The Last American Vagabond | Further Evidence That SARS-CoV-2 Genes Can Integrate With Human DNA & What That Means For You | May 10, 2021


S0 News | Sun Erupts at Earth, Comet, Currents, No-Field Physics | May 10, 2021


Dr. Leo Ruickbie & Anthony Peake | The history and sociology of Witchcraft, Mediumship and The Occult | May 10, 2021

Source: Anthony Peake youtube 

Dr. Leo Ruickbie is the Visiting Fellow in Psychology at the University of Northampton and the author of six books, most recently Angels in the Trenches: Spiritualism, Superstition and the Supernatural During the First World War, and is co-editor with Robert McLuhan of Is There Life After Death? (in preparation).

He is actively involved in the parapsychological research community, a Council Member of the Society for Psychical Research and a Professional Member of the Parapsychological Association, as well as being Editor of The Magazine of the Society for Psychical Research.

He is also an elected member of the Royal Historical Society and a member of the Royal Photographic Society - and has been shortlisted for the 2021 Pink Lady Food Photographer of the Year.

Brien Foerster | Megalithic Site Of The "Stones Of The Moon" Near Cusco Peru | May 7, 2021


Dark Journalist | X-Series 100 Hart In The HotZone: Atlantis/BImini Op And COG Deep State! | May 8, 2021



Please join Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt for a revealing look at the hidden forces that control Deep Politics, Space Technology, The Global Control Grid, Social Engineering and more! 

DJ looks at the strange story of Senator Gary Hart whose 1988 Campaign for President was largely influenced by his investigation into the JFK Assassination and was sabotaged by Deep State forces who feared his knowledge of the ultra secret Continuity of Government Program!

Important Books from this Episode:

American Deep State
Peter Dale Scott

Edgar Cayce on Atlantis
Edgar Evans Cayce

Paul Stonehill | Strange Revelations of Eastern Block Cosmonauts | May 10, 2021

Source: Paranormal Research Paul Stonehill youtube

Even under watchful eyes of totalitarian censorship, the cosmonauts managed to talk about interesting things. And revealed fascinating information... -Paul Stonehill

Dr. Joel Wallach | Ask Doc Live | May 7, 2021


Dr. Joel Wallach discusses the meaning of the biblical phrase "the land of milk and honey". He gives various examples and sights University research indicating the relationship between specific diets from mineral rich regions of the earth and longevity.

Rosa Koire | Behind the Green Mask | Guns & Butter


- Rosa Koire’s journey from local land use activism to her discovery of UN Agenda 21, a global incremental plan implemented locally; 
- the International Council of Local Environmental Issues, or ICLEI, to de-industrialize the world;
- regionalization and the destruction of boundaries;
- transit villages and food sheds;
- SMART stands for sustainability, monitoring, assessing, rating and tracking;
- mixed-use high-density urban development;
- civil liberties restricted under the guise of environmental concerns;
- powers behind Agenda 21 committed to “sustainable” goals;
- mega-corporate model;
- mega-regions driving the economy and overpowering the nation state;
- Bruntland Commission;
- islands of human habitation;
- Wildlands Project;
- American standard of living being taken down;
- restrictions on rural property and farm lands;
- economic collapse;
- austerity and scarcity;
- technology the enabler of U.N. Agenda 21

Dr. Barre Lando | Waveform Mechanics, True Healing & The Natural Ways | May 6, 2021


As founder and formulator for Alfa Vedic, Dr. Barre traveled an eclectic path through athletics and academics in becoming a Physician, Kinesiologist-Functional Movement Specialist & Master Gardener.

Always hungry for knowledge, he’s dedicated years of study to biological terrain medicine, clinical kinesiology, Japanese Meridian Therapy, endobiogenics, functional movement, craniopathy, visceral manipulation, chiropractic medicine & more.

As a long-time surfer Dr. Barre has chased waves from Fiji to the Hawaiian Islands, but training in the internal martial arts, bee-keeping, Russellian Science and medicinal herb farming are his present passion.

Dr. Lando is noted amongst his peers for his innovative clinical strategies, and has made himself available over the years for both consulting and professional training to other health professionals.

