S0 News | Extinction Events, Extended Galaxies, Pistol & Helix | Feb. 17, 2020

Source: Suspicious0bservers.org

The Corbett Report | Going Viral | Jan. 17, 2020

Source: corbettreport.com

So what does it mean to "go viral" anyway? No, no, no. What does it really mean? Join James for a philosophical exploration of memes, virality and the body politic on this edition of The Corbett Report podcast.

Show Notes:
Episode 357 – Language is a Weapon
The Cancer Metastasizing Our Body Politic Time To Cut it Out
Political Cancer
The Superjacob Show. “Socialism is a political disease.”
Interview 600 – James Corbett on The Mind Renewed
Richard Dawkins on memes – Cannes Lions 2013

Suspicious Observers | Earthquakes & Volcanoes | 2019 Data & More | Feb. 16, 2020

Source: Suspicious0bservers.org

Jucelino Nobrega Da Luz | Past & Future Predictions (Premonitions) For 2020 and Beyond | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio

Source: veritasradio.com

If you know me by now, you know I don't believe anything. I either know or don't know. Even though I've had people on my program who claim to predict the future, I bring them on because many of you request them and it's interesting. At the same time, even a broken clock is right twice a day. That being said, a few months ago, one of our listeners had been contacting me to recommend that I interview an alleged gifted psychic from Brazil. This was back in Oct/Nov/Dec 2019.

Unbeknownst to me because of lot of his messages fell through the cracks. I found he was actually sending me information about this person since 2014. Just a few days ago, while conducting pre-interview research, that's what I do when I consider prospective guests, I decided to look into the documents. I WAS perplexed (for lack of a better word) when I read a few of these premonitions had materialized and the timestamp in my inbox was before the events took place. This gets interesting. What surprised me the most about this man is the accuracy, specificity and clarify of his premonitions. These are not the run-of-the mill predictions like "there will be a tornado in the Midwest portion of the USA this summer".

These are premonitions with names, exact dates, specific location, etc. I know what some will say. Why didn't you post this before? And I will answer the same way. Because the messages fell through the cracks. This is why I say tonight's program is non-traditional. After I read a lot of the documentation, I made contact with the gentleman. His name is Prof. Jucelino Nabrega da Luz. He is from Brazil. Amazingly, he speaks many languages. He was born in 1960 and has had these premonitory dreams since he was 9 years old. I was told I could have a translator available to conduct a future interview, but I did an interview like that some time ago and it was extremely difficult, and that's when I was the translator myself. So I almost refused to do it.

So I decided to call Jucelino today to get to know him and see if his English was fluent enough in order to conduct a future interview. Our chat was almost an hour long and it's included in segment two. The conversation includes future predictions and you don't want to miss it. Segment one is my commentary on various premonitions have materialized.

What Jucelino sees at any given "time" is accurate for that moment in time. In the astral plane where he visits at night and has the dreams/premonitions, there is no "time" as such. He has told me that he sees events like a movie and whatever language it is in he can understand it. He then writes the letters to whoever he needs to and is given the addresses to post the letters. As events unfold on Earth, as "time" progresses, the energies that manifest the events may change so that what he sees in the premonition may not actually occur on the Earth plane. About 70% do come true however.

Max Igan | What's Really Happening With the Australian Fires | Jan. 17, 2020

Source: thecrowhouse.com

The Corbett Report | What’s In A Logo? | Jan. 16, 2020

Source: corbettreport.com

On today's Thought For The Day, James riffs on a conversation in the Corbett Report comments about the Exxon logo and the surprising things hidden in many corporate logos. -corbettreport.com

S0 News | Mystery Galactic Objects, Gamma Rays, Climate | Jan. 16, 2020

Source: Suspicious0bservers.org

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Jan. 16, 2020

Source: gizadeathstar.com

The entire Russian government just resigned over Vladimir Putin's announced plans to change Russia's constitution to allow him another term in office. For the western media, this is more proof of Putin's neo-Stalinist ambitions... but I suspect something different entirely is in the cards...

Entire Russian government quits after Putin calls for constitutional shake-up
Russian Government Unexpectedly Resigns On Putin Plans For Drastic Constitutional Changes

Linda Moulton Howe | Wildfires, Booms, Drones & Viewer Q&A | Jan. 15, 2020

Source: earthfiles.com

Jeff & Catherine Austin Fitts | To Save America, We Must Work From Bottom UP | Jan. 13, 2020

Source: Rense.com, Solari.com

This Jeff Rense Program Hour Is from 01-13-20 with Guest Catherine Austin Fitts.

The Corbett Report | The Truth About Shadowbanning - #PropagandaWatch | Jan. 14, 2020

Source: corbettreport.com

Are you subscribed to The Corbett Report on GooTube? Are you sure? Today on #PropagandaWatch we tackle the concept of shadowbanning on social media and the insidious nature of “the intelligent manipulation of the organized habits of the masses.” -corbettreport.com

Show Notes:
Facebook admits shadowbanning
Twitter denies shadowbanning
Twitter employees caught on tape admitting shadowbanning
Shadowbanning on reddit
“Propaganda” by Edward Bernays

S0 News | CME from the Sun, 4 New Nova, Methane Oops | Jan. 14, 2020

Source: Suspicious0bservers.org

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