Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Jan. 30, 2020


The coronavirus is much in the news lately, but there are strange stories beginning to emerge in the background.

Is This The Man Behind The Global Coronavirus Pandemic?

Alex Chionetti | The Tayos Caves, Ancient Artifacts, & The Inner Terrestrials | Jan. 30, 2020


Alex Chionetti is an award-winning journalist, explorer, and filmmaker. A consulting producer for several seasons of Ancient Aliens, his documentaries have been broadcast on Fox, NBC, A&E, History Channel, and other international networks. Alex is also the discoverer of two lost cities in the Andean region and a member of the Explorers Club, he lives near New York City.

Alex joins THC to talk about his book, Mysteries Of The Tayos Caves: The Lost Civilizations Where The Andes Meet The Amazon, his personal explorations of the caves, the tales of other explorers, legends of the local tribes, and more.

Investigating the lost civilizations behind the Tayos treasures, Alex Chionetti, explores the possible connections to Atlantis, aliens, Ancient Astronauts, and the Hollow Earth theory; the caves’ links with hermetic societies; and claims of tunnel networks that extend thousands of miles through both American continents, from the Rocky Mountains to Patagonia. His work clearly shows that Earth’s ancient past has many secrets waiting to be uncovered.

Linda Moulton Howe | Antarctica Military Whistleblowers | Jan. 30, 2020


Tony and Captain Ron are back with Linda Moulton Howe talking about her attendance of the Conscious Life Expo and talking about her first broadcast in January 2019 of her video of Navy Seal and Marine whistleblowers, Spartan 1 and 2, Linda has received other confirming whistleblower information about huge, mysterious architecture two to three miles deep under the ice of Antarctica. 

Since the early 1970s and deep ice-penetrating radar investigations, there have been U. S. military operations to explore different, large alien sites hidden from human civilization by all the ice, but allegedly still operating with energy, light and bizarre holographic projections that emerge from some deep tunnel walls. The star maps on some large doors allegedly link to interstellar trade throughout and beyond the Milky Way Galaxy.

Roberto Bitto | Mexico Unexplained | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


As you know, I lived in Mexico in the early 1990s. I found the country and its people fascinating. The culture, nature, its ancient architecture, and last, but not least, its mystery. There is so much folklore and legends, but many say that a lot of what is being taught via oral tradition may have happened after all.

What about the Mapimi Silent Zone? A desert patch in Durango, Mexico. In July 1970, the United States launched an Athena test rocket from the Green River Launch Complex in Utah towards the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. The rocket lost control and fell in the Mapimi Desert region. It was carrying two small containers of cobalt 57, a radioactive element.

Legends include strange magnetic anomalies that prevent radio transmission", mutations of flora and fauna, extraterrestrial visitations, and a Mexican pilot who supposedly first reported that his radio experienced unexplained malfunctions while flying over the area in the 1930s. The area is sometimes compared to the Bermuda Triangle, as both are located between parallels 26 and 28. But tonight, It's "The X Files" meets "Ancient Aliens" with a Latino twist.

Many Americans do not know that a whole other world exists right across their southern border. We’ll examine the magic, the mysteries and the miracles of Mexico and will discuss ancient mysteries, myths and legends, religious curiosities, bizarre history, legendary creatures and otherworldly phenomena.

New World Next Week | Firefighters Battle Police in the Streets of Paris | Jan. 30, 2020


Story #1: Harvard Chemistry Chair, Two Chinese Nationals Arrested For Lying About China Ties & Smuggling "Biological Material"
“Pandemic” Search on
“Operation Dark Winter”: US Military Holds Pandemic Drill Weeks Before 9/11

Story #2: Roundup Settlement Talks Continue As Speculation Builds
“Bayer” Search on
NWNW Flashback: Bayer Study Finds Bayer Pesticides Are Killing Bees (Jul. 6, 2017)
NWNW Flashback: Gates Foundation Ties with Monsanto Under Fire (Sep 2, 2010)

Story #3: French Firefighters Set Themselves Alight Fighting Against Police
Photo: French Firefighters Put On The Corpse Paint Of The Joker

S0 News | Earth Magnetic Anomaly, Best Telescope, Snow | Jan. 30, 2020


Linda Moulton Howe | New Sun images, Coronavirus update & Viewer Q&A | Jan. 29, 2020


- New Sun images from the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST)
- Updates on Wuhan Coronavirus 2020-nCoV
- Interview with Dr. Jane Orient, M.D., Executive Director of American Physicians and Surgeons
- Viewer Q&A

Press For Truth | CEPI (funded by Gates) Grants INOVIO $9M To Develop Vaccine Against Coronavirus nCoV-2019 | Jan. 24, 2020


If you’re asking the question cui bono (who benefits?) you need to follow the money. As the deadly Wuhan coronavirus is spreading around the world, some biotech companies have announced early work to look for a vaccine that could prevent the disease.

Inovio was one of those companies who was granted $9M dollars from CEPI (COALITION FOR EPIDEMIC PREPAREDNESS INNOVATIONS) who in turn is being funded by The Bill and Malinda Gates Foundation.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth follows the money to find out who the winners will be in the race to develop a vaccine for nCoV-2019 and from what he can tell, Gates and his project Inovio are slated to come out on top making millions, if not billions for those involved if this epidemic spreads to a global pandemic.

S0 News | Climate Mutiny, Dusty Plasma, Seismic Surprise | Jan. 29, 2020


The Corbett Report | Rock the Vote! - #PropagandaWatch | Jan. 29, 2020


We all know that the powers-that-shouldn't-be don't put together a decades-long propaganda campaign to condition the public to believe in the plain, simple truth. So why have they spent decades (if not centuries) trying to condition us to believe that voting is important and effective?

Today on #PropagandaWatch James explores the propaganda campaign surrounding voting and what it tells us about the statist indoctrination system we live under.

Clif High | Critical thinking - Coronavirus, Peptides, Fragile, Antifragile, BDECK, C60 | Jan. 28, 2020


Health discussion in the developing age of coronavirus. Ways to be anti-fragile including system support by BDECK & C60 & peptides & medicinal mushrooms. Wrap up to the Cancer Ward series.

Collodial Silver
Hand wash stations
Seed oils

Max Igan | Australian Fire Series Part 8 - Climate Fraud & Agenda 21 | Jan. 28, 2020


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