Catherine Austin Fitts & Dr. Joseph P. Farrell | Ciu Bono Coronavirus | March 19, 2020


Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | March 18, 2020


While we're all talking about the story we're tired of talking about, J.D. spotted an intriguing article that I thought worth sharing: From Inside Wuhan What the MSM does not want you to see

Linda Moulton Howe | The History of The Men In Black, Viewer Q&A | March 18, 2020


- The History of Men in Black

Notable names:
- Ray Boeche, Th. D.
- Albert K Bender

Joseph Farrell | The Hess Mess Enigma (Part 1 of 3: Who are you Mr. Hess?) | Forum Borealis | March 18, 2020


Description pending.

Dr. Richard Alan Miller | Quantum Consciousness, Holographic Reality & So Much More | March 17, 2020,

Doc Miller is back on the show, so that means its some much needed.... MILLER TIME! Dr. Richard Alan Miller worked as a consultant on the original series of the X-Files due to his experience working with special forces as a scientist with above TOP SECRET clearance.

Get ready, the Doc always blows minds any time he comes on KBS, so dont say you were not warned! -The Kev Baker Show

Jeff Rense & Dick Allgire | This Is A Transition...We’re Heading Into The Next World | March 16, 2020


This Jeff Rense Program Hour Is from 03-16-20 with Guest Dick Allgire.

Max Igan | Covid-19 Lockdown | March 18, 2020


Europe Locks Down 100 million
Coronavirus: Brits Face £1,000 Fines or Being Detained if They Refuse Self-Isolation

S0 News | Disaster Petroglyph, Mantle Mystery, Bad Day 4 Dark Matter | March 17, 2020


The Corbett Report | Coronavirus and Climate Change - #PropagandaWatch | March 17, 2020


It's silent. Invisible. It's spreading everywhere. It's going to kill us all. We have to take extraordinary measures to combat it. Coronavirus? No, silly! CO2. But it's not me making the comparison. Find out what the climate schemers and technocrat dreamers have in mind for humanity, and how it's reflected in the post-virus world in this week's edition of #PropagandaWatch.

Show Notes:
How the Climate Crisis Is Making the Spread of Infectious Diseases Like Coronavirus More Common
Climate Change and Health: Readiness and Resilience
STUDY: Climate Change Releasing Unknown Viruses
Time: Coronavirus is Messing Up pre-COP26 Climate Conferences
What would happen if the world reacted to climate change like it’s reacting to the coronavirus?
Coronavirus prompts Friday climate rallies go online
Different Crises: Coronavirus & Climate Change
The Real Threat: Will Coronavirus Confinement Fight Climate Change?
Coronavirus can trigger a new industrial revolution
Coronavirus leads to decrease in CO2 emissions: Can it last? | DW News
Eco-life in 2040 (planned-opolis)

Jasun Horsley | Transhumanism and the Colonisation of Space | March 16, 2020


Jasun Horsley discusses transhumanism and the colonization of space. The talk draws upon Jasun's book 'Prisoner of Infinity - UFOs, Social Engineering, and the Psychology of Fragmentation'.

Despite the idealism and hope surrounding the first manned space flights and missions to the Moon, in their wake the drive to explore and colonise space seemed to stall, or even regress. Dreams of cities on Mars and beyond appeared to be just that – dreams.

Today, however, the space race is on again like never before, with Elon Musk's SpaceX, Jeff Bezos's Blue Origin, and Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic just three of the high-profile companies leading the charge. But what lies behind this flurry of activity? Are the forces driving technological development changing?

Then we have the technologies of transhumanism such as artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, biotechnology, cybernetics, cloning, mind-machine melding, mind-uploading, and others. The nexus between these and the new space race is highly significant, and not a little sinister.

Transcend the body, escape the Earth, achieve immortality among the stars, and all those nasty political, economic, and social problems simply dissolve. But walking away won't be so easy, especially when our predicament has its origin in the way we think about ourselves, each other, and our place in the world. This entire agenda is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of life, death, and consciousness, a new understanding of which is urgently needed if our species is to survive.

download mp3

Truthstream Media | Fear Is the Mind Killer | March 16, 2020


First Interview with Owner of Skinwalker Ranch | March 15, 2020

Source: Jeremy Corbell youtube

Four years after he purchased Skinwalker Ranch, Utah real estate magnate Brandon Fugal has finally acknowledged his identity and explained why he purchased the infamous property back in 2016. But the very first interview Fugal granted was in March 2018, two years ago this month. The interview was conducted on camera and on the grounds of the ranch itself. Fugal requested that his face and name be obscured, but he spoke at length about his goals and findings. Excerpts from that first interview were featured in my film HUNT FOR THE SKINWALKER and extended clips were added.

In his first interview ever - I now have permission to reveal his true identity - the man who purchased the famous SKINWALKER RANCH from billionaire magnate, Robert Bigelow. For two years - ever since I released the inaugural interview using voice distortion technology and obscuring his face to keep his identity confidential - people have feverishly speculated on the mystery man behind the new endeavor to study the diverse UFO and “paranormal” phenomena reported at SKINWALKER RANCH.

Speculation has ranged from Tony Robbins to a fake person - fronting as the new owner - with suspicion that the property is still owned by Robert Bigelow. Since those years - the new owner has decided to come forward - and his name is Brandon Fugal. He’s a real-estate mogul by day - and an explorer of the unknown in his spare-time. As you will see in this first ever interview - Brandon is determined to up the ante and approach The Phenomena with a fresh and aggressive scientific rigor. He want’s to know the truth too - and he’s throwing down.


- SKINWALKER RANCH is recognized as the most scientifically studied "paranormal" hotspot in history.
- In 2007 an unprecedented black budget program was initiated - a joint effort between private industry and the Department Of Defense.
- Scientists and the defense intelligence agency coordinated to investigate UFO encounters, and a wide range of "associated phenomena”.
- SKINWALKER RANCH was central to this military program (AAWSAP + BAASS), and was used as a living laboratory to study “The Phenomenon” - however the program's study explored far beyond this one ranch.
- Since the sale of the property by Robert Bigelow in 2016 the new owner of SKINWALKER RANCH has remained anonymous… until now.
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