James Corbett on The Filter Podcast | The Corona Constitution | July 4, 2020

Source: corbettreport.com, thefilter.org

Bush was right: The constitution really is just a piece of paper. So what does this mean in the age of the corona crisis, as some turn to those pieces of paper to protect the last shreds of their privacy and even their bodily autonomy? And if constitutional fictions aren't the solution, what is? Don't miss this in-depth exploration of the world of 2020 as James Corbett joins Matt Asher on The Filter podcast.

Show Notes: 
The Filter
Tokyo governor says lockdown in Japan is ‘impossible’
NJ governor ignores Bill of Rights in exclusive Tucker interview
How is Japan Reacting NOW? – Questions For Corbett #061
2010 Toronto G20 – “This isn’t Canada anymore.”
Harvard groups research planet-cooling aerosols
The Truth About Shadowbanning – #PropagandaWatch

Christopher Bache | LSD and the Mind of the Universe | Part One | Legaliste Freedom Radio | July 4, 2020

Source: legalise-freedom.com

Christopher Bache discusses his book 'LSD and the Mind of the Universe – Diamonds From Heaven'.

In 1979, Bache took the first step on what would become a life-changing journey. Drawing from his training as a philosopher of religion, he set out to explore his mind and the mind of the universe as deeply and systematically as possible, with the help of the psychedelic drug LSD. Over the course of 20 years the 73 high-dose LSD sessions drew him into a deepening communion with cosmic consciousness.

Bache tells how he touched the living intelligence of our universe - an intelligence that both embraced and crushed him - and demonstrates how direct experience of the divine can change our perspective on life, the Universe, and everything.

Making a powerful case for the value of psychedelically-induced spiritual experience, the author shares his immersion in the fierce love and creative intent of the unified field of consciousness that underlies all physical existence. He describes the incalculable value of embracing the pain and suffering he encountered in his sessions and the challenges he faced integrating his experiences into his everyday life. -legalise-freedom.com

Admiral Tom Wilson Document Leak Panel | July 5, 2020

Source: Grant Cameron youtube

Press For Truth | The Arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell Has Powerful People Shaking In Their Boots!!! | July 5, 2020

Source: pressfortruth.ca

Ellen Brown & Peter Koenig | Global Economic Lockdown | Guns & Butter

Source: gunsandbutter.orgInformation Machine

The UN Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals integrate many of the components of the 2010 Rockefeller Report including the Lockstep Scenario; population reduction; World Health Organization (WHO); Event 201;

global vaccination program; cascading economic collapse; the multiple trillion dollar bailout known as the CARES Act; the new US Treasury and Federal Reserve relationship; special purpose vehicles (SVPs); bottomless well of liquidity at the Fed; the Fed hires Blackrock;

supply chain disruptions; debt deflation; Universal Basic Income (UBI); collapse of oil prices; massive shift of capital to the top; the coming mega-depression; food insecurity leading to famine; World Bank and International Monetary Fund; unemployment and bankruptcies; privatization; who benefits.

New World Next Week | Bodily Autonomy in the Corona World Order | July 2, 2020

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com, corbettreport.com, mediamonarchy.com

Story #1: Colorado Adopts Mandatory Vaccinations for School Kids
Colorado SB20-163: “School Entry Immunization”
Bill Making It Illegal to Forcefully Microchip Employees Passes Michigan House
Bill Requires Employers to Keep Implanted Microchips Voluntary For Workers
Michigan HB5672: “Microchip Protection Act”

Story #2: BLM Protests Have Not Led To Spike In Coronavirus Cases
COVID-19 Planning Considerations: Guidance for School Re-Entry
CRISPR Gene Editing in Human Embryos Wreaks Chromosome Mayhem
Our CRISPR Coverage Since 2015

Story #3: Iran Issues Arrest Warrant for Trump Over Killing Soleimani
Esper Saw No Evidence Embassies Were Under Threat
‘Bombshell’: Iraqi Officials Say ISIS —Not Iran— Likely Behind Rocket Attack Trump Used to Justify Soleimani Assassination
Official ISIS Newspaper ‘Thanks God’ for Trump Killing Iran’s General Soleimani
CONFIRMED: Israeli Supplied the Key Intelligence for US Assassination of Iran’s Soleimani
Did Soleimani Kill 600 Americans? – Questions For Corbett #050
TikTok Denies Sharing Indian User Data With Chinese Government

Edward Snowden | System Update with Glenn Greenwald | Full Interview | July 2, 2020

Source: The Intercept youtube

00:00 Intro
00:10 A message from our producer
02:21 Interview with Edward Snowden

Truthstream Media | The Fear Box and the Present Moment | July 2, 2020

Source: TruthstreamMedia.com

Matt Presti | Cultural Revolution U.S.A. | July 1, 2020

Source: dwtruthwarrior.com, mattpresti.com

In this episode I speak with Matt Presti about his recent facebook post which makes some very striking comparisons between communist/cultural revolutions in the past, to what is happening today in America and the West. -David Whitehead

James Corbett | The Truth About Bill Gates, Police, & The New Abnormal | July 1, 2020

Source: thehighersidechats.com, corbettreport.com

The great James Corbett of CorbettReport.com returns to THC to talk about his latest work and the latest goings on in this wacky world.

Watch his film, Who Is Bill Gates?: www.corbettreport.com/gates

Linda Moulton Howe | Strange roars over Austria, COVID-19 updates, New swine flu in China | July 1, 2020

Source: earthfiles.com

COVID-19 updates
- Texas reached more than 8000 new infections
- Arizona 4700 new infections
- Dr Fauci “new infection rates could now increase to 100,000 per day”
- “Clearly, we are not in total control”… “it is going to be very disturbing”
- Nearing 127,000 American deaths.
- EU bars Americans from traveling to Europe
- COVID-19 hijacks proteins from infected host to create tentacles to infect more and more cells.

New swine flu strain found in China
- Strain called G4 EA H1N1
- Confirmed infections of workers in swine industry in China where flu has spread from pigs to humans

Huge roar over Austria
- No planes visible during several minutes of loud roar heard in Sankt Peter Am Kammersberg, Austria
- Clouds appeared to be deforming by pressure from above

- Reader Email about Near Death Experiences

- Viewer Questions

Prof. Michel Chossudovsky | The 2020 Economic Crisis: Global Poverty, Unemployment, Despair | June 30, 2020

Source: globalresearch.ca

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