S0 News | The Next End Of The World | Nov. 4, 2020

Source: Suspicious0bservers.org

Whitney Webb | Slow News Day And The CLUSTER FUNK Election Special! | Nov. 3, 2020

Source: Jason Bermas youtube, thelastamericanvagabond.com

Dark Journalist | America Prophecy: Mystery School Patriot - Special Report! | Nov. 3, 2020

Source: darkjournalist.com

America in Prophecy
Manly P. Hall
Mystery School Patriot
Rudolf Steiner Predictions for USA
Vannevar Bush - John Trump Connection
Deep Politics Peter Dale Scott

G Edward Griffin Describes The ENDGAME! | Nov. 2, 2020

Source: Jason Bermas youtube 

S0 News | Mass Stranding, Climate Fail, ElectroQuakes | Nov. 3,2020

Source: Suspicious0bservers.org

Dr. Joel Wallach | Ask Doc Live | Oct. 30, 2020

Source: criticalhealthnews.com

Dr. Wallach discusses the connection between diet, particularly gluten, in casing a weakened immune system more susceptible to diseases like COVID19.

Robert Kane Pappas | The Role of the Media and its Effects on Democracy | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio

Source: veritasradio.com

Paul Stonehill | RUSSIA'S USO SECRETS and UFOs Around the World | Oct. 31, 2020

Source: Martin Willis Live Shows youtube, Paul Stonehill youtube

Guest Paul Stonehill discusses the research involved in his latest book, Russia's USO Secrets: Unidentified Submersible Objects in Russian and International Waters and lots more.

BIO: Paul Stonehill is a published author, lecturer, and researcher of Eurasian (including the Caucasus Mountains, Ukrainian, Russian, East European, Central Asian, and Far Eastern) paranormal phenomena. His articles have been translated and published in several languages.

After the demise of the USSR, his articles were also published in Russia, Ukraine, and Central Asian republics. In October of 1993, OMNI Magazine featured a story about Paul’s work, and the research center he had created back in 1991 (Russian Ufology Research Center). 

Paul has appeared in such shows as Ancient Aliens, Sightings; U.S., German and Japanese productions. His areas of expertise are: paranormal phenomena in the Eastern Europe, Russia, Central Asia, and China (PRC); Russian history; warfare in the former USSR; cross-cultural training. 

Paul grew up in the United States but is fluent in Russian and knows Ukrainian. He has consulted and was interviewed for several TV programs (Discovery, TNT, History Channel, Sightings, and others), as well as numerous radio shows.

He began research of Soviet and Russian UFOlogy and paranormal phenomena in his youth, back in the USSR.

Paul's published books include:

The Soviet UFO Files (1998, in English, Czech and Dutch); Paranormal Mysteries of Eurasia (2011)

And co-written with Philip Mantle

Expediente Soviet UFO (in Spanish); UFO Case Files of Russia; Mysterious Sky: Soviet UFO Phenomenon ; Russia's Roswell Incident; Russia’s USO Secrets.
The books have been published in 7 languages, and more translations are planned.

The Corbett Report | After the Virus: The World of 2025 - #PropagandaWatch | Oct. 30, 2020

Source: corbettreport.com

What will the world look like in 2025? Don't worry, you don't have to think about the world you want and then work to bring it about. That's silly! Just listen to the good Bilderbergers at Cognizant, who are more than happy to tell you about the new police state on steroids that is about to be erected to fight the invisible enemy of coronavirus . . . and how you can cash in on the opportunity!!!

Show Notes:
Episode 387 – Your Guide to The Great Reset
After the Virus: A Discussion Looking Back on the Next 5 Years (video)
After the Virus (whitepaper)
Episode 383 – COVID-911: From Homeland Security to Biosecurity

S0 News | Plasma Universe, Time Traveler, Cosmic Rays | Oct. 30, 2020

Source: Suspicious0bservers.org

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Oct. 29, 2020

Source: gizadeathstar.com

Do you think space bodes new opportunities for human freedom? Think again, says a Johns Hopkins professor:

Professor warns space exploration will give rise to totalitarian societies equipped with nuclear weapons - but some say his forecast is too pessimistic

Jay Weidner | The Great Reset: The Global Elite's Plan to Overhaul the World's Economy | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio

Source: veritasradio.com, JayWeidner.com

What if you and I are all characters in a Deep State movie production? At least that's how 2020 feels. One scene begins, and just before you think there's going to be an intermission, another very different scene begins with a totally different and unpredictable plot, at least for the masses. How will this movie end, and can we change the course so that the ending fits more of our collective agenda of freedom, peace and prosperity? Is there a Great Reset ahead?

Called by Wired Magazine an authority on the hermetic and alchemical traditions, and erudite conspiracy hunter, Jay Weidner, is a renowned author, filmmaker and scholar. Considered to be a modern-day Indiana Jones for his ongoing worldwide quests to find clues to mankind's spiritual destiny via ancient societies and artifacts, his body of work offers great insight into the circumstances that have led to the current global crisis. Jay Weidner is ALSO a director and producer, known for Deep Space (2016), The Last Avatar (2014) and Infinity: The Ultimate Trip - Journey Beyond Death (2009) and others.
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