Max Igan | It's Time to Reclaim Our World | Jan. 18, 2022


S0 News | Earth's Magnetic Field, Past Superstorm, Superrotation | Jan. 17, 2022


James Corbett on the Year Behind and the Year Ahead | Jan. 15, 2022


James Corbett joins Michael Welch of the Global Research News Hour to discuss the developments we saw in 2021 and to talk about what to expect in 2022.

A Look Back at 2021: The Good, the Bad and the Censored
New World Next Year 2022
2021: Year of the Apocalypse
The Return of the Lockdown Left (Kingsnorth et al.'s changing lockdown stance)
The #SolutionsWatch podcast
Picnic Protests Sweep the World! - #SolutionsWatch
Global leaders unite in urgent call for international pandemic treaty
How to Play 3D Chess

David Icke | China takes over the World - For the Cult | Jan. 14, 2022


DiNunzio Brothers + Vago + DJ Kemo | 'WE WANT FREEDOM'

Source:, DBros on Spotify

Visuals mostly acquired from 'The Pivotal Movement' a short doc, a must watch to get a glimpse of the bigger picture of what is going on right now. Also visuals by 'The HW' (banned because they spreading to much truth!)

Dr. Joel Wallach | Ask Doc Live | Jan. 14, 2022


Dr. Joel Wallach discusses the importance of Oxygen, Rebecca shares a clients amazing before and after skin condition three month transformation and Doc answers a large number of questions from our interested and engaged audience.

Dark Journalist | X-117: UFO Neocons X-Protect Goes Public! | Jan. 14, 2022


Exposing Covert Control Operations: The UFO File and X-Steganography!
Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt goes deep on the real story of Government manipulation of the UFO File and the CIA Neocons that are positioning themselves to control the UFO Threat narrative in 2022 and Presidential Election of 2024!

An obscure naming system for moving Black Aerospace Projects through Government Agencies

Covert Intelligence/Aerospace Group that Controls the UFO File

Unidentified Flying Objects

Unidentified Aerial Phenomena

Anomaly Surveillance and Resolution Office

Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group

New World Next Week | Kazakhstan Under Control? | Jan. 14, 2022



Story #1: Kazakhstan Declares Calm Restored; Russian Troops to Leave in Two Days
Kazakhstan: Russia-Led Troops to Start Leaving In 2 Days
Kazakhstan President Says Russian Troops Will Begin Leaving In Two Days
U.S. Welcomes Completion of Russian-Led Mission in Kazakhstan -State Dept
Troops Told to Fire Without Warning In Kazakhstan
Dozens of Protesters Dead, 12 Police Dead In Kazakhstan Protests;
National Endowment for Democracy Provided $1.2 Million to Kazakhstan to Help Spark Color Revolution Against Pro-Russian and Pro-China Regime
The Open Society Foundations In Kazakhstan
Episode 338 - NGOs Are The Deep State's Trojan Horses
Kazakhstan: The Price of Insurgency
Kazakhstan and the CSTO: Putin Calmly Reads the Riot Act
Former Kazakhstan Intelligence Chief and ‘Close Friend’ of Bidens is Arrested for Treason
Kazakhstan: People’s Revolt, Covid1984 Pushback, Color Revolution, Coup, and/or False Flag?
Kazakhstan Becomes Toxic Graveyard for US Diplomacy
Episode 388 - False Flags and the Dawn of Bioterrorism

Story #2: EU to Stage Large-Scale Cyberattack Exercise on Supply Chains
U.S., U.K. Reveal Code Flaws Abused by SolarWinds Hackers (May 7, 2021)

Story #3: Payment Apps Will Now Have to Report Transactions to IRS
Video: Payment Apps Reporting to the IRS
NWNW Flashback: Yellen Defends IRS Rule Requiring Banks to Report All Transactions Over $600 (Oct. 8, 2021)
PayPal May Launch Their Own Fiat-Backed Stablecoin Called "PayPal Coin"
Global Tax Deal Seeks to End Havens, Criticized for "No Teeth'"(Oct. 8, 2021)

S0 News | The Sun Will Micronova, New Science, New Ice | Jan. 13, 2022


James Corbett on the Perceptual Shift to Solutions | Jan. 12, 2022


James Corbett joins Ricky Varandas of The Ripple Effect podcast to discuss the perceptual shift that is necessary to change the conversation from "what are THEY doing to us?" to "what can we do for ourselves?"

The Rubin Report | Rand Paul | Fauci & the COVID Narrative Are Imploding in Front of Our Eyes | Jan. 12, 2022


Dave Rubin of "The Rubin Report" talks to Rand Paul, the U.S. Senator for Kentucky, about his most recent feud with Dr. Fauci. 

Paul has once again confronted Fauci with email proof that he has been dishonest about what he knew about NIH funded gain of function research in Wuhan. 

He also explains why the Biden administration’s COVID narrative is collapsing in front of our eyes.

From the CDC acknowledging that 75% of those who died from COVID had at least four comorbidities to CNN COVID experts admitting that cloth masks don’t do much to prevent COVID transmission, the Biden administration is losing control of its narrative.

Rand also discusses why he left YouTube for Rumble and how conservatives can fight big tech without relying on the government.

Linda Moulton Howe | "There are big changes coming." | Jan. 12, 2022



“There are big changes coming. Things on Earth are going to get worse before they get better.”

— Adam Burns, New York City Graphic Designer and UFO abductee, December 27, 2021

Interview with Adam Burns, New York City Graphic Designer and UFO abductee
- New hypnosis session
- “There are big changes coming. Things on Earth are going to get worse before they get better.”
- “There are many beings trying to take control of this planet.”
- “We have to evolve to a higher consciousness”
- “…the environment…is a ticking time bomb”
- “yes, we all have souls.. you are that light”
- “a thread of gold light…the blips of light are a lifetime in a body…they choose the next one”
- “they have mastered higher consciousness”

Alleged transcript from Camp David with President Ronald Reagan and CIA Director Donald Casey
- “the USA has been visited by extraterrestrial visitors since 1947”
- “two ET spacecraft crashed… in New Mexico.”

2021 was Earth’s 5th hottest year
Rain falls for the first time at Greenland’s ice sheet
Europe has hottest ever
Earth could warm by “catastrophic 2.7 degrees Celsius”

Good news
- James Webb telescope completes full deployment!
- Massive asteroid will zip past Earth next week.
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