissioner: Climategate Scientists Broke The Law
YAD06 – the Most Influential Tree in the World
Climategate is Still the Issue
The HARRY_READ_ME.txt file
Polar bear numbers not declining despite media headlines suggesting otherwise
UN Military Action to Enforce Climate Agenda? It May Happen, Says Academic

Truthstream Media | Wait, Who Runs The World? | Dec. 7, 2019

Source:, Truthstream Media on Bitchute

This is part of a talk that was held for graduate business students at Stanford University. The same talk where it was admitted that social media is programming everyone.

S0 News | Deadly Volcano, Nova Remnant, Special Announcemen | Dec. 9, 2019


Catherine Austin Fitts | The 21 Trillion Dollar Black Budget Money Vortex 2020! | Dark Journalist | Dec 7, 2019


In this breakthrough episode Dark Journalist welcomes back Former HUD Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts who has spent two decades tracking Missing Money from Government agencies including HUD and the Department of Defense! Her conclusions of where the money is disappearing to, including Underground Bases and a Secret Space Economy, deal a major blow to the Wall of Secrecy and covert power!

Missing Trillions
Farm Bankruptcy
Secret Space Economy
Underground Bases
Holistic Doctor Deaths
UFO Secrecy
Black Budget
Currency History

Max Igan | Epstein, Prince Andrew and The Mega Group - Part 3 | Dec. 6, 2019


The Mega Group — a secretive group of billionaires formed in 1991 by Charles Bronfman and Leslie Wexner, the latter of whom has received considerable media scrutiny following the July arrest of his former protege Jeffrey Epstein. Media profiles of the group paint it as “a loosely organized club of 20 of the nation’s wealthiest and most influential Jewish businessmen” focused on “philanthropy and Jewishness,” with membership dues upwards of $30,000 per year. Yet several of its most prominent members have ties to organized crime.

the Mega Group also had close ties to two businessmen who worked for Israel’s Mossad — Robert Maxwell and Marc Rich — as well as to top Israeli politicians, including past and present prime ministers with deep ties to Israel’s intelligence community.

In addition, Mega Group members have also been key players in the pro-Israel lobby in the United States. For instance, Max Fisher of the Mega Group founded the National Jewish Coalition, now known as the Republican Jewish Coalition — the main pro-Israel neoconservative political lobbying group, known for its support of hawkish policies, and whose current chief patrons, Sheldon Adelson and Bernard Marcus, are among Donald Trump’s top donors.

Perhaps the best illustration of how the connections between many of these players often meld together can be seen in Ronald Lauder: a Mega Group member, former member of the Reagan administration, long-time donor to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israel’s Likud Party, as well as a long-time friend of Donald Trump and Roy Cohn.

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Dec. 5, 2019


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