Jason Bermas, Dan Dicks | Freedom Of Speech Apparently Not A Press For Truth! | July 14, 2020

Source: Jason Bermas youtube, pressfortruth.ca

The Corbett Report | Conspiracy Theorists Are Wrong!!! . . . Even When They're Right! - #PropagandaWatch | July 14, 2020

Source: corbettreport.com

We tend to think the propagandists are self-consciously lying to the public, but there are moments when the mask slips and we see that the most effective propagandists are the ones that actually believe their own lies. Today we look at one such moment of zen. -corbettreport.com

Show Notes:
Dark Mirror: Edward Snowden and the American Surveillance State
Episode 265 – The Myth of Journalistic Objectivity
NSA spied on its own employees, other U.S. intelligence personnel, journalists, and members of Congress
May 18-19, 2016 — Newly-released Snowden disclosures verify NSA’s FIRSTFRUIT database

Jason Bermas | Epstein Update Will Ghislaine BE QUEEN FOR A DAY? Why This May Be A TERRIBLE THING! | July 13, 2020

Source: Jason Bermas youtube, Jason Bermas Twitter

SGT Report | The Big Club - A SGT Report Micro-Doc | July 13,2020

Source: sgtreport.com

This is a SGT Report Micro documentary. The past is prologue, it provides context for where we find ourselves today. And the "big club", as George Carlin coined it, is far more vast and deeply rooted in evil than we could have ever imagined. -sgtreport.com

S0 News | Weather Alert, Terrestrial Gamma Flashes, Climate Science | July 13, 2020

Source: Suspicious0bservers.org

Corbett Report | Tyrants HATE This 500 Year Old Trick for Ending Tyranny | July 13, 2020

Source: corbettreport.com

Keith Knight of Don‘t Tread on Anyone interviews James Corbett about The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude, the 16th century treatise on tyranny and obedience by Étienne de La Boétie. James and Keith highlight some of the book’s key insights and detail how they apply every much to our situation today as they did when they were written.

Show Notes:
Keith Knight Don’t Tread on Anyone
Who Is Bill Gates?
The Secret Life of Timothy McVeigh
The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude
Stephan Kinsella “Legislation and the Discovery of Law in a Free Society
Solutions: Laughing At Tyrants
Solutions: Agorism

Spiro Skouras | How The 'Great Reset' Is Targeting Our Children & Plans To 'Reimagine' Humanity | July 13, 2020

Source: Spiro Skouras youtube

As we find ourselves in this new normal, we have seen long standing agendas, which have remained behind the scenes, hidden away from the public, now being offered as solutions justified by this crisis.

The World Economic Forum's 'Great Reset' and the '4th Industrial Revolution' are perfect examples of prepackaged 'solutions' being rolled out to save us from ourselves. Today we will dive deeper into this agenda and also focus on how it may reshape our lives if the technocrats have their way.

In this episode, Spiro is joined by John Klyczek, an Adjunct Professor, researcher, contributor to Activist Post as well as several other alternative news sites and the author of the book 'School World Order: The Technocratic Globalization of Corporatized Education'

For generations the social engineers have used the strategy of indoctrination to target societies most impressionable minds, our children, through many avenues but primarily through our education systems. In this interview, Spiro and John Klyczek break down the how this longstanding and effective tactic is being 'reimagined' by the usual suspects, to reshape the future of humanity.
-Spiro Skouras

Show Notes:
John Klyczek’s Website
John Klyczek’s Twitter
Counter Markets Newsletter
Distance Education and Innovation

Dark Journalist X-Series 92 | Secret Missions NASA In The HotZone Atlantis Rising | July 11, 2020

Source: darkjournalist.com

Dark Journalist will take a deep dive into Secret NASA Missions in The HotZone to locate ancient ruins between Cuba and Yucatan using advanced space imaging technology, The predictions of Edgar Cayce about land rising near Bimini and the Atlantis Hall of Records have set off a decades long geopolitical battle to find the secret TUAOI power source by governments all over the world.

Dark Journalist has talked to insiders who say those that are operating in the HotZone for Private or Military purposes need to sign a highly restrictive NDA not to discuss the ruins of the advanced civilizations they see in their operations. Live QA with DJ and Miss Olivia!

Brien Foerster | Exploration Of Ancient Dendara Complex In Egypt: Temple Of Hathor | July 11, 2020

Source: hiddenincatours.com

S0 News | Earth Patterns, 5G, Comet Trigger, Cosmic Web | July 10, 2020

Source: Suspicious0bservers.org

Whitney Webb & Ari Ben-Menashe | Will Maxwell Sing? | July 9, 2020

Source: Consortium News youtube, consortiumnews.com mintpressnews.com

CN Live! co-host Elizabeth Vos discusses the Epstein & Maxwell cases with investigative journalist Whitney Webb and former Israeli intelligence officer Ari Ben-Menashe, especially the intelligence angle.

Truthstream Media | The Isolated Individual & the Crowd Beast | July 10, 2020

Source: TruthstreamMedia.com

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