The integration of wave-form mechanics, and largely suppressed aspects of biophysics and microbiology are now his primary focus in creating a genuine ‘science-based’ system of functional medicine, thus avoiding the inherent limitations of present ‘theory-based’ conventions within institutionalized systems.

Although retired from clinical practice, ‘difficult cases’ have always comprised the bulk of Dr. Barre’s international client base, and the custom compounding of nutrients, homeopathics, and herbs became a necessity in meeting their needs.

This experience would become the roots of the present line of advanced macro-nutrient herbal formulas that have been made available to the general public under the trade name of Alfa Vedic. Alfa Vedic and AV Botanical Gardens are the natural culmination, and next evolution of Dr. Barre’s work.

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | May 6, 2021


Finally, someone is stepping up to protect people's "neuro-rights". If you, like Joseph, are interested in the topic of mind-manipulation techniques, you'll be interested in this story from Chile, 

Mindblowing: advances in brain tech spur push for 'neuro-rights'

James Rawles | Coup Consolidating Power in America & Surviving in the Great Reset | Geopolitics & Empire | May 7, 2021


James Rawles discusses how the U.S. has undergone a socialist coup, which is in its early stages, and is now consolidating power in Washington.

He doesn't believe President Biden will complete his 4-year term and gives his thoughts on what the "QAnon" movement was really about. He believes the pandemic was exaggerated and its psychological and economic effects will be felt for decades, as we are now on the cusp of hyperinflation.

He warns of the danger of governments implementing sovereign cryptocurrencies (CBDCs) and why the days are numbered for private cryptocurrencies. He thinks more lockdowns and Covid variants are to come. We also discuss strategic relocation within the United States and the threat of great power military conflict, including even the potential for a Chinese land invasion of the United States.

About James Rawles
James Wesley Rawles is a survivalist author, lecturer, and founder and editor of which has more than 320,000 unique visitors per week and is considered the Internet’s premier source of information on family preparedness and survival topics. He is a former U.S. Army intelligence officer, and now works as a full-time blogger and freelance writer. He has authored several best selling nonfiction and fiction survivalists books.

His expertise is primarily in retreat security, food storage, firearms, communications, first aid, and off-grid power systems. He has a B.A. degree in Journalism from San Jose State University with minor degrees in Military Science, History, and Military History. He has served as a U.S. Army Intelligence Corps officer and held a Top Secret security clearance with SCI access. He attended the Army NBC defense officer’s course, as well as Northern Warfare School at Fort Greeley, Alaska. Before resigning his commission as a Captain, he worked numerous live intelligence gathering and analysis missions overseas at the tactical and strategic levels.

New World Next Week | Who gets Custody of the Gates Foundation? | May 6, 2021


Story #1: How Bill And Melinda Plan To Divide Their $150 Billion Fortune
“I Have Changed My Mind And Do Not Want A Divorce From This Amazing Handsome Man,” Says Glossy-Eyed Melinda Gates After Receiving Vaccine
Image: Bill and Rachel – It’s a Match!
Image: When You’re Newly Single And Lost Your Wingman
Is Melinda Divorcing Bill Gates Over Jeffrey Epstein?
VH1’s “Fabulous Life of Billion Dollar Wall Street Ballers” Fawns Over Jeffrey Epstein
Who Is Bill Gates?
Cascade Transfers $1.8 Billion of Equities to Melinda Gates
Bill Gates, China, 23andMe, And Your DNA

Story #2: Why Is A Communist Party Member Shaping UK’s Lockdown Policy?
Fellow Marxists Searched Prof. Susan Michie’s Baby’s Pram for Propaganda
Michie, Big Fan of Lockdowns, Was Once Known As “Stalin’s Nanny”
Susan Michie on Behavioral Change
How To Deal With Vocal Vaccine Deniers – #PropagandaWatch
What’s In Your Head? Just Like In Nolan’s ‘Inception’, Brain Tech Can Hack Your Mind; ‘Neuro-Rights’ Can Keep You Safe

Story #3: Kansas City’s Sean Culkin Becomes 1st NFL Player to Convert Entire Salary to Bitcoin
“I fully believe Bitcoin is the future of finance…”
Is There A Chance To Unite The Pro And Anti Blockchain Crowds?

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